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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • cheez0
    Free Member

    Can you get wood in that?

    Free Member

    Have I just read a jesus thread?

    Free Member

    Option C:

    Patent a catchy forum sig and pay off your mortgage with the proceeds.


    Bradford and Bingley BS

    Free Member

    so he spots a bit of rebar in your rubble pile, his trimmer is getting on a bit and is wearing out.

    next thing you know ‘oi, you broke my trimmer!’

    his risk assessment was wrong, failed to spot possible rubble/ crap in the hedge due to obvious building work. let him pay.

    Free Member

    Show ’em the deeds..

    Tell them to keep off.

    Free Member

    Tactical sewing – now there’s a hobby!

    Free Member

    Words fail, but not my sig..


    Daisy A

    Free Member

    Get your hoover on the bugger.

    apparently, spiders who live in your smoke alarm take great delight in waking you up in the middle of the night with their spliff smoking antics.

    *may not be science-based, but the hoover does do the trick.

    Free Member

    Leave it like it is

    Ride it like you stole it.

    Maybe add an interesting this..


    Dookatti B

    Free Member

    motorbikerist snobs out in force.

    Free Member

    add a handy sig at the bottom of your posts, to remind everyone of who you are, just in case they didn’t notice the post header.


    CheeZey B

    Free Member

    My Mrs has some Cd’s.

    I don’t have anything useful to add other than my sig.. which is really useful.


    Cheezey B

    Free Member

    they like black clothes, coz they make you look like a horses ass.


    Free Member

    This should do the job.


    Free Member


    .. and mk1 ford escorts

    Free Member

    you are teh awsumZ

    Free Member

    bouncy idle and stalling

    Sounds like my ex missus

    Free Member


    Free Member

    piemonster – Member

    I’m almost blind getting in before the LK

    Genius, post of the week.


    CheeZe B*

    *oh teh ironing

    Free Member

    if the stealer of your passport turns up for an interview too, he will get the job, as he will be really organised and have got a replacement birth certificate also.

    plus, when you spin your bullshit about your docs being at your parents house, you will be seen as the out an out fraudster you are and they will be on to immigration.

    good luck with that!

    Free Member

    Half a page in and no mention of mtfu?

    Well here it is.


    From the jist of this and the other thread.. it appears you have trouble tying your own shoe laces without needing a large group of people stood behind you coaxing you on.

    Free Member

    Bilateralising, shirley?

    Free Member

    As close to Bristol as possible?

    You need the Quantocks sonshine.

    Free Member

    my 2p worth

    If you have 7 people working for you and 6 are positive, flexible and helpful and 1 who is negative, disruptive, always having problems, a work-to-rule person, would you manage all of them in the same way?

    The 6 you could delegate to, have a collaborative coaching style with and be confident in their self management and decision-making skills.

    You would manage them in a completely different way to the person who needed constant prodding to get things done, was always a ‘victim of circumstance’ (I’m late because my car broke down, etc)
    Funny how it’s never the fault of this person, always someone else.
    Funny how you never get the same problems with your top performers.

    A good manager uses different techniques to manage these two types of people.

    It seems strange to me that people think it an alien thing to actually enjoy their job and that if they voluntarily want to work through their lunch hour, that they are somehow deranged or the employer is being unfair in some way.
    Most people who work through their lunch or beyond what is expected because they want to, often derive other recompense for their efforts. Whether that is having the flexibility to leave 10mins early etc or maybe seeing the face of a happy customer because their order is completed on time or against the odds.

    I like my job, I’m happy to be flexible. I like to think that I work hard and contribute to the success of the team and am valued by my boss. The money pays the bills, but its not why I get out of bed in the morning.

    I also see those that think they are owed a living, do as little as incompetently possible, are always ‘treated unfairly’. They never seem to be able to organise themselves to get to work on time, or sort their childcare, or doctors appointments, all their kit seems to go wrong more often that others.
    They just will not put work higher on their list of important things they have to do to get by.
    However, ask them to turn up on time for a free beer and see the response.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately we don’t have the other side of the story.

    I wonder how that would read?

    Free Member

    Woolacombe is an hour from Tiverton/ J27.

    Keep driving, don’t stop at Travelodge J27..

    Set off at a normal time, knowing that there will be slow traffic. Stop for a coffee every so often and before you know it you’ll be in the Red Barn sipping a beer.

    Free Member

    Etch your postcode on another part of the bike and photograph it.
    I would also make another unique ‘squiggle’ and photo that too.
    Maybe hide them under stickers so that they wont easily be seen by a casual scrote.

    Take care with letter stamps and load bearing areas of your bike, coz they can cause fracture points.

    (Waits for someone to put up the picture of the dot punch on the seat post and where it snapped)

    Free Member

    Yeah, dere we is!

    Free Member

    Quick, someone put up that meme of ‘You are what you eat, featuring pictures of Gillian Mckeith and Nigella Lawson..

    Free Member

    Warhammer models are robust as they are made for gaming.. and reasonably simple to build.
    Plus you can have great fun painting as there are few rules, unlike ‘real life’models

    Great for small people.

    Agree with airfix being old worn out dies for the traditional kits but the newer stuff should be ok (brit afghan tanks etc)

    All the chinese/ far east made stuff is top notch but can be expensive and complex for beginners. (1/35).

    Will fish out some pics in a bit

    Free Member

    so potential conquest better wear a snorkel then to cope with the tsunami?

    I aint watched it, not gonna watch it.

    Free Member

    I found a large turd in the bog yesterday, it wasn’t mine.

    Free Member

    I read somewhere that commas and ‘and’ can go together in ‘modern’ written english but not in the case above.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m a lefty for writing only. except for blackboards. (I dunno!)

    Right for everything else.. except for
    both feet for footy
    both hands for painting
    both hands for w**king.

    Mrs CheeZe is a lot more lefty than me.. worries the hell out of me when she’s got a kitchen knife in her southpaw!

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Yes, a stuck keyboard question mark key is quite a common problem among STW users.

    Free Member

    Exmoor, mtb

    don’t get your bike out for anything less.

    Free Member

    As has already been said, if the big boys wont make parts that people need then there are plenty of chinese companies that will

    They wont give a shit about ‘maximising revenue’. They will gladly take over the market with smaller margins

    Who will lose out?

    Free Member

    The rider

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