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  • JoGo Straw review: decent coffee on the move?
  • Cheezpleez
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    Had a very cold, wet slither in the Surrey hills. Thought I was going to lose my legs to frostbite below the knee

    Full Member

    Thanks, jameso, pretty much my thoughts.

    Full Member

    There are one or two v short rocky (or at least lumpy) sections in the Surrey hills. Nothing like Wales or the Peak obviously.

    Full Member

    Thing is, my 26″ bikes all seem to urge me to ping them into the air over every little bump, rock or root. This is fun. My 29″ Inbred just doesn’t. I’m not that bothered about bolt-through this and tapered that, I just want a bike that will act like Tigger.

    Full Member

    Genesis High Latitude has caught my eye before. It’s a definite contender. SS-ability of the Chumba is good though.

    Thanks gbo but the Pinnacle and Voodoo seem a bit meh. Draped in low-end kit that I’d want to replace straight away

    Anything else I should look at?

    Full Member

    Hmmm … Chumba. Interesting

    Full Member

    I’d like the playfulness of my 456 but with big wheels

    Full Member

    Solaris is still £500, which I think is a lot.

    I’m after something that wants to get its wheels in the air. I’m loving my Inbred but it’s more of a roller than a jumper, if that makes sense.

    Full Member

    Good spot Monkeysfeet. Not my size, though. Anyone got a Honzo and can vouch for its fun-ness?

    What else?

    Full Member

    Very glad I’ve got a lovely singlespeed. My other bikes haven’t had much of a look-in for months. Mind you, just a week or two ago the trails here (Surrey hills) were drying out nicely and tempting us with dreams of thrumming loam and dust. Ah well, it was a brief summer but a good one…

    Full Member

    Nice. That needs a dropper post

    Full Member

    My local force have decided it’s a sensible use of our money to equip several bobbies with off-road motorbikes so they can blat about in the woods. Presumably just in case a squirrel steals some nuts off its neighbour.

    Full Member

    Nice work OP!

    Full Member

    Yup, v happy with my 2008 Reign. Swapped the stock Fox 32s for a 160 fork which slackened and stiffened the front and it’s done numerous Alps trips etc. it climbs well and it’s ace downhill. Just a bit sluggish to chase mates on XC bikes or it would get ridden lots more

    Full Member

    Straight over a long edge like Stanage or Langattock? Climbing one of those with a bike on your back could be fun

    Full Member

    I’m with BWD on this. Take it easy on yourself. Good luck

    Full Member

    To climb, you must first believe.


    Full Member

    OK, I’m being lazy – what’s the difference between the QH and the Slim Jim? They look identical at a glance and the description on the website seems much the same. Is it tubing, geometry or something else?

    Full Member

    I use Shimano QRs and have never had a problem

    Full Member

    Oh and I picked up a WTB Lazerdisc 29 for no money on CRC a couple of months back and was quite impressed. Good quality, nice to build and rode well despite being a bit weighty.

    Full Member

    What about Superstar Sentinels? Good width, good weight, bang on budget and tubeless ready. I’ve not used them, mind, or even seen them in the flesh, so they may be cack.

    Full Member

    I doubt that this is the end for Brechfa, or anything like it. what annoys me is that none of us were aware of it. Any half-serious consultation would have made it to STW and Bikeradar. They clearly got away without a proper attempt to seek views from MTBers. How did that happen and how do we stop it happening again?

    Full Member

    Looks nice. I did this with my 26″ Inbred SS and liked it. I now have a 29″ Inbred SS. All three variations were good – just better at different things. Without doubt, the biggest change was the extra cushioning you get from a 29″ front wheel when running rigid.

    Full Member

    Very few of these seem burly to me. Are people using these for the Alps, etc?

    I can see that bigger wheels reduces the need for 6″ of sus but aren’t most of these bikes a bit wibbly compared to a properly burly 26″ bike with a 36 fork,etc?

    Genuinely interested.

    Full Member

    Nice vid.
    Nice bike.
    Wish I had one.
    Wish I had dem skillz even more.

    Full Member

    There is some right old cobblers on this thread.

    Yes, the body is a complex chap but the following is simple and true: if you eat fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight you will lose weight.

    Eat less, move more, stick to a balanced diet. That’s all there is to it.

    I know, easier said than done, but that’s how it is.

    Carry on.

    Full Member

    The wide Exotic bars all seem to be out of stock 🙁

    Full Member

    I ride singlespeed most of the time but I also have bikes with gears. You should hear the arguments I have with myself

    Full Member

    Popped off a little lip on a well-known local trail and hit a tree that had fallen across the trail. Broke my fall with my face and pinged the bike way off into the bushes. All in all, I got off very lightly, although one side of my face is now slightly saggier than the other.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I remember a ride from about 1989 with the future Mrs Cheezpleez which involved clawing our way up a very steep, clay-claggy hill in a huge cloud of aggressive flies over a succession of stiles and fallen trees before slithering down a largely unridable descent ending in a farmyard that was knee-deep in cowshit. Ah, the merry banter.

    And then there’s this (not me):

    Full Member

    Yup, I’ve always measured tension by pinging the spokes and listening to the pitch. Built a few wheels and it’s never let me down.

    Full Member

    I’ve fairly recently built up an Inbred with a Singular Swift fork and I’m very pleased with it. I put my money into a set of Crests on Hope hubs, which I think was the right decision for me.

    The frame was bargaintastic at £100. It’s nicely finished and rides really well. It may not have the zing of a Swift or similar but downhill it’s incredible. Really, really rate the Swift fork too.

    Full Member

    I smashed one of the joints of my right-hand finger into about six bits on a dry ski slope. It now has a titanium plate and is a bit wonky but it bends pretty well.

    I was given exercises to do for about eight weeks which really worked.

    I think I was back riding on the road in two or three weeks after the op but it took a bit longer to go back off-road. I was being cautious because I had a skiing holiday that I didn’t want to screw up.

    Full Member

    You’ll be fine on a 26er or a 29er. Don’t get hung up on wheel size, find a bike you like that suits the riding you do

    Full Member

    Nice Whippet! That looks proper

    Full Member

    I think the Pope says it’s possible to ‘cure’ gearies but that’s just prejudice. They were born that way and they deserve to be treated just like human beings.

    Full Member

    1) Rigid fork
    2) 32:18 or equivalent
    3) Merkin
    4) Pickled eggs

    Full Member

    If there is only one gear, it is always the right gear.

    Have you tried eating rough-cut marmalade?

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