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  • Cane Creek Kitsuma Coil shock review
  • CHB
    Full Member

    OR get any estate and chuck a blanket over your bike to hide it in public?

    Full Member

    100k on a diesel is fine, I have an xc90 diesel and bought it with 100k on the clock.
    I also have a V40 petrol with 170,000 miles on it, but it has had regular oil changes with fully synthetic oil.
    If serviced well I think age is the biggest problem, anything over 6-7 years old can have significant corrosion on brake pipes, body and suspension and exhaust. Have a good check underneath for leaks and corrosion.
    I tend to buy cars that are 4-6 years old with 50-100k on them, still have another decade left in them at that point if cared for!

    Full Member

    I have “killed” two Asus motherboards and an OCZ SSD in the past year…caused me no end of headaches as all three were semi-intermittent death and it took months for me to realise there was more than one component failing!
    I now have a Gigabyte GA-990XA-UD3 and a phenom x6 CPU. Flippin brilliant build. Though I think that the sandybridge you are after is a smidge faster.
    So for me…corsair for memory and PSU and Gigabyte for motherboard.
    OCZ and Asus are off my list for now. MSI are good, I have had several of their boards over the years.
    (Disclaimer, you will find any combination of dont buy brand XYZ on the internet so make up your own predujices!).

    Full Member

    Now wrong with royal mail.
    Use some bubble wrap or foam bits to avoid jolts.
    They post hard drives, they are more sensitive!

    Full Member

    Prefer the tinned tuna from Aldi or lidl in sunflower or olive oil.

    Full Member

    Fish n chips! In a bus shelter!
    You were lucky.
    We had to share a tramps cardboard box and content ourselves with the burnt bits the chippy threw out at closing time.

    Full Member

    The worst place for this is Xscape Ski centre in castleford.
    The first 50 metres of parking is blue badge only. Its always empty.
    I can’t help but think that the demographic of skiing blue badge users must be smaller than they thought when planning the car park.

    Full Member

    Offensive stuff is said in real life, offensive stuff is said on forums. Don’t let idiots dictate the forums you inhabit. There is a real mixed group on STW (this is why its so good, its also sometimes a problem), ignore the bits you don’t like and enjoy the bits you do like.

    Full Member

    Ted Baker or Hawes and Curtis.

    Full Member

    I’d leave out the Yorkshire puds

    Blasphemer…burn him!

    On a pracical note, this year we are doing Xmas dinner from Aldi. Their turkey crown, roasties in goose fat and other sunday roast stuff is amazingly good quality. Makes life much easier and is every bit as good as most homemade stuff (certainly as good as I can do from scratch). Only thing I really make properly is the gravy.

    Full Member

    Can you fix cars? That sciroco will need some serious tlc to keep it on the road.

    Full Member

    ipod touch. There simply is nothing better for £150.
    At home with wifi the stuff you can do on this device is amazing. My daughter is 10 an loves her 1st generation ipod touch.

    Full Member

    Bridle ways are covered in horse muck and hoof ruts near me.
    A bike makes no more mess than a walker (probably less).
    I always give way to pedestrians and horses when I am on the bike. Smile, take care and ride where the urge takes you.

    Full Member

    We got a new wb this feb. The danfoss wireless stat is ace!

    Full Member

    well done.

    Full Member

    Strikeback finale will have to wait till tomorrow.
    Really didn’t think spooks would end like that.
    Second the DNR status. The formula and style of spooks was cutting edge in 2002, now we need a new series with a new name.
    Spooks aged well, but any 9 year old series will look dated in time.

    Full Member

    Only thing on TV that I never miss. Shame the last series is not so good, but tonight has fast jets n radar so it must be good!

    Full Member

    You drove 45 mins to pick up a £30 obsolete light…are you mental?
    I have one of these lights too, and they are not that good. Well they are OK, but theres better thats half the weight and size.

    Full Member

    same as coffeeking. Face goes tighter than Anne Robinsons scowl if I dont moisturise after washing.

    Full Member

    Using Gail Hayman at the moment at it was on offer on direct cosmetics!
    I get very dry skin after a shave, but am generally active on the sebaceous front.
    Have to use something every day.

    Full Member

    Payment in Yorkshire Tea and Fat Rascals?

    Full Member

    We just bought a 32″ samsung last week.
    It was £450 from John Lewis (can be had for £420 elswhere).
    It has the SMART TV function and iPlayer and Youtube both work well.
    Picture quality is great, and the on screen menus are good too. Remote layout is not the best, but OK.
    The ones with the REALLY skinny frames have built in wifi and 3D.

    Full Member

    Anyone in Yorkshire need “secure off site storage” of their music collection? 😉

    Full Member

    nay. my two kids use mine constantly and the screen is great.

    Full Member

    me…two hours to go.

    Full Member

    Some lovely onese to choose from here:

    I have a C9 GMT.

    Full Member

    kumho are good.

    Full Member

    ….and definately not a bag for life.

    Full Member

    Yes, I would happily throw her into the ocean to be consumed by invertebrates. Bony runt would probably sink though.

    Full Member

    Oh thats OK then, mine are always thrown away with Labrador poo in the bottom, so they would be the right way up, and probably sink.
    Just googled, there are orange jellyfish! None look like a JS carrierbag.

    On a more sensible note, can anyone quantify the effect on UK carrierbags entering the oceans of the world? Let alone killing Turtles? Compared with the brutal fishing methods employed accross the world I suspect the effect is minimal, but am happy to see evidence if someone has it.

    The other thing to consider with all plastics is the effect of micronised plastics in the foodchain.

    Still compared with the vast amounts of fuel and other plastic crud we use I stand by the point that carrierbags are just a sop to calm middleclass guilt.

    Full Member

    Do you get orange jellyfish with writing on?

    Full Member

    Zokes, thanks for your affectionate and reasoned reply.
    You are right I didn’t include the energy to make the bag.
    I do know enough about polyethylene production and extruded PE films to know that the energy input needed to make the bag is less than the amount of material in the bag. But lets assume its the same. So now you can drive your car 200m for the energy impact of a carrier bag.

    As for the turtles, well I shop at Sainsburys, and frankly if the little ninja feckers can’t see a bright orange JS bag then I suggest Darwin is at work.

    Full Member

    mtfu 😀

    Full Member

    scratch, I agree that any stuff litteing the outdoors is an eyesore, however I don’t think that litter is what is driving this Welsh policy.
    If it was litter then how about 3p on a canned drink, and 10p on a pizza box and 20p on a styrofoam takaway box. Oh and 2p on every piece of candy packaging. That would cover most of what I see littering the streets of Leeds. Don’t see many carrier bags.

    I am all for saving the planet and cutting litter, but carrier bags is NOT where to start, the only thing it reduces is middle class guilt.

    Full Member

    I do reuse carrier bags. What I am saying is that in the grand scheme of things its a complete waste of time to worry about using a few carrier bags while we continue to use vast amounts of the same stuff moving large heavy metal boxes (which I am very guilty of doing).

    Full Member

    The welsh thing is complete greenwash.
    Ask yourself this. How much does a carrier bag weigh? Well my nice JS Orange ones come in at 5g on my scales. So I would need approx 200 to weigh a kilo.
    Now we all know that carrier bags are made from the same stuff as petrol, oil…lovely sticky black stuff.

    Now petrol has a specific gravity of approx .74 so a kilo of fuel will get you 1.35 litres.
    Assuming you have an average car, lets say 40mpg, then that 1.35 litres is going to get you 12.1miles or 19.4km if you are under 30 years old.

    So remember that that 1.35litres of fuel could have made 200 carrier bags. Thats 200 carrier bags for every 19.4km you drive.

    To put it another way you car uses the equivalent of one carrierbag for every 100m you drive the **** thing!

    Charging for carrier bags is greenwash at its worst. Until we stop sucking up huge amounts of stored dinosaur juice and wasting it on stuff then we really are wasting our time.

    Give me free carrier bags, and let me drive a little less as a result

    [and breath]

    Full Member

    I have a D80 and was hankering after the D700. When it came out I thought that it would signal the end of DX sensors. However the performance of the D7000, especially in low light means that this is now the camera I would buy.
    The d700 and D90 are getting long in the tooth now in camera years. Nikon are also a long way behind Canon in the video standards that can be achieved.
    I think my next camera will be a DX based replacement for either the D90 or D7000. If Nikon continue to make impressive progress on low light performance and if they can match Canon on video then my custom is assured.

    Full Member

    I stick to eneloops. fantastic batteries. The panasonic ones are good too. I had some orange and silver vapex ones that died after less than a year in our cordless phones.

    Full Member

    Bunch of sectarian nutters. Let em march and let the rest of us point and gesticulate.

    Full Member

    Lots of good reasons for folk asking for a buy it now price.
    As for couriers, I listed a tag along bike as collect only, but if someone really wanted it then I would be happy to wrap it up if they paid for the courier. No harm in asking, at least they are interested in your item.

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