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  • Bikemon Go! Your June Ride Inspiring Download
  • caspian
    Free Member

    Bruders like many others I have been thinking of you and your family since first reading yesterday, though unsure of what to write.

    Being a dad of two young boys I can’t even get near to comprehending what you and your family must be going through. I am not religious in the slightest but found myself praying for you and your family before going to sleep last night. The other guys here at my work were also saddened by the story (I had to tell someone) and also said that they would pray for you, your family and for George.

    I really like the idea of him being up there safe with your mum and I think this is something you should believe in fully.

    Take it easy buddy and keep us informed – we are all here for you

    Free Member

    BMX will always be my favourite.

    Snap. And building stuff out of chalk for the BMX

    Free Member

    only issue with them is if your a “its making no noise its fine” kind of rider. they need preventitive maintainance.

    by the time you hear the issue – its too late.

    Which in my case was ten miles into the Kielder 100. In retrospect this was a good thing as my Avid brakes shat the bed around the same time.

    Free Member

    I have a Tallboy alu bought secondhand, OP. It’s heavier than the Whyte E-120 I had before which is now gathering dust, but inspires a lot of confidence. It’s an L and being 6’2″ it’s almost definitely too short for me but to be honest I don’t mind it at all.

    Best of luck and hope your pockets are deep and your wife is away on business if you’re buying new.

    Free Member

    My wife’s friend Ashlyn puked in his Ferrari. I’m not a fan either. Sometimes see him in Winchester in daft shoes

    Free Member

    Gaberin, yes, those four downhill runs next to each other were open and running good as of 24th. Don’t know the names either.

    Free Member

    Best: Sealife Centre ticket for my two year old. Never seen a child laugh so much!

    Worst: Bayfield Energy shares. Sixty grand down (pukes)

    Free Member

    @ davidtaylforth – To be honest my comment regarding overtaking a roadie on an MTB was cocky in retrospect hence I was asking or it from Kryton57 and/or anyone else.

    Passing a roadie uphill happens maybe once/twice a year. One glance at the website that shall not be named confirms that at least 2/3rds of roadies whip me on the road hills, naturally.

    At the Kielder 100 two years back, a young guy who placed very high was telling us how road biking had helped his fitness no end. I hung on his words as he’d done so well in such a hard race, but also couldn’t help but think, “can’t I keep my heart rate in the same zone(s) for the same amount of time on an MTB, on the road, even if it is a shitty experience? At least I’m saving myself GBP X,XXX”. Why is this notion so taboo / unexplored?

    Deep down, most likely I’m just trying to last out another winter before N+1, like the OP, whom I was addressing in my post.

    Merry Christmas.

    Free Member

    OP, I am also road bike curious. But here’s the thing:
    – There’s a 30-mile road loop with no traffic that I ride when it’s too muddy to ride anything decent off road. Doing this same loop on the MTB must be giving me better fitness than if on a road bike, all other factors being equal. I therefore don’t buy that added fitness argument.
    – I overtook a fully-clad roadie up a long hill on that ride last Sat. I’m in jeans and a pair of Vans. Amazing! Have it you t**t! (Apologies)
    – If you or I were to spunk a grand on another bike right before xmas, how do you think that’s going to go down with the wife?
    – Posture, back pain, hand pain etc

    I don’t know. We’re in a similar position and I’m also trying to keep myself at bay!

    Free Member

    We used these guys. 50quid a day for a t5. Pretty good!

    Free Member

    Was in that situation yesterday. My mrs made it easy by subtly filling baskets on various websites and leaving the tabs open on the ipad. Still took me about two weeks to smell the coffee!

    She have any close siblings? Ask her sister what she wants. Your mrs that is, not her sister.

    Free Member

    Leffeboy – almost. You can only be in the UK up to 90 days per tax year and even then you need to provide evidence of being outside the UK in order to be income tax exempt.

    Partial days in the UK count as full days. So if they scan your passport at Heathrow arrivals at 11:50pm, Osborne and co call that a full day in blighty.

    I’m sure Rockhopper could advise more but otherwise best to call on Ex Pat Tax Consultants out of Newcastle or similar. I spend about 6-7 months a year in Kazakhstan but still pay full whack UK tax which sucks but what can you do.

    Edit: If you pay income tax abroad this will offset your UK tax liability if there is a double-taxation treaty in place. God this is depressing I sound like an accountant.

    Free Member

    I know Chevron had a system for their US-based employees whereby they’d pay a % premium on top of your US salary depending on where you ended up. Highest I heard of was +60% for working in Iran or Nigeria. Assuming working in the US isn’t that much worse than the UK, 60% extra would be nowhere near enough to get me to Iran/Nigeria. Turned down a job at a gas plant in the Niger delta earlier this year. The day rate was obscene but the security situation did not look good (refer back to Trail Rat’s comments on quality of security). Company was indigenous.

    Take a look at this beauty. Little danger involved and plenty of reward:


    Free Member

    I’ve had a 55 plate 330d estate for just over two years now. Best car I’ve ever had (aside from 16v mk2 Golf GTI, ooh betty, how I miss ye). With Mrs. Caspian going to Tescos and back, stop-start the whole way, she gets about 37mpg. Motorway 70mph 220 miles returned 51mpg. Normal use hovers around 40-42mpg – these are clock figures though. 78 quid in the tank @1.42/ltr returns 500 miles at best.

    Going to run it into the ground no question. She’s a keeper and what with the torque, six cylinders and everything I’d recommend the extra initial expenditure.

    Free Member

    Try oilcareers and search for expat buyer positions (procurement). Go somewhere bad enough and you should start on good money. Does the op have a diploma/degree or anything?

    Free Member

    Struck me as pretty good too, unless there is some black magic going on as you say:
    Next best I saw like-for-like was £79/day

    Free Member

    Erection Consultant (Greenhill Marquees 1997-2001)

    Guy who picks up golf balls on the driving range in that quad with the cage on (best job EVER, 2002-4)

    Currently Oil & Gas, Former Soviet Union (yawn)

    Free Member

    But this was the piece of riding altered the course of my life completely. I wish I was joking!

    Taj Mihelich, 1997, Austin Texas. Power & style for miles..

    Free Member

    Matt Priest, last week’s edit from The Source. Awesome goofy footed BMXer who we’ve ridden with on and off since he was 14/15. Not sure how to embed:

    Free Member

    Trail rat, small world!

    I worked in the Burun field, 40km south west of Balkanabat from 2005 to 2011. Chances are that is where you’re headed today. I worked for Burren Energy then Eni. Too many stories to write here but:

    – You will be safe in Balkanabat, less strict than Ashgabat, though still get in before 11pm curfew. The nightclub Tango is like going back 100 years. Try to get there buy be safe/polite/respectful.
    – Try to get to Mulakara mud lake, about 20km direct west of Balkanabat. Actually, **** that it’s too cold now!
    – Don’t get caught taking them but take as many photos as you can as you are prob one of .0001% UK citizens who will ever have a visa to TM.

    Let me know if you are headed to the Burun field. I still have a lot of expat and local friends there.

    Free Member

    “You cannot know that as we don’t know the distribution (excuse Geek content)”

    That’s just cost you your .3, Jambalaya

    Free Member

    Does married count as dead in this context? Assume so

    Free Member

    Friend of a friend went out with Patsy Kensit for a few weeks – until she found another toy boy – but long enough to get a go on her sex swing in the loft!

    I shit you not! Gospel!

    Free Member

    Amy Perfect at Bournemouth uni halls (MTV presenter for about two minutes) – as she rolled over and went to sleep she farted on my leg, dirty cow!

    Free Member

    Am away for three weeks work in Aktobe, Kazakhstan. Flat and no bike, so went running. Police tried to take passport and/or $200 so won’t be doing that again. Shame as the street layout is conducive to multiple Strava street penises a la below:

    So gym it is with the sweaty svetlanas :(

    Free Member

    Should have also gone with the Curta..

    88 grand on some shares a year ago. Now worth a little over half.
    43 grand on a tax bill. Was sick in my bin but slept well for paying it. I guess you can buy honesty!
    14 grand on a BMW 330d, will run that into ground
    15 grand on Porsche Carrera 3.2, drove it ten times max, sold to thingy who did phonejacker for a quid less so not too bad a loss that time. Best time in that was having no change in a multistorey and asking a woman on the way out for her used ticket – talk about hairdrier treatment!
    Countless other BS
    Now have kids – now that’s true extravagance!

    Free Member

    Women paying £150 for Ugg boots. Wow.

    Free Member

    I have a Whyte E-120 in large. Swapped out the brakes from Avid to XT. It’s about to go up for sale as I had a bit of a whoopsie moment at Afan yesterday and bought an ex-demo 29er. If you can get down to Winchester you’re welcome to test ride it along the south downs. We live at the start of the SDW.

    Email rbosullivan at yahoo dot co dot uk

    Free Member

    Having a BBQ at wife’s parents’ place, whole extended family there including a two-year-old adopted girl, riding a wobbly tricycle which she kept falling off of. I see her about to fall again. She pulls a face as she’s falling. Quick as a flash, I scream:

    “That’s her going-down face!”

    Also: Long time ago sitting on the playing fields of a college in Dallas with my female cousin and her six or seven (female) friends, all of whom, I later reflected, had cropped hair. A game of hockey was being played in the distance. I broke the silence with:

    “God. Hockey is such a dykes’ game”

    Silence. Got coat.

    Free Member

    My dad’s claim to fame – delivered beckham at whips cross hospital

    Free Member

    Refreshing to see so many older guys getting into BMX. Been riding BMX for 15+ years and mtb for 2-3 only. I have no problem jumping a 20ft set of doubles on a BMX yet struggle riding down anything rocky/loose on 26″!

    Free Member

    Current rule as per HMRC is that you are not liable for UK income tax if you are not in the UK more than 90 days per tax year (includes travel days partially in country).

    If you do take the job in the US, my advice having worked in Russia for past six years (on rotation):

    1. If it’s very well paid, take the job in April 2012 (you are already liable for UK tax for current tax year, assuming you’ve spent 90 days or more in-country since April 5th 2011)
    2. Have a UK accountant complete your tax return properly. Best use Ex Pat Tax Consultants in Newcastle (who I use) or similar. They will need to change your status to “non domiciled” and you must hang on to all the proof of travel, use of ATMs abroad etc etc.

    As mentioned above you will have some US tax exposure, gained after spending just 30 days in country! So in this case you’re pretty screwed, as their rates are nearly as high as ours, offhand.

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