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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • CharlieMungus
    Free Member

    I have only raised an moral and ethical question to the forum for debate.

    By viewing it as morally or ethically questionable, you have already outed yourself

    Free Member

    we also seem to be classing our biological origin and the notion of mother and father as similarly irrelevant. It’s not; it’s all we have, it’s who we are and you only have to talk to people who were adopted to see that many of them struggle with the notion that they were given up or wonder who their ‘real’ i.e. their biological parents are/were. That search for identity is hard wired into us and the parental instinct to nurture and care for our own off spring, is kind of important evolutionarily speaking

    Is this all just made up? Do you actually go around talking to adopted people about this? Seems a strange thing to do? Do you have the same discussions with people who are not adopted? And all that stuff about ‘hard wiring’ what do you actually mean?

    Free Member

    The Golliwog doll is a simple tool/image to depict a colour of a doll, it’s the underlying attitudes and base level roll play put into the doll whilst playing with it that determines whether you perceive it racist or racism.

    Not so neutral as that. The doll is a caricature and echoes some pretty unpleasant other caricatures

    Free Member

    The Golliwog doll is a simple tool/image to depict a colour of a doll, it’s the underlying attitudes and base level roll play put into the doll whilst playing with it that determines whether you perceive it racist or racism.

    Not so neutral as that. The doll is a caricature and echoes some pretty unpleasant other caricatures

    Free Member

    Reckon just about everyone here thinks it’s racist. Some argument about the details. Best close the thread here otherwise we will end up with the usual STW fight in an empty room

    Free Member

    The Signal and the Noise
    and most things by Mark Kurlansky

    Free Member

    Got the missus some tulips.

    Hoping for the same in return?

    Free Member

    A golliwog to me is just a doll. They bear no resemblance to persons living or dead.

    That’s just me though. If people don’t like them then fair enough; I haven’t lost anything.

    Born in the seventies, FWIW

    Who do you think might see it as rude or offensive? Why might that be!

    Free Member

    What on earth could be wrong with the term wog? It’s pc gone mad, what next?

    Free Member

    Barbara Speake’s? Did she meet Phil Collins’s mum?

    And randomly, did she ever have anything to do with dollhouses?

    Free Member

    all ears. Any ideas on environment friendly packaging for protecting breakables in transit?

    Paper or paper blankets

    Free Member

    Readings went up and down during the day/night end result was I have nothing to be concerned about.

    does that mean your BP is not 144/90? What did it go up and down to?

    Free Member

    Bubble wrap? Get with the times Daddio. Think of the planet!

    Free Member

    Being a full Member, you have to have freedom of movement. Anyone from the EU can come here, as we can go anywhere in the EU.

    The irony is that during the period 2004 to about 2011, Britain had a much more open policy for migrants from A8 countries, that’s ‘eastern europeans’ Who have ‘taken or jobs and undercut our businesses’ personally, I’m quite happy with that migration. However, Britain and Sweden were the only two countries which allowed unrestricted movement from those countries. The rest of the EU had restrictions in place for 7 years. So… If your thinking is that you want Britain to make decisions independent of the rest of the EU and you object to ‘unrestricted immigration’, then you might just have some internal conflict

    Free Member

    If you want your views and are preaching free speech etc then you have to accept all views

    are you saying that the OP should just have to tolerate the tirade directed at him?

    Free Member

    Stroud for the Maths, Castro for the signal processing

    Free Member

    I like the paper folding on its self.

    Yes, that’s the secret to Millefeuille

    Free Member

    Get yourself to a decent Chinese supermarket. Some very good knives for about a tenner. Sharpen up quickly and hold the edge. Perhaps not as.long as the expensive Japanese ones, but much better as a daily use knife

    Free Member

    Pretty much right except pi x 2inches isn’t a foot

    Free Member

    I’m not sure I understand that, of course it is, it’s an inch. Was that a typo, do you mean “difference”?

    I mean the distance between the two ends of the string

    Free Member

    and 12 is really convenient for counting on one hand

    Free Member

    how do you post a pic?

    Free Member

    I’m just clarifying the inaccuracy of some of the comments being quoted

    I didn’t see that, it seems no clearer

    Free Member

    Not a benefit that leaves someone without money though.

    No, you’re right. Everyone has enough to live on and it’s always there when they need it.

    Everything is fine

    Free Member

    Fit what?

    a benefit one waits 8 weeks for

    Free Member

    You might want to do some more research CM

    PIP seems to fit

    Free Member

    FF, you strike me as a decent chap, but what on earth does that statement mean? Plus, what benefit makes you wait 8 weeks?

    second guess…Disability related benefits? DLA? PIP?

    Free Member

    No, it went from 6 to 5 But.. some takes longer and 8 is not so out of scale.

    and 5 is not really a socially supportive and nurturing wait period, is it?

    Free Member

    FF, you strike me a decent chap, but what on earth does that statement mean? Plus, what benefit makes you wait 8 weeks?

    Universal credit

    Free Member

    Pay tax

    Free Member

    What Vice??
    really? I mean, get a grip!

    Free Member

    St Mungos & the rest of the wonderful organisations that offer help.

    It’s very kind of you to notice my good work

    Free Member

    How about we sack off giving money away in foreign aid & help our homeless, (the ones who aren’t intentionally so)

    Why not do both?

    Often people who raise this, do neither

    Lots of organisations offer assistance.

    Thy do and many charities, quite apart from the fact that as a state we expect charities to care for our unfortunate, for some, what is offered is not appropriate. I understand that there are enough hostel beds, but actually hostels can be quite violent places. Many of the permanently homeless have a number co-issues, victims of abuse, mental and physical health issues and so can not survive in hostels. What they need, is a home of their own, just as a starting point.

    The model we tend to run here is to try to habilitate the homeless, until they can hold down a job and get a place to live. We should start at the other end, find them a home, from there, they can rebuild their lives.

    Free Member


    You bastards!

    Free Member

    Red-blooded male


    Free Member

    but she looks different to Sarah Jessica Parker

    Like when she was in Flight of the Navigator?

    Free Member

    I do wonder why we have a number if these arguments, race, sex, gender, etc. Where we have groups of folks who just don’t ‘get it’, on both sides. The seems to be no common frame of reference which allows folks to talk about the same thing. So arguments are orthogonal and we get nowhere.

    Free Member

    No! You’re an argumentative singularity!

    Free Member

    Oh! Nice thanks

    Free Member

    Essentialising, it might be essentialising

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