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  • More ‘Meh’ Than ‘Wahoo’? Liquidity warning from S&P
  • cb
    Free Member

    ANy chance of those routes as well? I’m down that way in May.


    Free Member

    Focus SAM 3.0 would be worth a look at that price range

    Free Member

    Is that a tie free with each shirt of 1 tie for however many shirts ordered?

    Free Member

    my mistake – I’d always gone on this review which suggested 68 head angle. Good solid bikes nonetheless, bought mine off here – had been watching it not sell for a while before I cobbled enough together to buy it!

    Free Member

    Focus SAM 1.0, them being sold out gives me another year to save (I’ll need many years…)

    Free Member

    Sui – I want to believe…but what exactly do you do “in the industry”? You could sell petrol and Mars bars at a service station!

    Are benefits of using the go go juice likely to accrue on motors that have used the supermarket stuff for years or only if you use it from new?

    Free Member

    I have the exact same frame with RP23 on the back. Magura Wotan 160mm on the front and I certainly have no feeling of “lacking travel”!! The head angles on those are not as slack perhaps as some of the other bikes you mention?

    Free Member

    rogerthecat nails it.

    Free Member

    thanks tonyd and keef

    Free Member

    Thanks RichPenny

    I sort of understand all that! The format bit I don’t quite get. When I plug in the external drive I will see it on the list of options on the left of screen. The options that seem to be available on the right are First Aid; Erase; RAID or Restore.
    At the bottom I have Verify or repair disk

    What do I need to select to format the new drive?


    Free Member

    I got put off the Bergen for the exact reasons you state. NIce looking stove though. I went for the Morso S10-40 and very happy with it.

    Free Member

    Second the ‘good will’ bit up there.

    If you have an established client base for example, this can be ‘sold’ into the Ltd company.

    Free Member

    Thanks Gears. Pretty sure I’ve still got all the wiring diagrams in the ‘house’ folder! I’ll make sure he reads them when he comes back!

    Free Member

    I found a silver box as described by squirrel.

    Chojin – maybe but seems odd to me

    Gears – lived here eight years. Never been able to control them separately but until last week we had a very simple timer unit below the boiler, thermostat (basic twist dial in the hall).. The timer failed and was replaced with a more modern one with more functionality. Similarly, the thermostat was upgraded. It was explained to me that the thermostat would turn the CH on independently and the timer would control the water only. I am guessing that having seen the system, the engineer thinks the CH ‘should’ be capable of that.. It doesn’t which lead me to try and find out what is wrong. I am guessing that the fault has always been there..

    By asking the question I am hoping to gain a bit of knowledge, no more that that.. I can at least make a suggestion as to what may be wrong to the plumber when he gets here. At least I now know that it possible that my system is designed like that and it may not be faulty. If that is the case, the new 60 thermostat in my hallway was not needed and serves no function, which the plumber should have known…

    There is a thermostat on the hot water tank as well..

    Thanks for replies

    Free Member

    Pardew at least showed a bit of passion and commitment to his job, he was wrong quite clearly but at least had the decency to come clean and apologise straight away. He will get punished (already has been) severely but bleating on about role models and getting him sacked is just pathetic. It was a brush of heads for christ’s sake – he didn’t stab the guy.

    I’m guessing any of the ‘dads’ on here moaning about how their children will be affected do a lot worse down the park every Sunday in the pub leagues. Then let their kids play Call of Duty at home…

    The PL is entertainment and damn good entertainment most of the time.

    Free Member

    I understood the recommendation for snow blades to be for the parents rather than the kids! Ski in the morning while they are in ski school and then blade in the afternoon – kids stay on their skis. Can help them a lot more that way if they are new to it without ending up in a big pile of skis and sticks. Makes perfect sense to me.

    Free Member

    Derbyshire Bridge, over old road to Buxton, out on road to Whaley, fork right up steep single track road, follow this for a while until right onto bridle way, cross river at Fernilee, turn left and keep going through Goyt back to car

    Free Member

    Good call on the snowblades! Hadn’t thought of doing that!

    Free Member

    Call the rozzers – they sent out the pretend police to stand outside my kids’ school when the IPLAC brigade started using the zig zags outside as their valet parking spot. Surprisingly effective, helped by one particular moron who parked on the zig zags, next to the PC and school gate tight in front of them! He really was that stupid. Usual stereotypes apply, fat, would have to walk more than 10 seconds to legally park etc

    Although these knuckle scrapers have (largely) stopped doing it since the 5-0 turned up, they now take turns to park in the driveway of a house opposite the school – yet to witness a householder – fat arse confrontation as yet but it has to happen…

    Free Member based out of Macc

    Free Member

    uhmmm, horsethief here as well (for a mate). First intro to steerer cutting, seemed to get away with it! WIll be checking the pivot bolts though…

    Free Member

    I was born in Basingstoke and spent 18 years there. Believe me, it is an oasis now in comparison to the concrete desert that I grew up in. Having travelled a bit, including living in Stevenage for a few years – Basingstoke ain’t that bad!

    If the job pays OK you won’t be short of great rural options for housing – Rotherwick, Hartney Witney etc

    Free Member

    This was posted a while ago and a mate bought one – very nice bikes. Really surprised they still have stock

    Free Member

    I’d be pretty annoyed in your shoes as the returns info seems pretty clear to me. You did try and return within 7 days? You have all the packaging etc?

    Free Member

    Thanks – managed to miss those in Billys. That’s a crazy price though!

    Free Member

    uhmmm, this 10 speed stuff is new to me. I knew about the tools but PITA to have to carry one in the Camelback. I’ll bite the bullet.


    Free Member

    so, what was the outcome?

    Free Member

    Thanks twinw4ll. From a lay man’s perspective that there is one of the problems. I had several fitters out and they were split – some suggested liner, most said it wasn’t required. I wouldn’t have got a 6″ liner down anyway, which is what the S10-40 needs. I’ll see what the fitter says

    Free Member

    twinwall – its an S10-40. would condensation be more likely with a wood burner than the old open fire that was there previously?

    Free Member

    slackalice, the flue from the stove does vent into the clay flue but there was a cone type fixing attached – it was described to me as a sump. In other words, anything dripping / running down the clay flue ‘should’ be gathered by this upside down cone and presumable feed into the stove itself?

    Cowl is still there!

    Free Member

    Trail rat – used regularly, just not that night.

    Free Member

    But the water would drop into the sump and into the stove surely? Otherwise every stove installation in the country would be leading to damaged walls. I was thinking poorly fitted sump perhaps?

    Free Member

    I say well done for being a decent human being. Few and far between these days…

    Free Member

    out of interest, how much are you lot paying per month for infinity. 31.50 here, which seems steep!

    Free Member

    It amazes me that some cars don’t get scratched – those t*ss bags that park diagonally 6 inches away from another parked car. How the hell is someone supposed to get back into their own vehicle without scratching yours!? Sorry for the drift but saves me starting my own rant thread…

    Sorry to hear bout your car OP, mine got pinged with the end of a trolley leaving a 5p sized dint in the passenger door. Gits.

    Many years ago I was ‘rammed’ by a fully laden trolley (which is quite an impact) whilst sitting in the passenger seat – being a sulky teenager not wanting to help with the shopping. When I got out to examine the damage, the bint went mental for me daring to suggest that she was at fault. Que exchange of views before tubby little mentalist husband walks into sight leading to demonstration of how placid the bint was in comparison. From a distance you would think ‘normal middle aged couple’ – goes to show how many dicks there are doing things like that.

    Have also seen mid twenties woman emptying her shopping into her boot and watching the trolley roll off down the hill straight into other parked cars. She didn’t even fetch it – just drove off!

    I’d better stop now…

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    Everything into the amp now but sounds seems OK with the ARC HDMI. Cougar – you said disable ARC – why would that be please? And would you use an optical connect in preference?

    My remote (new one for the amp) is awful. Loads of tiny buttons and very hard to read what does what. Such a ball ache for something that I thought would be straightforward. Still unsure why it wasn’t working before.

    Free Member

    Uhmm, still getting no sound. There is something very stupid that I have done. I am using the ARC HDMI. Only getting TV sound which suggest perhaps that the connection between TV and amp isn’t secure

    Free Member

    Its nonsense to prosecute but you can understand in this situation that 3 blokes were reported ‘scaling a wall’ to get into someone else’s property. If it were your garden, you would expect the police to attend. This in turn wastes police time and costs tax ££s.

    I’d like to know more about their lifestyles as well – needing to eat is one thing but choosing to squat and scavenge can be a lifestyle choice for some. Middle class ‘look at me’ types!

    Free Member

    Not me but a mate who pis*ed James Hetfield off – asking for an autograph at the Marquee when he was busy entertaining Lars with his “see how long I can keep this pint on my head” demonstration. Quite a while it seems…

    Free Member

    Matt – you still in the insulation market? Be interested in a chat if you are.

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