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  • Review: Adidas FIVE TEN Gore-Tex Trailcross
  • cb
    Free Member

    VW camper 15 feet up a tree by the road in France – was just after the floods last summer in Southern France.

    Free Member

    You any idea who actually makes the sofa? Is the shop a chain (assuming the CSL link was just an example of the product rather than who you bought it from)?

    Chances are its shipped in from China and they don’t have any spare corner units.

    Free Member


    I think the value thing as regards using an agent would depend on the area. Massive demand for rental property and a landlord could easily raise the rent and offload the responsibility of management to an agent thus covering their extra costs (considerable at that). We used an agent as we had small kids and not enough time to do what I would consider a good job. Changed that view when the agent was more of a pain than the tenants! We didn’t increase the rent – just took the hit ourselves.
    The fact that difficulties arise is nothing to do with being a tenant or a landlord – its people in general. You only have to spend 5 minutes on this forum to realise how large the gulf is between what is considered reasonable or unreasonable. If the situation were reversed, she would probably be a bad tenant as well

    Free Member

    Pelion is nice – very quiet

    Free Member

    Did you sign the agreement with her or the agent?

    I did similar with my flat as the agent was useless – wasn’t benefitting me or the tenant. The tenant was a bit thick and kept calling the agent out for stupid things like replacing lightbulbs and unblocking toilets (deliberately blocked) because the agent had peed him off about something. Agent just did everything and billed me.

    Ended up visiting the tenant (who I hadn’t met) and telling them to behave, then sacking the agent. Could only sack the agent as the contract with them had expired i.e. a minimum term had elapsed.

    From experience (sometimes bitter) the law tends to favour the tenant. Would have thought a final letter to her with a request for repair by a certain date or you will move out should give you the moral high ground.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t have thought how she chooses to manage the property is any of your business. The obligation is till on her to maintain it though- whether or not she uses an agent.

    how long left on your rental agreement?
    EDIT – I am a landlord, but not by choice and I’m not rubbish. Why not offer to get someone in and take the cost off your rent? Offer though, don’t demand…yet

    Free Member

    they 30 quid in Argos at the moment

    Free Member

    Taking the elements of your description as the “facts” one would have to conclude that she was “at fault”. Whether that fault constituted ‘reckless’, ‘dangerous’ or ‘careless’ is another matter. IMHO ‘just not seeing someone’ is not an excuse but as a driver I appreciate that these things can happen i.e. mistakes without malice.

    I do not know enough about the legal system – is it possible that she could be found guilty of a lesser offence if acquitted of the more serious one? Or would the CPS have to charge for both?

    Pretty sure admission of blame, previous good record, evidence of trying to better her driving skills (qualifications that you mentioned) and no conflicting accounts from witnesses would all help in mitigation.

    The real scandal lays in the comparison between her and a drunk overtaking on a blind bend and killing a cyclist. Even if she avoids custody (which sounds likely), the drunk will probably only serve a few years (an ex tenant of mine killed an old boy on a motorcycle, did a runner and was on bail for drink driving/driving whist banned at the time – he got 8 years!). I guess that’s your point in a roundabout way?

    Free Member

    what sort of discounts do they have? What would a £200 down jacket cost for example?

    Free Member

    I care. Think we overdue tbh. I do however think that an alternative to FIFA needs to be found. That’s as likely as MPs becoming accountable though! Qatar has no chance for 2018 and timings would have to be moved for 2022 – just too hot!

    I am sure there will be plenty of overseas holiday bargains to be had for those that consider it to be an inconvenience.

    Free Member

    Ok – thanks all.

    Good links Cougar, Appears SKy has own services installed so will delve into the total package cost

    Free Member

    As much as I was hoping for the 2CV (best place for them) there was absolutely nothing! I’ve either got good neighbours or real pikeys who are waiting for it to be filled before nicking the contents…

    Free Member

    How would you practise something like that? Guessing the wrong body angle would result in a stain on the rock face?

    Free Member

    Isn’t the AVCHD better quality though? Seemed to be on comparing vids of each, not that Hollywood is likely to come calling…

    Free Member

    Would be 12 but I hate Facebook!

    Free Member

    @MF – feel for you, been there but fortunately most GPs have gone with the “better safe than sorry’ approach with our little ones. For adults though – many of them treat us like idiots. My dentist of all people spotted something in an x-ray and I went for a chat about it with the GP. Was told straight away “not to worry about it”. I asked him if he could explain why he felt that way and he stumbled around before admitting he had no idea what it was!

    That led to GP no 2 – first thing she did was apologise as she only vaguely remembered about it from med school and wanted to look it up online before offering an opinion – in my mind that is a perfect response – she is now my GP.

    TJ – you’ve apologised so fair enough but your first post was so typical of the arrogant, dismissive and condescending attitude that can get the medical profession a bad name. Some parents are of course idiots but many do whatever they can for their kids before ‘making a fuss’. Even if you got the wrong end of the stick, you’re a plonker for replying to MF’s post in that tone. That said, I wouldn’t want your job and I’m grateful that people like you do what you do…

    Free Member

    @ Si – not sure this answers your question properly but I wanted frame only so as to use up a lot of spare parts I had in the garage! As such, mine is not as bling as I would have liked but it feels good riding the bits rather than looking at them. Maybe a frame and fork option?

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t worry too much about next year either – mine still liked the wrapping more than anything. You can still have a family celebration when you all together when you get back – its the people that make it special not the date IMO.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the TZ7. Like it apart from the vid format, which makes it an arse to load directly onto a Mac. Wouldn’t have bought it had I known – now looking for an alternative as vids were the main reason for buying for me…

    Free Member

    Try the Furniture Ombudsman – yes there really is one. Part of FIRA International

    Free Member

    I have the current HX1 and love it. I have put Fox 36s on though, which may be overkill…

    Free Member

    yep – looking like element, thanks

    Free Member

    I’d be more worried about that Bernie Ecclestone look you must have when out and about with her…

    Free Member

    Seems to me that they deserve each other. Full marks for defending your shop’s rep but a little too personal for my liking (though I can appreciate the frustration). Have to say though that 15% discount is generous, I’d happily reduce internet shopping if I had that!

    Free Member

    Which conducts tests from the side as well so give a good overall rating – usual standards just apply to front impacts I seem to remember. The lack of side impact protection on some seats is scary!

    Free Member

    XL – no question!

    Free Member

    I’m in the Macc area and the local hospital has a rheumatolgy (sp) physio section. They know what they’re doing re AS and exercise. Local swim therapy (physical not mental!) sessions and gym sessions tailored to AS bods etc.

    I also find that acupuncture has helped me in certain joints, particularly chest wall.

    Free Member

    ACDC played the Hammy Odeon a few years back as part of some 20 odd years celebration for the venue – I have that t-shirt as well! That one fits!

    Free Member

    @higgo – I think they were let down by the police when the lead investigator publicly declares he thinks they did it! No evidence for this, otherwise they would have been convicted. In a tabloid society, I’m sure they lost a lot of support when that happened.

    I think they were incredibly self-centered to leave the kids alone but I have a feeling they have enough guilt in their lives.

    Free Member

    If I were in their position and somebody kindly informed me that I have two other children who are equally important (with the inference that I should give up on the missing child) I might be inclined to tell them to FO.

    I think these people have been let down by the police force in Portugal. How the hell are they supposed to do anything other than carry on with their search? I know I would.

    Free Member

    Still got my Charlotte and the Harlots Blew My Brains Out t-shirt from the pre-Donnington warm up in 1988!

    Guessing it would be a bit snug now tho!

    Free Member

    Back in Black – straight to the point, no phaffing!

    Free Member

    Had the ‘pleasure’ of riding Cannock recently with some moron and his Jack Russell. Totally out of control running ahead of him as I guess it just hears a bike and thinks its the owner. Said Owner then whistles and the pooch stops dead in the trail…I have nothing against dogs (much) but this owner was a tool. Sunday at Cannock – not very bright!

    Free Member

    uhmmm – I have the ‘winter’ ones and am loving them so far. Only about 6 rides under their belt tho…

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t if I were you – if only to save him from my potty mouth! I tend to utter the above mentioned “fruity” swearwords when I get killed online…and I get killed a lot!

    Free Member

    @retro – pretty sure the narrator said the driver HAD been convicted of Death by Dangerous Driving – that was my whole point. It wasn’t an assumption that he/she was driving like a tool – it was a conviction.

    Agree that lesser offenses are suitable for community service.

    I’m sure the guy was affected by his grief – most people would be. Even typical van man that drives like that all day every day would be. Would it change his behaviour – who knows? I hope it doesn’t happen but if either of you were on the wrong end of a similar event, how would you feel about some guy that had driven in an avoidable fashion, ultimately leading to the death of your missus (and been convicted of doing so)?

    Free Member

    If the conviction was for Death by Dangerous Driving – then the clue is in the title. Assumptions are always questionable but in this case the driver had been convicted. If he/she had just made a mistake (which we all do) then a lesser charge would have been brought or he/she would have been acquitted.

    I don’t pretend to know what one has to do behind the wheel of a car in order to be convicted of Death by Dangerous Driving but I’m pretty sure a shunt into the back of a car or a slip on the clutch wouldn’t cut the mustard. The driver was found guilty after all the evidence had been presented – 300 hours community service wouldn’t please me if it had been my relative that had died.

    I never stated that his/her intention was to kill or that they had “murdered” anyone.

    Free Member

    How about “Please don’t use my towel”…just a thought.

    Free Member

    Would echo the syringe thing – bottle in the Hayes bleed kit is pants. Im useless at these things but the syringe made it all OK! My problem is now that the lever just needs a slight touch and the brake is on full – guess I have too much fluid in the system?

    Free Member

    Enjoyed reading that – thanks!

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