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  • A Timely Reminder To Take Concussion Seriously
  • cfinnimore
    Free Member

    A statue gets erected here every morning in honour of Mrs.C’s hotness.

    Alternatively, Buddah.

    Free Member

    I prefer purple haze so I can kiss the sky…
    As I go out the front door.

    Good shout.

    Anyone got a good, gnarly Spotify playlist?

    Free Member

    Scrambled Eggs * 3
    Toasted wholemeal bagel * 1
    Pint of fresh, pulpy OJ.
    Cup of TrailMix, Natural Yoghurt, Honey & blueberries.

    Then go riding until lunch…

    Then more riding ’til dinner…

    Free Member

    Done,and I showed it to Mrs. C and she went…


    Free Member

    Mole grips, good shout.

    Thanks peoples.

    Free Member

    Sack that, won’t make it.

    Drivechain’s all crusty from the clay in the Dell.

    Next time.

    Free Member

    Can someone bring a pump?

    Free Member

    Hello all, I grew up in Fort Bill and have this beautiful face because I spent most of that time with tights on my head.

    In the adolescence, never saw anyone getting nibbled when they were doused in Lynx.

    I still wear tights on my head.

    Free Member


    I’ve fallen in the canal, nearly killed a swan, done a wee in the garden and received charity from American tourists feeding me Haribo like a performing seal.

    That was a bad day.

    Carbs are now my greatest ally.

    Prevention is better than the cure, keep the bonk at bay before it consumes you.
    That swan was pissed right off.

    Free Member

    Deity Decoy.

    I like to break things, the only thing that’s broken is my right shin.

    Free Member

    I only have experience in Edinburgh, and Fort William.

    When I’m in Edinburgh “owning the road” doesn’t quite cover it…IME it’s a pre-requisite to cycle like a man possessed, middle of road full aggressive position “get-out-of-the-cycle-lane-and-advance-boxes-d*head-” kind of attitude.

    In Fort Bill, there’s no-one there. Do what you like. But pavement it at round-a-bouts.

    Free Member

    If you’re a nice single person, or have someone willing to share a double with, my lovely Mum can put you up. Fort Bill’s the hometown, i’m in Edinburgh.

    There would definitely be breakfast & an electric blanket. I’ll have to check if she wants paid or not.

    Anyway, contact in profile.

    Free Member

    Since I ride in my Cat boots, Trespass Merino ones work well.

    But the Mrs works there, so it’s all half price.

    Not helpful at all.


    Free Member

    Another shout for Edinburghs facilities, particularly Carlton Hill down to London Rd. via whatever the long steps. Ooh and actually, Castle Hill to the gardens orArthur’s Seat to the pond is good for summer-dawn-pre-tourist shenanigans.
    I think it counts as urban cause it’s in the middle of the city innit. All the Closes & Wynds off the Royal Mile to the Cowgate are also excellent but must be done pre-tourists-time. I don’t expect miracles but stop photographing my fail.

    Free Member

    Because after a short while, once you have outgrown every pair of jeans you own, your legs can produce acceleration speeds beyond the dreams of poor gears.
    Spectacular uptake in pace. Beard included.

    Free Member

    Park Tools melt in my hands. Haven’t tried Halfords but Pedros are the choice for me.. Lifetime warranty yet to be tested. Plus with all the Stanley stuff too my toolbox is bumblebee pimp.

    Free Member

    Park Tools melt in my hands. Haven’t tried Halfords but Pedros are the choice for me.. Lifetime warranty yet to be tested. Plus with all the Stanley stuff too my toolbox is bumblebee pimp.

    Free Member

    Eyes peeled, thief catching legs ready.

    Free Member

    Bumped for the nighttime crowd.

    Free Member

    Aside from Kudos100 being a chicken with a willy, this is a lovely thread…

    Faffing is as follows:
    The amount I intend to spend getting stuff together is relative to how much I really, really want to get out the door.

    Eg: OMG that video was awesome, I have to ride NOW! Whenever this happens, I get all huffy and fumbly and awful at everything.
    Huffy and fumbly is also every day pre-commute.

    See the characters in “SH** Mountain Bikers Say” video struggling with their drivechain for an example of such huffiness.

    Free Member


    Sorry bud, my bad. Uninformed conclusion based on hearsay it was.

    Angry Me shall-read-then-post-in-future.

    *Post Redacted*

    Free Member

    Usual commute home- Picardy place, bridges, chamber street, Heriots, Tollcross, canal.

    Joined up with two guys I didn’t know, didn’t speak but took the space we needed together (lined up in red bike sections etc) all indicating correctly and efficiently. To hell with the bus lanes, centre of the middle lane.

    If the pack mentality is what it takes, then fine. The “squeezed into parked cars” event is all to prevalent.

    I’m fed up; Selfish as it may seem, a show of force from us all together some day soon might give the drivers (and the council) something to seriously discuss.

    Free Member

    2nd killed this year and on the 1st of March a truck driver knocked a cyclist off & into A & E “without noticing”.
    Everytime I’m on the roads I find myself becoming more & more aggressive to ensure I have adequate space to survive, which will not end well. Twice this week been forced to pull over in genuine fear of injury, I am not a meek fellow; it has consistently been worsening IMO despite apparent “efforts” to rectify the problem.
    I doubt Edinburgh’s alone but

    Free Member

    Another sad day on the roads.

    My thoughts are with his family & friends.

    Free Member

    Thankyou Sir, there’ll be an email on it’s way once dinner is consumed.

    I’ll be in TBC tomorrow buying shiny bits, i’ll see what the chat is.

    Free Member

    Because despite Edinburgh City Council granting permission to desecrate a UNESCO world heritage site for no logical reason, the city remains beautiful beyond words on its best days.

    And I can ride Calton Hill, Arthurs Seat, Castle Hill & the Water Of Leith on my lunch.


    Free Member

    Push up the Pentlands, wait for the Sunrise and pin it down.

    That’s my commute on clear days.

    Free Member

    There should be one of these in every city.

    Alas, I am not the man to sort out the Edinburgh one.

    What a smashing idea.

    Free Member

    24/12 today, 24/14 tomorrow.
    And legs.
    That is all.

    Free Member

    This may have been missed by many but is tuly remarkable

    Free Member

    No, but it’s about time we do as at the grand old age of 25, I’m starting the journey to a career in the big ol’ bike industry.

    Training, experience, learning, teaching. A long way to go.

    I need to work with bikes outside for the rest of my life and so far there has been nothing but support & enthusiasm from all sectors. Inspired & full of hope.

    Free Member

    I was C Finnimore, not Chris Finnimore, or Christopher Finnimore & I adamantly refused to “confirm my identity”.

    To “confirm my identity” they wanted my telephone number, another email address and a digital version of government issued I.D. Which, of course, they would approve and treat with absolute confidentiality. Of course.

    Seething didn’t come close . So, let me know.

    Free Member

    TJ inspires again…

    Community award!

    Free Member

    Just go singlespeed.

    If anyone has electric thighs on offer, let me know.

    (least contributory post today).

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Facebook threw me off so I won’t be returning.

    My bucket & spade & man-power are ready to go though, i’ll keep myself updated through here & pestering people who are allowed on Facetook.

    Free Member

    I was on my forum holiday last week, my bad.

    Free Member


    I didn’t mean for me, I like talking. There’s too much being said and not enough being done to keep customers in physical retail.

    I’m paid for the pleasure of experiencing the decline 40hrs a week. We have had much feedback that shows people would rather just not bother talking to an actual person. The web assistance is innovative & hopefully many others follow suit.

    Free Member

    If it’s there, it’s mine.

    Multi-Billion dollar corporations have the power to regulate, but it’s more financially viable to sanction & prosecute the end user.

    Common theft to me is nicking out the shop that has employed a security guard to stop you.

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