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  • Issue 147: Last Word: Feel The Love
  • CHB
    Full Member

    brilliant….the first photo just says it all!

    Full Member

    Am sure BRANT will be along to advise once he gets the google powered internet batman call every time his name is typed….. BRANT .



    (great frames by the way)

    Full Member

    If they are the same geometry then its probably because one is sized to be used with drop bars and the other with a shorter stem and mtb style bars…this has a big effect on the top tube length you need.

    Full Member

    Other than the weather, its a good day to be British.

    Full Member

    These are good wallets:

    Had one for a couple of years with minimal wear.

    Mines a WA15

    Full Member

    just saved you from letting it go for a mere 495.

    Full Member

    We have birds of prey near where I live, and pigeons in our garden regularly.
    Once every year or so you see the remains of a pigeon in our garden…normally just a circle of grey feathers. Hawk food!
    So now I just see bird seed as feeding rare birds of prey by proxy.

    Full Member

    The card you have is probably optimised for 2D work (ie CAD).
    Most applications and windows tests focus on 3D work as this is what gamers want (texture shading, lighting, anti-aliasing etc).

    So if the card functions OK for you then just ignore the windows score as an anomoly.

    Full Member

    Looking at this the interface is PCI- Express:

    This is the most common current interface.
    Questions to ask are will the case fit a full height graphics card, or a just a slim one like the picture in the link.

    Next question is do you need passive cooling (ie no fan noise?) Most graphics cards have a fan on and are optimised for 3D power.

    For your purposes the card should not be taxed too much.

    There are two main brands of processor: NVIDIA and AMD (was ATI).
    Focus on the chip code and memory, and you will see that rival brands (Saphire, XFX etc) sell essentially the same graphics card but with their twist on it. I tend to buy AMD cards, but there is no reason beyond loyalty for this.

    Lastly, what interfaces do you want for the monitors? DVI, VGA, HDMI?

    Different cards have different ports.

    There are some great cards out there for £40-50.
    I tend to buy ones in the £90-£140 bracket, but then thats because the kids use them for gaming.

    Full Member

    Yes Kashmir is open sat lunchtime, been there regularly.

    Full Member

    For curry has to be Kashmir up the side of the Alhmbra. Eat downstairs and take your own drink in if you can’t wait.

    Full Member

    Juat watch Alien (ie the first) and Aliens. That should cover you to see Prometheus. Excited about this film!

    Full Member

    Yeah, should have been clearer! I never spray wd40 anywhere near bearings. But for chains, chainrings and jockey wheels its an ideal cleaner and I would rather put a solvent on like WD40 that evaporates to a residue than a degreaser.

    Full Member

    For a quick clean. Douse chain in WD40 to loosen everthing up. Use lots of kitchen roll to wipe the chain clean and remove all the gunk and WD40. The WD40 gets into the links and drives out most of the grit.
    I then apply a proper lube and leave. The WD40 evporates before the next ride.

    Full Member

    Crashtest, I assume you think these statement contradict each other?
    Let me explain why they don’t. Degreasers are normally surfactants that attack and encapsulate the grease in bipolar molecules. WD40 on the otherhand is chemically just a very thin oil that dilutes the grease making it thinner.

    Full Member

    The Aldi small ones are great for jewlery, but poor for bike bits.
    I think on and ons idea of leccy toothbrush and washing up liquid is best.
    Personally I have stopped using degreaser on my bike. If I want to disolve grease I attack it with WD40 and vast quantities of kitchen roll. This waters down the grease to make it removable, but then evaporates if left. With degreasers I always have a concern that if you don’t get rid of every last bit of it then you have something remaining that is very unhelpful to the new lube/grease.

    Full Member

    I have the same brakes, with the same hub.
    The set up was done by Merlin cycles, who I trust when it comes to mechanical stuff.
    I mine are the otherway round to the OP’s:

    Sorry about the lack of colour clash.

    Full Member

    bigyin, unlikely to be virgin if they are living together.

    Full Member

    kayak, yes i know its wierd. I have heard a few sick folk are even football enthusiasts and buy ovrsize tops with the names of famous players on to wear while they stand in pubs shouting at a plasma screen. Nowt so queer as folk.

    Full Member

    freeagent, are you a fridge engineer? because ads-b doesnt believe in them


    Full Member

    indeed it is a fair sum, cars are expensive.
    I also use bosch silver from Costco. The one for my volvo was 98 quid, but they last at least half a decade.

    Would much rather spend the 60 quid in waitrose. ;-£

    Full Member

    TheBrick…against the cost of running a car 60 quid for a battery every 5 to 8 years is nowt.
    Car batterys are a classic area where the maxim buy cheap buy twice applies.

    I understand that TJ could recommend a cheaper form of transport.


    Full Member

    sorry for poor spelling and punctuation….ipads are ace, but not for typing.

    Full Member

    yes, either the compressor is not moving the fluid, or the fluid has gone on holiday!
    The older refreidgerants were ace, the one my dad used turned to phosgenegas if it went anywhere near a naked flame.
    This was 20 years ago, I think he caused the ozon hole.

    Full Member

    The pipes that are ambient should be warm/hot.
    Basically the compressor pumps liquid refridgerent through small diameter pipes to the inside of the fridge. As the fluid enters the fridge the pipes are wider diameter and so the liquid turns to gas. This phase transition is what cools the inside of the fridge (its like if you ever spill alcohol on your hand…it cools as it evaporates).
    The gas is pushed round the system and the compressor re-liquifies the gas causing it to get fairly hot.
    the thing that looks like a car radiator in your pic is to cool down the liquid refridgerent before it has another go at evaporating.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Full Member

    Yes 60 for a cheap one.

    Full Member

    yunki, you missed off the wink face.
    My dad used to go to several fridges and freezers each month that died because they had been laid on side or back and then plugged straight in afterwards.
    The comprssor contains oil, if you lay it on its side or even worse invert it then you need 24h before plugging in to allow the oil to drain back, otherwise you pump it where it should not go!

    Full Member

    When you say cool…do youmean cold or ambient?

    Likely causes are knackered compressor or loss of gas. Has unit been recently moved or clumsily defrosted with sharp impliments?

    Full Member

    battery is knackered. It is not the fault of the garage. Shell out on a decent bosch or varta if you plan to keep the car.

    Full Member

    The fact that modern computer CPU’s have over a billion transistors on a thing the size of a stamp.
    I am always amazed at the fantastic levels of stupidity us humans can exhibit, particularly on masse.

    Full Member

    Hope the bike is found.

    Full Member

    I think poor whsmith dont know what hit em! I have four Lamy pens on order with them, and from a search of forums it appears that every pen enthusiast in the Uk has deluged them with Lamy 2000 orders!
    The Lamy studio is an absolute steal for £20. Both mrs hb and myself have one as our everyday pens and constantly get comments on how nice they look. Yestererday I used mine to get an autograph from Ade Edmondson….hero!

    Full Member

    lamy 2000 or lamy studio.
    The studio is my use everywhere pen, its perfect.
    Both are on crazy offer at whsmith at the moment.

    Full Member

    TooTall – Member
    Where do you live? Find your local roaster.

    Local roaster is exactly 37 metres from my desk. Very fresh lovely coffee.

    Full Member

    Hi All….still trying without joy to get my hands on a Pi. Anyone able to help?

    Full Member

    Only read the first page, but this sucks and would put me off from EVER buying a litespeed frame.
    A lifetime warranty for the life of the original owner should be just that.
    Manufacturing defects fall into more categories than shoddy welding, poor material selection that affects the long term durability or work-hardening properties of the item that may take years to occur are part of the overall durability and quality of the item, and therefore fitness for purpose.

    I would make it my personal mission to drive away every single Litespeed customer I could until this warranty was resolved in a satisfactory manner. Slippery marketing speak has no place in warranty terms.

    Full Member

    £500 is not excessive. I would say spend on the best speakers you can afford and ones you love. If you get the ones that you adore then they will stay with you for decades. My b&ws are 20 and 10 y ears respectively and get used every day ( mainly for mw3 sadly).

    Full Member

    I have a Lynksey Planet X ti sportive frame. Its a thing of beauty and will never be sold (or ridden given the last months track record!)

    Full Member

    I thought ALL spiders were poisonous? Just to varying degrees.

    There was an old woman who swallowed a bird,
    How absurd! to swallow a bird,
    She swallowed the bird to catch the spider,
    That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her,
    She swallowed the spider to catch the fly,
    I don’t know why she swallowed the fly,
    Perhaps she’ll die.

    Full Member

    Ah sorry..,never had a car without a proper handbrake.

    Seems a common fault if you google.

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