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  • cheddarchallenged
    Free Member

    Doesn’t it rather depend how the £160m is used?

    If that’s used to facilitate trade finance e.g. guarantees etc. that could make tens of £billions available to windfarmm development schemes at relatively low cost.

    Free Member

    The Fjern Skjold jacket mentioned above is pretty good albeit doesn’t have pit zips.

    Wiggle are currently doing a deal on their in house Fohn brand jackets – I bought the £125 Polartec Neoshell jacket and it’s really good for the money – nice and stretchy and has a couple of pit zips.

    Free Member

    It will *probably* be ok to ride on.

    Free Member

    that’s a nice sit up and beg bike in the first post – the tyres look very comfy. Can you fit a basket on the front? :-)

    Free Member

    Two of my friends have it – both mid to late 30s.

    Case 1: She had covid in March and seemed to recover quite quickly – since then she had a mini stroke in June and started to have acute respiratory problems that have now become permanent. Also had an onset of fatigue that started in late May and is now having tests for damage to her kidneys.

    Case 2: Triathlete – has never smoked and rarely drinks. Covid almost killed him in late March and 6 months on he’s a shadow of his former self and struggles to walk even 1/2 mile now.

    I suspect that if the rest of the population stopped complaining for long enough to read about long covid cases in people whom are in the 20s / 30s / 40s they might start acting like Covid is “no worse than the flu.”

    Covid has brought to this country to its knees and unless people start taking personal responsibility for their actions and thinking about others the country will be flat on its back and in need of CPR by the spring.

    Anyone who is suffering from Long Covid has my sympathy – hope you all get well.

    Free Member

    +1 for the northwave Flash GTX boots mentioned above. I wear mine with waterproof bib tights down over the cuffs – or waterproof pertex trousers and they’ve kept my feet dry through several seasons of winter filth.

    Free Member

    After a brief encounter with a 23″ Falcon MTB (the shop convinced my parents that I’d need a large size as I was still growing – despite my protestations) I moved on to an ’87 Cinder Cone from the bike shop behind Bath railway station. I’d seen pictures of it in Mountain Biker magazine and MBUK but nothing prepared me for just how amazing it looked in the flesh or how cool the straight forks looked. I absolutely rode the hell out of that bike – all over the mendips, south Somerset and down to exmoor – most of the time with no clue where I was going, just a burning desire to go further than before.

    Sadly the lure of a Raleigh Dynatrax Team Edition saw the Kona gathering dust so I sold it on to my dad who then let it gather more dust and sold it again.

    For many years selling that Cinder Cone was my biggest biking regret (pretty much up there with selling one of the early Pace frames and a Klein Attitude).

    In 2018 and after a considerable amount of detective work my original Kona (complete with “Revolution” bike shop stickers) was finally tracked down to a shed – burdened by dust and unloved.

    It’s now hanging up in a loving home (mine) and when time permits will be restored to its former glory.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    – why didn’t you call the cops?

    Kryton57 – we did earlier in the summer (loads of antisocial behaviour issues and mini-raves that pretty much started mid afternoon and continued through to the early hours every night from June through to 2 weeks ago.

    The Police would invariably turn up 1-2 days later – the one time they did turn up while it was happening (in a van full of cops) they said they weren’t allowed to climb over the 4ft high locked gates to get into the park and the council wouldn’t let them have a key – there were literally hundreds of kids jeering at them. I It’s a complete waste of time but the sense I got from the policeman was that he was pretty embarrassed about having their wings clipped by leaders higher up.

    Free Member

    The new rules seem to be being ignored just as wilfully as the old rules in our neck of the woods.

    Both of our neighbours had guests over yesterday taking the household totals to 9-12. On one side our neighbour is a nurse so you’d think she would be all over it.

    In the local park last night we again had several groups of 20-30 teenagers (per group) all sitting together. The Caribbean barbers down the road was rammed all weekend – none of the staff wearing visors, none of the customers wearing masks and to be honest I’ve never walked past and seen any different. At school it’s pretty noticeable which parents aren’t wearing masks and it’s amazing how many people now have asthma so “can’t wear a mask”. I’ve come close to popping my clogs several times with asthma and if I can manage it I suspect most of the other asthmatics can as well.

    Today we’re being told that cases could rise to 50K a day in the next few weeks – all I hear is it’s the government’s fault but personal responsibility is clearly not a “thing” anymore.

    I’ve also stuck to the rules since the outset – because I’m in a high risk group as is one of our kids. I lost my job early on so it’s been a miserable 6 months all things considered and it now looks like it’s going to get worse again. FFS.

    Free Member

    It’s going to be interesting to see this one play out – it’s either a massive lie (including number 10 press officers so unlikely) or Republica have played a blinder with some false news:

    Free Member

    There’s a quick fix to changing the device settings – just change the original router Wi-Fi network name to something else and then set up the new mesh system to the “old” network name and password. All of the devices should reconnect automatically.

    Free Member

    Hutchison are pretty canny operators – as anyone who has had any business dealings with them will testify.

    What this appointment probably indicates is that there’s a gap between the strategy set by ministers and the way that policy is then implemented by civil servants.

    I think Michael Gove referred to the same earlier this summer when he said that one of the challenges with Covid is that ministers have a set of levers to implement policies but those levers are connected to a huge pile of jelly.

    Having worked with Civil Servants across a number of departments it’s true that there are some ferociously capable people – but in the whole, many of the departments are slow moving, unwieldy, resistant to change and in some cases will cheerfully embarrass ministers if the opportunity arises. This proved to be the case with Amber Rudd. In her case it transpired that the information she’d been given before her resignation was incorrect – she carried the can but the civil servants didn’t.

    So in conclusion – it’s a **possibility** that Grayling is more competent than other politicians and the media would have us believe. I’ve got no knowledge either way so I’m not saying he definitely is competent – just that the performance of ministers to a significant degree rests with the competency and culture of the teams underneath them.

    Free Member

    Hi all, quick update…

    So I ordered an amazon eero router to see if it was the Huawei router playing up – with the intention of returning it if it didn’t work. It was the only router with gigabit ports and easy set up that I could find…

    The whole lot was up and running within 5 minutes of the amazon guy dumping the cardboard box on the front doorstep. The BT mesh is also working fine.

    As an aside, the eero router has some nice features I noticed in the set up
    – so if I didn’t already have a lot of mesh kit I would probably opt for that.

    Thanks to all of you who offered help and advice along the way.

    Free Member

    Thanks Cougar, that’s great.

    Yes – understand that normally you wouldn’t use two routers but that’s the way Huawei have made it – it can “route” but only to a single device at a time unless a second router is used – which thus makes it a pain to set up.

    Free Member

    Hi Cougar,

    Thanks for trying to help me fix it. To be honest I’m way out of my depth and in the course of fiddling have now broken the bit that was working…

    The bit I’m confused about is the IP addressing, subnets and gateway settings but perhaps you could help? I think the settings need to work as follows:

    1. The 5G Device should have DHCP turned OFF
    2. The router should have DHCP turned ON
    3. The router should be set to connect to the 5G device using a static IP address. Is that correct?
    4. The 5G device needs to be on the same subnet as the router. It’s currently with the router set to – which I think means the 5G device needs to be set to 192.168.8.xx
    5. Does the 5G router need to be set to “bridge” mode?

    I really need someone who knows what they are doing to answer the above and help with what the rest of the settings should be. If the 5G device is set to 192.168.8.X what number should X be, and what details should I put on the router i.e.

    5G Settings
    IP = 192.168.8.?
    Subnet= ?
    DHCP Range – isn’t required – is that correct if DHCP is turned off

    ROUTER settings
    Connection type = Static IP or Dynamic
    LAN IP = 192.168.8.?
    DHCP Range = 192.168.8.? to 192.168.8.?
    Is the subnet setting correct?
    Do I enter google’s DNS in the DNS server setting or something else i.e.
    Is the gateway setting the same as the IP for the 5G router IP address?

    Any help would be massively appreciated!

    Free Member

    Hi silly silly,

    Yes – the WiFi on the CPE devices is disabled. I’ve also tried calling Huawei but they literally do no support on their own products. Every time I’ve called I get told they need to speak to someone with more knowledge and they’ll call back but they never do. They also don’t provide any proper product documentation which doesn’t help…

    Free Member

    Pdw – the bt mesh still doesn’t work even when connected using the other port.

    Which of the following two technical solutions is most likely to resolve the problem?

    1. Buy a new router
    2. Smash the whole lot into pieces with a hammer

    Free Member

    Ta11Pau1 – no, can’t connect the laptop with those settings to the BT whole home (or the Tenda mesh) because neither of them seem to work with the router…

    Free Member

    Ta11Pau1 – I’ve set my laptop ethernet connection to the settings in your post and it works fine. On my Mac it also has settings for IPv6 which are set to “automatic” – I didn’t change those because it looks like long strings of gobbledegook.

    Home Whole Premium used to do DHCP but they turned it into Bridge mode in a software update in May – so it should work. But in this case a completely different Tenda set up can’t seem to see the internet either.

    PDW – yes – the BT wholehome has 2 ports. It has to be connected on Port 1 from the router.

    SillySilly – it seems complicated but shouldn’t be. The 5G router requires a separate “indoor” router based on the device manufacturers’ spec sheet. Although the inside router has wifi, it’s not strong enough to reach most of the rooms in the house including my home office – hence using a mesh network for wifi. I previously tried powerline wifi adapters but the wiring in the house was done by cowboys so the speeds were abysmal.

    Thanks everyone for your advice so far!

    Free Member

    OK, a further update from the House of Clueless. I’ve turned off Mac filtering and DHCP on the 5G router and have done a series of tests – changing each variable in turn and hopefully capturing the info requested above.

    I’ve managed to get to the point where DHCP is turned off on the external WAN facing device but is turned on for the internal LAN facing device. I can access the internet using an ethernet cable to the internal device but when I try and connect either of the mesh systems they don’t seem to see the internet connection even though my laptop does.

    Thanks to everyone who has helped so far!

    In case it makes a difference, the laptop I’m using is a Mac.


    5G Router configuration:
     Mac filtering = disabled
     DHCP – enabled

    Network Information on laptop – direct connection to 5G router by ethernet:
     LAN IP Address:
     IP address:
     Subnet:
     Router:
     DNS Server:

    Test result: laptop could connect to the internet


    5G Router configuration:
     Mac filtering = disabled
     DHCP enabled.

    When DHCP is disabled on the 5G router it generates the message “After shutting down the DHCP server, your router will no longer automatically assign IP addresses to network devices. To access the Internet, you must manually enter the IP address on the network device.”

    CPE Pro router: DHCP enabled – laptop connected to CPE router by Wifi

    Network Information on laptop – direct connection to 5G router by ethernet:
     LAN IP Address:
     IP address:
     Subnet:
     Router:
     DNS Server:

    Test result: laptop could connect to the internet


    5G Router configuration:
     Mac filtering = disabled
     DHCP enabled (couldn’t get it to work with DHCP disabled)

    CPE Pro router: DHCP enabled – laptop connected to CPE router by Wifi

    Network Information on laptop – direct connection to 5G router by ethernet:
     LAN IP Address:
     IP address:
     Subnet:
     Router:
     DNS Server:

    Test result: laptop could connect to the internet


    5G Router configuration:
     Mac filtering = disabled
     DHCP enabled (couldn’t get it to work with DHCP disabled)

    CPE Pro router: DHCP enabled – mesh network connected to CPE router by same ethernet cable used for laptop

     No connection possible via DHCP
     Tried to configure using static IP but don’t know what to put for the
    o IP Address – ?
    o Subnet Mask – ?
    o Default Gateway – ?
    o Primary DNS server – ?

    Test result: mesh system could NOT see ip address / connect to internet

    Free Member

    Thanks Pretty Green Parrot and sharkbait!

    I’ll try turning off DHCP on the 5G router and see what happens then. The BT Mesh Wifi doesn’t itself do DHCP so does that mean I still need a proper router in the middle of the 5G router and the Mesh? Rather confusingly the Huawei instructions (limited as they are) refer to the “outdoor router” and the “indoor router” hence setting it up that way to begin with.

    On the 5G router I’ve taken screenshots of the management console. I tried to add the Nova mesh with a dedicated IP address but on the Nova kit it requires me to enter the subnet etc and I literally have no idea how to find that..

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    Free Member

    OK, I’ve done a bit more fiddling and may have narrowed the problem down a bit.

    I’ve tried to connect a different Wifi mesh system (a Tenda MW03) to the 5G Router and the new mesh system doesn’t won’t either – so that’s two mesh systems that don’t work.

    I’ve tested the mesh system with the 5G router set to “normal” mode and “bridge” mode and in both use cases the mesh system doesn’t see the network connection. Again, if I take the cable that’s connected to the mesh system and put it in the ethernet port of my laptop I can access the internet.

    Do I need to turn DHCP off on the 5G router or something else? Completely confused by this but the semi good news is that the 5G router is easily doing 300Mbps downloads and that even before I’ve put it up on the roof…

    Free Member

    Thanks Ta11Pau1 and sillysilly.

    The hardware is as follows:

    5G Huawei CPE Win router – which has (very poor) instructions stating it should be connected to the WAN port of another router.

    (Connected to)

    Huawei CPE Pro router

    (Connected to)

    BT whole home Wi-Fi system

    The Bt kit doesn’t do DHCP but both huawei routers support bridge mode. I’ve tried enabling bridge mode on the 5G router and if I connect my laptop to the CPE pro router by Ethernet it works fine.

    If I take that same Ethernet cable from the CPE pro router and connect it to the BT network the latter doesn’t seem to “see” the internet.

    Which of the routers should be used for creating addresses on the internal network / which one if any should have bridge mode turned on?

    Free Member

    I’ve got both – they are both great lights.

    Free Member

    Isn’t it the case that The Department of Health and NHS supply chain both procured the PPE?

    Ministers don’t sign generally off individual procurements – civil servants have the delegated decision rights to do this.

    So are we all saying that individual Civil Servants and executives in the NHS / agencies were all on the take? Where is that actual evidence?

    Free Member

    The regulations around eBikes seem like a missed opportunity to me.

    As a country we need to achieve a massive modal shift – principally to reduce congestion and improve air quality but also to improve health.

    A substantial modal shift could also have some significant economic benefits by reducing capex requirements for road maintenance and new road / rail /‘underground schemes.

    I’d like to see us really encouraging people to leave their cars at home – so I would:

    – allow a new class of non pedal eBikes that are limited to 15mph
    – allow a new speed pedelec class of eBike but require third party insurance
    – make both classes free of VAT.

    Free Member

    Yep. BT Mobile is just an MVNO running on EE – the latter introduced Wi-Fi calling texts years ago.

    Free Member

    Yes – it works fine. You can even make it your phone in “flight” mode and then then turn on Wi-Fi to restrict it Wi-Fi calling / texts only. This helps quite a bit on battery life.

    Free Member

    I’ve used them loads of time and they’ve always been very reliable – everything has been sent out by DPD.

    Clearly something’s amiss at the moment though so hope it’s just a blip.

    Free Member

    I’ve used the standard BT Whole Home mesh system and the newer “premium” version.

    The older version works extremely well – it’s completely fit-and-forget and didn’t need to be reset or anything like that.

    By contrast the newer “premium” version has been a royal PITA. It has repeatedly stopped working and has required multiple resets to factory settings. BT’a tech support is useless so all in all it’s been one of the worst bit of kit I’ve used in a very long time.

    I’d recommend the original version unreservedly – it’s also fixed Wi-Fi problems in my parents house again on a fit-and-forget basis.

    Free Member

    Italy have now confirmed cases in Bologna last November and cases in Milan and Turin last December – they’ve retested wastewater samples:

    Combined with the Harvard Med School analysis of traffic movements at Wuhan hospitals late summer last year everything is now pointing to a huge cover up by China:

    China waited 6 months to tell the WHO about Covid and many economies (including ours) are now collapsing as a result.

    On the app front – other countries have reportedly had the same issues – australia, singapore and germany most recently:

    Germany ditches centralized approach to app for COVID-19 contacts tracing

    Many governments have struggled with Apple and Google’s refusal to lift some of the background constraints on bluetooth access so the UK NHS is in good company. Norway is considering a change for the same reason.

    Free Member

    Maajid Nawaz (LBC) set out a reasonably coherent explanation for what’s happening on his show today as follows:

    – the New York Times has run two articles on Russia‘s intention to stir up racial conflict in the USA to ensure Trump gets re-elected – the most recent being:

    – Russian and Chinese social media bots have been seeding social discord on both sides of the Atlantic with hundreds of thousands of fake Black Lives Matter social media accounts that have stirred things up in the USA and the U.K. (the latter by focussing on Churchill). Twitter have confirmed this but Facebook have yet to confirm:

    China is stoking racial conflict to avoid scrutiny of Covid and its cover up.

    Lastly, Russia has been stoking up tension by simultaneously pumping Black Lives Matter AND funding the hard right e.g. supporting Tommy Robinson:

    Why was scumbag Tommy in Russia and who was he meeting?

    The Socialist Workers Party (hard left) have been pulling the strings with BLM U.K.

    So we basically have Russia simultaneously fuelling the hard left and hard right in the Uk in order to fan disorder and willingly enabled by social media companies. Likewise China has been helping out to distract the world.

    If this is correct, everyone is being played by China and Russia.

    Free Member

    It’s pretty poor and just virtue signalling – It negates that many crimes will have been prevented and people’s lives possibly saved by other police officers riding the same bikes.

    What’s next – a ban on Ford / GM selling cars to police forces?

    Free Member

    To the OP – I’m connected by a roof mounted 5G/LTE directional antenna and a mobile router.

    The 4g routers can be had for £150 or so but worth trying a couple of network sims to find the best speed / reliability.

    If you’re using a directional antenna you’ll need to know which mast to point it at – masts have different combinations of radio modules but the networks are fairly helpful in telling you which mast is where and what sort of speeds you’ll get.

    Try and keep the cable runs short though – the gain from the antenna is eroded by a long cable run so if possible attach the antenna to a chimney and run the cable under a roof tile into the roof void.

    After some trial and error my experience was:

    Three – not the fastest but pretty reliable
    Vodafone – occasional super fast speeds but more often than not very slow speeds and high packet loss
    EE – always fast downloads (150Mbps to 270Mbps , uploads steady but reliable. I’ve had 2 short (hour or so) outages in about 6 months one of which may have been an automatic firmware update on the router.

    Theee and EE both have a 1Tb fair usage policy (upload and download combined) which is fine for less than £30 a month.

    Free Member

    Because they attract large numbers of votes from people who can engage in debate without resorting to verbal abuse or name calling or spreading lies about people who have a different point of view.

    E.g. I’ve just had this from a mate – completely false news but cheerfully spread by an army of activists who are quite happy to deliberately mislead:

    Nicked this from a friend …….it appears that Cummings’ trip was a BUSINESS trip that also involved his sister who LIVES at the house he ‘allegedly’ isolated his family …..Now for some of the main course…defend this and you are a sucker for a sob-story – spewed by a conman….. nite-nite……

    I think we can all appreciate a father doing what he thinks is best for his son during this pandemic. It’s been a tough time for everyone.

    But, in the case of a top government official making a mercy dash of almost 300 miles during Lockdown ‘rules’… there appears to be some strange coincidences with other events.

    For instance, GlaxoSmithKline, who have been fined millions of pounds in the UK for bribing companies not to make generic copies of their out of patent drugs, so preventing any competition and allowing them to sell their products highly priced to the NHS, operate from a base in the North-East.

    That operating/manufacturing base just happens to be…Bernard Castle in County Durham!

    Dominic Cummings readily admits he took a drive out to Bernard Castle on April 12, because his eyes were feeling a bit odd and wanted to test them.

    Two days later, GlaxoSmithKline signed off an an agreement with the Government to develop and manufacture a Covid-19 vaccine with Sanoffi of France.


    Mr Cummings’ sister Alice is based at the family home where the government aide thought best to isolate himself, wife and child.

    On April 14, Alice Cummings was appointed a Director of Idox plc which shortly afterwards was awarded contracts to supply PPE and other equipment to the National Health.


    Free Member

    The geometry geeks website is quite handy for comparing stack and reach between different makes / sizes:

    Free Member

    I bought a bontrager blendr stem – a little gizmo at the front allows the Garmin to be mounted in front and lights below. A really nice tidy set up.

    Free Member

    His kid is autistic.

    Which puts a rather different slant on the ability to palm off a nipper at short notice to the neighbours.

    Free Member

    Consumer rights act – should last longer than 2 years so curry’s need to repair or refund.

    Free Member

    +1 for the feedback sports stands – beautifully made and all-alloy Rust resistant construction which is ideal if you fold it up and pop it up out of sight in your back garden and then forget about it for 2 months…

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