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  • Camille Balanche Signs with Monster Energy
  • carlos
    Free Member

    Snowslave is spot on with that route, i normally incorperate it with either Mellor and/or Jacobs ladder/over to Edale. it is a dam fine ride.

    @ Hug send your e-mail and I’ll sort you out with a map


    Free Member

    It’s the lowers.

    Just recieved my 08 Pikes back after having the lower’s replaced due to exactly what your describing, lucky for me they are under warranty.


    Free Member

    Stayed at Tyn-Y-groes lasy year, ticked all the boxes for us too, Colse to CYB,plenty of hot water, cold beer, nice food, warm bed, friendly staff, resonably priced and bike friendly. Don’t forget to take a lock with you for the bikes mind.


    Free Member

    jimmy – Member
    yeah how do you turn that off anyway….?

    Try this,

    With ignition switched off press and hold the trip reset button. Switch ignition on and release the reset button. Turn the knob to reset the minutes on the clock to the right and the display should return to normal.


    Free Member

    Crank Bros 19 for me

    Free Member

    Penny- First ride out was Penmachno


    Free Member

    Roman Lakes in Marple, Macc Forest, Delamere or Rivington Pike??


    Free Member

    Spent three weeks of September in Mauritius last year and it was perfect, couple of days light rain, and two very heavy which was the first time in twenty years apparentley. The locals always gave you the “It’s a tropical Island” when you asked about the weather, as in the south you get the trade winds so that can mean a few spots of very light rain in the mid afternoon, but nothing to worry about. The North is supposed to be dryer and a little warmer. (28-30 in the south, 30+ in the North)
    There is scope for a little riding too as the Island has some stunning scenery and mountains in the middle, not that I did any as spent time scuba diving instead.


    Free Member

    Been over to 18bikes tonight and from what I saw it’s “loads forget it”. Screwed my plans for tomorrow.


    Free Member

    Meguiars Gold Class Cleaner and Conditioner

    I use this on my Leather Recaros and they still look like new. Halford stock it at about £7


    Free Member

    stevomcd – Member
    So let’s get this straight, you want a refund on 8 month-old brake pads?

    Are you having a giraffe?

    ^^^enough said^^^


    Free Member
    Free Member

    @ Ed2001, Do you work for Sky??? Whenever I phone up with a problem thats all they ever tell me to do. Never works for me.

    Free Member

    All working for me in the Northwest. Not sure about the weather thing, could be.

    Free Member

    You could always remap the 1.9?? :lol:


    Free Member

    20m is about the length of TWO standard double decker buses (end to end) that you find in the UK and I’d say thats a f’in big gap.


    Free Member

    I’m thinking of starting a bit smaller than that. 8O

    Free Member

    Yeah we need pics!! where is the one at Delamere?? not been there for ages.


    Free Member

    This place was just the ticket for a few of us last year and only a couple of miles away. Planing a return later on this year to Coed y Brenin and will be staying there again.


    Free Member

    Skidartist, yeah I think so, you’ll need the SKC to programe your key though and proof of ownership etc.. for VW, so no worries there, other wise my key would work in every other VW with the same key part number and MHZ.

    nukeproof, The Fob is the bit that allows you to start the car, a built in transponder/imobiliser is the bit that needs to be re-programed by VW to match your car, see reply to skidartist. The blade will open the car door, boot, glovebox and will fit into the ignition BUT it will NOT start the car until the codes match.



    Free Member

    No worries
    Yes they just pull apart, can be a bit of a pain though as nothing to grip onto. Easiest way is to fit a key ring to one end and insert a finger, flip open the key and pull.


    Free Member

    If you scroll down to the second post it shows where the part number and MHz numbers are, as Ski says they are very small and need good vision to read/see them.


    Free Member


    If you pull your key apart there is a long number (part number) something like HLO 1J0 959 753 AG (thats my key) and a very small 3 digit number, at a right angle to the part number, normally towards the end, either Mhz433 or MHz434(mines 434). Get on the bay and buy a key with a matching number and MHz code on it, obviously you will need a new blade and have to have it re-coded for it to work, so take it along to VW and get them to re-code and cut the key to suit your car. Think I paid around £85(vw) and £30 (e-bay). Maybe check with your local VW stealer and ask on the cutting and re-coding price as mine was bought etc.. in early 08.



    Free Member

    Maybe you could get the Mrs on a quad instead of a horse. Had a great day out there with some mates a while back.

    Free Member

    Hayfield, over to Edale, bit of a loop and back with a brew somewhere in the middle tomorrow and Marple/Mellor on Sunday.

    Free Member

    At the back of the car where ever it’s parked, I’m not proud and have nothing to hide. Strip of down to undershorts, chuck all the gear into a bag get re-dressed and go home dry and clean. Then just chuck the contents of the bag in the washer.
    Had an odd experience the other night in Marple though, got back to the car and started to strip when a red Merc pulled up with one male occupant, we both just carried on as you do, stripping to the undershorts, bagged all the gear and got re-dressed. As we left so did he???


    Free Member


    After a night ride, get back around 22:00, give the bike a quick swill, wash kit, shower, beer and maybe half to an hr of TV then bed.

    After a weekend ride, wash bike, wash kit, shower do stuff you’d normally do like wash the cars, visit family/friends, walk dog or whatever the Mrs wants to do.


    Free Member

    Spent today with the Mrs, shopping, cleaning etc.. you know the script. Off out round The Peak tomorrow though. :-)


    Free Member

    Only ever used a "steel" to sharpen any of my knives, got taught how to use one and look after my knives 19yrs ago whilst at college and they are still going strong & sharp to this day.


    Free Member

    I stopped about 2 years ago and don’t miss it at all. Smoked for about 22 years between 10 and 15 a day

    The cash i used to spend now funds MTBing and SCUBA Diving.

    Dumb thing to say I know, but it never seemed to hinder my fitness, I was always the first to the top.


    Free Member

    The service you’ll recieve is fantastic, I’ve used them before and won’t hesitate to use them again. I think it’s standard to service them whilst their in bits, as it makes sense.
    All the info you need should be here:-


    Free Member

    Been riding quite a bit of solo since my riding buddy gave it up and sold his ride. The brother in law comes out now and again, but still ride a lot on my own. I quite like it, but what I do miss is the comaradery (sp)having a laugh and a great day out with a like minded person and knowing that if you push a little to much there is someone who’ll scoop you up and sort things out.

    Not had a solo disaster yet (touches wood)and don’t want one, so Yes I too take things a little easier when on my own.

    @ – MartynS and stonemonkey

    If you ever fancy a bit of company let me know,


    Free Member

    QUOTE – Nomad – Member
    Does anyone know if loft and cavity wall insulation degrades or requires renewing/topping up to maintain it’s effectiveness?

    Hi There,
    Yes it will degrade (shrink) over time, 8-12yrs or so and it’s recommended that it be topped up to a thickness of 270mm. Don’t pack it tight in corners or small spaces like the eaves. No idea about cavity wall insulation though. Sorry


    Free Member

    Been using O-ring’s from inside a 40mm push fit plumbing connector, T/Y (depends how you look at it) junctions have 3 in them. I pinched mine from a plumber at work :) yes he knows as wouldn’t want anybody to have a leak.
    On oversize bars they fit nice and tight with no wobble at all, if your on standard size bars maybe try a 32mm.

    so maybe a plumbers merchant. You should be able to just get the O-rings.


    Free Member

    taxi25 – Member
    Realy!!!!!!!!!! Just tell him to get the GT from Paul’s

    Yes unless it fits him, only avalible in small or large, unless it can be found anywhere else for that price.


    Free Member

    Like geoffj said, GT Avalanche Disc from Pauls Cycles

    …or something second hand.


    for that sort of money a look at a Specialized Hardrock Comp 08 – De ver cycles £293.


    Free Member

    Used them a couple of times and never had anything but great service:)

    Extra 5% of with this MBR2457


    Free Member

    Hi There,

    Quote from Hope

    “M4 one piece caliper, CNC machined from a solid billet of 2014 T6 aircraft spec aluminium alloy”

    AFAIK The hole allows the machine access.

    I’m sure I’ll be corrected if I’m wrong.


    Free Member


    Thanks for the reply, I’ll certainly keep an eye open for future nights. Like I said, bike is in for repair so will miss this one.



    Free Member

    Hi Dave,

    Sounds like something I might be interested in, Can’t make this week though as bikes in for repairs. Is this a regular thing?? whats the script for a usual nighttime ride with you guys??


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