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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day Three Continued
  • cfinnimore
    Free Member

    Because for ten minutes the mother had made quite audible requests for him to stop ringing the bell and bonking people on the head with an empty Ribena bottle, I thought it best not to pity her but to surprise the child with politeness.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Mind you, I never tell the vagrants to turn the dubstep off.

    I should though.

    Free Member

    What’s that old saying?Cheap, strong something something pick two?

    Deore is “budget” and infallible, for me. One hub service in 3 years. Lovely.

    Free Member

    I really want some of my own.

    But what if they’re totally shit. Can I give them back?

    What is bad parenting? Or bad children? Surely everything can be modified to a certain degree. With 4 cousins/nephews sitting at various severities on the Autistic spectrum, i’d hazard a guess and say he was permitted to behave like a little shit because his sister sat quiet as a princess and any behaviour problems he did have were a product of his environment, not genetic disposition.

    How’s that for assumption!

    How many coronas is it safe to drink in the bath?

    Free Member

    Where are the Pinkbike lurkers & is it Cougars night off? shouty shouty angry angry.

    peow, peow, justice to the face.

    Free Member

    NOT THE PAVEMENT THING!!! I can still see his Michael Gove like pinky-perky-piggy little face. THE PAST SEVEN DAYS HAVE BEEN TOLERABLE ONLY BY THE PEACE I AM HAVING(apparently) RIGHT NOW!

    Did what I was told ’til I was 16, that was the conditions set down by dad and it worked. Until I turned 16, of course… (,) (.)

    “Hello, yes, is that the valium dispensary?”

    Free Member

    Child was called Mackai. Said so on his bag. But all I heard was “Kay” < off to wash my judgements away!

    Mum was my age, 27ish and had clearly given up all hope. After a decade of trying to get that to sleep before midnight, I would too.

    Not a judge on parenting skills, i can’t be ’til I have my own sprogs then i’m sure i’ll smite down judgements left, right and centre but her entire approach was to ASK the child, persistently, with the same upward inflection tone.

    I was told what to do. No questions, no requests, told. I can still hear the spoon-knuckle-interface.

    Edit: Yossarian it was one of those running up and down the aisle scenarios. Lothian Bus drivers do not, ever, ever, ever ever ever get out the cab ’cause this one time a driver got stabbed. Fair enough.

    I only spoke after 10 minutes of devil stares. I should add I am the spawn of two senior social workers who literally brought work-children-home.

    Where’s the psychiatrist ?

    Free Member

    Yes, yossarian, if the wretched little spawn was permitted to get on the tits of a whole Monday rush hour bus while mum swiped and dad wondered how on earth this happened to him.

    As I said, 8 years of city living, first loss to OHMYGODWILLYOUJUSTSHUTTHE **** UP!

    It wasn’t a shouty mental episode. Calm and serious, quiet and authoritative. Cunning like fox.

    Free Member

    It’s ok Martinhutch, I’m on a rampage. Have emailed, twice, the editor and parent company of the local tat rag to question their policies of leaving comments open for cyclists deaths but not motorists and pedestrians.

    That’s another thread, and it’s the Edinburgh Evening News by the by!

    Free Member

    The first time in my life that I’ve bitten on public transport with the exception of small dick bigots.

    Haven’t slept in 35 hours.

    Feel like my sister! (full time Nanny in Sevenoaks for 15 years, now full time battleaxe)!

    Free Member

    3/32 On One Groove Armada with 3/32 Gusset Slinky & Renthal 32t plus On One chaintug and Hope QR.

    Perfect, all the time, tighter than a gnats bumbits. Only chain i’ve used for 4 years. About to convert pro 2 QR to bolt through though.

    Free Member

    Ever feel like we’re just a free focus group for them?

    I mean, we are, but still. Let’s have a shot at least.

    Free Member

    Bostik. Foil sealed coffee.

    What was the question?

    Ah, yes, there’s two holidays you can have:

    1: The Filth one.

    2. The nice one.

    Free Member

    A MacDonalds one. Or more.
    A WalMart one. Or more.
    A Tesco one. Or more.

    All shuttling up and down the motorway, depot to depot.

    What’s a logistics managers view on this? Would be a riot to see one in and out of the Scottish distribution centres along the m8.


    Free Member

    Make a change from Calton & Arthur et al

    Done. Holding shovel.

    Got the missus on it as well with her working with Edin Leisure an ‘ting.

    Free Member

    I’ve always seen myself as a “gates open” kinda guy… (,) (.) but more often than not i’ll close one if I can’t see a reason for it to be open.

    Free Member

    Buy it, split it, sell bits, buy bits, rebuild. etc.

    Probably alot of that.


    “Less Pain, More Gain” WHAT! *barf*

    Free Member

    T’was always, will be forever.


    Free Member

    Comments disabled… (,) (.) shock, horror!

    There’s an Apollo in the shed that looks like that, appears slightly better made from a distance.

    Free Member


    Blimey, I thought I was old hat after 3 years.

    I have survived Tag Warfare, Ultra Flounce, Mega Ban and a dozen page thread on leading an African scammer to present us with a wild cat.

    I hope I can be here in a decade like a hemp dressed wizard on a 24″ 3*10 fatty recumbant beach cruiser.

    Edit: And for those who say the forum is shit and isn’t what it used to be? That’s a good thing.

    The equation is much more balanced on the side of learning something rather than being called an idiot for not knowing.

    Free Member

    If I felt I could be brave enough to influence young people’s lives, I’d like to teach.

    I remember very little of the curriculum, but the sage words of Mr. Volwerk, Mrs. Walker and Mr. Hunter, looking back, helped define who I became.

    To the fudders criticising, for 40 hours a week teachers get left with your offspring to fill the gaps in your parenting and that is admirable.

    You’d take a holiday from your kids too if you could.

    Free Member

    Full on Rear Window diary logging hobby time.

    Would you feel comfortable talking to the mum in a ” I stayed at my parents the other night and the noise was *appropriate word”?

    If not, only if you have the time but decibel meter, video and images all together in a tidy folder plus a call and email to council, get a reference number, every time. Talk to surrounding properties as well, again if you can.

    Persevere. Eventually council decision maker will make a decision. Eventually

    Free Member

    Lean in a bit angry.


    Like the morons who uses a forehead snuggle to initiate a fight.

    Edit: Rodgers would take ’em all

    Free Member

    Vigilantes at the ready.

    They can’t ban us all….

    Free Member

    To give the recent flouncers their dues, there’s some serious out from under-the- bridge twathattery going on at the moment.

    OP being a sterling example.

    Air is not for everyone for many reasons, I’m sure the trial builders are quite content having people ride their trails at all without the ultimate gnarrrrrr factor you must bring.

    Free Member

    Tuck but buy a really lovely belt and have trousers that fit.

    Free Member

    Was surprised that there’s actually nowt on Netflix.

    As above. Once Breaking Bad, house of cards, sons and 24 is done I’ll cancel.

    Probably. But it has some cracking standup.

    Free Member

    Pished-o-clock for everyone. Time to invade every thread with some sort of nonchalant opinion, relevant, insightful, helpful or none.

    Free Member

    Wu Lyf – Go tell fire to the mountain.

    It’s an oldie, but I give it to everyone I can.

    We Bros, is just like, totally my song.

    Edit: Sunset In The Rearview .com for ultra-hipster shit.

    Free Member

    Ton, That would make a lovely, subtitled, silent film accompanied by plunking plonking piano man music.

    Free Member

    I don’t know who you are but congratulations on your Flounce.

    See you in 6 months when you miss it all!

    Edit: OP, you will learn something from this thread, at least, I presume, that one never announces wavering loyalty.

    You just piss off for a bit and come back for nostalgia threads.

    Free Member

    orry greatape, it was beyond early this morning when I made that assumption.

    All my collaborative “service users” live in the first half of the alphabet.

    What are we talking about again? Put Public Enemy on for crying out loud.

    Free Member

    2 years, minimum 10 miles on all terrain a day with Deity Decoy pedals. AM41 flawless, and due to cost/use ratio, a bargain.

    Free Member

    Alas, I did not know the Tango Juliet well enough to become his protege.

    Besides, I don’t really do arguments.

    Free Member

    Because, Glasgowdan, that’s your opinion.

    My opinion is that 5:10’s are loathsome and AM41s are far superior.

    And they dry in 30 mins.

    Free Member

    Police are important. Laws-generally-are important. Enforcing them, even more so.

    I’ve moved on. I’ll go annoy the fatty security guards at the council buildings tomorrow to make up for it.

    fwiw, you only really have one “debate” with them in your life i think. Whether or not you do what you are told.

    From “Aye, but, self defence eh” to “No, it’s not open, it’s re-sealed” and “Am I being cautioned?” the only success is frowny-eyed-silent-winning.

    Free Member

    I am very firmly in the “I will do what I want, and if it criminalises me, so be it”

    As versus the “Oh, there’s a law/legislation against it, I had better not”.

    My moral compass is my lawmaker.

    The only difference is what you get caught for.

    And it’s always been cycling, in some form or another, never anything else.

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