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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • cardo
    Full Member

    Good dog…. our dog surprised us last week when he caught a rabbit, it had been a while and he’s 10!

    Full Member

    Apprenticeship and 12 years in Engineering culminating in a lower management role within a large corporate company… Decided to have a year out and go travelling as I’d been working since 16. Met the ex wife and on return to the UK we ran a country pub…

    The pub was brilliant fun made some good friends and being in control of your destiny was very satisfying but the 100 hour week and we made bugger all money for the time we invested… We moved into a restaurant at a NT house which was better hours and more healthy for us but the ex had a breakdown and lost it and everything went down the chute….. 🙁

    I now work for a small company been here for the last 7 years , office based it’s fairly technical and sales orientated but not stretching me. I’ve not had a pay rise for the last 4 years and I’ve reached the boredom that seems to affect lots of us (after reading some of the above posts) of someone approaching 40… I don’t know what to retrain as or what to get into that isn’t too risky or damage my home life and the pub trade is better stood on the pretty side of the bar.

    I do feel better for this thread though as I am obviously not alone.

    Full Member

    People who maliciously scratch and damage cars are scum……

    We treated ourselves to a nearly new motor last year after our old Focus of 10 years had hit the 200K mark.. we don’t live an extravagant lifestyle and our car is something we cherish and look after and we do actually need.. 2 months in of ownership some little sh@t had scratched all of the cars on the street new and old… It upset my other half and I was furious, but what can you do?…

    I now park on a different street.

    Full Member

    😀 Haha Love it…

    Full Member

    Like that ! Inspiring for a future SS build I reckon.

    Full Member

    OP I think I need to get my eyes tested… what damage where?… couple of years ago some numpty dropped his bike against mine queueing to get onto a lift, it left a chip in the stanchion… after 2 years no ill effects at all no leaks or contamination.. as above have said .. it will be fine mate…

    Full Member

    Willy AM — Bang bang or whatever it’s called absolute cack…

    Kanye West — all cack

    Example — who told him he could sing?

    Beyonce — Wailing load of cack

    The Fritellies — almost chucked the cd out of the car window but the missus stopped me, it was hers.

    Full Member

    ha ha love it…

    Full Member

    Bit of everything on this one….

    Full Member

    In a word no….

    Full Member

    Any good recipies for iphones?

    Full Member

    Welcome to The Riser..

    Our Sponser and 2nd home..

    Full Member

    The pre-heat only helps it to start.. on very cold days it is necessary otherwise it will take a few rotations to get going.. Modern diesels are very clever engines… You do more damage to a diesel by not letting it tick over for 30 odd seconds when you have finished your journey, then switching it off.

    Full Member

    720 Havoc with a 70 mm stem works well for me.

    Full Member

    Try it… Maybe buy a cheap steel one to try and upgrade later..

    Full Member

    Has the German lady dropped her Pretzel down the lav?

    Full Member

    Mines just come back from a week in the Alps and guess what went wrong with it…? nowt. Will be out on it tonight with a change of tyres and pedals.

    People have a poke at the brand and the bike because in everyday society people think it’s funny to poke fun at others(sadly).If you have owned one and got on with it you will understand why people love them.. and you spend less time changing pivot bearings.

    Each to their own.

    Full Member

    haha had to laugh at Nimbin….. like bits of Amsterdam with palm trees.

    My sister emigrated to Perth 20 odd years ago, they have a nice life and have now moved from the burbs out to the country where it is uber quiet but if that’s what you want then it’s perfect… they ride Harleys and the beach is not far away and the roads are perfect for motorbikes… My parents miss them , we all do and we went for the big trip out there a couple of Xmas ago my better halves first trip , my 4th…. we are too settled over here now and feel as though we have missed the big move window… Great country , lovely lifestyle and weather but they have some issues over there too it ain’t perfect.

    Full Member

    It’s fondly known as a “Shart” round these parts 😀

    Full Member

    With just the bike and the bike bag it’s 24.5kgs… I can’t get it any lower due to a combination of a solid bike and solid bike bag(evoc). If I put my full face in it’s wobbling around the 26kg mark… The hand luggage option might be tricky with a FF and clothes , bike clothes, midge repellent , EPO etc…..

    2 members of our travelling group aren’t going to be anywhere near the 23kgs limit as they aren’t taking bikes….(hiring) wonder if they would look at us as a group and be lenient?

    Full Member

    hmmm 😳 3kgs

    Full Member

    Lifeproof here too

    Full Member

    For directional tyres and to avoid putting them on the wrong way round, most rotors have a rotation arrow on them , well I know Hopes do anyway.. works for me.

    Full Member

    @rickt–The guard on the forks is a Muckynutz best £5 I’ve invested in bike bits..

    Full Member

    Can I join in too?….

    Full Member

    It took a while to get mine to feel right…I tried adjusting the usual suspects stem size length/height/stack , bar position and rise and finally seat posts with or with out a layback… I persevered and I love it now but came close to selling it as it didn’t feel right…

    The final bit of fine tuning was running the forks at 120mm and tubeless tyres & Stans rims with lower pressures.. I now have a bike that’s a hoot to ride… but it took a while to get to this point I admit.

    Full Member

    +1 for Sunlines

    Full Member

    Pilton Pop festival


    Full Member

    If you really like downhill , there’s always the Tor ! 😀

    Full Member

    What would have happened if you’d had a tube in?

    With a tube in the flint would go through both tube and tyre so you would need to repair or replace both…

    I do wonder if slashed tyres aren’t somewhat over-reported for tubeless users because they don’t get other punctures

    a slash is simply a cut/rip that the sealant can’t cope with.

    No particular reason why a slash should ruin a tyre either – generally such things are repairable

    Repairing a slash at the trail side in the dark when you are covered in mud and it’s raining might be considered by some to be a proper inconvenience 😉

    Full Member

    Love tubeless and have now finally converted all my bikes to it…

    Pros… Lack of punctures (biggest advantage over everything) feel and feedback from the tyre when riding with lower pressures.

    Cons…Flints ruin tyres and tubeless can’t cope with big slashes, the initial conversion cost for tape,valves and Stan’s man fat or whatever it is you use in the tyres.

    Full Member

    Quicker than my other geared bikes… and have spanked a few KOM’s

    Full Member

    Tubeless on Stans rims & Easton Carbon bars.

    Full Member

    Unobtanium on special at CRC 🙂

    Full Member

    These are great… spare ordered, cheers OP

    Full Member

    Looking forward to a week on this…

    Full Member

    I repaired a mud-x with a weldite worm thingy 6 months ago and it’s still in and sealed.

    Full Member

    At least we now know why there was oil squirting out of the seals in the Alps last year…

    Full Member

    Yep on the way to the ride meeting point, carrying a bag with spare clothes in for the journey home in my mates car… Got my foot caught in the long strap that is supposed to go around your shoulder/back whilst the hand strap was on the end of my bars… cue one very quick lurch of the bike to the left and me to the right.. I had travelled all of 100 metres from my house.

    Full Member

    er no that’s never right to be honest, a few small pin hole type leaks on my N/N side walls but that looks like a manufacturing defect.

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