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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Chase
    Free Member

    Just as long as neither of you own up to Coldplays new single. It’s as if they haven’t even tried.

    Hope to be there next year (not judging the looky likey event). :lol:

    Free Member

    Rich. Not sure, but I can only imagine it is a result of a computer programme . It causes a lot of hassle though, and I would imagine some items get ‘lost’ as a result of not been found and subsequently returned to sender as ‘not collected’.

    Free Member

    If CRC are reading this, another major flaw is the way they address the packages, especially with regard to the names. They put the surname first and then the first name. Most posties are wise to this, but it causes huge problems when customers collect items as the callers offices sometimes get the packages filed under the wrong name. Imagine a package for ‘Richards Michael’. Is it a cock up adding an ‘s’ to Richards or is his name actually Michael Richards.
    I know in our callers office, a lot of parcels that customers come to collect can’t be found immediately because of CRCs naming system.

    Free Member

    Used to use mine on more techy trails. I haven’t used the chinbar for a long time though. I must admit it did feel like it would offer better protection if I was sliding along on the side of my face, but was never really sure about a frontal impact.

    Oh, and I tended to spit into the chinbar when I hadn’t used it for a while ‘cos i’d forgotten i’d put it back on :lol:

    Free Member

    I tried using a compass to get the bearing correct. The trouble was, every time I placed the compass anywhere near the dish, the needle went off line. Clearly the dish was creating it’s own magnetic field. Time to buy a meter from Argos I think.

    Free Member

    Hubs not running very free? Otherwise it should be running like a hamster in a wheel.

    Free Member

    The bank holidays seem to have affected some stuff. I delivered last weeks and this weeks issues of some magazines this morning.

    Free Member

    Just had a call from my CC provider as it may have been compromised. Card stopped, new one issued. Haven’t used CRC since November last year.
    It might not be CRC that is the problem – could be any manner of other transactions, but interesting nevertheless having missed the previous thread about it.

    Free Member

    The time I think More clearly, The time I drift away,
    Is on the bus-ride that meanders up these valleys of green and grey,
    I get to think what might have been and what may yet come true,
    and I get to pass the rainy mile thinking of you,
    and all the while, all the while, I still hear that call,
    to the land of gold and poison that beckons to us all.

    Can’t believe I was beaten to it 8)

    I’ve got a bike, you can ride it if you like.
    It’s got a basket, a bell that rings and things to make it look good.
    I’d give it to you if I could but I borrowed it.

    Bike – Pink Floyd 1967

    Like a pig pulling a cartload of sausages, i’m drawing my own conclusions. (Julian Cope)

    Darling, show me a place where the paint is made that colours the world, where the light is created that makes shine the splendour of the dawn, the lines and shapes of all form, the sound that fills the orbit. Show me the thought that illuminates the darkness of the void.
    (Julian Cope – Jellypop Perky Jean)

    Free Member

    Seat down and lid down when i’m done, and i’m the only one in out our house who does. The kids are useless (50/50 on them even flushing it), and the Mrs never puts the lid down either. I just think it looks more approachable with the lid down too.

    Free Member

    If you’re looking for accomodation forget the two Bingley pubs I mentioned. I thought you just fancied a pint.

    Free Member

    The Fishermans in Bingley (Wagon Lane) is alright and is literally on the canalside. The Brown Cow is good too (2 minute detour away from canal). Cross the footbridge over the trunk road by the Damart chimney/3 rise locks, cross the road and pass the Old White Horse, bridge over the River Aire and you’re there.

    Free Member

    Just under 32lb (only because that’s what mine is)

    30lb would be better, and do-able if I changed to air from coil up front, but coil just feels so much nicer.

    Free Member

    Having first owned a Summer Season I switched all the parts to an Mmmbop about 2 months ago. The only thing I can add is that my Pikes always felt like they underperformed. I never rated them at all, but switching them to the Mmmbop has made a huge difference to the same forks. I can only presume that the slightly different (seat tube) geometry is getting more out of the fork.

    Free Member

    I thought Ragleys (headtube and BB) were already faced?

    Free Member

    Here is my GT Fueler. It’s a 1996 model I think. Back when it was new…..


    ….and now….


    Saw a lot of use over the years. Not so much now, but still gets a spin occasionally. There’s no point getting rid of it as my son will get it eventually, although at 30lb it’s a heavy bugger for a 10 year old.

    It’s probably not ‘down with the kids’ either. The saddle is too high and it has a brake.

    Here it is been put to good use. This kind of stuff is beyond me now….


    And ignoring the skinny jeans, one can only aspire to ever riding like this…

    Free Member

    I often find that all the little things that start to bug me are a result of one larger issue – the kids not listening/doing as they are asked and neglect by the Mrs (even though most of the time there isn’t really a problem). There are times when I feel I might as well be invisible. My problem is I just find myself doing the same back to them by keeping my distance which results in a never ending circle. It’s hard to let someone close to you know how you feel (at that particular time) and that that’s wrong with you, but getting it off your chest does help. Talking is a good thing even though it can be hard.
    You need to ask yourself honestly if there is anything that is causing you to feel the way you do. You are certainly not alone.

    Free Member

    Damn it – could’ve saved £32 on the weekends spend :(

    Free Member

    Ah, no axels – 20mm set up.

    Free Member

    Call me naive, but how do you get the first one out with a socket? I removed mine for the first time the other day and had to prise one side out with a large screwdriver – only then could I knock the other one out from the inside (which obviously you can’t do until one bearing is removed :? )

    Free Member

    Trailbuilding at Stainburn – we managed about three hours before calling it a day. Nine mud lovers in total today which was pretty good considering the conditions.

    Free Member

    There was an old episode of top gear where they tested two (same) cars against each other, each with same amount of fuel – one with the windows down, the other using the A/C – trouble is I can’t remember which came out on top, but obviously at m/way speeds the A/C is the comfortable option.

    Not really valid to the O/P but there you go :-)

    Free Member

    Cleaning and regreasing the bearings on my XT All Mountain wheelset. What joy :?

    Free Member

    Both will do 8)

    Scout Walker was what the toy was called.

    Free Member

    all terrain armoured transport ot tank forget which
    tie is easy will let it go
    ewoks shudders all terrain search /scout something
    Please dont make me confess to being DM for a role playing Star wars game when I was a student

    Yeah, transport for the first one.
    TIE – do you think it’s an easy one? I would’ve said that is the hardest, but i’ll leave it to go for a bit longer.
    And the last, hardly any different from the first – all terrain scout transport – what was another nickname for it?

    Free Member

    Go on then…..

    What do these abreviations stand for?

    ‘AT AT’

    ‘TIE’ Fighter

    ‘AT ST’

    Free Member

    that is quite a good one chase

    Here it is in all its glory 8)



    Free Member

    So there you go, volunteers tirelessly working to improve the riding experience for MTBers

    Yeah, and we’ll be there on sunday again making your life a whole lot better.
    Come along, see what we do, how it all works. New faces are always welcome. We’re not easy to miss – we’re the silly sods not riding :lol:

    Free Member

    It doesn’t flow very well

    He, he, that old chestnut :roll:

    We had some stickers made a couple of years ago to address that problem…

    They read…..

    ‘If you want flow go sit in a river’


    Free Member

    It’s easily a mornings or afternoons riding.
    Go with an open mind, especially on the Boulder Trail. If you don’t get it all at first don’t worry. Session sections. You might go away from your first visit a bit disapointed if you don’t ride it all. Return another day – it will make you a better rider.
    Warm up on the Red Loop first.
    Don’t miss the natural stuff through the gate over the road from the car park in Norwood. Not signed but you should find the trails.

    The vids above are really good examples of what to expect. The top vid is clearly noted as the Boulder Trail. The bottom vid highlights the Red Loop and Norwood (and i’m in the beige shorts in that one :wink: )

    Free Member

    Is that the original “gunship” as in Rambo 3 style??

    The one and the same.

    Free Member

    Apparently the Apache was developed in response to this beast…..

    The MI-24 Hind

    Free Member

    oh and helooooooooo ‘Brant’ : im still intrigued ’bout the name ‘Troof’, c,mon- spill the beans where did you pick that name out of?

    I reckon it’s the Grange Hill way of saying ‘truth’ :?:

    Free Member

    No problems here. Ordered tyres on two occasions. Always quick to arrive (within two days at the most)

    Free Member

    this is one I did at stainburn. It’s compressed a bit weird but you get the idea

    ….and there I am :)

    Free Member

    Found it in another chassis instructions – thanks for taking the time to help guys. Time to build them and get oil everywhere :D

    And Cougar – yes it is the car you linked to.

    Free Member

    Cougar. Cheers. Found that earlier. I have the original instructions anyway. It’s a new kit that I have aquired that has never been built. In it were the hop up shocks and bearings. Sadly the instructions for the oil filled damped shocks aren’t there.

    I may have to take the advice from Iamsporticus and look through some different instructions on the off chance that some have the hop up instrucions included.

    It’s all very new to me is this. I got hold of a one of those Subarus that some silly sod probably spent loads on as a weekly part works and the bug has bitten. It’s poor quality but good to practice with before I let this Tamiya kit loose.

    Free Member

    Sadly nothing. There is a half page with the hop up options but nothing further.
    It’s a Nissan 350Z Race Car.

    Thanks anyway 8)

    Free Member

    Biggest problem is if you want somewhere for just a saturday night. A couple of years ago I tried and nowhere would take a single night booking – they all wanted friday or sunday too.

    Free Member

    Trailbuilding at Stainburn as a member of SingletrAction. Also get involved in a bit of backroom stuff like liasing with Ragley this year with our 'Dig For Pig' trailbuilding incentive –

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