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  • cheekymonkey888
    Free Member

    and I still hate f1 🙂 .. I think I saw the manor car once as a blur in the background being lapped ( although it couldve been a mirage of sennas Mclaren) 😯

    Free Member

    credit where credit is due .. ferrari did a great job on the tyres and strategy. Vettel drove like he did in RBR and delivered. I bet Alonso must wonder if he needs to stop walking under ladders.

    I wonder if the setup was compromised by the wet weather q3 yesterday and configuration took a bit more out of the tyres. That said Ferrari ran close and still managed to get round in 2 stops.
    I still think its Hamiltons title to lose but in Vettel/ Ferrari they have a formidable and creditable challenger.

    I was expecting the stongman pose rather than the finger today 🙂

    Free Member

    good drives by Verstappen and Vettel. The rain really does bring the best out of the drivers 🙂
    The Red bulls moved up but the proximity of the Torro rosso ,ust put them under pressure.The Torro rossos are pretty handy with the Ferrari Renault I meant 🙂 power pack and town hungry rookies.


    Free Member

    yes it was a block and lewis did the same.. just them playing around. I think the comment after qualifying shows he’s not taking the bait. I bet he is happy the Ferrari is in the mix to help him out.

    I hope Ferrari gets the win.. that will well and truly set the cat amongst the pigeons.

    Free Member

    dont try and replicate or do what mum does. She has been with him and will know what makes the kids tick. Try and fill in the gaps and get a perspective from the kids view. You have the opportunity to do all the fun stuff and a chance for the kids to have a break away from the day to day things.

    What helped me was to find something I could share with the kids and introduce them to some things eg Bikes, games and general tom foolery 🙂

    I see my dad in me but recognising the good and bad things can help change tact in certain circumstances. You’ll never get it always right but most of the time is better than none.

    Its a pain in the backside but also fun when it works out! Dont be hard on your self you’re not the only one!

    Free Member

    boxing gloves are off at renault and red bull with he said she said saga (

    Alonso tries to confound the media by denying everything Mclaren have said regarding the crash, its not windy and I’m not in 1995, furthermore you’re not my muvvvaaaa!

    ooerrr and we havent even started racing yet.. I bet Bernie, Dieter and Ron didnt have much to say around dinner last night ( forget about monsoons and humidity, its going to be frosty!)

    Free Member

    just get clunes, morrissey and enfield! Old school men behaving badly.

    Free Member

    why not sell the shirt and let the poor kid buy what they really want ..shame to waste a decent present 🙂

    Free Member

    I wouldnt expect new engine manufacturers to enter f1 after seeing honda and renault struggle. The longer we are in the regulations the less likely newcomers are going to enter especially seeing the others have more development and track time and tokens.

    They may be customer chassis and engines or maybe both from mercedes and renault ( if rb pull out).

    Free Member

    its about consistency of the readings. If it stays in the range that you’ve seen. My garmin used to spike 240 and stay at 240+ on some rides which spooked me. Pinging the hrm reset it back and it didnt happen often enough for me to be that worried. In the end I changed it and have been ok since.

    I’m another 190+ rider so you’re in good company. But you should listen to how your body feels and if there are any concerns always see a doctor.

    Free Member

    we all seem to forget that it is now only a show.. its not a sport / competition. Its an advertising board that goes around 50 or so laps.

    I rather enjoyed the formula E .. admittedly 3/4 of the grid were ex f1 drivers but at least the result wasnt determined at the first corner and the winner wasnt the p1-3 on the grid. The race unfolds which adds to the excitement.

    Free Member

    Nasr -dnf
    Sainz -dnf
    Button – dnf
    Perez – dnf

    Absolutely rubbish .. I reckon Alonso is going to race in malaysia and for Vettel to win the race 🙂

    Free Member

    massa was making noises and eluding to the fact that maybe the williams engine wasnt the same as the one in the merc. I’m not sure if that is true but I still cant see how the engine formula of f12014/2015 can cause such disparity. I see the ferrari engined cars close ( bar manor) and also the renault engines too.

    Yes aero to an a point but I think the regulations pretty much restrict too much innovation and change. Driveabilty seems to be bandied about but if the powertrain is the same its just down to configuration and setup of the car.

    As much as the merc guys want a fight its not going to happen anytime soon and I suspect they could turn up the power later on.

    To quote Grosjean ” I need more pooahhh”

    Free Member

    i cloned my drive using super duper from mechanical to ssd on my mbp. I didnt have any problems with the software and just booted up on the new drive. I kept the old drive as a backup. I didnt have cs or office but you have the old drive if you have any problems.

    Free Member

    [/rant] not sure why it has to be a card.. just the act of acknowledgement and appreciation is all that is needed on the special day. After all this is for someone who presumably brought you up and looked after you when no one else did. [/rant]

    on a side note I’m sure there plenty of people who equally moan when their boss doesnt acknowledge or appreciate the effort they put into their job at work ( at least they get paid for it by the employer).

    Free Member

    could it be the fact lewis wants to stick 2 fingers up at management in the midst of contract negotiations. The finer points referring to the image rights over team sponsors logos.

    Alternatively its Mercedes version of Radio 1’s idea of appealing to the younger listeners.. Either way he did remind me of Goldie Lookin chain on a trip to Ratners.

    Free Member

    almost as stunning as his chain.. thats a serious paper weight.

    Great result for sauber in light of the problems.. was a real shame not to see Manor. 10pts for those who said crashtor to crash on the first lap

    Free Member

    I hope G vD g got paid to drop his action.. Seems a nice chap and I hope he gets a drive somewhere.
    I thought Vettel did well in the ferrari.. could alonso be eating his words about vettel’s 4 championship titles?

    Free Member

    My understanding of the article is that mehri is contracted for the first race only.

    Either they want to see how good he is or wait until they can get someone with more cash for the actual 2015 car. I suppose it doesnt matter if they have rookies in the car as they wont be relying on their immediate feedback.

    Also it seems that they could pickup up a few more ex caterham assets. Sainz / Verstappen for the first crash in oz

    Free Member

    the yamaha sound bars are great at widening the field of sound and giving pseudo surround sound but you cant beat the surround sound for sheer audio goodness for films. Small speaker setups work really well such as harman kardon, Tannoy, boston acoustics etc. I use both and switch between the two.

    Free Member

    got a kids name dictionary and lost the will to live at once we got to I
    I sought inspiration from science and mathematics 🙂 and the odd film I liked. and no I didnt chose Debbie or Austin.

    Free Member

    isnt this out of an episode of Life on mars?

    Has alonso left 1995 or is he still reeling from bon jovi “someday i’ll be saturday night”

    WHat a rubbish year for music

    Good news Manor are back in the game and cleared to race after passing the crash tests!

    Free Member

    also helped that they didnt shut the factory and tell everyone to shove off 🙂
    I really admire the Manor’s racing passion and tenacity. I wonder if Manor will get a fast track payment of cash that the other back markers are getting to make the grid in Oz.

    Either way its nice to see the good guys make it

    Free Member

    awesome news regarding manor f1. Really good to see the racing desire has found a way to the grid..
    Now go grab some points..
    Finbar and co should take a leaf out of their books as to what racing passion is. Go Manor Marussia f1!

    Free Member

    could be a fast track to mercedes for 2016 for the conspiracy theorists.
    I think its just giving him a more time to recover as the season is long and if it takes until the european leg the so be it.

    Perez highlights the need for rest when he declined to race after doing 1st practice when he had a bang on the head. Poor Ron will not be amused and nor will his sponsors.. More u turns than the tories at the moment

    Free Member

    I like the format of his shows and generally the content was ok and different. What are the rest of r1 gonna do without his content.. Oh wait ferne cotton is leaving..

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I remember last year where everyone was expecting a high failure rate at the first race which never materialised. I wonder if everyone was up at 11 over testing.

    I expect this year to be even more exciting than last
    oz prediction

    Nasr -dnf
    Sainz -dnf
    Button – dnf
    Perez – dnf

    Free Member

    I’m quite suprised how much of a gap the other teams are from mercedes this year. I could see it happening in the first year as the integration of the engine and chassis would favour the works team but in the second year clearly the other teams should have a years worth of data and photos of the meec to play with.

    The gap is enormous considering some teams using the same powerplant is it just aero that makes the difference.
    If this is the case is Newey could be mistaken that it is an engine formula, after all the Rb managed to haul the renault engine to a few wins.
    I’m pretty sure the mp29 won a lot of plaudits last year in the unveiling.

    Free Member

    I did the DAS a few years back and had no previous interest or any experience. Got the license 4 days later and worked my way up over 2 years to a big bike from a scooter.

    Much like riding a bike you can get into problems fairly quickly. Hard to say whether it’ll be sutiable long term but where is the harm in trying it out. I did twice the mileage on the push bike that the motorbike last year 🙂 but the motorbike brings a smile to my face everytime I go out and for that its worth the parking space in the garage.

    Free Member

    Leather jeggings is where its at

    Free Member

    I ended up with pork crunch by mistake once.. like a piggy version of quavers ..OP you might want to try them out with your new nashers

    Free Member

    Bosh.. thats gone and blown the doors off.. w06 on softs …. the rest are still wondering what they need to do to catch up.

    Free Member

    the secret is in the sauce …mainly ketchup 🙂

    Free Member

    I thought Button gave a good account of himself against barichello and Hamilton too. He was mighty in canada 2011.
    I reckon williams for the win and merc and 2nd williams for 2/3. Expect a few cars to blow up, notably JB’s Mclaren, 1 red bull, 2 Farce indias, 1 Sauber and a lotus. 😉

    There will be a big gap from merc/ williams to the mid table. Ferrari, Lotus, Red bull, Force india, Sauber, Mclaren,Torro rosso and Manor.

    Free Member

    in light of the post above.. try the food waste bin

    Free Member

    I quite like the look of lotus’ development driver. Is it better to have more teams on the grid than less? I’ll be rooting for the underdog and I suppose that includes Mclaren 🙂

    Although stranger things have happened like Brawn GP I’m sure all the guys in F1 work their nuts off no matter where they are in the pecking order.

    Please stick it to Farce India and relegate them to the bottom !

    Free Member

    nod or hello when passing ..cant do the waving and riding as theres far too many things going on. The local roadie club seem to adopt the we’re better that yow approach.

    Free Member

    it’ll be a big kick in Rons face if he doesn’t start the season.. although with K-mag they have a decent number two.
    I wonder if the cracks are appearing the Ronando relationship.

    Free Member

    errr. make that Williams up there for speed and reliability. Get in there Massa!

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