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  • Interview: Atherton Bikes at Bespoked
  • cheez0
    Free Member

    is that like, in a bean bag stylee?

    Free Member

    any pitchures?

    just askin like..

    Free Member

    Mrs Binners … sent me off to the shops to get a couple of odds and sodsun-needed items she’d panicked into thinking she needed.
    There I found a lot of other people just like me.


    Free Member

    If there are line problems, as can happen after all this shite weather, your adsl will slow down in order to keep you connected*

    *think noisy room and trying to have a conversation with someone stood on the other side of the room, it is a slow, noisy process getting the message (data) across.

    once the line is fixed, the synch speed will go up, but the actual data speed may stay lower until the auto monitoring system is sure the line is clear (hence the 72hours wait)
    You could call your CP and ask for ‘An SNR reset’. however this is ‘resetting’ the circuit to ‘as new’ and will likely take up to 10 days to settle down but you should get the mostly ‘proper’ speed back straight away.

    Free Member

    I wonder if any of the victims of the mandela football team will be there?

    Oh, and he didn’t get locked up for having his stereo turned up too loud.. which it seems has been overlooked by the worlds media.

    Free Member

    If a dog was ever to bite me id find the nearest heavy thing and beat the **** to death.

    Free Member

    Yes and no?

    Isn’t there a physics law to do with the conservation of mass?

    The only way earth can get heavier is for shit to come from the outside.

    so we gain a few lumps of space rock each year, making us heavier but we send shit into space making us lighter.

    Free Member

    Are you going to put a big sig up out side saying.. well, y’know..?


    Wiggo B

    Free Member

    Move house.


    Free Member

    You say ‘new house’.. new to you or new to the world?

    As above though.. chairmans office or twitter/ facebook to get some traction.

    Free Member

    who’d want to clear out the stables?

    Free Member

    If its a bit ‘sweaty’give it a rinse under the tap.

    Roast or tagine..

    Nomnom and indeed nom.



    Free Member

    Some people just dont like being at home.. for various reasons.

    Free Member

    Piemonster, so where do you do your wierd stuff?

    Free Member

    Os maps are in km and when using with bike computer and compass, km is better.

    Once i get home from shredding the gnarr and the mrs asks how far, i do the 5/8 mental calculation and say ‘its about a mile and a half,love’!

    Toadally stokerized.. and now stocked back up on biscuits and crisps! 🙂

    Free Member

    There’s a couple of ways this one can be used to make mash

    Free Member

    Hardboard.. its got nails through it ffs.

    Free Member

    Oh and Bear, I just read about your worry about using the correct phrases etc.

    Use ‘Above the line’ communication and ‘Towards’ language..
    (you hear people in the media use it all the time)

    What the hell does that mean?

    ‘Above the line’ is positive and not negative words
    e.g ‘I was excited to learn that we had won the new contract’
    not: ‘Our company is more secure because we avoided losing this contract’.

    ‘Towards’ is about going forwards to achieve a goal rather than avoid a failure.

    e.g. ‘I focussed the team on surpassing our quarterly finance objectives’
    rather than: ‘we managed to avoid being in the bottom three for the second year running’.

    Sounds a bit like BS? Maybe, but the words you use will tell your interviewer what kind of mindset you have.

    Free Member

    S ituation
    O bjective
    A ctions
    R esult

    is the format my company uses against ‘Capabilities’

    The interview questions usually go like this (the applicant knows which 2 of 7 capabilities will be covered, so has time to prepare..)

    Can you give a recent and relevant example of when you demonstrated *good customer service* (or other capability)

    The advice I was given was that any action must have a good reason or why would you do it, and also always say ‘I’ instead of ‘We’, even if you were part of a team.

    Also word the objective as simply as possible. if there are multiple elements group them together into a single phrase.

    Aftermath is about reviewing the whole scenario and seeing if there was another way in which the outcome or result could have been achieved.

    Scenario’s don’t always need a successful outcome but you wouldn’t want to use a failure as an example in an interview, would you?

    ..oh and like Yoda says, ‘Do or Do not, there is no ‘try”’.

    Free Member

    Have you got a team building event to attend, unfit?

    ‘If you were a biscuit, what biscuit would you be?’


    Mr Bump.

    Free Member

    Well im off to see 6 hours of doof doof doof at the weekend, if thats how you want to look at it..

    Above and Beyond Group Therapy 50 at Alexandra Palace.

    I dont normally get excited about anything, but i am about this weekend!

    Free Member

    Horrid shit

    Cant stand

    Free Member

    Spamdau sally

    Free Member

    Mmmmm….. carvery…

    Free Member

    Pc.. and you can do other stuff too.


    Free Member

    Change to a different tyre wheel size?


    Free Member

    So you break safety rules, get a bollocking and it’s someone elses fault.

    I reckon the cock badge has been pinned on the wrong person.

    Free Member

    Not what i had in mind when i read the title..

    / disappointed

    Free Member

    I like to practice my sig a lot from different angles..


    Pythagoras B

    Free Member

    interesting point of law I found out the other day..

    you are already breaking the law if you drive through an amber.
    (not just the red)

    Free Member

    How define a bad driver..

    When passengers tell you to slow down, look out,etc

    When passengers go quiet when you overtake, brake, change lanes etc.

    When others drive themselves rather than get in a car with you.

    When your passenger is white knuckling the dashboard,coathook or you spot their right foot ‘braking’

    Seen any of that? Congratulations, you are a shit driver.

    Free Member


    generalising on the roads keeps me alive.

    how about this for a generalisation?

    All other road users are idiots and should be treated as such.

    Free Member

    Why do i need to overtake someone doing 68?

    Because in a few mins they will be doing 65, then 63.. when my car is capable of doing 70 legally why SHOULDN’T i overtake?

    And generally speaking, people travelling at 68/65/63 are not safe to be sharing the same bit of tarmac with (motorway)IMO.


    1. Old dodderers. Unsure of the capabilities of the car or their own skill.
    2. Not paying attention. Cos 68 is ALWAYS safe, right?
    3. Slowing down because they are on the phone or some other distraction.
    4. Car full of women shoppers yapping. Not paying attention.
    5. MLS. Lazy, not thinking about whats going on.

    At least when i’m on my bike i can quickly get past people who i think are more of a hazard.

    Free Member

    I drive a speed limited company car and I have an unlimited bandit 1250.

    I know which I feel safer riding.

    the limited car is not the problem, its the **** on the motorways that:
    1: overtake you and then slow down in front to about 69.95 mph. you can’t get past them without blocking the middle lane for miles.

    2: the bastards who sit on your shoulder in the middle lane, you cant speed up and get away from them, they’ve spotted your ‘limited to 70’ sticker and think if they will get caught for speeding if they overtake.

    3:trucks overtaking trucks is just a nightmare if you are in a car limited to 70. you go in the outside lane at 72 or whatever and **** crawl past the bloody lorry in the middle lane. dangerous.

    4: in order to actually overtake something going 68 or whatever, you have to tailgate them right up their ass before you can pull out to overtake, as it takes too long to get by and tuck back in if you don’t, causing a hold up.

    I would sooner walk than buy a limited car by choice.

    Free Member

    Bin it.

    Marcus, if you install an old system and it goes wrong, with little or no chance of spares, what would be the cost to your business?

    Free Member

    Every good boy deserves fun.


    Free Member


    Good lad, right decision.

    Just dont change your mind when she comes to pick up her stuff.

    Free Member

    Mrs cheeze has a Henry.

    She loves it..

    ..i think

    Free Member

    What mike said.

    Same as the motorbike thread. Be seen.

    At least while you lie in intensive care you can laugh at the smidsy joke

    Free Member

    Never start a spready in A1.. i always start on C6 as it gives you the opportunity to add ‘helper’ columns.

    While being frowned upon by the elite, you could copy your second column in before your first and then do a vlookup.

    Hide the helper afterwards if you need.

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