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  • The Singletrack World Festive Five Minutes
  • carlosg
    Free Member

    Used these guys for loads of stuff at good prices , handy too as I only live about 3 miles from them

    Free Member

    By adopting this attitude, you are letting your customers down.

    But he’s teaching riding skills/techniques not bike maintenance.

    The ’05 RC66’s on my big bike had an oil change 6 months from new and haven’t been touched since , so nearly 6 years.

    Free Member

    Had one of these in my back pack for years , it’s never let me down yet. bought for about £3.99 at those 1 day sale things(cycle promotions)

    Free Member

    click on contact from their homepage!

    Free Member

    warren boulder trail exits directly from the car park , cross the road and through the wooden gate for the old xc trails.

    Free Member

    £31 +post for a box of 144 spokes.

    EDIT – free postage

    Free Member

    ‘Can you dig what I’m saying Mr Gardner?’

    Followed a day later by my rather large father visiting the school and pinning him by the throat against a wall suggesting an apology would be in order. It never happened again!! 😆

    This wasn’t a solitary incident and had been going on for a few weeks before I mentioned it to dad.

    Free Member

    kids who respect adults decisions, I haven’t met any yet.

    Ok my young one is only 5 but he has learned to respect my descisions , he knows arguing with me or mrscarlos is pointless he does as he’s told . This has been instilled in him since he was very young. As a result he is also very polite , without a please or thank you things don’t happen (the same applies to me and the wife when talking to him). He respects us and we in turn give him due respect.

    Of course his attitude may change as he gets older but the rules won’t change !

    For what it’s worth we keep an old drinks bottle in the car in case he really needs to go and there’s nowhere to stop , only any use with boys though.

    Free Member

    Family rooms available.

    A workmate has used them with his wife and 10 and 13 year old girls for a weekend and was happy with the accomodation/price.

    Free Member

    Plenty of info here.

    the warren boulder tail is pretty full on with hard techy bits everywhere , there’s a descent line thats do-able on a HT , a pump track and a more normal xc route. Non of the routes are particularly long but there’s definitely enough to fill a day.

    No onsite facilities but it’s only a short drive to Otley for food/pub/cafe.

    Free Member

    Any good? , It’s the newer type but as the old style was used at first on mono mini’s ect it might be!

    Free Member

    I Have a PC991 with 6 powerlinks in due to breakage , I just buy PC951’s now and haven’t had any problems.

    Free Member

    Sorry , if it can be proved beyond all doubt (DNA ect) that pre-meditated murder has taken place then I’m for it , IMO you forfeit your human rights the moment you intentionally take a life.

    Free Member

    Yes it’s compulsory!

    Free Member

    You forgot the sportsmans inn.

    When me n the missus had just got together we couldn’t get any privacy so went to dent on the train for a weekend (in November) , went into this pub at 9pm on ‘children in need’ night it was a scream they were having a french themed night all the blokes dressed as tarts and the women as onion sellers (cliched yes but a sight to see) . At 12.30 I asked what time they were shutting , the reply was ‘we usually run out of beer on wednesday’ 😆

    I like to finish a good ride with a pint , not a big drinker anymore but love a good beer.

    Free Member

    Mrscarlos and me are older parents, I just turned 40 in July she’s 40 in December and carlos jnr is 5 1/2 ,we wanted to have another but 2 miscarriages have lost us 3 potential children.

    We got together in 1989 and had 15 years of bliss doing what we liked , 3 foreign hols a year ect. Neither of us wanted kids we were too busy having a good time. Many of our friends had kids when they were young with the idea that they’d still be young enough when the kids leave home , only 1 couple of 6 are still together.

    We’d given up on the idea and were comfortable with just the 1 and had started selling stuff like our weeride/pram to clear some space.

    Then we went on holiday the first week in August and she missed a monthly that was due , on our return home we did a test and she’s well and truly up the duff 😀 ,13 weeks gone and she feels like crap (complete contrast to our first).

    It’s bloody hard work being a parent but soooo rewarding I couldn’t imagine Luke not being here and have my fingers crossed that all is well with mini-jelly carlos so the fun can continue

    Free Member

    if it fits and feels ok why do you care what people think?

    It’s a bike not a fashion accessory, none of this ‘ooh the forks don’t match’ ect crap from me some people are just fannys cos you don’t fit into their ideal box.

    Free Member

    Got some Yokohama’s 195/65/15 for £220 fited for all 4 at National tyres online (book/pay online) in June.

    Could’ve bought the tyres cheaper in a few places online but once I’d factored fitting/valve/disposal costs it was the cheaper option.

    Free Member

    MrSparkle – Member

    Lets have a whip round.
    I’ll bring the whip.

    And Moyles is already round

    Free Member

    I have both , after a 6 year stint only riding FS bikes I was tempted into buying a P7 at what I considered a bargain price from the local paper (with the intention of splitting it to make a fast buck).

    on getting the bike home I decided it wasn’t as well looked after as it could’ve been but took it for a spin in the wood over the road and loved it.
    I stripped my xc FS bike of the decent bits and rebuilt the Orange.

    If I’m having a gravity fuelled day the 6″ bouncer comes out for everything else the HT is my weapon of choice. You do tend to stand out at trail centres though.

    Free Member

    Cheltenham has a GL postcode if the number after GL is different between your old and new address then it’s likely to be 2 different offices. Your addresses being 1.5 miles apart is no guarantee that the same office deals with both properties mail , one road where my office delivers to is bisected by a postcode boundry

    Personally I’d go have a word with the manager at the office where your mail should be redirected from , it would save emails from head office being pushed to the bottom of the pile in favour of supposedly more important issues.

    Free Member

    Been a postie for the last 14 years , RM would have you believe that a redirection will be up and running in 7 days , however in my experience sometime around 14 is likely to be closer to the truth.

    Unless your local delivery office is the same one that delivered to your old address they will be unable to sort your problem out , your point of contact regarding the redirection would be the office that delivered to your previous address.

    Currently RM are going through massive changes countrywide , every office in the Leeds area where I work is woefully understaffed and have been told by upper management that they cannot fill vacancies as the proposed changes will absorb them.

    Free Member

    shame as liked the free haribo

    I was most unimpressed with the lack of Haribo’s with my last order especially as it was a new helmet for my nipper , I had to pinch some of his from the cupboard to console myself. 😈

    Free Member

    My Magicshines are nearly 2 years old and still going strong , I’ll definitely be replacing with the newer version when they die!

    Free Member

    Do you live anywhere near a canal with a towpath?

    If yes get yourself a British Waterways permit (free on their website and shuts any arsey types up) and use the towpaths , they are usually not too busy apart from daytime weekends . There’s the odd short sharp hill when there’s a lock and nowadays not too many gates so it’s not start stop all the time.

    It did wonders for my fitness , although having children kind of reversed it a bit due to lack of riding time.

    Free Member

    My car failed it’s last MOT due to corroded rear brake pipes , I bought the pipe and flaring kit at for £47 and did the job myself.

    I re-routed the pipework to the nearside as I’d only just brimmed the tank before MOT and ther was no way I could drop the tank with 65 litres of diesel in it, as long as the pipe is secured along it’s length it doesn’t have to take the original routing to pass the test.

    Free Member

    My 08 Reba’s have just done he same thing , lockout started playing up and then the travel has reduced. I know it’s the lower damping seal that has failed. It’s a simple enough job with the right tools (fixed a mates Recon that had the same problem).

    As mentioned above all the ‘how to fix it’ details are on the Sram site , just be clean and methodical if you decide to fix them yourself.

    Free Member

    A heavy bouncer was the excuse I needed to build myself an xc hardtail (that's not so lightweight either)

    Free Member

    In one way I kinda feel sorry for him , but if you're in a relationship that you care about you don't go sticking your dick in other peoples !!

    He's pissed that he got caught , his ex's retort that she was shagging someone else at the same time has had the required effect and blown his mind. It hurts when the shoe is on the other foot and he's going to have to deal with it.

    Sorry if this sounds harsh but that's the way I see it.

    Free Member

    mine works

    Free Member

    Trent Steel – Member

    Daysoft by any chance?

    Thats them , I've been buying mine from them. No problems so far , I'm paying less now for daily disposables than I was for weeklys and there's no solution to buy now either.

    Free Member

    I think the rule is, above the neck it's ok below the neck don't do it till the cold has gone.

    Free Member

    Camping at Santa Pod in a muddy field full of chav's wasn't the greatest. Listening to Scooter once was bad enough, never mind for a full night.

    The toilets at Santa Pod circa the late 70's ,BLEURGH

    Free Member

    Winter rocks !!!!

    bought a sledge yesterday to beat the silly inflated price they were selling for last winter.

    this one ,

    It was £10 less than this though.

    Free Member

    Some years ago BC (before children) we used to go touring with the bikes in northern France , We always got in touch with the relevant areas tourist info to get details of the area like campsites and whats on.

    After 5 days of a 2 week holiday we pulled in to a place called Kernon to find the grass at about chest height across the entire site , the water pipes apart from 1 cut of at 2' from the ground . The place was completely deserted and looked like it had been that way for a good while.

    As it was 5pm and we'd already covered about 35 miles that day we had no choice but to stay , grass was trampled down so we could pitch and we found the stop tap for the only working tap. Dinner was cooked and we went to bed. Sometime around 3am we awoke to a snuffly grunty noise that I can only assume was a wild boar also a few gentler grazing noises (deer?).

    Come the morning we awoke the the high pitched buzz of midges/mozzies and opened the tent to a cloud of them that would shame anywhere in Scotland. Mrs carlos grabbed the tent contents and ran into the hut that was on site whilst I pulled all the tent pegs and took the tent inside too. In the 5 minutes it took to do this I must've been bitten 4-500 times (ouchy)

    After packing we rode 10 miles to the nearest town to find a chemist , the bloke behind the counter thought I had measles , when I told him it was insect bites he grabbed a tube of lotion of the shelf and plastered it all over my arms , face and neck (by this time I'd developed an involuntary twitch) and only charged me for the next tube.

    We named the place camp crusty after the Simpsons episode , so never trust supposedly up to date information.

    Honest bods that we are we even left Francs at the tariff listed on the hut , probably spent on Gitanes by the local kids.

    Free Member

    race had 63mm , xc + sl 80mm and 100 yep you guessed it 100mm.

    I think race were the top model but don't know where the others come , what I do know is that when the xc are paired up with a 14 stone rider and a set of original Crossmax wheels they flop about and flex like crazy.

    Free Member

    I laughed 😆

    You never know your outburst may have done the bloke a favour he might go home and consider a diet (but I doubt it)

    Free Member

    If yo want to keep your head a bit warmer get one of the winter bike hats from Aldi on thursday.

    Free Member

    Hmmm the wanted listed is growing

    Get yourself over to retrobike , you should get the parts you need although they'll probably cost more than you might think!!

    My mate has built a retro GT Zaskar L.E. with a complete M900 xtr groupset and got most of the bits to complete the build there , It looks nearly mint.

    Free Member

    We got a 19" one from aldi earlier this year , it's the bedroom telly so doesn't see masses of use but I've no complaints with it. It has all the USB record facilities n all that but we've never tried them out.

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