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  • Hope Tech 4 V4 disc brake review
  • CHB
    Full Member

    Used one (from Aldi). Not too impressed on grease to be honest.
    Tried it on a chain and cassette, and with thick congealed lube (ie finishline wet after a few weeks of use) it struggles to clean the chain and cogs. Instead I go for the other approach of using WD40 to thin the gunk down and then wipe clean.

    Despite not being good for bikes, the Aldi ones are brilliant for jewelery. Brings up rings and earings etc a treat. Use white vinegar, warm water and washing up liquid.

    Not sure how good industrial ultrasonic cleaners are.

    Full Member

    Every country has its nutters. Have we never had such things happen in our own country?

    Full Member

    Thats an amazing collection!
    Do you have pics of the enclosures? just trying to imagine a bank of glass wall with killers in every crevice!

    Full Member

    poor troll.
    Compositepro knows too much stuff about carbon fibre to be daft enought not to know that road bikes are alread on 29er rims (700cc).

    Full Member

    Minimum wage was about the best thing labour did.
    Tax credits are useful, but if excessive can prop up poor paying companies. Very handy though for those on very modest incomes with kids to look after. Having generous tax credits for low paid families with school kids is a good thing.

    Full Member

    And you are close to Leeds for a proper night out!

    Full Member

    How what? Forcing poo can contribute to causing divericulosis.
    Drinking lots of water and allowing gradual peristalsis to take its course will reduce this chance.

    Full Member

    Drink lots of water.
    Chew your food properly (like yer nan would say!).
    Find which foods mess with you.
    I find lots of chicken bungs me up, and baked beans send my insides mental.
    Fruit and fibre cerial is the best I have found for being regular.
    If you are really bunged up then stop eating and just drink lots of water.
    Don’t force it. Google diverticulosis for reasons why.

    May the force be (not) with you.


    Full Member

    Spent my first spring like day under my car.
    You can see the sunshine glinting though!

    Full Member

    I bet if you ask USE nicely they will do a cheap replacement.
    They are nearly as good as Hope in that regard, and for that reason I buy their products.
    (I had a 2003 USE Alien Ti snap, the improved USE replacement is fine, they swapped mine for free as it was only 2 years old).

    Full Member

    Well a freepost envelope from me is winging its way to STW towers.
    Been on here for ages, but never subscribed.

    Full Member

    Ebay is much better for cars.


    Full Member

    me too!

    “I’ll make massive overtly biased insults to all gingers”

    But I guess IMMOBITAG is a word…go figure!

    Anyone else pondered an acronym before clicking the link?

    [PS I love gingers really, even scotch ones, I mean how can you not love them if you have seen Dr Who recently.]

    Full Member

    The top man from greggs summed this up best…pay levels at top top levels are b0llock$.
    I blame the footballers.

    Full Member

    Surprised this thread has not spun out of control yet.

    [Edit, it has! CFH to the rescue]

    Full Member

    mr plow: trolling or ignorant?
    Standard practice for a police car to attend if potential injuries. 999 dispatcher will have also sent ambulance a routine, the risk of internal injuries or concusion is there and they wont take the risk.

    Full Member

    START-> Control Panel -> System and Security.

    Should see it there as an option.

    Full Member

    Key thing is to come accross as a serious buyer, ie someone who WILL be spending money in the next few days or weeks.
    Personallly I avoid the use of the term “best price” as this then sets the seller up as any further discount makes their “best price” a false term. I use “how much were you realistically expecting” etc.

    Also don’t be afraid to walk away and leave it a few days. They will often call you.

    A mix of logic and emotion is the best way, but don’t be insincere, dealers are well used to dealing with this and if you make it too obvious then they will go into defensive mode.

    Full Member

    Not convinced it needs doing. Every Ti frame i have owned has had a very precicely made machined BB. Why would I even dream of facing something that was precision CNC machined in the first place?
    Cleaning the BB threads is worth it though. My 456Ti had very dirty threads and needed them cleaned to get the bb shells to screw in cleanly.

    Full Member

    £2 a tooth. £1 if its had a filling. Thats Yorkshire rates.

    Full Member

    Whatever your wife decides to do, support her. And if it doesn’t work, still support her.

    This +1

    Full Member

    Samsung or Sony for that price.
    We got a Samsung (with Smart TV internet for iPlayer) from the Sheffield branch last november.

    Full Member

    Enjoy and good luck!

    Full Member

    Drove my 4×4 volvo to work in Harrogate and had a cappucino for breakfast.

    Full Member

    Sounds fair to me.

    Full Member

    Sorry to drag this thread up again. Just got a mailer from Charles Tyrwhitt…shirts £19.95 each.
    Are they good value and good quality?
    Normally get Ted Baker in the sale for £25-£30 each.

    Anyone recommend the Tyrwhitt ones, and which shirts? How is the cut etc?

    Full Member

    Confused now… why £100?
    If driver making £50 then I get that the cost is £25 per passenger, but wheres the other £75? (Some will be actual cost of petrol).

    The tolls I would say should be split 3 ways INCLUDING driver.

    For a thing like this I would expect the driver to walk away with a notional net cash amount to cover some of the things above (tyres, service general wear and tear etc) £50 for 600-700km sounds about fair, but from your last post I am not sure if they made more than £50 per driver…if it was £50 per passenger then thats a lot!

    Still you had a cracking jolly for not much money so MTFU and stop whinging. 😉

    Full Member

    Get a grip…So with four a car the driver is getting paid £50 plus petrol. So thats costing you £16!!! so thats £16 (plus lodgings) for a Jolly with some work mates. Stop whinging.
    As said above the driver will have extra costs (wear on tyres…Set of 4 tyres can easily be £500. If they do 20,000 miles then thats £25 wear per 500 miles. Service your car every 10,000 miles? Well a service is £ thats another £15 per 500 miles) and thats just the certainties of cost.

    This is a works function and is entirely different to an MTB jolly. If its MTB jolly then equal share of petrol (inc driver) and a pint you you are lucky. I normally work on the maxim of “well I am going there anyway so mates are a bonus”.

    MTFU and pay up. Onto important stuff…was the course good? (I am jealous and would love to have done it!).

    Full Member

    I am really going to have to ration this to maybe 3 or 4 times per year, but not for the first time in recent weeks…I agree with TJ.

    I am reading an interesting book at the moment called cradle to cradle and in there (almost as a throw away section) it talks about the role of state and the role of the market.
    Basically it says when the state tries to be involved in the market, it **** up. But when the market tries to regulate itself (see media, ratailers, banks etc etc) then they **** up.

    So the solution is a free market with a suitable (heavy or light as applicable) regulation from a state with no vested interests.

    This model fits with me for one that works.

    The supermarkets are predators and need regulating.
    BT is crap and needs to be left to market forces.
    Medical care is crucial and needs to be done right…erm not sure what to do here…but as it is it tests the above model, but at the same time allowing doctors to control it clearly is against the separation of market and control.

    Full Member

    To the OP…you live “down south” don’t you?

    Full Member

    Surely this post will have anyone of a rightwing/conservative disposition agreeing with the assessment of Asian countries? This is the opposite of xenophobia.
    Bad troll by OP.

    I do however take exception to the implied assumption that those on the right of politics are racist/xenophobic and those on the left not.
    The two are completley separate (ignoring nut job groups like EDL).

    Full Member

    Never thought I would hear CF say that about ernie.
    [he is right though].

    Full Member

    BBC is ace. As said above..try ANY other country for size and then compare.

    Full Member

    To get high quality personal space invasion you really need to leave the united kingdom. Best (worst?) we have experienced is check in at Columbo air port Sri Lanka. We flew back to blighty after easter when all the maids that work for a pittance in doha were trying to check in. The creative que jumping and invasion of personal space was almost artistically bad (good?).
    Thankfully my MIL is mates with airport head of security and had us erm..prioritised.

    Full Member

    As an A2 owner I am delighted with the A1. Its the first time a new car has been released that has given me no motivation at all to “upgrade” from my older model.
    New A2 out next year though…

    Full Member

    Can’t figure out why the stick won’t move…..

    Full Member

    loverly around here at the moment. just the right amount of bickering and actual advice and debate.

    Full Member

    Wheres John Connor?

    Full Member

    Very amateur attempt at a gut there. Deffo more pies needed.
    Unless he is scotch and 13, in which case he needs more buckfast and bridies to let him grow up into a man.

    Full Member

    Sounds a good scheme.

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