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  • Specialized S-Works Vent EVO: dial up connection for £400
  • CHB
    Full Member

    Simple things really these fridges.

    Full Member

    Also some fridge/freezers have two compressors. If you have this then you will have two thermostat controls. Each has its own gas circuit, so its perfectly possible for fridge to be knacked and freezer to be fine (or vice versa).
    If you only have one stat then the fridge uses same circuit as freezer, so both would be knacked together. You can also tell what you have by looking at the back as you can see the compressor (big black lump with lots of pipes).

    Full Member

    Mundie. NO. The stat is a switch. If it sticks off then you hear no noise and your chips defrost and milk goes off.
    If it sticks on then it runs all the time and your milk gets a bit frosty!

    Full Member

    mundie, you can regas. And if the pipe is easy to access to repair then it should be straight forward. Only thing to be aware of is how long has it been like this? If its been leeking for a while, then what happens is that the poor compressor slowly cooks itself over a number of days/weeks as it runs continuously to keep up. Only way to be sure is to regass it and see. My dad used to repair fridges and freezers and I carried his equipment from the age of 6, so I have seen plenty of broken fridges.

    Full Member

    well done!!

    Full Member

    contour looks best to me.

    Full Member

    Sounds like it has lost its gas. Has it been moved recently? This could have knocked a pipe and caused it to leak.

    Full Member

    Merlin every time if they have it in stock.

    Full Member

    oh hang on…you found out who knicked you bike and now need one of those special "Brookside" patios.

    Full Member

    bear pit?
    Watch tower with machine gun installations?

    Full Member

    Ton, will keep a look out at this side of the village.
    Do I have your permission to engage violently anyone seen riding it?

    [of course if you get it back, and then sell it please let me know, could be tres embarresment!]

    Full Member

    oh knackers BR…bad enough to ask. That must make me worse still for answering!

    Full Member

    aldi are great as a top up shop. Better quality than Lidl and Netto.
    They are brill for cheese and cold meats and wine n beer.
    Veg a bit iffy sometimes.
    Their M&S.

    Big Aldi fan.

    Full Member

    Ok Chalkstorm, you win. What I have had done sounds like the full fat version of my treatment.
    I am trying to phase out the co-codamol today as it messes with my head if I take it too long.

    Full Member

    I you had met Ton, you would know that there are few who are as non-insecure (did I get the right amount of double negatives there?) as him.
    In fact assuredness in spadefuls is the man!

    In fact he's like Desparate Dan, but with bikes instead of pies. Dan has a new pie in each weeks episode. Ton has a new… oh hang on.

    Full Member

    Ernie, I wasn't saying you were "stating the bleeding obvious", in fact exactly the opposite. It is far from obvious to me (who tries to watch politics carefully from a reasonably non-partisan position), that Labour have been serious about PR.
    Maybe what makes me a little cynical about Labours recent conversions to being PR evangelists is that Mandelson was saying at just after 2200 on election night that PR was a priority for Labour. Sorry but thats naked, subtle as a brick posturing to sweeten the Lib Dems.

    I can't blame the libdems for being cheesed off at getting so little power for so many votes.

    Having looked into PR, I am increasingly taken by AV or AV+.

    Full Member

    zulu eleven is spot on.
    I think Cameron is to the left of his party and Clegg to the right of his.
    Done carefully I really could see these two working well together and moderating the extremes withing each of their respective parties.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Ernie. If labour wanted PR they had 13 years to do it. They, commisioned a report (no doubt at huge expense to the tax payer) and then Tony ignored it and shelved it. So come on, admit it Labour are only offering PR now as they are panicking.

    Full Member

    Personally I hope that the Con-Lib alliance makes a success of it. It includes both my 1st and 2nd choice parties.
    Given the electoral rejection of labour (Gordon?), it would be political suicide for libdems to prop up labour against the clear electoral will of the people.

    Looking at the latest updates from Cameraon and Clegg, things seem to be getting cosy, and I sincerely hope they can agree a programme of action that can seen them be a progressive government between them.

    If not the other alternative as I see it is for Clegg to say "sorry folks,mwe tried with the Tories, it couldn't work, so for the sake of the country we are going to pair up with labour and their new leader".

    I really hope its the former, and I hope that something like AV+ is introduced so that a quarter of the vote for libdem gets more than 1/8th of the seats.
    Bring back Lembet!

    Full Member

    I don't think its infected, though there is some swelling on the jawline (my ample cheeks are more prominent than usual). Looking at the treatment site, a chunk of gum has gone that nasty grey/green colour.

    Am taking amoxycilin and am now taking less co-codamol (costing me a fortune in prune juice to counteract the codeine).

    Full Member

    Boys at that age are all about proving how macho they are, so that they can impress the "kitted out girls".

    Full Member

    ignore them.
    It's their choice and in some cases "pre-empting" a red light is the safest option.
    Ultimately a bendy bus or transit van driver will be the judge of their cycling skills.

    Full Member

    Not getting it confused with Pasta Romagna are you?

    Full Member

    Ferry portsmouth to Caen is £500, so I think thats out.
    I looked at Santender, but thats ££££££'s

    Trying to do this on a bit a a shoestring.

    So a £60 crossing and an overnight in an Ibis wins over a £500-700 ferry crossing.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the advice so far. Will look into pricing up sailing from Portsmouth. Dover to Dunkirk is only about £60 return. But Portsmouth would save on a hotel cost and also diesel, so may offset that!

    Full Member

    Thanks sturmey, thats the last Dalby tickets I get you ;-)
    Novocaine wearing off now, starting to throb.
    Apparently it's worse than an absess as with an absess all the pain is BEFORE the treatment, and the relief after treatment is immense. To get this tooth out the dentist had to cut the gum open, drill part of the jaw bone away and snap the tooth out bit by bit. All under shed loads of local anaesthetic. Still thought my jaw was going to come off though.

    Full Member

    Ah, the caring compassion of STW. Feeling better already.
    Moving onto the Ibuprofen now. Still spitting out bits of tooth.

    Full Member

    Bruneep, havn't heard of MTFU, is it Highland or Speyside?

    Full Member

    Jermome, did the whisky (Sainsburys Islay 12yr malt, nice) it stings like hell in the cavity, despite the novocaine. It feels like putting TCP on a cut!

    Aracer, I have a box of 30/500 coproxamol left over from a rotator cuff injury 18 months ago. Thats my emergency option.

    Currently my face looks like John Merrick.

    Full Member

    100mm is plenty for most uses, especially on on arse up, head down XC machine. I really would not want to be riding my Ti Rocklobster and diving through 130mm of travel.

    I am going through the same dilemma myself at the moment. I have my brill 80mm SID equiped Ti Rock lobster. I also have an unused Flame etched Ti 456 frame in my cupboard. I have yet to build up the 456 due to funds and other priorities, but I am curious as to whether it will ever replace my rock lobster.

    Full Member

    JAMer29 ordinary tea that comes in teabags is black tea.
    Green tea is entirely different taste and should never be taken with milk.
    White tea is very rare, and expensive. It is also very subtle in flavour.
    Milk is not classed as a solution as most of the constituents (casein and fat) are not disolved, merely suspended.

    Full Member

    johnners is right. With teabags you must add milk after if making in a cup. The tea will not infuse properly otherwise. JAM29er you are talking crap, milk is a water based colloidal suspension, so mixes with other water based systems just fine.

    Full Member

    I love the film. Saw it twice at Bradford IMAX. An absolutely amazing experience. However, I wont be buying the DVD or Blueray as I know that even on a 42" LCD the film just wont compare to the total experience of 3D Imax.

    Full Member

    very very nice

    Full Member

    Kick the **** thing. I love dogs, but you can tell very easily if they are going to be agressive. If they are then you have to do whatever is needed to defend yourself. Most dogs are just excited though and want to play, for those dogs I just encourage them to chase/follow me, must to the consternation of the idiot owner.

    Full Member

    So having read the above, who should I vote for?

    Full Member

    acetone is nasty stuff, as kevonkona says it's in an entirely different league to IPA. Think of it as like the difference between vinegar and hydrochloric acid.

    Full Member

    I think the stats this site uses are dodgy. I think that Where I live is considerably more marginal than the site reckons. Rothwell and Elmet.

    Full Member

    The Planet X ones are brill. Made by cat-eye. I bought the last of them (200+) though to give out free to staff at work who walk/cycle.

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