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  • cheekymonkey888
    Free Member

    christmas tree ?

    Free Member

    I’m sure the idea of welfare state allows for people to not worry about their own welfare as there is someone to bail them out when it goes wrong!

    Free Member

    Anyone else think that maybe, now that we’re not allowed to be randomly horrible to women, blacks, homosexuals, and gays, some people have just relocated their semi-random abuse to groups they’re still allowed to treat like crap, in this case fat people?

    ” homogenous society ” – dont think its going to work in the UK

    Free Member

    I see plenty of fat rich people its the middle classes that suffer again

    Free Member

    yep lifes too short, enjoy eating after all thats what keeps us going 🙂
    You never see happy people eating their diet lunches ..they’re secretly hankering after those loverly burgers, fries and milshake.

    Free Member

    they failed him when he was young …( thats the usual line.. sic someone else fault)

    Free Member

    try taxing sky / broadband for people on benefits.. that might get them out doing something more sensible.

    Its almost as daft as giving a crate of beer to go to the job centre

    Free Member

    its funny that racisim doesn’t extend to other ethnic minorities that arent colour orientated.

    Free Member

    1) Yes — to some extent all new dads feel this
    2) dunno only you can tell

    The mum spends 9 months coming to terms with it whilst a father only has the stark realisation its actually happening when the baby pops out and theres not refund and return policy. Hey you knew it was coming but no one gave us the handbook.
    Dont be fooled into thinking one size fits all, every kid is different and each parent has to deal with their own kids 24/7 ( see above posts re relentless) . After all, who else is there at feeding times and 3am when they wont sleep! ( I dont see any of those armchair know it all parents giving a hand!).

    We all find our own way with our kids and they will build a relationship with you with the time you spend with them whether its alot or a little.
    What I will say is dont cave into the other peoples way to bring up your child, eg do it like this and do it like that. Or take the short cut and say its easier if someone else to do it. You learn via your own experience and hence will be rewarded for it accordingly even if it involves a few wrong turns along the way. Dont let other people judge you or make you feel inferior because of it!

    Dont worry too much as I reckon most dads feel like a spare part in the early weeks. Bear in mind its also a learning adventure for the mum to so why not agree to do it together. Ask questions , enjoy the tough times cos they pass all too quickly even though it doesn’t seem like it at the time. Good luck and enjoy!

    Free Member

    its like with anything, its just routine..nothing is rocket science unless its rocket science.

    24hrs tesco is your friend unless its a sunday in which case it opens at 00:00 monday morning 🙂

    Get well soon Mrs Wrightyson !

    Free Member

    try changing your clothing and do another run. My old garmin would occasionally go high. I’d stop and hold onto a lampost and ping my hrm stap and it would drop to something sensible.

    In the end I bought a new computer and strap and have been busting a gut to reach the upper limits but so far not hit 230 :).

    I’d go along the lines of how you felt at the time and if it is consistently high. All else go see the quack.!

    Free Member

    I bought a car that had a dog in and tried 3 bottles of fabreeze, bowls of vineger, sprinkle of bicarb of soda on the carpets, Steam cleaned it with one of those wall paper jobbies,

    It was marginally better but never went away. Car got dumped but thats another story.

    Free Member

    whats the problem with people spending their hard earned money.. I dont think that football fans are forced to go to matches. Simple case of supply and demand .. unlike the utility companies 🙂

    If murdoch’s cronies didnt pump that tv cash into the premier league and gave it to the poor in africa we wouldnt be seeing those bentlys in the car park

    Free Member

    blame murdoch and his cronies …they’re the real pushers!

    Free Member

    dont think it’ll solve the housing crisis more like increase it !

    Mass extinction 6 coming along nicely.. I wonder when Leaf will sort out zmapp, as soon as all the western governments put in an order of x million orders

    Free Member

    stumbled upon a cheeky rouse by a credit card company
    They never show on the statement what the balance transfer amount with 0% only the combined credit amount.
    So you can pay your monthly transaction every month and get whacked with full interest over the outstanding balance every month if you dont keep your own running total over overpayments / underpayments.

    This means you never know how much to pay off each month to ensure you keep within the credit for 0%

    Obviously not all credit card companies do this only the unscrupulous ones 🙂

    Free Member

    go to marbella and hire a bike and ride up the a397 to ronda.. its about 2971ft of hill but so so awesome on the way down 🙂

    Free Member

    so what happens if the grid has to run three cars.. could that not open the door to mercedes or red bull? I reckon alonso is keeping an eye on the lower teams.

    Bernie already mentioned that some of the teams may not make it to then end of the season.
    Vettel is cashing in on his option which has forced the driver market. JB will also be hoping for a three car setup with the Williams / RB seat in mind.

    Would hate to see Alonso take a sabbatical and end up in a Hass car.

    Free Member

    Since its been a year, the question is what happened last year and at christmas and fathers/ mothers day. This probably set a precedent.

    Also I assume Ex doesnt have a current boyfriend ( or one that doesnt really take too much interest) and possibly feels your benevolence needs to extend over to her side to make up the difference. I guess she realises that your GF has done the bit for your birthday already.

    Anyhoo just help your daughter to make something special instead next time which should mean more to her and give you more quality time and costs less!

    Free Member

    there are a whole generation of rasta yoofs growing up .. I bring you a group of crime beating rastafarian mice on cbeebies… and no I cant understand what they is saying either… irie mann!

    Free Member

    on a spectrum 128k pre amstrad rubbish

    Some serious right arm waggling… broke my cheetah 125+, quickshot pro turbo and numerous other microswitched joysticks 🙂

    Also liked sensible soccer on the amiga 500

    Free Member

    If the pita is well run and organised then it should be quite productive. If its like the our one which is basically a mothers meeting with people with delusions of grandeur and plenty of mud slinging.

    Wait until you get to voting for chair people.. and you thought the scottish referendum was tasty ( claws at the ready!).

    Free Member


    on its own or with some meats 🙂

    you know it makes sense!

    Free Member

    Had mine done in the local shopping centre.. get a list of the surgeon operating at the clinic. Many are also consultants at hospitals so you can check their credentials.

    Beware of any existing conditions. I didnt realise I had dry eyes and now I definitely know I have it.
    Aftercare is really important and make sure you can get back to the clinic for all the followups. I would have loved to go to moorfileds but the idea of getting my self back to the clinic 24hrs through the pollution and london transport didnt really appeal.

    The operation itself is relatively quick. I counted to 10 and it was done per eye. The feeling is very stange as the vision goes all kaleidoscope when its being done then black once the covers are on.

    The light sensitivity is the main thing I have problems. I wear shades in summer and bump into things when the lights are out.
    Also eyesight seems to change when I’m tired
    All in all a worth while operation and sight is bearing up very well. 4+ years and still going well!

    Good luck with whatever your decision you go for.

    Free Member

    exothermic reactions – eg pot noodle / cuppa soup 🙂

    Free Member

    I see Dave is going with the same model of the US and A then rather than the USSR.

    Free Member

    cant believe there are so few people in scotland …. thats including all those 16 -17 voters too. More people watch strictly on a saturady evening!

    Free Member

    this happened at my local depot ..but after a long conversion they did concede that they could redeliver it to save another trip out.. doh!

    The staff at the local Post office take great joy in upselling the special delivery service as they cant guarantee delivery on any other service ( or should I say guarantee it might get lost).

    Why is it ok to give the parcel to someone who opens the door whether it be the named person on the parcel or not but it is not possible to pick up parcel when providing id from said address. It baffles me.

    The other thing that baffles me is that if you send something with a higher value than insured by the postage , should it get lost it will not be covered at all. I always thought each parcel was wrapped and no one could see in so why the hell would that make any difference to the persons handling it. Also as with insurance you are only covered up to the insured amount but clearly not in the case of royal mail! 🙂

    Free Member

    ahhhhh..round two..see you tomorrow folks

    Free Member

    its all going against oscar… with emphasis on not excusable!

    Free Member

    its still manslaughter so culpaple homicide still valid

    “On this charge, the judge will need to assign a degree of negligence. The higher the negligence, the longer the prison term. If convicted on this charge, he could face up to 15 years.”


    Free Member

    called to the judges chambers.. last minute deal methinks

    Dont think its going to be a Bernie deal but I reckon somethings come up that might close the proceedings early.

    Last chance Oscar …

    Free Member

    Its not dolus eventualis but culpable homicide hangs in there … I’m sure everyone will feel better after lunch.. just keep those buckets at the ready 🙂

    Free Member

    no life term / 25 year .. next count

    Free Member

    its going all the way to lunch time .. i’m famished

    Free Member

    its coming now! argghh a five minute break

    Free Member

    she disagrees with the submission of reflex action.. !! ouch again!

    Free Member

    Culpable homicide – judge made the point that he was thinking when aiming lower down rather that upper torso hence intended to discharge the firearm. There will be a degree of neglience so 10 – 15years your honour.

    She was coming back to that but its now adjourned.

    Expect a legal appeal .. Is this another OJ SImpson case but with less money involved ?

    Free Member

    becks blue seemed overly fizzy to enjoy more than one bottle.. I’d prefer the cobra or my current tipple

    Erdinger alkohol frei – isotonic, enriched with vitamins and low in calories.. whats not to they were giving it away free at the london bike show in excel earlier this year 🙂

    Free Member

    you should be adle to read but not write to the ntfs partitions on the mac. Have a look in finder / preferences to see if your devices are checked under the sidebar tab.

    Also have a look at utilities / disk utility to see if the drive appears there.

    Paragon did a trial and you can activate it once you buy it via a key.

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