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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • charlielightamatch
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    This is Coming Soon


    Free Member

    Sarawak – I don’t mind spending a bit of money to get a head start on the hedge as compared to a crappy fence it’ll look a lot better and last a lot longer! My neighbour is chipping in 50% for the bit that seperates our front gardens which is really nice of him so we can afford to buy some established plants.
    I might do the clippings idea for the rest of the hedge that I need though as it isn’t as important that we get a quick hedge elsewhere – we want the hedge between the houses quicker as it’ll get rid of a line of sight from our lounge to the pavement which passers by always stare through and watch us in the lounge!!

    Free Member

    I really feel sorry for you, we used to rent and had a couple of nice places before we were able to buy when the banks last offered 100% mortgages (a while ago!).
    I’ve looked at rentals recently and I am now aware of how blessed we are as a lot of the rentals look overpriced or grotty or both. We must pay half in mortgage what it would be to rent our house. I have younger friends that rent, one couple who just got married and one is still studying are living in a really nasty place with damp and the sad thing is that they aren’t the only couple I know living in the same conditions. At least when I was younger you could get a nice clean warm place for a decent price per month. Landlords just don’t seem to care about them.

    Free Member

    I’ve realised once I checked my other hedge I actually need privet instead of box hedging which is pretty handy as it’s cheaper and doesn’t suffer from blight.

    Free Member

    Cut mine today, was very satisfying and weird to smell the fresh cut grass so early in the year.
    I hate how scruffy gardens can look in the winter so was glad to be able to make it look a little tidier so early.

    Free Member

    I used to own a top of the range Alto (now called Nilfisk!) when I worked in the shop, bought it for a pittance and binned it because the hose wore away and you couldn’t get spares for them back then – wish I’d kept it as the same quality one now would be £500+.

    Free Member

    Hope your Bosch is ok, we had loads of trouble with the Bosch ones and stopped stocking them as they all came back faulty but I was pretty sure a few years ago they were being made by a 3rd party and labelled up as Bosch as the quality wasn’t nearly as good as other Bosch kit. That was a fair few years ago now so they are probably very different now.

    Free Member

    I’d like to know how you drain a K4..

    Basically tip and tilt it around until no more comes out. Best you can do really

    Free Member

    I drive a lot for work and I’m starting to hate going out even in the car with all these crazy drivers everywhere. Why? I think it’s becuade I always keep to the speed limit and am courteous to other drivers etc – a lot of drivers seem to go apoplectic that I dare to keep to 30mph.
    It’s bad driving with these people around, I can see why some people are too scared (I’m thinking beginners) to ride on the road.
    Due to injury I’ve not ridden a bike for a while and I’m not mad keen on getting back on the roads at all.

    Free Member

    It’s the whole “investing in the company” thing that I don’t get. If you are a customer you pay for a frame and it should be sent to you in a reasonable time frame. Investing in a company is a very different thing and should involve contracts or shares (don’t know exactly but it ain’t buying a product!).

    Free Member

    Couple of tips to make them last longer. Never run one without water in it – runs water through a machine until all the air pockets have gone before you switch it on then turn the power off at the end THEN turn the water off.
    Some machines use water as a lubricant and cooling so if you run them even for a second or two without it it can damage the machine.
    Always drain the water out of the machine and hose after use.
    Always use the machine upright during use.
    Don’t have the high pressure hose against anything (eg around a wall corner) as they vibrate slightly in use and wear through the hose quickly.
    Store inside somewhere where it won’t freeze.
    Don’t drop the hose gun on the floor, it’s a common point of failure that the gun splits (any make) – just be careful.
    If it’s a cheaper machine try not to use it continuously for a long time eg when you are doing a driveway. Have a break every few minutes to let it cool down a little.

    I’ve sold thousands of these things and had hundreds returned, it’s rare that in in the first few years that it’s a manufacturing fault that stops them working, 99% it’s users that destroy them because they treat them like the jetwashes at their local garage.

    Free Member

    Does anyone else find this site canes the battery on their mobile? Other sites are fine, but on here I lose like 5% charge per minute, and the phone gets hot! iPhone SE. Just me?

    Same here. My local newspaper website which is an ad infested click bait ridden nightmare loads faster than STW too.

    Free Member

    Yeah Drac we all know that :yawn: but I don’t see anyone sorting out the sorts of problem NealGlover has had so how do you expect anyone to listen to you?

    Free Member

    is best as gators are crepuscular.

    Bet you wouldn’t say that to their face, would you?? 😂😂

    Free Member

    Aaaaah the small print, the favourite of all sketchy sales techniques.

    Not that anyone would have scrolled down to the very bottom of the email but why would they? Wasn’t printed 1 only on the website itself.

    Letting the order go through and changing the quantity without notice but taking the money anyway then ignoring requests to cancel is a lovely technique, must remember that one.

    It’s like Trotters Independant Trading at PX.

    Free Member

    I’d get in there ASAP with a PayPal claim or card chargeback while they still have some money – if they haven’t blown it on tattoos and bling bike parts. 😂

    Free Member

    If that’s not black and white enough, GFYS.

    Oooooh get you!!

    It’s not that you must “hate on” something, it’s that you waited months for a t shirt and somehow you think you have done them a favour!! Don’t you see how bonkers that is?

    If you really don’t I despair. If they can’t even deliver such a simple product (literally made in minutes either yourself or sending off an order to a t-shirt printers) then what chance do they have of making a £2k+ frame properly and actually delivering it? Turns out very little chance but people who fell for the brand got sucked in.

    Free Member

    however they were v patient with me,

    Errrr what now? They were patient with you??

    Waiting months for a t-shirt??

    I ordered a shirt for someone’s birthday from a popular auto shirt place, they refunded me the whole thing when it was a few days late without me asking them to.

    The reason why they are getting away with this scam (which it is increasingly looking like) is because of people like you!!

    Making t-shirts is a business people do as little kids and do it better than Sick!

    Free Member

    With any washer you always need to drain the water from them and leave them somewhere dry and preferably someplace they don’t freeze. I used to sell them and was given a few tips from a Karcher rep on how to make them last longer. I had a budget (£60) Karcher one last 13 years using their advice.

    BTW my new Karcher K4 has a 3 year guarantee, does yours?

    Free Member

    I’ve said this before but it’s worth repeating – if you are the sort of person who worries about rates rising a 2.5% fixed for 10 years removes all the worry! Yes of course you’ll pay a bit more back but it’s so low it’s daft.
    It wasn’t long ago that general rates were well above 2.5% and people would have stampeded to get that sort of rate even on a short term deal.

    Free Member

    One day, long after he’s gone to the big bike shop in the sky and probably long forgotten, someone will make a bike exactly like Geoff Apps Cleland and everyone will realise it’s the best off road bike ever.
    I’ve ridden Apps own bike and it shouldn’t make sense but it does. The mudguards on it do immediately make a lot of sense though.

    Free Member

    It’s probably one of those things that starts well but they spend the money coming in and get to a point where they get problems and can’t dig themselves out but still keep spending the money hoping that something will happen which saves them.

    Free Member

    Aaaah I see they blocked me as I asked them why they were taking so long delivering frames a while back. I can still access their account from my other Instagram account.

    Free Member

    Still up:

    Says User Not Found To me.

    Free Member

    Has their Instagram account been shut down?

    Free Member

    Looking back at the issues they’ve had from very early on it seems like it’s a one big Ponzi scam. Advertise, makm just enough frames to sell loads of orders and keep hanging on until they get found out.

    Free Member

    Sounds like flywheel issue unless there’s something small amiss which has the same symptoms.

    Free Member

    free pass from the wife

    Are you in a prison and this is day release or something?

    Free Member

    Barry Sheerman, my local MP, is a useless cretin who is only looking after one person, himself. He doesn’t care about the town he is supposed to represent, he does nothing to improve it but he knows he will keep getting in cos it’s a Labour safe seat. I’ve personally met other candidates from other parties for his seat and all of them would do the job better given the chance.
    Also I know for a fact he tried to bypass the security procedures at an election counting station, thought the rules didn’t apply to him and said to the security “don’t you know how I am?”
    No one in his area likes him.

    Free Member

    KennyP +1
    Most politicians are very hard working and do a lot for their communities. But most politicians are never nocticdd, it’s just a select few. And most people won’t ever need to contact their MP so will only know about them through the press (if there is any) or biased opinions of others.

    Free Member

    I went for Hive as I spoke to friends who had Nest and they said the learning function doesn’t really work that well.
    At the time I got it I also preferred the other items that could be connected to Hive and I got a free pack of bulbs and sockets when signing up with British Gas.
    They don’t seem to want to integrate Hive with Apple HomeKit but I think it connects with one of those popular (but in my eyes really stupid) smart speaker things.
    I’ve got a few of the Hive bulbs and sockets which are useful as you can dim the lights remotely and the sockets are great for inaccessible areas (I have my seperates system connected to one and you can’t reach the wall socket easily without it).
    You can make actions up and link devices so I have connected the lounge lights together and they all switch on with one macro and have another which turns everything off including the heating when we go to bed.
    I’ve got a couple of the proximity sensors but haven’t used them yet.
    I’ve noticed they do a GU10 bulb now so I’m going to install some outside lights and use them instead of a light timer or sensor, just have them coming on when it gets dark which you can set up I think.
    Batteries in the controller of the thermostat seem to last a long time as you tend to use your phone most of the time to control it. If your internet goes down then you can still turn the boiler on with a manual switch, same with the bulbs and sockets.

    Free Member

    EDIT not worth it your minds are closed anyway.

    Free Member

    Even if they have a council licence they will still need one from the EA too. A few people new to the business don’t know this (and some who aren’t new don’t care) and get into trouble.

    Free Member

    The EA waste carriers ONLY allows movement from one place to another, it does not authorise storage in ANY way, including if the van picked something up one day, parked in garage overnight then took it to another site the next day. It must travel from the originating site to the destination site only.

    Free Member

    environmental department of the council rather than the planners? There are stringent rules for scrapyards now to protect against land contamination.

    It’s the Environment Agency that deals with that, not the council.
    To move/store/sort scrap you’d need a scrap metal dealers licence from the Council, a Waste Carriers Registration from the EA and an appropriate Environmental Permit (or exemption) from the EA which is the hardest to get, would cost £thousands to apply for and if a new Permit you’d probably need to employ the services of a consultant if you weren’t familiar with the process.
    You’d also need a certain standard of infrastructure (defined in the Permit) to be able to handle and treat the waste with as little risk to the Environment as possible.
    If he’s wanted to pick up and store scrap cars he would almost certainly need an ELV Permit.

    Free Member

    I plan to use it for some garden landscaping. There’s nothing noxious in it.

    How do you know? Had it tested? Even if it isn’t “noxious” it’s still waste and moving it is subject to the law.

    Do you have a waste carriers registration, do you have the correct permit or exemption at the site you took it to?

    If you don’t have the last two you’ve committed a criminal offence.

    Free Member

    The real enemy is an unwillingness of people to engage, to learn, to be challenged

    ….. to read the article properly before getting on their high horse?


    Free Member

    I’m assuming you have the correct authorisation to tip all that rubble on your land then?

    Free Member

    the heft of a Brompton can be a bit of a faff.

    Totally agree. I borrowed a friends Brompton which had cost him £1.2k and was amazed at how much it weighs. I know it’s a classic design but how they think they can get away with the frame being made of mains gas pipe amazes me.

    Free Member

    If only Kaesae was still with us. 😞😔

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