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  • cb
    Free Member

    jon – not sure when, its up to 3.60 now but that didn’t fix the issue. Apparently Sony released a 3.56 version 2 very quickly after version 1 but that also had failed to fix the issues. I guess its down to the luck of the draw – if you hadn’t switched on your PS3 during the period that 3.56v1 was current, you’re likely to be fine.

    Free Member


    I know this is getting tedious but it might be useful for someone with similar problems…

    I have now tried a new HDD but to no avail. Error message 8002F225 corrupted data.

    There is a thread that went to 137 pages (>1500 post) on the official Sony Playstation forum. The mods shut it down!!

    Turns out anyone that had the 3.56 version 1 firmware on their machine now has an ex-PS3. Its possible that a new firmware patch might solve the problem but Sony is refusing to acknowledge it was its update that caused the issues so they won’t comment on that. In fact, the guy on the helpline said that it was “inevitable” that PS3s break after 18 months and insisted that it was a hardware issue!! An independent repair outfit told me that they had numerous examples of this happening in the last few weeks – all the same issue.

    I don’t have the financial resources to take Sony on but needless to say I’m changing my mind about the xbox!! Apart from Watchdog – which starts again next week, I can’t think of anything else that I can do.

    At least it simplifies the choice of new TV – won’t be a Sony!!

    Free Member

    Cougar – that seems to refer to goods that have not been used.

    Free Member


    The link from Piemann is interesting. I called John Lewis Customer Services and spoke to a guy who advised me to take it back to the store and they will attempt to fix for free. I expected a battle and I got it! They didn’t want to know, so I mentioned Sale of Goods Act etc as advised on the link from Piemann – “I’ll go and get a manager” was the response…

    Came back with what I assumed was the manager and he puffed out his chest and started quoting SOGA (wrongly). I argued to no avail so asked for his details so that I could take it further with the head office, which to be fair is what I expected.

    He did however, admit that i had been misled over the telephone so he offered half of the replacement cost that had been offered by Sony – which he rounded up to 70 quid. Initially I refused as my right to a repair wasn’t being met. Having thought about it, I can probably get it repaired for 70 quid so I accepted and left. Turned out he was just a Tech Support muppett and not a manager which irritated a little so will take that up with JL.

    Moral seems to be – fight for your rights even if warranty has expired, EXPECT store staff to be ignorant of the law and fob you off but hold your ground and threaten small claims if the retailer digs its heels in.

    Overall, peed off that a 230 quid console breaks so easily but not entirely unhappy at a 70 quid refund.

    Free Member

    BIG THANKS for that link Piemann!!

    I had seen the site before but not the PS3 specific bit. John Lewis were sheepish on the phone but have at least promised to look at it with a view to repair foc.

    Free Member


    Removed HD, kept it in cage. Shoved it back in and powered up.

    Straight back to the install screen!!

    Seems I have an ex-PS3!!

    Thanks for trying guys!

    Free Member

    Thanks Saccades I’ll try that next. No I don’t have a spare HD but it seems that 32 quid posted will get me one from Ebuyer.

    A bit of Googling and it seems this has happened to a fair few people.

    jon1973 – not sure about the Consumer Law thing – EU Directive states things should work for 2 years but not sure how that has been incorporated in the SOGA?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    molgrips – can’t access any of the menus to format anything!!

    Will have to try and replace the HDD as Sony wanted 134 quid to exchange it for a refurb “like new” model which they would only warranty for 3 months!

    Free Member

    Just as an update – the damn thing is borked!

    Was working perfectly until the update, now Sony suggesting “an underlying” issue with the hard drive!

    Saccades – thanks for the suggestion, tried many times but every time I power the PS3 on again, it goes straight to the “installing…” screen. gets to 99% and freezes again. Spent 30 minutes on the telephone with the Sony people but couldn’t by-pass this screen at all.

    Bought in September 09 and has been fine. Don’t use the hard drive for storing much, just play games on it. Seems pretty crap to me that such an expensive thing can fall over after just 18 months use.

    Free Member

    Thanks – Macc area.

    Beef is cost – they gave me a good reduction when I moaned but didn’t tell me it was for a limited period, just found out I have been paying 23 a month again for ages (bill goes through business so I don’t go through every line). I now have a MAC code!

    ourman – is Openreach owned by BT or are they independent?

    Free Member

    Don’t ignore it – that’s crap advice. Write the letter as someone stated and explain clearly that you dispute the matter and that you have made several attempts to get it sorted to no avail. Then ask them to contact you or leave you alone.

    Free Member

    What exactly did he say! Am I the only one interested?!

    Free Member

    I don’t think the road markings are rubbish – all they say is that people in the left lane should turn left. They don’t prohibit people in the middle lane turning left as well.

    Also, when you turn the corner, the lane that you are now in (i.e. the left of two) appears to be left turn only at the next junction – which you don’t want. You are perfectly within your rights to change into the right lane here but why add complexity. If people are tooting their horns its for one of three reasons: –

    1. You are being an idiot and blindly swapping and cutting them up hence toots from the right lane.

    2. You are being courteous but the right lane is full of ego maniacs who consider themselves far too important to let anyone in front of them and are firing off “don’t you dare pull in front of me” toots

    3. You are being cautious and getting toots from those in the left lane wishing to go about their business but are blocked by you trying to swap lanes

    From the journey you describe, I’d use the middle lane and turn left

    Free Member

    Some councils don’t recycle certain materials (normally plastics) because the cost of transporting them to the processing facility is too high. Others have re-processing facilities nearer and can do so. Recycling will generally be driven by the authority rather than the waste management company and will only improve as contracts are opened up for tender.

    I have been trying to commercialize a recycling technology for MDF (aiming at commercial and industrial waste streams) for a few years and although there is a great deal of interest from users, nobody will invest until regulatory pressure forces them to. Unfortunately the good old UK Government prefers to burn things these days…

    Free Member

    Have you paid up already?

    Free Member

    I have the older version – like it a lot!

    Free Member

    I grew up in Basingstoke, heaven on earth compared to Stevenage where I ended up working!

    Free Member

    Thanks all

    Dornoch had a healthy covering this morning apparently as did Brora. Brora has a webcam though and its getting greener!

    Was concerned whether Golspie would be ridable as its quite exposed as I understand. Was after some locxal thoughts

    Looks like we’ll be packing the bikes anyway – could always do the shorter routes up there I guess.

    Free Member

    I had this done with Transco (was part of BG at the time I think). Took 10 years off my life – complete nightmare.

    Free Member

    What professions are people in – there’s a real variety of locations mentioned there!

    Free Member

    thanks all

    Free Member

    There used to be plenty of garages on site – try renting one or joining one of the many outdoor clubs that use them for storage. Of course, they may have built on them by now – it was 20 years ago that I went!

    Also, pick your college wisely – some have much bigger rooms that others!

    Free Member

    They are both Titus El guapos

    Bike 1 is a post 2009 Large frame size
    Bike 2 is a pre 2009 Large

    I bought 2nd hand and thought I was getting a 19.5 i.e. Bike 1

    Turns out I got Bike 2 and was concerned re the 20.75″ C-Top. Seems it might not be the problem that I had thought – just an inch or so less post showing?

    Wwaswas – brace is right!

    Free Member

    anybody else?

    Free Member

    0704liquidcrack 015[/url] by craigbart[/url], on Flickr

    Think these had a bit of a reputation for this. Have to say Trek were spot on with the replacement.

    Free Member

    Bee Movie or rather strangely…Mamma Mia!

    Free Member

    Helicopter lesson

    Free Member

    Shandy – I think there was a certain ‘spirit’ attached to the statement rather than it being meant as an absolute. Of course, he/she won’t be one of the better drivers but will IMO be adopting a responsible attitude. No need to dismount from that high horse though – you carry on…

    Free Member

    Whilst at Uni (many moons ago) some mates found a fly in a pack of crisps (well known northern brand). They sellotaped it to a letter and sent it back (in a humorous way, rather than moany). Next thing they knew, the MD turned up on the doorstep with a box of crisps as an apology! Also brought the machine operator from the plant to explain how much effort goes into avoiding this sort of thing and how sorry they were!

    It was also standard practice for some in those days to go into McDs (braving the abuse from the temporary vegetarian student society outside) and order. They would then get the name of the staff member and write to the company explaining how rude they were. A £5 or £10 voucher would then appear through the post. Repeat with fictitious names from different branches and eat for free…

    Free Member

    Look at WHat Car this month – they review the Landy, Q5 and Volvo

    Free Member

    Don’t do it! I’m a reluctant landlord and its a bloody nightmare. Its a drain on your time and more expensive than you would ever imagine. Good tenants and things can be simple – bad tenants will cost you in terms of cash and stress.

    Free Member

    Did someone just suggest we buy things for our bikes because we “need” them? 8O

    Free Member

    Do you cycle between the travel settings when inserting air? Mine ‘sank’ into their travel when I first got them but it was explained to me that you had to make sure the negative air chamber got its fill as well. Have no idea what that all meant but it worked a treat. So – pump some air in, depress to 120mm, release to 160mm again and carry on doing that until you have reached you chosen air pressure.

    Free Member

    Are you drunk?

    Free Member

    14 day return for full refund option it seems

    Free Member

    cycleworld – do you offer up discounts on end of season bikes / kit? Surely that’s haggling as well? You need to clear space so you move stuff on cheaper than normal prices.

    If I’m spending a lot then I’ll try and get the best price that I can – each party can walk away, it doesn’t have to get nasty. When my local actually had some decent staff, I would go in with a list and ask what they could do against Merlin or CRC. Some items they could get close to while others no where near. No problem paying a few quid more.

    As for service – I expect good service from any shop that I go in but I shouldn’t have to pay extra for it. I will however, keep going back.

    And if any one knows a decent shop near Macclesfield I’d be pleased to hear about it!!

    Free Member

    Do what you can afford to do.

    Free Member

    Had some idiot on Black Ops recently that ‘couldn’t die’ – however much you shot him he just kept coming. He got bored and left after much abuse…

    Free Member

    Just bought this for the PS3 – the version with the 5 games in one box? hoping it will get me away from Black ops – tried Medal of Honour but didn’t like that much.

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