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  • Anyone for Semis? Fort William World Cup DH results & talking points
  • cheese@4p
    Full Member

    I love the Olympics, there I said it. Off out for a bike ride now.

    Full Member

    I can’t wait for you guy’s reactions when the climbing comes on.

    Full Member

    Cull time
    Erm er Radcliffe and erm erm er Maconie, first up against the wall

    Full Member

    Alsema Dub – Jah Wobble
    Spotify playlist, great for painting and decorating to.

    Full Member

    Cos are not cheap but lovely quality

    Full Member

    Cheese is expensive

    Full Member

    Is it OK to put cat crap in the compost too? Our cat craps in the garden soil.

    Full Member

    Thanks funkynick, it is on the dry side. The bin has a lid which I keep closed. I will start leaving it open when it’s raining (and wee in it)

    Full Member

    Yes, I was bothered about the worm situation too sparks, but don’t want to go down the ant genocide route unless absolutely necessary.

    Full Member

    Thanks for that nbt
    Stunning, what a ride to victory. I like the ambient sound there too, you can hear the sounds of the bike with no OTT commentary.

    Full Member

    I get why they couldn’t broadcast any footage from the motorbikes due to the choppers and planes not able to fly, but don’t get why they couldn’t have carried on capturing the action to watch later and for the record?

    Full Member

    Yeti still bought it

    FTW nobeer

    Full Member

    Called in this afternoon on our walk. What a good do! Really well supported and raised lots for the MRT who have been starved of their normal fundraising channels this year whilst having their busiest time ever. The rescue team members and dogs who turned up in the morning were actually called out whilst at the event. We had a lovely chat with the host (a keen cyclist) and his family, who’s idea it was. Well played to them and all who contributed to this worthy cause. See you next time.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the info, helped me to decide on today’s walk

    Full Member

    Swimming pools – utter death traps you mean 😉

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I am very sorry about the tone of my first post, it was a very poor parody of Father Ted.
    Enjoy the thread.

    Full Member

    After a very cursory google I found
    Body’s reaction to cold water shock
    Sudden immersion into cold water may cause cardiac arrest, even for a healthy person. The shock of the cold water can also cause an involuntary gasp reflex that can cause victims to swallow water and drown, even for a good swimmer. Cold water can paralyze the muscles instantly

    Look I am not saying that this lady doesn’t know the risks but not everyone does.
    Life is risky, we are aware of most of the risks and make our own decisions, I have done plenty of daft stuff for shits and giggles when younger and got away with them. I have been a keen rock climber for over 40 years and have learned some hard lessons along the way. Knowledge and experience makes the difference in all risk situations.

    Full Member

    I think there might be a bit of an overlap there

    Full Member

    Just saying that a lot of inexperienced people die by swimming in cold water and it should come with a health warning.

    Full Member

    This sort of thing is dangerous and should not be encouraged

    Full Member

    I used to enjoy Repair Shop but I don’t go out of my way to watch it anymore. Same old same old predictable schtick wears thin eventually.

    Full Member

    What about them Lizards?

    They come over here from their bloody planet…..etc

    Full Member

    Another DIY numpty here but I did come up with a handy way to (hand) saw straight by nailing a piece of baten wood along the line as a guide – keeps the cut perpendicular and straight. Best if you can put the baten on the offcut side but panel pin holes are not too much of an issue in what I make.
    I have managed to make some long straight cuts with a tenon saw by keeping the saw blade angle low once the cut is started nicely.

    Full Member

    More Dakhabrakha for you

    Full Member

    Thanks all, so much to go at

    Full Member

    Quiche and baked beans
    Fortaleza tequilla
    Alsema Dub – Jah Wobble playlist

    Winning at life

    Full Member

    Jus keepin my eyes and mind open. Sorry to dilute the doom Trimix

    Full Member

    Sorry for the slight hijack but can someone tell me how to get the song fade-togther play mode if it’s still there?
    I used to like it but it I can’t find it now.

    Full Member

    After Konagirl’s very reasonable and posts, I now feel a little bit more optimistic for the future.
    Thank you.

    Full Member

    Wobblyscott, thanks for this

    So explain how, despite continual growth, we’re reducing our CO2 emissions then. Growth makes us richer, means we can afford to introduce new and cleaner technologies. Take away peoples ability to get wealthier then any reductions in CO2 emissions will halt and reverse. take away growth and you eliminate investment overnight therefore eliminate any incentive for anyone to do anything different, develop new technologies, develop new products and supply chains that improve our environmental situation etc. Making people poorer is never a solution to any problem.

    You make some very good and positive points there about environmental investment and I can take that on board. But from my perspective, when I see that global population has trebled in my 64 years of life and CO2 emissions per capita have not significantly reduced, the numbers speak for themselves. Most £s invested are purely to make more £s not to benefit society or the planet. The exponential progress in technology, fueled by market forces more often than not results in built in obsolescence and incredible waste of resources rather than durability and sustainability. We in our part of the world were the root cause of this and I don’t blame the peoples and governments of developing countries for wanting their slice of the consumer cake, they have had the rough end of the deal all along.

    Full Member

    The OP is asking for solutions.
    The global economy is totally reliant on economic growth, wealth is borrowed from the future, this is what keeps our civilisation afloat so it must be the number one priority for the powers that be. We basically have to consume more and more to survive in the current model. To change this will need a global catastrophy which is beyond human control like, say, a very deadly pandemic wiping out at least half of the human population. That would at least press the reset button and buy humans some time to build a more sustainable model.

    Full Member

    Sorry but my gut feeling is that the process that started with the industrial revolution has snowballed way out of control It’s already too late to save humanity from it’s own greed. To paraphrase Mr Attenburough our planet has finite resourses and the developing countries now want their fair share. It’s already plain to see the effects of global heating but the invested interests can’t change their ways and won’t until it’s far too late. We’re all going to burn, I’ll get mine too.
    But doomsday thinking only makes things worse so I will try to do my bit and hope that I am wrong.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Social clubs are cheap but the beer is usually shite so I go where I can get good ale

    Full Member

    Under The Skin for me too. A Field In England is also great. Both very strangs films.

    Full Member

    And what about that K in his inverted downtube – filthy

    Full Member

    Is it an interior decorating question?

    Full Member

    I think Sainsbury’s figures are a little eggsalted

    Full Member

    Lipstick Traces by Greil Marcus – not to every taste but I keep reading it
    The Fight by Norman Mailer – journalistic writing at it’s best
    The Old Ways by Robert McFarlane – a lovely poetic read

    Three very different books and all brilliant in their own ways

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