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  • Canyon’s End Of Season Sale Starts… Now! Up To 30% Off
  • charlierevell
    Free Member

    Sorry I missed it Mr Knott!
    Was the same weekend as the Tour of Britain Charity ride…
    Managed 45th out of 800 tho, so was worth the effort!

    Will try and make the next one!

    Free Member

    He's slept for half an hour so far by the blog, and is just in for an hours kip at the moment! Impressive stuff!
    Shame i'll be in crete for his return leg when he'll really need the support!

    Free Member

    He's doing fantastically well! I missed him in Taunton yesterday as I was out on the bike and didnt realise he was that close already. (Was supposed to be in bridgwater for 5 ish and was there well early!)

    I rode part of the Exmoor Beast with him last year, he's pretty quick!
    44 hours one way is impressive, but to turn around and ride home?

    Free Member

    Why did I not see any of you lot yesterday?
    (Ok i saw dibbs for about 30 seconds)

    Free Member

    Im not won over by todays route…. I preferred last year by quite a lot.
    I should have taken a road/CX bike for the amount of time we spent on the black stuff!
    However I did enjoy that last fireroad climb, probably because I actually felt quite strong there.

    Managed a fall within the first 4 miles tho as soon as we went off road

    Have also written of my Whyte frame, it now has a second dent but this one goes thru the tubing! Arse!

    Free Member

    I wondered where the hell you had gone, waited ages to say hello.

    You sir… Are an official IDIOT!

    Im confiscating your Garmin as your not worthy!

    Free Member

    Pretty much 5 miles bang on! Tried my first solo 12 hour event, also decided to break out the singlespeed! Interesting is all I can say, was so cut up and bumpy I could hardly hold on for my last few laps! Full sus boys were flying round and you can see why!
    Stil… 15 laps and 5th place on my first atempt isn't to be sniffed at.
    Managed a 60 mile charity road ride today as well!!

    Attitude on course was much better than last year, a few people could have done with a slap tho!!

    Oh and does anyone know who the event photographer were this year???

    Free Member

    Fair answer!

    Free Member

    Wouldnt that have been rather a lot of doubling up? W2 and Whites shame most of the same route?

    Free Member

    Pushed back till mid July! Called zyro today!!

    Free Member

    I did…. but thats a very long story probably not for the forum as I used to work for them!
    Generally disposal of the bikes would be far too much work (and a major concern of those who were setting it up!)

    Legally you cant pay more incase you leave as they dont have to offer you the bike. Its there to look after you.. the employee.
    However if you want to go over Im sure many bike shops will 'help' you!

    Free Member

    They were banned in the rules last year… had to have 26" wheels.

    Free Member

    I'll update all the facebook followers once I get to my laptop this evening.

    Free Member

    Little bugger has been found!!
    He's safe and ok!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    Getting a bit miffed at this guys!
    We're looking for a mate who's gone missing…. Whatever his issues I dont really care, if he wants my help or opinions once we've found him thats fine, if he doesnt ask ill keep them to myself. Im sure he knows what he's done.
    Secondly why are the news kicking off at the Police about this Dog search? The police did all they could and have to exhaust all options before putting someone down as missing. Whereas the dog can be reported immediately because it just buggered off and didnt have any other agenda!

    If they released the report straight away and we found him 2hours later out on his bike they'd have looked rather silly!! (And the news would be full of missing people who'd actually just popped to the shops!)

    They have also checked any transactions, they were doing that when I got there on sunday. They've dealt with it pretty well. I'd just like to know he was 100% ok!

    Free Member

    Looked like his tent was in his car but can never be too sure!

    Free Member

    Buzz, his car wasnt vandalised… the police put the window in.

    Free Member

    Ha… Bagpuss we're using the humour to keep high spirits! We all decided he was watching us yesterday wondering what all the fuss was about! Wouldnt put it passed him…

    If it wasnt his weekend for the kids and his phone rang out i'd have no concerns, i'd assume he was just out and about. But as he didnt pick up the little uns and his phone is off its very unlike him.

    Free Member

    Coast path walk

    Excellent! Well the above link is where he could well be walking no one would put it past him trying the whole thing. At the moment it seems a starting point.
    His mum is still waiting for him in the carpark where his car was left.

    Free Member

    Houns… tell her to head up the coast path, if the winds in the right direction he'll sniff her out in seconds!

    Free Member

    Facebook Search Appeal!

    The above is a facebook group, feel free to join, add friends and whatever else (Photos etc…. )

    Lets hope it just wakes him up and makes him realise we're looking for him!!!!

    Free Member

    That means its unlikely he returned. Im off up there now and will post any news as and when.

    Free Member

    Bump Bump for the morning views! IF anyone is out and about please keep an keen eye for him.

    Free Member

    It'd be bloody good going to get from his car at 3pm yesterday to exmoor. We heard a bit about the porlock walk too but knowing he's been seen so recently makes it unlikely. We've also got all the exmoor search team on the quantocks. Not many left over there!! Just hope he's local enough to be found or that he returns to his mums camper later this evening!!

    Free Member

    They've taken his car coz there's no window left!
    The chopper will be back up later to see if theres a better heat signature coming from anywhere.
    We've had some leads on him being seen over the last few days and I've just spent a bit of time with his mum who is now waiting in the car park to see if he comes back.
    Pretty sure he is out deer spotting and none the wiser!
    Not sure what happens if he doesnt show up tonight tho…. could do with some people to ask about if they are riding locally tomorrow. Kind of anyone seen this man stuff as we did it earlier and the second people we asked gave us info.

    We'll know more in the morning, but for now im off for a well earned pint. nearly 9 hours we've been out there, Cam has been there since 3.30am!!!!

    Sharki… wherever you are…. you owe us a fry up!!!!

    Free Member

    Maroon Honda accord from last visit! Im going to head towards his and look for his car then get up on the hills.

    If you hear anything please post here, I'll be able to check this up there.

    Free Member

    I want to know if he's taken his car or bike as that really would give us a starting point…

    Free Member

    Thats the issue jacko, he could be anywhere! He knows that place 10 times better than most regulars!

    Have the police been informed? Any info etc?

    Free Member

    Just messaged you Jambo… obviously your no clearer than we are.
    Heard from Paul but not much info at the moment.

    Can we try and find out if his car is about, and wether he has his bike with him? Would give a better Idea of where he could have gone.

    EDIT: Jambo, think he was supposed to have the kids this weekend, he'd never normally miss that?

    Free Member

    Mmmm Im on a week off and really should get up there before it rains Arrgh! Anyone else got the week off?
    Fin's with Rose bikes now so It was Lazyboy and a Whyte chap who came down for the demo.
    Watching MTB Dvds is bad for me…. Neeeed to ride!

    Free Member

    Was it the microsoft challenge and Deadwomans?
    Was nice to get the new bike out even tho it does have wobbly Specialized bearings!

    Free Member

    you also have to pay another £20 on top of already owning the maps you want to use!!

    Free Member

    New forks now its totally been taken over and Pace are outa there!

    However if cost is in discussion, how the hell can they charge circa £500 for a MTB Rim??????
    Thats craaaazy bucks!

    Free Member

    The one I saw had a cack connection and only worked when waggled!
    You'd think the rep would check his samples worked first wouldnt you!!!

    Free Member

    Battered Mars Bar, Twix, Snickers, Cream Egg etc etc….
    Burger King? Heinz Sausage and bean cheese melt pasty?

    Free Member

    Another vote for the above!
    Michy Pro Race 3… can even get it in a colour you like.
    By far my fav tyre and has lasted 3000miles so far, and its taken some really poor weather (and riding!!!)
    Otherwise Panaracer Evo3 or Schwable somethings…

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with Mez album! Cousin co wrote a lot of it so I got to play table football with Massive Attack in the studio, at the age of 13ish It was quite cool. Met them a few more times at some gigs and stuff too which was cool.
    Oh… and its an amazing, Iconic album. Songs have been used on sooo much!

    Free Member

    Move it all to an external drive manually (not in Itunes) also move the itunes library file. When you click itunes on the desktop hold shift and it'll ask you which library to load. Point it to the one you moved over to an external drive and you wont notice any difference. Nor will the Ipod!

    Free Member

    Topeak Tri bag (do one with a waterproof cover too!) sits on top tube behind stem. I tend to put bars, gels, jelly babies up my shorts (not for pleasure!) and then its easy to get to them when needed.

    Free Member

    Saw them back in May last year for my Birthday, wasnt to sure when the rents told me they had tickets and it was on my birthday but thought, if he talks like he does in bottom ill just be laughing anyway.

    Thought they were amazing to be honest, really good take on music and deffinately a must see if your into music and some slightly alternative stuff!
    Should be playing Glasto this year…. i'd give them a go if I were you!

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