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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • cbrsyd
    Free Member

    Had one for about a month now.

    Can only compare it with an old Ribble alloy winter trainer and a two year old steel framed Charge Juicer.

    It’s so much stiffer and more responsive than either. Looks good, handles and brakes better and is faster everywhere. I spec’d it with the VCLS 2 seatpost and it’s also more comfortable than either of the other two bikes (much more so than the Ribble).

    Still like the Juicer and will keep it as a winter bike but the Canyon is better in every way. It did cost twice as much but money well spent and provided it fits you I would recommend it to anyone.

    Free Member

    I’d use moisture resistant (MR) MDF.

    Still produces lots of dust but finishes (particularly on the edges) better than normal MDF.

    Free Member

    Might not be the cause but there is a known fault with Focus dashboards.

    The dash on my 03 starting doing all sorts of weird things like rev clock raising and falling with no change in engine speed and warning lights coming on an off for no reason.

    Ford never did a recall but IIRC a replacement was about £70 (£100 fitted).

    Free Member

    Don’t know where abouts in the country you are but this guy sorted me out:

    IIRC cost about £250 for the implants but he gives you some temp ones first and only if they relieve the symptoms does he charge you the full amount.

    I went from being just about unable to walk to a complete cure in 6 weeks and have had no recurrence in the last 5 years. No connection with him just a very satisfied customer.

    Free Member

    Substitute “taxi drivers” for “pakistani asian men” and you have as accurate a statement, but one which is far less emotive.

    Presumably you are not a white taxi driver?

    Free Member

    All along the police and politicians have said there is no racial element to this case. This is patent nonsense to anyone who’s got anything between their ears.

    I’m not sure I agree.

    The ‘victims’ weren’t chosen because of their race, they were chosen because of their attitudes…which were brought about by their upbringing. It just so happens that coincidentally the young girls concerned were caucasian.

    Surely the “racial” issue is not with the victims but the perpetrators. There is no doubt that in northern cities the grooming on the street of vulnerable girls is overwhelming conducted by pakistani asian men.

    To ignor that fact does no service to anyone and ultimately only provides ammunition to the likes of the BNP and EDL.

    Free Member

    I live in Skipton. Good riding right on the doorstep and the whole of the dales and lakes not far away. If you are into trail centres Gisburn is only half an hour away.
    And there are great and non fee paying grammar schools for the kids as well.

    Free Member

    Fit the tyre with a tube and inflate. Leave for a bit then deflate and break one bead of the tyre only. Carefully remove the tube, fit the tubeless valve then inflate.

    Doing this seals one bead so when you inflate its only the other side that needs to seal. Works perfectly for me and I only have a track pump.

    Free Member

    But, and don’t take this the wrong way, you’ve probably done very few miles and/or not serviced it properly as AFAIK, a proper valve service is an engine out job.

    You don’t need the engine out to check or adjust the valves. Bit complicated but not that difficult and some really good articles on the web on how to do it. Did 15000 miles on mine (not much I know)but didn’t do the valves because most don’t need adjustment for at least 20000+ miles. Certainly wouldn’t put me off owning one. The OP has had a Futura so I’m sure he knows all this anyway.

    Free Member

    Just for balance my Planet X wheels (model B) are still fine after 2000+ miles commuting over some horrible roads and I weight 14 stone.

    Free Member

    I’d seriously think about an SL1000 Falco though

    Don’t rule out the Tuono. Comfy over distance if you get a higher screen , an absolute hoot to ride and like you I had no reliability problems at all over 2 + years of ownership. All it needed was tyres and easy diy servicing.

    Free Member

    The Boggies route has more off road and much better than the one you did.

    Free Member

    If the materials are 50-70, what labour am I looking at? I imagine the bicycle mechanic packet of biscuits is too low an offer.

    Did a woodworking foundation degree a few years back that included a module on costing your work. We all had to cost up a small table and drawers. That included allowing time for getting the materials, planing them square, marking, cutting joints, assembly , finishing and delivery. Nobody came out with a figure of less than £1000 and the lecturer (who is a well know furniture maker) said he had not made a table for less than £2000 in the last 10 years!

    Free Member

    Inflated mud X’s and swalbe nobby nics and racing ralphs with a track pump. Mud X’x went straight up (and just refitted them and they went up OK the second fitting). Struggled to get the swalbe’s to seal but got round it by fitting an inner tube then letting the air out and only breaking one bead to get the tube out and and fit the tubeless valve. That means one bead is already sealed when you start. Worked a treat for me.

    Free Member

    greeng’s explanation is spot on so follow his advice.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Beresfords in Skipton have done good work on a couple of our houses.


    Free Member

    Thanks CP,

    Just ordered mine £255 with the code – bargaintastic :D

    Free Member

    In the spirit of christmas I will let you transfer your moral dilemma to me.

    Just cash the cheque then send the money to me and let me decide what to do with it.

    Happy Christmas

    Free Member

    Sous Le Nez just up from the station really good food and service.

    They do a 3 course early bird with half a bottle of wine for £25

    Free Member

    Said by a chap at work as he looked at hundreds of starlings getting ready to roost as it got dark the day after the clocks had gone back in October.

    “Amazing isn’t it how the birds know the clocks have changed”

    Free Member

    Saw the comedian Steve Hughes on Sat and go along with his assessment of the X factor.

    Anyone who lives in a country that has a musical tradition that includes Motorhead, Judas Priest, the Beatles, the Stones, the Sex Pistols, the Clash, the Jam, the Smiths, the Petshop Boys, Blur, Javis Cocker and Ami Winehouse and who still watches the X factor is frankly a bit of a c**t. :D

    Free Member

    Pushing the budget a bit but if he wants new the 2009 Carrera Fury is a cracking bike.

    My son has one , it’s a hoot to ride and the forks can easily be extended to 140mm by moving a spacing pin.

    Free Member

    Looks grand but I thought this was a site for mountain bikers, there dosen’t appear to be a hill in site :wink:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Might be too faddy for you but this works and you get to eats lots of meat :-)


    Free Member

    Paying a dealer a £100 ish to replace the bearings on a multi pivot bike (even yearly) is not an issue if the bike cost half as much as an equivalent single pivot niche bike. If you can do the maintenance yourself it’s even less of an issue.

    FWIW I use my Trance at least once a week (including through winter)and it still has the original bearings after 18 months.

    Free Member

    Surely not though – considering unsprung weight = tyre + wheel + brake rotors + calipers + lowers + oil + 1/2 damping cart, surely any difference in lower weight is completely irrelevant?

    The fork lowers and the lower part of the stauntion they slide on are all part of the unsprung weight of a conventional fork. Upside down forks effectively move the lowers to the top of the fork above the spring, therefore reducing unsprung weight.

    Free Member

    If those couple of kilos are on the lower leg it would have a significant impact on the suspension. Less unsprung weight, another plus of the upside down design.

    That’s the main reason they are used on motorbikes.

    Free Member

    If you have let this lay for 18 years I think you need to ask yourself why you now feel the need to sort things out? Are you really think of the girls best interests?

    Free Member

    Alex Guinness


    Gareth Hunt’s brother Isaac

    Free Member

    Had similar problems but got round it by making sure one bead was seated before I tried to blow it up tubeless.

    If you blow the tyre up with a tube so both beads are seated then deflate and carefully break the bead on one side only. Remove the tube from that side, fit the tubeless valve and blow up with a track pump. Mine went up straight away – without sealant, added that later through the valve.

    Free Member

    But the OP pointed this out:

    I didn’t mention the name of the company etc

    Read that to mean he didn’t mention the company to the lawyer?

    If no mention was made on the facebook entry the lawyer may be right but if all the OPs friends on facebook know who he works for the fact that he didn’t mention the company by name could be irrelevant.

    Free Member


    For a compromise agreement to be valid the employees needs to have received legal advice and the employer usually does pay but as a few have said get some proper advice but don’t go to the guy who said:

    I got in contact with a lawyer then who as good as said they can’t tell me what to do with my own phone in my own time,

    That’s wrong because if you are judged to have brought your company into disrepute they can most certainly take action (up to and including dismissal) even if you did it in your own time on your own phone.

    Free Member

    I ride a totally rigid bike with solid tyres, a front brake only and a steering wheel instead of handlebars. I can manual it down an active volcano’s lava flow at 300mph whilst simultaneously throwing a cricket ball to the moon, wearing nothing but a pair of crotchless Speedos. True story.

    Anything else is just cheating.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    mastiles_fanylion – Member
    Surely suggesting you should resign is constructive dismissal in itself? At least that is what I have been told as an employer myself.

    No its not.

    Whatever TJ

    Shall I believe your opinion or listen to the professional advice I have actually paid for as an employer? FFS.

    Have you considered you could both be right?

    As with all these things it depends on the circumstances. If you stood infront of a group of employees and shouted and screamed at one that they sound resign that probably would form a basis for a successful constructive dismissal claim. If you suggested it during a capability review meeting with an employee who was clearly struggling to do their job it probably would not be.

    Now kiss and make up, or I will take your toys away.

    Free Member

    Have a word with an employment lawyer (a proper one, not one from here :wink:)

    For whatever reason it does sound like they want you out, no doubt part of the reason will be because it’s much cheaper to get rid of you with 2.5 years service rather than someone with 16.

    If I were you I’d be looking at negotiating a “compromise” agreement. That’s a confidential money shaped exit with no fault on either side – and you can agree a reference as part of the agreement. As a minimum you should get what they would have had to pay you if they made you redundant but you can probably negotiate more than that.

    But as I said at the start get proper advice, and not from here.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Why don’t other two wheeled sports don’t have the HT/FS debate?

    Or am I missing the hoards of IT managers who can whoop Tony Bou’s arse on their solid rear end Royal Enfields or give Rossi a good run for his money on their Manx Nortons :-)

    Free Member

    tk46hal – who can you recommend in Yorkshire? Cheers.

    Don’t know what tk46hal recommendation would be but Triple S in Bingley are very good.

    Not used them for mtb stuff but had lots of motorbike bits and several sets of wheels done and everything comes back looking like new.

    Free Member

    Presumably the programme has been commissioned and will go ahead whether or not you participate?

    If that’s the case the only reason to appear would be because you think your appearance will better represent the case against Edinborough Council. But as many have said the programme will have an agenda so I don’t think your appearance will contribute one way or another to the outcome.

    So it boils down to whether you want your 15 minutes of fame or infamy if it goes badly. Personally wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole but would use the programme to help lobby politicians to fight what do seem scandalous charges and good luck with that.

    Free Member

    [/quote]a road bike will absolutey be fine.

    Only if it has been bone dry for a month and even then your backside will take a hammering.

    I live in Skipton and often use the towpath. There are miles of unsurfaced sections that turn to slop after a bit of rain. No way would I want to do it on my roadbike.

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