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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • carl
    Free Member

    in some respects i agree with you that bicycle chain lube is a rip off but the same can be said for alot of what we buy in our sport.The lube itself in a typical 120ml bottle costs pence literally but you add a plastic bottle,add a label,add the freight costs involved if its imported and add the vat and then a shop margin and what costs 75p quickly becomes £7

    Oscillate wildly
    mail me at and i can send a few decent lubes in sample form otherwise try chain-l.Its probably what you are looking for.

    Free Member

    recently read this about Squirt.Very different opinion to what the comments above suggest.Didnt the top 3 solo finishers at Mountain Mayhem this year all run Squirt.

    Free Member

    March 2012 as far as i know.

    Free Member

    i have a spare one.Drop me a mail and i will post it to you.

    Free Member

    I honestly thought it was crap.They had little imagination and very little budget which i figure was the biggest problem.Would have loved to have seen what Cracknell and Fogles team could of done with it.

    Free Member

    im using the same pads on xtr calipers.Been using them for over a year now and each time i replace they fit perfect.I dont consider them inferior or cheap,rather the only pads i feel are worth using.

    Free Member

    nothing comes close to King.Great video on his site of them being made.

    cheapest place for them in UK

    Free Member

    not along the lines of runners world but i always enjoy reading this.

    Free Member

    cant seem to find much info on the site,It says sign in 8-10 on Sat,It says bike scrutineering but doesnt say when that is.Is there a chance to practice on the saturday beforehand???

    Free Member

    yeah,cmon Rob..what ratio you stud.

    Loving the way you bounce back
    solo 24-set 2 rise
    mayhem-sdw ss record ….. respect.

    Free Member

    Go Rob go wooohoooo

    Free Member

    Its unlikely you would spend an hour the entire race looking at maps.It all cues and they are pretty easy to follow.Im a complete retard when it comes to maps and i found my way.
    Good luck for next year.
    Give Aidan some gears and some training time and he could do something special.

    Free Member

    i nearly hit a pick up in colorado and a truck in new mexico during my race.Both times descending and both times i was on the wrong side of the dirt road for a quicker line.Pete Basinger did the same last year and luckily only substained a collarbone break.its hard to keep perspective for so long,you sink into a world where its only you and making ground is only what matters.All of lifes crap you deal with is not relevant its just ride eat and sleep.
    Its horrible.I just read he had a 4 year old daughter.tragic.

    Free Member

    I think Jenns talent is writing.Its always been my view that people like Cracknell and Fogle make good tv because they have well lubed tear ducts and are drama queens.It makes for good viewing.I always wonder how much is staged or true.Following Jenn woulds be like watching paint dry because she gets the job done,no drama.Quite a few in the ultra endurance self support world very similiar.
    Good luck to them.Emailed a few bookies today to see if they will entertain a wager on them failing.

    Free Member

    you scatch the paint on the stand a little by pedalling but theres nothing stopping the pedals turning,plenty of clearance.

    I think i remember seeing a stainless version.

    Free Member

    Totally agree.Really good idea.
    One of those products you think why didnt i think of that first.

    Free Member

    76grams…if you mean these

    yes they do.

    Free Member

    Racing_Ralph yes i have thanks.You ride in the peaks :)

    I include a little note in with the sample which talks about the pro


    s.Its not the usual marketing rubbish but very honest in highlighting the difference with oil and wax lubes.

    With any lube you should start with a clean degreased and dry chain before applying.This is even more critical with Squirt.There lies the first problem for us in that alot of people dont degrease the chain properly or not at all and comments pop up about it being crap.Purple extreme is a good example of an oil based lube that i like that if you dont degrease a chain before application you get hugely different impressions when using so this isnt just a Squirt request.
    Now you have stripped the chain back to nothing you need to apply a good coating to the chain.Alot more then you would if you are used to running an oil based lube.Once you have done this once wait till it dries and do it again.This is only necessary for the first application.Unlike an oil you wipe of to help run clean dont wipe any Squirt of.
    Now is the part i wish i could change about a wax lube.They need to dry on the chain to get the best results.This means ideally they shouldnt be applied moments before you launch but rather the night before you ride.If its going to be a wet ride then this is important,if its dry then its less important.
    Now in theory you go and ride and come back and hopefully you havent even thought about your chain because Squirt did its job.This isnt always the case though.Lubes work differently in different locations.Steve Heading uses Squirt in the summer in the peaks but prefers an oil in winter due to the drying on the chain issue.Ant white races the muc off 8 in crappy conditions and tells me the lube works great.I read its good for road bikes not mtbikes,then i read its good for mtb bikes and not road bikes.People have different opinions and you have to respect them.
    Once you build the wax up on a chain after several applications you really notice the longegivity that dry lubes are not typical known for.Old pieced of wax dry and fall off or you can clean the chain with a stiff brush.What you will notice is no gunky rollers,no black gritty chains and no dirty looking cassettes.For me the attraction is the clean running not how long it lasts on the chain.I get mails asking me why squirt didnt last a 20 mile ride then Jason Miles sends me a mail saying how well Squirt worked at the solo 24.
    squirt isnt the holy grail of lubes but it comes close in many areas an oil lube we typically use falls short in.In the good summer weather we have at the mo in my opinion its the best out there.In winter you have to give some care and thought to using it which for some can out weigh its benefits.
    Ive been racing for 20 years all over the world but who wants to listen to me.If i told you look at the Squirt on Julian Absalons chain at the next world cup would you listen to him? Thats why we send out samples for free so you can try it yourself.If the other lube manufactures knew how many samples we send and what business that results in they would all be doing it but you have to believe in what you sell i guess.

    Free Member

    cycling weekly called it the holy grail of chainlube,gave it 10 out of 10 and listed it in its top 10 of products for 2008.Not bad for a product that had no distributor in the UK at the time and has no relationship with the magazine in terms of advertising.
    The reason i wouldnt have been as kind towards Squirt as cycling weekly was is because it takes a degree of care and intelligence to use and for most people thats a hassle.We just want to ride right?
    All i know is i havent degreased my chain for a year which in my world means less maintenance and more ride time.

    Free Member

    email today and i will sort it.All the orders leave same day and sample requests usually within 2.It may have gone missing.The postman has been collecting sacks full of sample requests during May.
    it sounds crazy but nearly half the requests have no address.Folk simply say sample please and often we recieve no reply to our mails requesting an address.

    Free Member

    also read Pauls book.Was a bit disappointed to be honest.I really struggled to see it through to the end.

    i think reading steve wilkinsons story on is more interesting.

    Free Member

    I have an 04 set of teams im wanting to sell.They were serviced by tf tuned before use and ive ridden 10 times with them.The thing is although they are 04 they were bought brand new in september 09.

    Have a new bike now so thats the reason for sale.Looking for a decent offer around 180.mail me for pics if you want.



    Free Member

    just finished a spell on juice lubes wet lube.
    Not a great time to try in view of really dry conditions.Found it worked well but collected alot of crap.
    purple extreme and rocknroll run cleaner for oil lubes.

    Free Member

    Its never nice to hear negative feed back when you feel like you put so much effort into promoting a product you believe in.
    I havent long returned from a 3hr ride in the surrey hills.Its pretty snotty round here today and my chain is silent and clean.

    I didnt bin my ice wax,maybe i should send it to you.

    Free Member

    i use these guys,like William says about slating also but ive had no issues.Dont bother with alloy backed thats just a silly weight saving.
    Sintered will see you through the summer if we have a good one.

    Free Member

    Their pads are worth trying.For around £21 you get x 4 sintered pads.Been using them for 3 odd years now.
    Shipping is very quick and reliable.

    Free Member

    not for pedals but pads check out……

    not a full range of pads but cheap and they work as good as anything else ive tried.

    Free Member

    Havent had to degrease my chain since i started using Squirt last year.
    Chain and sprokets lasting better then ever before.

    weldtite citrus degreaser and the chain in screw top jar and given a good shake works well when i degrease chains to start folk on the white stuff.

    Free Member

    Im just about to put a decent spec Fisher on ebay.Its a medium frame size though.I doubt i will get much more then 300 for it

    Free Member

    Have a read here

    no chain cleaners required,no degreaser needed.

    Free Member
    have a read of this review.
    Dave powell just finished strathpuffer solo in 2nd place riding 163 miles without lubing and his chain was sweet.Jason Miles was 3rd on the same stuff.

    request a sample and see for yourself at in2dust

    Free Member
    Free Member

    can anyone tell me the distance more or less of a lap at Strathpuffer.

    Free Member

    i read this to get ideas and it seems to keep coming back to the GDR and Iditabike.Personally found the GDR harder the Iditabike,alot of climbing,altitude hurts,hard to keep motivation on an often boring route for days.Each to there own i suppose.

    Free Member

    that came out all wrong.Wanted to say take a look at Rob Lee`s seven deadly spins site.Its a great idea but the whole project doesnt seem to attract alot of attention.Hes planning an end to end in 2010.

    Free Member

    Take a look at Rob Lee


    s planning an end to end in 2010.He spoke a little about it in one of his entries a while back.
    This subject has come up before.Better to just go and do it if it tickles your fancy.

    You could stop in a motel on the GDR most nights if you wanted to.Not sure about the oysters and fizzy wine though.GDR isnt as isolated as it might seem.

    Free Member

    was wondering the same thing,anyone????

    Free Member

    to save 50 opinions which will only lead you to 20 different brands drop me a mail at with your mail address and i will send you a sample of chain-l,rocknroll,juicelubes new wet lube,muc off wet,purple extreme and some others to try.
    to test properly you will have degrease the chain thoughly before using each one.Results will vary massively if you dont do this.

    Free Member

    true story.
    started lasts years GDR race with RocknRoll.A decision based on 20 years of mtbiking experience.I dont think the bottle liked the temperature changes in my frame pack as it went brittle and broke apart in my hand in Colorado.Days later found a shop to buy lube and was given Squirt to try.
    now import Squirt into UK and my year has been chain lube …yawn.
    check out request a sample.Use it properly and you will be surprised what a wax lube can do.
    this is an extract from a mail i recieved yesterday from endurance rider Dave Powell and is becoming a familiar story
    Well it was nice to ride with a product that exceeded what I was expecting of it – having tried wax based lubes many moons ago only to have them wash off early on in the ride I took a bottle of 'finish line wet' stuff with me on Monday, worried that squirt would run beautifully for an hour or so before vanishing. It turned out to be the first ride I've done in months (summer obviously being just was wet as winter nowadays!) where I didn't have to stop mid ride to re-lube or get home with my bike sounding like a neglected £50 catalogue special…

    Cleaning the bike is less of a chore after using it too, which is always a bonus!

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