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  • Issue 146: In Praise of Petrichor
  • cbike
    Free Member

    Paintings last longer and don’t need electricity. It will be around longer than all your holiday snaps. Seems good VFM for a historical record.

    Free Member

    MP3 LT is the only one for car licence holders. They are overpriced and can develop headset/suspension bearing issues. But then what motor doesnt.

    The storage is massive and weather protection is good and you never have to change gear or put your feet down if you if you want.

    Free Member

    Pay them £1400 and you can test ride for as long as you like. It’s a business not a public service.

    Some customers shops can do without anyway.

    Free Member

    Thanks, It’s for the other half,
    A Hase Pino Tandem looks ideal. As usual for specialist bikes you need to be a total enthusiast. Nothing average exists! and noone hires either.

    Free Member

    Are they renting tent space by the hour? I’m sure Bythswood square has come on a bit these days.

    Free Member

    Is it you or her doing the work experience?…Tell her to get off her arse and arrange it herself. Otherwise she will be assigned the default “cooncil type” placements by the school. Nae initiative these placement weans these days. (My folks were teachers and this was their advice to me at that age – I went and had fun in a animal park and cold called a theatre)

    An old GF of mine, now a GP, started out in a nursing home, ended up with a job there that helped fund some overseas study and travel before she went to uni.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Scart is analogue as far as i know. It can carry RGB or composite.

    I think HD needs an hdmi socket. Convertors exist but its just going to convert that signal to RGB.

    Free Member

    Data or slide?

    Standard procedure for data is to borrow one from work. This applies to most industries.

    Slide projecter – Hire one from an AV company.

    Making the room dark is a good idea.

    Use a white wall if you dont have a screen.

    I have an extensive lecture and associated learning pack on oesophogeal vacuums and eggs if you are interested. Cost is £300 and you get to stay in a hotel for 2 days. :wink:

    Free Member

    My BT line would drop its speed on sensing a reboot or disconnection to maintain a reliable slower link than a faster link. The BT enginner did all line testing and in theory max speed was possible but in practice it didn’t work.

    Occasionally maintenance would disrupt connection totally.

    I changed to virgin and cable.

    Free Member

    I correct children and their parents if they are fitted badly or on back to front. But I don’t go around preaching either case.

    Use of bicycle lights and vehicle Fog lights however…

    Free Member

    So do Glaswegians – And they will give you directions even if they don’t know.

    “How far is it to the mall?”

    “Oh, about 45 minutes.”

    “Yes, but how far is it?”

    *puzzled looks* “About 45 minutes!”

    Absolutely no concept of the actual distance, and utterly perplexed as to why anyone would ever want to know or care. Which makes some sort of sense I guess.

    Free Member

    Some TV monitors don’t do native resolution when used with a PC. I bought a Toshiba that would only do this. It went back and was replaced with a samsung.

    You’d expect a sony to be able to full res though especially these days.

    Free Member has the facts.

    Free Member

    You could subsitute a bomb tank and a large maroon or two and a pyro flash availble from any theatre hire company. They can supply staff if you dont feel confident. But anyone responsible over 16 can set up and fire these in relative safety. And you shouldn’t have any major licensing issues. Its electronically fired, reliable and no more difficult than wiring a domestic speaker system. In fact you may recognise the connectors!

    You will get pretty much the same noise. The MOD used to come in and use stuff like this for demos and excercises so if its good enough for them…

    Free Member

    I added a Vision X LED to my scooter for country roads. Less faff than HID and not blinding to other people as you are not damaging or compromising reflectors designed for a tungsten source. supply them.

    Free Member

    Guising up here and done on the 31st. We also demand a party piece, a song or a joke. Trick or Treaters are Re-educated in a government funded waterboarding campaign. Cruel but necessary to maintain our traditions and culture.

    Free Member

    I Toured to Shetland once with loganair or whatever they are called these days. The Nose wheel fell off at Glasgow and cast were put on a second plane. On arrival in shetland the airport had been struck by lightning and the runway lights were out. They had to circle until the generator/back up system relit the runway.

    Then one of cast went through a fire door by mistake and caused a security incident.

    Free Member

    Possible alternative 30 minutes from the city?

    Free Member

    There are dishwasher spareparts sites on the interweb if you look. and they are not that complicated to fix unless its electronics which is unlikely.

    Free Member

    Ask an 11 year old. We used to make them up for our younger cousins at that age.

    Free Member

    It always seems good fun for the delivery but surely it’s cheaper for them to source a good supply of their own? If indeed they want them or even need them.

    Big Vehicles designed for good roads, short journeys, fast response and good infrastructure will last 10 minutes. Medical and Cutting gear probably irrelevant. Limited water capacity. Engines with electronics.

    Its a nice idea and may work in some cases but I reckon it’s littering in someone else’s country.

    Free Member

    Who is it that’s the first person that makes these things up???

    Free Member

    We have a school that asks for OUR risk assessments before they let their kids into a show.

    Quite what the relevance of working at height in a Genie, or handling steel deck has to do with watching a show we are not quite sure but they obviously don’t read them as that’s what we give them.

    There is a building wide generic slips and trips one for the public, but surely they should be doing their own and deciding whether it is safe to come.

    Another nursery today was trying to buy them appropriate sweeties and crisps. – I suggested not buying them anything, anticipating parents concerns, but was rebuffed with, “they have to have a treat!!” (No they dont!) Eventually some bananas were sourced.

    Free Member

    meile skoda and other premium brands are also an option for your high disposable incomes.

    Free Member

    They are interested in Helensburgh but only if they can build on greenbelt.

    Free Member

    I think you might need FC express to rotate. Some video convertors might have aspect/rotation settings.

    Free Member

    30 litres of cider get drunk by one man every week or so at the back door. I await a tailing off in discarded bottles with interest.

    Free Member

    Replacement fishpoles can be bought from decathalon.

    Free Member

    My folks used expanded foam insulation panels cut to size in their conservatory roof. They are covered in fabric on the side you see and stay in place all year. The inspiration came from the foam they used to mask the solar collectors also in the conservatory roof on the inside.

    Keeps the sun out in the summer and a wee bit of heat in the winter. Its not perfect and still needs a wee underfloor heat boost. A wood stove would be a perfect addition but builder thought it wasnt possible.

    Free Member

    Email the Beeb and ask. They have folk who will find out for you.

    Youngsters, Nae initiative these days!

    Free Member

    just to confuse yous

    Free Member

    At the top of Ben Nevis it takes months and makes the soil too fertile.

    Free Member

    The police used to teach a lot of horn sounding as part of “The system” way back in the 70’s. Maybe its an old copper or someone who canny find the indicator cancel switch.

    Free Member

    Edit in an editing format (uncompressed and quick) then export in a delivery format. HD stuff does take a long time.
    Premiere is as good as anything.

    There are 3rd party convertors too that come with codecs you might not have.

    Ask on a video forum for better results.

    Free Member

    everyone is doing this these days – there must be a night class going or something…

    My wee pal Emma (apparently she has taken over Glasgow Life!)[/url]

    Free Member

    Doesn’t sound like anyone else tried very hard! Dunoon and the cowal peninsula is the ideal base for access to

    Pucks glen
    The arboretum
    Isle of Bute, Mount Stuart, Rothesay Castle.
    Forest roads
    Hillwalking/biking on the Cowal way or the Three lochs way or in the wild.
    Tarbert and Mull of Kintyre and Arran.
    There is plenty of good food places and pubs.
    Dunoon is currently having a wee makeover and I actually found it Tidier and better looked after than Helensburgh.

    The Waverley retreats down south in winter.

    But if you insist on somewhere else…
    self catering

    Free Member

    Check the road closure times north of tarbet. They are fixing it overnight again but i’m sure you’ll be ok during the day.

    Free Member

    Final cut is easier than the more recent imovie!

    Notes on the video – Establishing shots in the car – too many.
    I’d make my clips shorter and cut quicker. eg clip 1,2,3,4,2,2,3,4 cut 3,2,3,4,2,3,4 cut and so on.

    Other advice

    Cutting to the musical phrases and beats help to keep up the pace.
    Synching up a landing with a drum hit for example or a climb/jump with a synth key change.
    Close ups, cutaways and other things of note all add interest.
    Tell a story.
    Break the rules as you see fit.

    Free Member


    Canny do numbers or see number patterns or anything. or puzzles. Very frustrating. I hate cards and chess. I forget the number I’ve just worked out and have to repeat it so many times I just give up.

    But if some physical problem is in front of me I can see it in a way other folk can’t. It’s weird. Usually practical mechanical things.

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