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  • Fizik Gravita Tensor Flat Shoes – Editors’ Choice Awards 2021
  • CHB
    Full Member

    Sorry, you are over reacting.

    Full Member

    Well done.
    Get a good nights sleep, it will be your last for a year or two!

    All the best.

    Full Member

    I use presta with alu shraeder adapters fitted to every bike I own. Best of both worlds.
    Exactly how ham fisted are some of you lot so "snap" the end off a presta valve? I have had a few valve stems separate from the tube, but you would have to be a determined thicko to snap the screw thread bit.

    Full Member

    Never give up!
    If I see my 1997 Vitamin T2 with Snowflake wheel EVER, then woe betide the rider of it!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Was also gonna post, but thought I would make a cup of tea first:
    Why do today, what you can put off altogether.

    Full Member

    I was gonna post on this earlier, but never got round to it.

    Full Member

    Without reading the avove:
    microwave steriliser
    Lots of wipes
    a lightweight fold up alu buggy (avoid the 3 wheeler heavy ones that are a "system")
    resolve to ignore junior at 3am in the morning when they are just trying it on!

    Full Member

    jeez Ton, thats brave!

    Full Member

    Yes cookeaa, I think you are a little fatalistic there.
    Of course there is a chance you are right, but if you proceed on the "we're doooomed! and everythings futile" train of thought then you start acting like a grumpy EMO.

    Full Member

    How about a set of those 140mm Maguras in the on-one sale?

    Full Member

    hilldodger, molgrips and clubber have summed it up perfectly for me in the above three posts. It's about accepting that we have a transport tech transition to go through. Some people will want to be early adopters, others will wait until there is no other choice. Me, I like to be ahead of the curve so will be keen to get a rechargable electric (or hybrid) when they are available.

    Full Member

    As a genuine question does anyone have any info on the carbon footprint of Lithium ion batteries, and also info on recycling of them?

    Its the recycling thing that intrigues me, as I suspect that (like aluminium and titanium) the engergy to reprocess and OLD cell into a new cell might be much lower than to make one fresh from stuff dug up from the groumd.

    Full Member

    Joolsburger, I think you sum it up pretty well.
    Here and now in 2010, small light economical cars are the best bet for emissions (thats why I drive an Audi A2).
    However as a country we WILL have lots of wind power over the next decade, and using the battery storage of electric cars will be part of that energy solution. My own thought is that even if in the short term the electricity comes from coal or gas then thats the price that has to be paid to generate the market for electric cars.

    Full Member

    beer goggles is best.

    Full Member

    copied from other thread:
    Power stations are significantly more efficient than an internal combustion engines and distribution losses of electricity through the grid is very efficient. In terms of fuel usage electric cars are far more efficient than their fossil fuelled equivalent. Whether that makes them greener is another question as the energy/pollution of manufacture must also be accounted for and that is a much more difficult question to answer.

    Full Member

    Service both my V40 and Audi A2 myself. Nothing mystical about modern cars, infact the onboard computers can make it easier to diagnose faults.

    Full Member

    Duplicate thread, please delete.

    Full Member

    oh hang on…this thread is the original, please post on this and delete the dublicate.

    Full Member

    eh? wheres my posts gone????

    Full Member

    Rob S is right, I think 50% plus cars will still have "fuel" of some type to give instant range, but many people could live full time with a 150mile battery range, that could be filled back up within 4 hours ( not quite there on the tech for that yet, but like LED's its changing fast).

    Full Member

    oh…so in summary. Yes I would have one tomorrow. Someone has to be the early adopter of the tech of the future. This is the next big thing (since the internet, satnav, mobile phones and MP3).

    Full Member

    Not greener in 2010. But once you have all these new wind and tidal generators built then electrio cars for part of an energy ecosystem. With smart energy meters, the cars will become part of the national grid. The cars will sell their battery energy to the grid at peak times (after corrie!) and will charge up overnight while we are all in bed using zero leccy, but the turbines are still producing.

    I am really excited about this!

    Full Member

    v slow here.

    Full Member

    RAC been best for me.

    Full Member

    Went sledging in Roundhay Park at 1530 this afternoon.
    Did one run down from the Mansion to the bottom (thought that the last drop into the cricket pitch was a sheer drop, it isn't).
    We then decided to go down hill 60. There is a set of steps that takes you to the top (overlooking the pavilion), as we climbed, there was a young woman who had sledged off a 4ft drop and landed on the steps.
    She had really hurt her back, so I stayed with her and her mates till the ambulance turned up. Was freezing as I gave her my coat to cover her (couldn't move her as it was a suspected spinal).
    Took 7 people to precariously carry her up the steps to the carpark near the skatepark.
    My family had fun sledging in the meantime though!
    We also found a sweet spot in Templenewsam golf course in the morning to sledge.

    Full Member

    no, buy it.
    What bike is it?

    Full Member

    TooTall, you mean one with a driveway? It's no good, he'd complain that they overhung his driveway by 3mm.

    Full Member

    Grow up. The poor sods need to work.
    They turn up for workk, car park closed…WHAT ELSE ARE THEY GOING TO DO?

    At least they turned up for work in this weather, cut em some slack you miserable gits.

    Full Member

    I have an AMD Phenom II x3 processor in my new build. It flys. £74 well spent.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    At work today, drove from Leeds to Harrogate with little bother.

    Full Member

    Compact with 11-27. Works fine up (and down) Harewood Bank.

    Full Member

    matrix and saving ryan spring to mind.

    Full Member

    4 inches in south Leeds.
    Will get the bike out later!

    Full Member

    Read the above with interest. I need to get my bottom two teeth removed and am waiting for a date from Leeds Dental institute.
    Reckon if I slip em £50 they will give me a Cowell/Hammond teeth job while I am there?

    Full Member

    I have a top of the range Hoya filter on my 18-200VR lens.Cost about £40 on Ebay. I see no reason not to use one. I guess its a bit like a seatbelt, ie only of benefit in an accident!

    Full Member

    [evil mode on] Go on Ton…you know it makes sense //[Evil mode off]

    Full Member

    It's an amazing film. I think time hasn't been kind to the tech in it. It now no longer looks futuristic in so many ways. The whole atmosphere of the film and the sound track is mesmerising. Mind you, I liked Avatar enough to see it twice, so doubt my opinion is valid ;-)

    Full Member

    I want one of these. Anyone selling one? Must have black leather and prefer a manual.

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