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  • cb
    Free Member

    Roter – tried all derivations of the email address that I can think of. I thought it would be the lack of a ‘dot’ between the names but all get returned.

    Perhaps I’ve been duped and it him that pranged the car!! Gave me some dodgy contacts to make it look like he’d swapped details!

    Fanatic – they will contact the driver but now have no evidence that he left the scene knowing that he’d had a prang. If they can’t prove it then all that’s left is a bump between civilians and a whole load of insurance hassle…

    Free Member

    Update – Tesco has no cctv covering their car park – just the front entrance. The witness email address appears to be wrong. Police have little option left to them. They will now assign to an office who will (time permitting) make sure the registered keeper provides his details and vice versa.

    At least I tried…

    Free Member

    Police have called back – they are contacting the witness first before they trace the registered keeper – seems common sense enough. Somewhat pleased (and surprised) that they have acted so quickly.

    Free Member

    OK – so I shouldn’t moan and then do nothing! With that in mind I’ve reported to the police and have an incident number. They will now contact the registered keeper and will be back in touch with me. Police reckon Tesco won’t release any cctv to me (no great surprise) but they should be able to keep it in case of a claim later on.

    We’ll see.

    Free Member

    SD now own Direct Golf – used to be one of the ‘go to’ online places for quality golf gear – now full of Dunlop rubbish (remember when they made good stuff?).

    Free Member

    Yeah – the insurance bit should have been my fourth bullet point – even if they do have cctv and the insurance gets involved I guess my premium will see an increase? Even though its protected no claims – they always find a way to decide that I’m a higher risk.

    I’ll talk to Tesco to see if they have cctv covering that area. The car is a 2009 Mondeo so we’re not talking pristine but it just boils the preverbial that that people like that get away with this type of behaviour.

    Free Member

    I took the kids to Blue John in the week – enjoyed it far more than I expected to. They do say “involves some steps” on the notice right next to the “tickets non-refundable bit” – what they don’t tell you is that its 294 steps!

    Not a pretty cave as such but worth the trip – you can walk up the old road if you want to make a round trip from Castleton.

    Free Member

    Thanks all – finally seem to have resolved my issue. The dash display has a long menu list and found the service requirement. In 14100 miles apparently – or 331 days (conveniently (for them) just before we return the car!).

    Free Member

    Ours is a two year lease and max 16k miles, the miles bit should be OK. Its the 2 year bit thats ambiguous to me.

    Free Member

    The lease docs say adhere to Skoda service intervals. Nothing specific about 500 miles before hand back or anything like that.

    This should be black and white – it isn’t to me!

    Project – stop mumbling

    Free Member

    Still ambiguous as to whether “after 2 years” is within a 2 year lease period or Skoda’s respsonsibility when we hand the car back?

    Free Member

    Ah, within the Service Plan book there is a table of ‘Q’ numbers dictating what service schedules might be applicable. You have then to cross reference those numbers to a sticker in the front of the service booklet detailing the requirement for the particular car!!

    Turns out we’re a Q16 – Flexible Service Interval.

    Inspection required after 30k km or 2 years
    Oil Change Service -After 30k km, 2 years OR when the car tells you.
    Brake Fluid Change – First change after 3 years then every 2 years

    Thanks Skoda!!

    Free Member

    …is now educated about Fleshlight!!

    Lady in a Can has gone upmarket!!

    Free Member

    getonyourbike – its white!

    Free Member

    The types of material to be used were explained as was a description of what they do in terms of inspecting the house as they replace the existing woodwork. They also stated that they had “their own” scaffold rig and intimated that this would be used for the whole job – certainly didn’t state that they plan to use ladders for the gables!!

    The cheapest quote that I have ever had was 3.5k and that was from the window company that fitted new upvc windows and a bi-fold (which was bodged!). They went bust 18 months later…

    I seem to be a magnate for this type of result although I had maybe 6-7 quotes before this one including the cowboy type “well it should be 12k but today only etc etc”.

    If I can work out the photo function I will try and get some pics posted up.

    EDIT – haven’t paid a penny as yet…

    Free Member

    OK – wasn’t expecting this to take off! Had a good moan to the company about how this guy operates and they promised to ‘have words’. His supposed early start Friday didn’t materialise – I suspect as he knew I had to leave for the weekend.

    Came back tonight to find a fence panel off (obvioulsy had been into my neighbours garden without permission), a couple of boxes of crap on the driveway, oil stains on the drive, nails on the drive and front lawn and scattered pieces of debris still pretty much everywhere. That said, I feared for worse.

    Still some dry verges (I think that’s what they are called) to put on so he’s obvioulsy planning to come back. I paid 5k for this! Its the 2k type of figure that is repeated above that annoys me so much. I reckon 500 quids worth of materials and 4 man days at most so the place should be bloody spotless. Other quotes round here (north west) were all similar or in fact higher – the salesman was good and brought samples etc. I have no faith that the inspections that were promised (to check for any damage and make good) were carried out – how could they when the guy could barely reach some bits on the end of a ladder!

    The job ‘looks’ good enough, although there are some areas that I think need tidying but I feel a little vulnerable here as I really don’t know about these things. Planning on getting a friend out to look it over tomorrow, he’s no expert but does small building projects so should be able to give a view at least.

    I assume that he survived but will double check the stain on the drive in the morning in case its blood!

    Free Member

    Having pointed to the highest part of the gable, which has a lower roof section below it, I asked him how he intended to get to that bit.

    “yeah, I was thinking that – looks a bit high don’t it”!! What should I do with the body…?

    Free Member

    revs – he expects to be here until end of week – I have my doubts.

    Ecky – I booked this week so kids wouldn’t be here – if they were, the guy would have been told to get off site already. Lumps of mortar, wooden fascia boards with nails etc would be a problem to this customer! Flying through the air that is!

    Somouk – any idea how long that team took for the job?

    Free Member

    Thanks to Captain Hindsight – did get other quotes and this was in the ball park. Mentioned paying a fortune as a thread appeared on here about similar jobs and I seem to be paying double what others had.

    No accents other than the expected local one…

    Free Member

    He marked up the wiring of an integrated light that he removed with “brown wire on the rite side”. I doubt he’s heard of RAMS (neither have I!).

    Free Member

    worse than the dickins? Really?

    Free Member

    I just got some north face things from the outlet sale at Cheshire Oaks – Descendit I think they are.

    Water repellent and 63 quid – down from an eye watering price. Comfy and stretchy!

    Free Member

    I shuddered when I saw ‘starter set’ as such things are usually shiet. They look better than most that I have seen but if you get the bug and pick it up quite quickly I think you will be swapping them sooner than you’d like.

    clubhousegolf is a good online place as well as American Golf (1 shop vs many). Second hand is a good option and your local pro or American Golf shop may help you out there. Asking on here maybe an option as well, I’ve sold a few here.

    SDIT – what the bloke belwo said about ebay! Fake central, quite good copies too.

    Free Member

    augustus – scam, they sent a zero invoice then a week later one for damage. I disputed as there was no damage and it then became a valet charge (they sent photos of some sand in the boot – after a ten day rental by the coast!). Now in hands of cc company.

    Free Member

    I got charged 135 Euro by Europcar for hoovering out the boot.

    Hope this helps…

    Free Member

    I went to Turkey last year with that lot – wouldn’t have had a clue it wasn’t ATOL. Just assumed as it was routed via

    Will be more careful in future…

    Free Member

    Not sure if things have changed but in my day Ivorlott’s suggestion was a single seat descent which might not work for your lad? Good fun though!

    Free Member

    Surely the local police will ID those two from that quality of video? Shame he didn’t pedal under a bus…

    Free Member

    I’ve recommended Home Protect a couple of times on here before. Was about to start my third year with them but Pedalcover slightly cheaper quote today. However, excess is slghtly higher – they seem to get around that by signing you up to another policy which covers your excess so all is well.

    You have to be careful with Home Protect auto renewal as they seem to raise the premium. A call sorts that out and they will match their online quotes on comparison sites but a PITA nevertheless.

    I decided to try elsewhere as they loaded us slightly for NOT claiming for pipe leak that we reported in case it got worse before we could diagnose the problem. Pedalcover protect your bikes in locked cars – Home Protect do not.

    Free Member

    wwaswas suggestion by far the best, although in this case I guess others are correct that she probably couldn’t exit from the driver’s side. Don’t get why you would exit to the central reservation and head back into oncoming traffic – that’s where any resultant accident / impact will happen.

    Free Member

    Simpsons Skoda have good deals on their website. Beware that you have to take a car as its specced, or wait a while for a factory build to your spec (via the Skoda route that is). Any extras on stock cars are charged at full price i.e. if a sunroof costs 800 quid extra, then that full amount is added to your monthly costs over the lease period.

    Free Member

    There’s more to this I reckon – never heard such passive language from someone who just effectively lost £2.4k! With those type of responses from the manufacturer, your cc company will refund you for sure. They’ve left the lbs with no choice IMO.

    Free Member

    Did you write to them telling them that you would be sorting remaining issues yourself? It would help your case if you did.

    Two months is totally unnacceptable and a poor job is no job at all. You have increased your offer to them so that would see you in a good light in small claims – them not so much!

    I would say go to court and explain yourself – sometimes its the only way to get these things sorted. One last letter to the builder detailing the whole thing and the measures you have made to come to an agreement would help you.

    Free Member

    trail rat – one car, no idea why the three invoices.

    Video would have been useful – next time!

    Free Member

    I’m having to endure this nightmare at the moment! We were told it was to do with grubby bastids wearing board shorts all day then just jumping in the pool without changing out of dirty stuff. They suggest people less likely to do this in lycra trunks!!

    Just one of many stupid rules here that the French seem to love lording over tourists, like closing the water slides at 5.30 when the pool opens until 7!

    Free Member

    As I understand it, the Open is going to be held at Troon this year. If the R&A are now so forward thinking why have they allowed this to continue when Troon still remains men only? Changing now might be a pain but the R&A have had a couple of years to sort this.

    Anyone familiar with ‘traditional’ type golf clubs would know that women are generally discriminated against (as are juniors) even if members. However, there does seem to be a certain degree of acceptance from (older) women golfers that “this is how it is”. Maybe its a generational thing.

    Free Member

    My OH just told me that she’s off on business in July but I should know that already as she had put a ‘placemat’ in the diary. I had no words…

    Free Member

    I’ve asked a STW’er to quote for a flooring job before now (not DD) – got ignored. Thought it was a “good thing” to do – obviously wrong!

    Asking that level of detail (OP) and expecting answers for nowt is stepping over the mark – if he’d joined STW and asked then fair enough!

    Free Member

    TKC in Denton seem pretty good although they come flat pack. They will re-paint doors for not much money if you fancy a change of colour at a future date as well.

    I’m buying some stuff from Stuart J Warrington (as mentioned above) at the moment and he’s (Nick) been very helpful. Good prices on appliances.

    Free Member

    I’ve decided to still go to Manc. Saw some of the GnR stuff from Vegas that had Angus on stage and it sounded OK. I was hoping for Lzzy Hale to replace Brian but you can’t have everything…

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