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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • cdoc
    Free Member

    Does it count if it only looks good from that angle? :-)
    Looks a little different from the side

    Free Member

    Dude, that’s just creepy…

    Free Member

    Just googled the product number and found three sellers stating ‘requires 13 amp plug’
    It also says the same in the manual.

    Stick one on and get your pie on :-)

    Edit: I did also find one that said to hardwire it, but that’s still three to one so far.

    However, if you die I accept no responsibility.

    Free Member

    A bit of fine wet and dry taped to a steel ruler is great for removing the excess paint on bits like that. A bit less aggressive than a file.

    Free Member

    Double check that there is no damage or pinching of the dropout gap. Bashed mine once and it closed it up slightly and gave me the same problem.
    If it is fine and just a bit on the tight side there should be little issue in taking a small file to it.

    As said, 9mm is the standard although many frames will take a 10mm with no editing

    Free Member

    It would be fair to say that this sort of thing brings my piss to a rolling boil :evil:

    Anyone up for forming a historical preservation militant wing?
    The sight of hundreds of heavily armed academics with years of pent up aggression might be more effective than airstrikes..

    Free Member

    Columbian in the black and maroon. Just having a cup now :-)

    Free Member

    This certainly will not meet the STW standard, but Aldi do a great quality plain flour in 1.5kg bags for 45p and strong white for 79p.

    I much prefer it to any of the big brands, except Shiptons No1 and type 55 which are also lovely.

    Also, my last order from Shiptons was £21 for a 25kg sack which is not too bad.

    Edit, I saved the delivery charges by getting my local friendly bakers to add mine to their next order, too.

    Free Member

    Actually just had a few Ulvang base layers delivered this morning, bought for far less than half price! Really can recommend them if you don’t mind a wait for delivery.

    Free Member

    Both my and a friends xt f mechs do this. A bit of gt85 or similar on all the pivots and the spring and then work it back and forth by hand.

    Seems to solve it for a while.

    Free Member

    Not really relevant, but I hammered a set of recon 351 coils for three years without service or problems. They then went off to live with a mate and they seem just as happy as ever!

    xc30’s are alright. Kind of basic compared to the recons, though.

    Edit* Recons should be a tad lighter and stiffer, too.

    Also just remembered that my mate had a pair of xc28s before the recons and he was well happy with the upgrade

    Free Member


    Free Member

    My girlfriend once let one slip that was so unfathomably foul that she woke up and vomited in bed.

    If some are so bad that even the dealer cannot deal with what’s dealt, I guess the level of amusement depends on the nature of the beast..

    Free Member

    Ridden both and I prefer the Bfe. But I would say that as I own one :wink:

    Edit* Tbh, I loved the Surge just as much as the Bfe and would have happily had either.

    Free Member

    It would be a likely culprit, I think..

    A quick nip up of the bolts and ride down the street should help to clarify things.

    Free Member


    Edit* Nope. Cable routing is wrong…

    Free Member

    Great deal for all that! I am not getting anything with the frame number, so unless someone recognises it it may remain as an unknown!

    Free Member

    Not sure the xtc/boulder had the dropped top tube relative to the seat stays, though.

    My head keeps shouting ‘Shwinn’ but I can’t find anything that matches that toptube and the headtube welds…

    OP, was it sold as anything in particular?

    Free Member

    Top cup looks to have a slight gap under it. Might be due to being repainted, but does not look like a flush fit.

    Not a massive problem, but getting it faced and refitted would be a quick job if it bothers you now you have seen it!

    Free Member

    Is there a frame number? You can sometimes narrow it down with the number format.
    Or sometimes it is just random, but worth a look.

    Free Member

    Ooo that looks like potential!

    Open up the front, forge and anvil in, workbench in, ect

    Free Member

    Hmm. ‘Nearest stock 158 miles away in Harlow’!

    I think I might be too late :-)

    Free Member

    +1 for Uberbike pads.
    Never had any issues and they seem far more consistent than my formula originals

    Free Member

    But then, I don’t like uncontrolled dogs.

    Or buy a sheep, put up livestock signs and grab the shotgun*.

    *I may or may not be being serious..

    Free Member

    I have a raceface respond on my Bfe with 140mm revs and it is fine.
    You sure the post is the right way round?

    Free Member

    Photobucket is pretty pain free.

    Free Member

    So, you are going for a ride then?

    No contest imo.

    Free Member

    Hmm, that m395 looks like a good option. I went with the Deore simply for the new lever, as that is where most of the tech changes occur, as well as the slightly shorter lever. I am sure that the 395 will be just as functional, though.

    Free Member

    Just got a pair of these at £30 an end for a mate who was still on (quite ill) mechanicals.

    M615 lever with what looks like last years caliper.
    They work really well. Surprisingly well, in fact.

    Free Member

    Trapping certainly has its place, however it is slow, tedious and not always as effective as you might first think.

    Most trapped animals are not happy about their situation. They may be forced into a prolonged period of unnecessary stress as they may well be in the trap for some time.
    While they are in there they make a lot of noise, alerting other animals who will develop a mistrust of the traps in the future, making capture far more difficult.

    And then there is the issue of efficiency. A couple of guns can clear a good amount of land over a weekend, whereas to get the same results would require an awful lot of traps.

    It is also worth remembering that any competent hunter should never take a shot that might be deemed as risky, in that they cannot guarantee a clean kill.

    Tbh, I rather like the little sods. Shame they cause so many problems for woodlands and nesting birds.
    The gold fiches or woodpeckers don’t even bother nesting around here any more, unfortunately.

    Free Member

    If you don’t like it and do not understand the point of countryside management, maybe abstain from the conversation?

    Free Member


    Not quite as simple as that!

    Free Member

    A brand new pressure keg and all the fittings and adaptors for £10 :-)

    Looks to have been used once or twice, but retail on it is still close to £100.
    Just need to decide on the next brew, now.

    Free Member

    Diet consists of a weetabix (150k) for breakfast, often around ten,
    lunch is non existent and a 400k dinner, often based around 100grams of rice with veg and spices.
    Chicken or pork loin for the protein.

    No snacks or sugar.
    Lots of riding, climbing and walking to keep the energy burning and regular weights sessions to limit muscle loss, which to a certain degree is inevitable.

    In terms of energy I feel fine, but I seem to want to sleep more!

    I have been meaning to do this for a while as I spent a summer sat at a desk munching sweets.. That is at an end now and it is back to bike related work again! Yay!

    Also, well done to everyone else, too! It is hard work, sometimes, but the hunger pangs disappear after a fortnight
    Keep at it!.

    +1 for mikewsmith, too! When I went travelling (long ago) the same thing happened.

    Free Member

    Probably going to be reminded how silly it is, but I am on a 600-1000k a day diet, with no letup on the riding front.
    Started on the 7th of October as I weighed myself to find I was pushing 94kg :o
    Weighed myself yesterday and I am at just under 80kg, with no noticeable loss of muscle mass.

    Climbing Blackstone edge feels so much easier, now!

    Free Member

    Good point, digga. The only surgery I had that did not fail within three months was the Surgilig replacement as it allows tissue to grow though it and reinforce the connection.
    Great stuff!

    Free Member

    Hmm, grade V here in 2004, four bouts of surgery to get it somewhere near usable. It still aches pretty much constantly but the real discomfort comes after exercise or in the cold.
    Abduction is still limited to about 80 degrees, so makes climbing a bit awkward, but it is largely OK for cycling..
    The biggest issue post surgery is the metalwork that was left behind.. It is all in just the wrong position for a rucksack, so modifications are needed to the strap to stop the top screw head wearing through the skin on my shoulder and becoming visible!

    All I can recommend is sticking to the physio schedule as the joint will stiffen up considerably over a few weeks of inactivity, making speedy rehabilitation difficult.

    Good luck with it!

    Free Member

    Luckily most people using Strava forget to turn it off for the cheeky stuff, so it still shows up on the global heatmap, all be it without times and trail names.

    Free Member

    That reindeer 8O

    Only one option..

    Free Member

    As above, Really. We don’t do anything different to any other weekend. No presents, decorations or meal or family. Love it!
    Oh, apart form the 25th and 26th when it is time to ignore the phone and go for a ride. I love riding at christmas, it’s like you have the whole world to yourself :D

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