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  • SQ Lab 6OX Infinergy Ergowave Active 2.1 Saddle review
  • cb
    Free Member

    Sometimes this place is great, sometimes stuff like this happens. The seller is full of BS, as are a few of the respondents supporting him. This is nothing short of deception.

    Free Member

    Downright shoddy. Refund is due here. 

    Free Member

    Bedmaker – do you find the firebricks in them Morsos break far too often?  Also, is that a control lever at the bottom of the stove as well?  I have the stand up version of that stove but no controls below the stove – just at the top.

    Free Member

    Jesus!! Saw swavis get into Glasgow so thought I’d try again – straight in!!  Some IT balls up no doubt!

    Free Member

    Correction x5 the price!

    Free Member

    Predictably Ticketmaster sold out 30 secs after opening for general sale but somehow I could buy their aftermarket tickets for x3 the price at the same time…Crooks

    Free Member

    Glad its a non-story.  Local Evans to me is top notch with really helpful staff – couldn’t give a crap about free coffee and bribing mechanics with biscuits and being all pally – they are just friendly and helpful.

    Free Member

    Well, in the time it took to be offended by the price and then decide to go anyway…they sold out!  General sale tomorrow to try for!

    Free Member

    Right – get the first two.  Struggling with yours Perchy

    Free Member

    My problem (I hope) has gone away.  LBS managed to get it sorted straight away this morning and my kids won’t get to learn new swear words…

    I’ll have a better idea of what’s needed next time!

    Free Member

    uhmmm – thanks for the replies.  Had seen the string method on the web but not tried holding vacuum over the port hole. I tried it the other way feeding the string in the port but didn’t work.

    Tried the inner method but couldn’t get it past the bb – more patience required!  Will give it another go.

    Free Member

    No, bb still in place.  PITA…

    Free Member

    Did you not think to ask him what he thinks the whites lines are for?

    Free Member

    tub – thanks, didn’t know the other lift was bigger.  Is the summit out of action with the damage to the Lognan?

    Free Member

    Some of the group already have airbnb booked – guess the q relates to enough other skiing to keep everybody happy or whether the other areas might be rammed.  Been a while since I was there so can’t remember what the impact of that cable might be to queues

    Free Member

    Poly – are you seriously suggesting that travellers are incapable of putting their rubbish in a normal car (rather than a van) and using a council tip?  They dump it because they couldn’t give a flying toss.  Blaming the ‘non-travelling’ part the same society for the travellers’ anti social behaviour is a nonsense.

    Free Member

    On this whole security thing…

    Having just spent a weekend in London, my advice to anyone that has the inclination to act in a Nefarious Fashion is to try the Science Museum.  London Eye, bag searches on way in (when ‘security’ could be bothered to stop ogling anything in a dress) and searches of bubbles after people exit; Natural History Museum (token bag search on entry); Science Museum “No need sir”…

    I can only assume they are hoping that someone blows the place up so that they can claim some insurance to rebuild it – what a depressingly dull place!

    Free Member

    Interesting on the policies bit but what is the law I wonder?  Come back in; no; get grabbed; smack!  Who gets arrested?

    Free Member

    I thought you had the cash!  Bloody tyre kicker…

    Free Member

    works both ways – offering a deal to a serious buyer is a good way of gaining long term customers. Agree that the customer being anything other than polite about it is asking for a drop kick out the door tho…

    Free Member

    Nobody pays sticker price for a Mondeo…a Stumpy is a Mondeo of the bike world (nothing wrong with that!). Ring round, somewhere will give you 10-15%.

    Free Member

    wrightyson – liking it a lot. Great camera if that’s importnat and battery life is excellent. Can cause ‘pocket’ issues if you’re used to a smaller phone but you soon adjust!  Other half is likely to ditch her iphone habit after seeing the Huawei in action for a while. Nice touches like a glass screen saver factory installed. The email bit is more likely me than the phone!

    Woppit – I doubt the Chinese will be that interested in my life…  I think the Americans banned the company from selling in the US but I couldn’t care less about that tbh!

    Free Member

    Just whatever was pre-loaded.  Used their file transfer online system to transfer everything over.

    Free Member

    I’d offer another view – Its your leak, the guy downstairs did nothing wrong.  Your insurance should fix any damage in your flat and his or the communal buildings insurance for which terms should be in your lease.

    My kitchen sink over flowed once (got distracted!) and flooded part of downstairs, my insurance paid (although my neligence in that case).  Next door (different flats) had a leak in her shower tray (around the outlet) and similar to yours wasn’t obvious.  Ruined the communal wall, mamagement company tried to fob us off with buildings insurance as they said our own contents should cover it.  Quick read of the docs and the buildings paid out quite happily.  Neighbour would have paid otherwise as it was her leak!

    Free Member

    The whole Peninsula is a great place for a break but I wouldn’t stay in Prestbury on Sea for the whole time.  We went in October and got lucky but HT a bit later this year I think?

    Free Member

    My instructor opened things up with “So what’s the intial feeling for you all being here”?  First response was a dozy woman saying “Not again”…

    Hopefully the rest of us learnt a few things!  Proper definition of a dual carraigeway and therefore correct speed limit was new to me.  Always assumed all two lane roads were classed as such.

    Free Member

    Have you checked them out online to see if they are trading profitably? Have you turned up at their door? Any industry bodies that they blong to that could be used to leverage a result?

    Free Member

    With dry ground and hill fires everywhere recently…assume you taking the proverbial

    Free Member

    Kryton – those zip cards mean they can travel for free but it seems they want 15 quid ‘admin’ fee for each card, unless I’m reading it wrong.  Not practical for us as its likely one trip a year only.

    Free Member

    If under 11s go free on the tube – how do they get through the gates?  Are you reliant on getting on and off at manned stations?  Also heading that way soon…

    Free Member

    I have AS – a form of RA.  Hands being painful were one of many early signs but they got worse over time rather than instant hit of pain.  Started in the hip for me (the joint I can never spell!).  Meds do work and once you are in the system (if indeed you ever need to be) I have found the NHS to be very helpful (far from perfect on the admin side but the medical staff are v good).

    I rarely have a pain free day but its so well managed that it has no significant impact on daily life.  I’ve even reduced the level of meds over time.

    Good that you are seeing the doc as the sooner you get diagnosed the earlier the management begins.

    Free Member

    Have you had a diagnosis as to what type you have?

    Free Member

    Risking a stoning here maybe…but what’s the logic of buying skis when you have to pay to transport them and service them?  I like shiny stuff as much as the next…err…shiny stuff buyer but it doesn’t make sense to me unless you live local.

    Free Member

    I paid 5k for a 4 bed detached, double gable at one end and all wooden boards removed.  Had quotes ranging from 4.5k to 12.5k (I escorted him out the door pretty quickly).  I asked on here and consensus seemed to be that I was being bent over at 5k (materials are very cheap – Google it).  And, they were a nightmare – one bloke turned up, no scaffolding as promised and just threw stuff all over my gardens (including nails and other stuff), then spilt solvent all over my drive.  Fortunatley I had withheld some of the payment…

    Funny thing being the company I used were recommended by neighbours!  Cowboy industry.

    Free Member

    Also on Pedalcover.

    I read the docs regarding the excess covers so am aware of the one time payout bit but can anyone clarify whether it is good for covering the excess on a hire car prang?  I know it covers car excess but I read it as personal car insurance rather than including hire cars as well?

    Free Member

    Christ!  How the hell anybody gets down that Ghetto Track without face braking is beyond me!!  That slow drop off at about 3.47 – no idea how to ride stuff like that!!

    Free Member

    The Peroni tax is a marketing win, used to be the same price as any other lager but they decided to differentiate.  Easier to whack a quid a pint on top than improve the taste.  Very successful.

    Free Member

    The guy on the bike is a prat but dear God some of the follow on videos on that Daily Mail link!! Guy being shot 20 odd times in the street, female parking attendant having the crap beat out of her.  When did that sort of stuff start appearing on the website of dailies?

    Free Member

    What about a trip to one of the DH races somewhere that you wouldn’t normally go?  No idea when the season ends, or starts for that matter!  Long weekend skiing?

    Free Member

    I find it hard to not sit and watch Notting Hill, should it appear late at night as I flick through the channels…something about Julia Roberts

Viewing 40 posts - 681 through 720 (of 2,414 total)