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  • cfinnimore
    Free Member

    Bloody brilliant ride. Bridleway/Canal madness in the midden, wind to my back, lights on “incinerate”, Metallica on “!!!”.

    Just taken stuff out the washing machine… it’s drier than when it went in.

    Oooh, it’s like Christmas Eve… here’s hoping for some snow next. Narf.

    Free Member

    I have no standard to compare my ability to, other than the average proficiency of a punky adolescent in the final summer after school.

    I took theMapex kit to Uni halls…didn’t end well. Sold it on ebay and got washed-out for a weekend on the profits.

    Miss it.

    Just want a couple sessions alone in a studio to figure out where i’m at in my own head, then maybe get lessons.

    Or not.

    Something to do in winter likes.

    Free Member

    Just in from the commute. Did more manuals and bunnyhops avoiding fallen/broken/flooded bits than I would’ve on a weekend up t’woods.

    Lovely with a bit of Metallica on, gnaaaaar.

    Free Member

    Jimmy, my man, you have no idea what hell you have unleashed….

    Thankyou sir… badumbadumbadum BADUM DUM DUM.

    *phones dad* “Where’s the zildjian’s I bought in school at”?

    Wait til I tell Mrs. C what i’m doing. Yas!

    Free Member

    Cheers Jimbo.

    By the way, this will lead to the following OP’s:

    “Who can play Rock n’Roll by Zep on Bass”?
    “Who can play “Heartbreaker” by Zep on Guitar”?
    “Who can pretend to sing at all”?

    See where this might go… Gnarf!

    Free Member

    I said batter some drums, not batter billy bawbags.

    Free Member

    POC 2.0, bro.

    Dear, but flexible, durable
    & comfy I.M.E.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I saw someone having a cheeky date with Pamela and her five friends the other morning on the bridleway…

    “Tring Tring”

    Should’ve been a quick finish.

    Edit: No POIDH. :-)

    Free Member

    I’m a certified expert at talking utter pish.

    Also, an expert at breaking things.

    I like it here.

    Free Member

    Hubert Selby Junior- His whole bibliography. Every novel & short story is significant at a particular time in my life, particularly the “Song Of The Silent Snow” collection which contains the story “The Jacket”.

    Beautiful and a real friendship book.

    As for Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake…It’s just part of who I am.

    Free Member

    I’m not allowed on anything with a derailleur, pivots or hydraulics because I’ll break the lot in record time.

    If, like me, the capacity to destroy components is in your Ham-fisted nature, choose the strongest bits you can and roll away.

    Free Member

    Do it, learn about momentum, grow a beard, buy new trousers for your MASSIVE QUADS.

    And have some fun.

    Free Member

    Put that palm to yo’ face lipseal!

    Brakes in commuting condition to be readied for actual riding condition asap. I feel this has been a waste of everybody’s time but mine :-)

    Free Member

    I’m an anal-pedant about how super-tight the pad alignment is with a true rotor but i’ve never had to go and research “what cables” before. Always better if someone just tells me, like in “what tyres” and “what pads”.

    Only bin ridin’ couple t’years, need to expand my knowledge base innit.

    Free Member

    I don’t know how to use one, I just presumed it would solve said problem. :-)

    If it does what it says on the tin, I thought I’d figure it out.

    Or not.

    Free Member

    Probably bits are wrong. But all of the bits i’ve had on it are a bit wrong and that’s how I like it.

    Getting a full inner & outer replacement pronto, there’ll be a “what cable” search for that.

    TBH this thread has received much more interest than I anticipated, so, what cables for… :-).

    Free Member

    CHB-On it.

    Free Member

    Anyway, the cables are shot to hell. They will not be replaced until Saturday.

    I need more tension. Barrel adjusters, check, pad alignment, check, cable slack HUGE.
    Raising the arm on the moving pad works, but blue book says bad.

    So, if by using all my super-man strength I can’t get more cable by hand, shall I just shut up about it?

    Free Member

    Excellent, a poopie-post.

    6.40am. Exactly. Every day for, oh, a good 6 months.

    The thought of riding 10 miles full of waste always induces happiness.

    And Mrs.C gets up at 6.50 to brush her teeth :-).

    Free Member

    I thought the SS Inbred sealed-everything blah would save me, but no. SO SLOW!

    Sick of stripping out the clay, it’s only November.

    Hurry up and freeze. This is Mingin’.

    Stupid dead leaves & animals.

    Free Member




    Yo, clever-netting people…. imagine with current technologies a STW Quake Arena Modem Special…

    Free Member

    Just buy Gears of War 1, 2 & 3.

    And Darksider 1 & 2.

    Erm, I’m not married and have no children.

    Free Member

    MD 20/20

    Fight Juice.

    Free Member

    Only need bike threads for “what for” OP’S.

    Chat’s the shiz bro, got life/relationship/pet problems, cultural woe, ignorant banter & a post about posts!


    So, what Fortified Shiraz?

    Free Member

    Fort Bill born & bred old man’s a Munro bagging serious wolly-socker, phoned me one night having a proper go at “us cyclists” after coming back from A & E.

    “Where were you pops?”
    “Just up Nevis Range”…
    “The bit from the Cafe to the summit”

    “That’s the downhill bit”

    “That’l explain the shouting then.”

    A path’s a path. Cheers Dad.

    Free Member

    reminds me of

    “is that your shin bone?”
    “Dunno, that’s a big hole”
    “Your pedals awful fleshy”

    “Tie a Buff round it”.

    Free Member

    Stream of conciousness from a sparkled man.

    Next week, second letter alphabets.

    Free Member

    wwaswas Wonderful.

    Free Member

    It was a lost delivery man.

    We’re at the bottom of a Cul-De-Sac. With more cars than parking spaces. Really don’t want to take the wrong turn down here.

    Free Member

    I’m moving in the New Year, hopefully to the woods.

    Sarcasm Sunday? Since it’s STW i’ll take it you’re all being nice 8)

    Free Member

    Not G(et)TFU :-)

    Well, I am now, so suppose i’ll find a bike to ride.

    Free Member

    Actually dribbling, good point, when they’re not setting fire to your clothes or waiting outside clubs to make sure you leave alone, generally they’re a kinky lot.

    Free Member



    Oh, my sides.

    Free Member

    Go for it if you have a penchant for completely bonkers-crazy eyes-women.

    Having been in a couple long-termers with sandwich-short partners, the early signs are clear.

    *psycho music*

    Free Member

    Aaaah, rainy Sundays.

    Glenfiddich 12
    Oban 14
    Lagavuilin 16
    Mortlach 16

    In that order, depending on “treat” fund.

    Free Member

    In April I lost a job I hated. While chasing the dream to work with bikes.

    I spent 4 very difficult months signing on, volunteering and getting ill.

    Six weeks in to the dream job(s)now with a new, long, rewarding future ahead.

    Believe in yourself and have faith in other people’s confidence in that ability.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Yup, they played Nights.
    Poooooooped myself. God im sore today.
    Magical gig, minus the weegie **** shouting their awful banter through the middle section of the set.

    Next up, Mumfords in December.

    Free Member

    Antonyb, very useful tid-bit there.

    Re-writes “fork options” list.

    Free Member

    I love it. Ninja gear on, nightrider on full, get up a good speed and surprise all the bunnies.

    And pheasants.

    And bats.

    oh my.

    Bring on the snow.

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