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  • carbonfiend
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    Jerry Dammers digging in the crates He is also a huge Sun Ra collector so for that reason only…

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    Yeah +1 for El Mariachi here as well. Got the 2014 SS absolutely love it. Very lively & responsive yeah it weighs a bit but that doesn’t bother me TBH. Holds the line impeccably & it’s pretty damn fast. In fact I would say it’s probably my favourite bike. My mate rides a SS inbred with me he seems more than content with it but it doesn’t rank as highly in his league as the El Mariachi does in mine.

    Free Member

    Indeed :-)

    Free Member

    Yeah agree with the legacy, I run an after school bike club at my kids school in forest gate (15 mins away from the park) for year 2 kids. With the help of TFL & the school I bought numerous bits of portable north shore for them to ride on, table top a berm & some up & overs, once this park is open I will also be able to take them to it & get them riding there as well. Also with it being LDN these kids are a wide range of ethnic backgrounds & from homes with various incomes so that legacy is gonna be spread across all of those kids.

    Free Member

    “We are all in the gutter but……”

    I don’t have to quote the rest, or do I ? :wink:

    Free Member

    @darrenspink This starts in LDN & there’s over 50 miles of it heading into deepest Essex

    Free Member

    Surely the daddy of them all has to be Eraserhead !

    Free Member

    Antichrist, disturbing film made by a man who admits he was disturbed at the time. Dogtooth as well

    Free Member

    Has to be Blade Runner it’s damn near perfect plus it’s associations – William Burroughs Phil K Dick & the best soundtrack ever, which was never officially released on vinyl.

    Come & See is an incredible film also, sure they used live ammo in it ?

    Notable mentions for I Spit On Your Grave, Zombie Flesh Eaters, Last House On The Left :-)

    Free Member

    To say LDN is a bit too vague as well. Property in a lot of areas in LDN have always been very high especially for houses & out of range for almost all people What has happened over the last 20 years is East London has changed beyond all recognition. Certain areas where once affordable in fact stupidly cheap (Newham Tower Hamlets Hackney Waltham Forest). This all changed when the Olympic development & jubilee line extension started and has since carried on & on & on….even Canning Town now has penthouse flats 8O & the last I heard the V&A & Saddlers Wells are looking at coming to Stratford. Couple this with a kind of domino effect where people who lived in flats across other areas of LDN & now want a house have had to look over East to buy and this has driven the price up. The property bubble isn’t gonna burst here yet though if ever as East LDN is nowhere near its full development & the prices are still way off compared to West etc.

    Free Member

    House on friends street in Plaistow East LDN was for sale (2 up 2 down Victorian terrace), estate agents are now doing open house instead of individual views as demand is so high. There was a line of 15 waiting to see the house, out of interest she asked those not ‘buying to let’ to raise their hands – only two did.

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    Free Member

    Without doubt the most convenient is Epping forest. Don’t known where in angel you are but you can ride there if you find the river lea (canal) head towards hackney its accessible in various places from there either by regents canal or direct onto the lea. This can take u into the forest. I know a few people that live NE they ride CX use the road the canal then the forest.
    If you wanna ride or know more of the forest I am in there on a regular basis can show you around as there’s a lot of it, you can link up about 50 miles of roughly 80% single track if you know where to go.

    Free Member

    We spent all seasons in lakes warm rain cold snow etc & as mentioned grew up in Lancashire on the edge of Rivington used to race xc & fell as a kid so that side of things well covered. Job wise my wife is a director of commissioning & jobs like that are very hard to come by & even when they do there is still a significant drop in pay compared to LDN plus it’s very competitive, this process took 4 days of tests presentation & scrutiny & included an interview with a psychologist so are very draining & time consuming.
    Sh*t happens we tried plus we broke to LDN matrix that everybody is terrified off – eg if you leave you are doomed and never can come back :-)
    Back on a bike I reckon

    Free Member

    Didn’t get the job, made if to the final 2 but they didn’t actually appoint anybody in the end. Dream was nice while it lasted looks like its LDN for the future especially as eldest is 12 & can’t see Job like that coming up again
    Only consolation could have dodged a bullet as she was warned not to touch the job with barge poll by other professionals she spoke to before hand, and in the end it’s seems these warnings had an element of truth in them. S’pose will never know.

    Free Member

    Stay East in the evening everything is shoreditch Hoxton Spitalifields as mentioned avoid west LDN it’s had its day TBH. Brick Lane for curry, Tate Modern on south bank or anything on south bank really. Columbia road flower market on Sunday in shoreditch has to be seen if u here. And yeah if you fancy it walk up Kingsland Road to Dalston to get a real flavour of what us happening in LDN u might ever see Stewart Lee :-)

    Free Member

    Thanks everybody she’s off up there today interview is two days tues & Wednesday. We defo decided if she is lucky enough to get offered job we are going.

    Free Member

    Gotta see how it pans out she is gonna go up tomorrow prep for interview which is over 2 days. We would kick ourselves if we didn’t give it a go & truth be told the only thing keeping us in LDN is the mercenary aspect of it at the moment (job & property value) Neither of us do then LDN lifestyle thing we both worked in music industry whilst down here so TBH seen all that stuff inside & out got the T shirt etc . Wife changed career & is kind of at forefront of lots new developments in public sector here in east LDN. I now look after 4 kids full time so any spare time I have is spent on bike in Epping forest or the country lanes of Essex.

    Free Member

    Have no particular affinity to LDN anymore, been here 20yrs what I moved down here for I am longer involved in. Kids love it in lakes in fact they are almost packed :-) Grew in rural Lancashire so cow shit & the likes doesn’t bother me. We would be able to just about move inside national park looking round Keswick which is where we always go. It would be a 100% yeah let’s go but wife found some stuff out about the job that just made us think – what if ?
    The upshot as well she has to get offered the job at moment it’s now down to final interviews so will find out one way or another this week

    Free Member

    Just recently done Lonscale & Borrowdale kindly shown round by twinkly dave – epic riding. On coming back realised “oh yeah that bit must be where those people died” :(
    Whinlatter trail centre is also worth checking out short quick & fun plus if u have a road bike there’s honister newlands & whinlatter.

    Free Member

    image[/url] by hlpjones[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Epping Forest is about an hours drive over 50 miles of single track & bridle path. Cafes visitor centre & nature walks. just head to High Beech
    plenty for everybody can be as taxing as u want I have taken all my kids riding there ages 6-12

    Free Member

    Me & I think they are great, I suffer from hyper flexibility (posh term for double jointed) I can get tendinitis in my wrist as I flex then too much. They have offered my great support & stop me dropping my wrists

    Free Member

    just watched that Doc funny the missus didn’t recognise anybody & she was a regular apart from the ‘known’ people but I saw Fozia who ended up runnin Eye Q for Sven Vath & Andrew Curly who was the face of Weatheralls Sabres of Paradise label – lovely chap as well
    I DJ’d at Venus :-)

    Free Member

    Epping is great miles & miles of forest single track, lacks a bit in elevation & is virtually un rideable in winter.
    Not done beastway as wife works late so I always have to kids but this year Russ Jones (Hackney GT) is sponsoring it so I will be down probably first one.
    What’s your twitter name, mine is @carbonfiend
    Don’t know smallville yeah Rush Hour was one label I liked before I bailed

    Free Member

    Why not heroin -‘coz u will die very quickly. Tolerance to Heroin develops incredibly quickly there is no common safe usage of it, I know it’s sounds like an overreaction but that is the case. You can’t prescribe a single dose of heroin to an addict & ask him or her to use it once a day. The drug only lasts for about 4-6 hours then to will develop withdrawal symptoms.
    The point is you can do things and we are, as we have both mentioned its education.
    Not up north anymore down here in LDN got out over 20yrs ago.

    TBH and this is a whole different discussion I think drug addiction involves way more complex issues involving nurture poverty environment etc and this is where I think the other side of the answer to the problem is.

    Lastly from me I think there is real argument for seriously chasing the money as highlighted in The Wire tv series

    Free Member

    Sorry Junkyard but maybe I didn’t get my point across but anyway yeah education has to be the best way forward. But I also struggle with this QC issue around illegal drugs, that has never been the problem with drugs. The lifestyle does the damage & the drugs themselves. Nobody ever caught Hep C HIV Liver failure OD’d cardiac arrest etc coz of impurities. Drugs are a commodity shit ones don’t sell, the purer and better they are the more people will want to use them.
    Within street drug manufacture there is also a given purity with drugs that is kinda code to abide to otherwise people would OD everywhere – I think with heroin it’s about 20-40 (don’t quote me) but you get my drift.

    Free Member

    I’m still in east LDN ride in Epping forest – where are you

    Floating points needs to release an album IMO

    Free Member

    Binners, on one hand you say you’ve seen the results of Heroin use yet on the other that if drugs were de criminalised it would eradicate the problems. Surely if you, which I don’t doubt for a minute, have witnessed what I have seen & experienced with my sister, will agree drugs are the problem. Heroin & cocaine are incredibly addictive & contrary to this false perception that in pure form are harmless is quite the opposite. Cocaine is hugely damaging to your heart & constant use will eventually lead to heart failure Heroin has an incredible short life cycle & huge tolerances are quickly established which it turn leads to a massive overuse, again leading to death. I have posted this before when I lived up north the lad below me was prescribed pure heroin as it was deemed to be the best way to treat him, he was dead within 4 months. He did nothing but take heroin in increasing larger & larger doses until his body gave up. In effect the state became his dealer & ultimately his killer.
    The answer to drugs isn’t the end to prohibition ( though I agree the war on drugs isn’t working) it’s education, and over the last 20yrs this is actually happening hard drug use is falling we have a generation of kids now growing up getting the message & knowing first hand the dangers, they are looked after by aunts uncles & grandparents coz the real parents are dead or in jail.
    When the argument for legalisation comes along I always say this “do you wanna sit down on Saturday night with either of your kids & watch TV whilst they smoke rocks or inject H” i don’t.

    Free Member

    Mark Webster ?
    Thats cool, Steve Lamacq was one of the nice guys, he always tried to play what he liked even if it was outside his remit & welsh trip hop certainly sounds like it was :-)
    It got harder & harder & I didn’t really like what I was hearing couldn’t get into dub step or the Justice french house stuff etc & hip hop got so cliche
    Yeah seen to the Meltdown stuff – TBH I drifted right away from all the beats & vibes stuff, got into thinks like Kurt Vile, War on Drugs, Mogwai, Atlas Sound etc which kinda surprised myself.
    One of the lads that worked for me Alex set himself up a label called Eglo with a producer called Floating Points I really like what he is doing

    You based in the south east ?

    Free Member

    Wow yeah that’s me (Harvey) indeed was in Stratford for about 15years when it’s was a proper shit hole ! Stopped about 5yrs back lost the heart & frankly got bored- was into triathlons then after getting back into running
    Yeah remember Seven mag was it an evolution of the old mixmag update sheet ?
    Blues & Soul – Bob Jones & Westwood :-)
    What’s your brothers name though I never really did the press I was always at radio 1 plugging

    Free Member

    More than I care to remember I am legal guardian of my 6 yr old niece who has been removed from her mother. I also grew up in the NW (Horwich) in the 80’s I can say that a large amount of the people I grew up with have been in jail an institution or are dead :-(
    just for today.

    Free Member

    I never made it to Energy or Dingwalls with GP. My missus did virtually everywhere during that time Shoom, Trip, World Dance Boys Own. Met her at the Hac in 89 as she was at uni up north. Yeah Parkie was awesome defo had skills & knew his stuff.
    I used to deal with Nick at DMC & of course mad Tony Prince ! I set up a PR company called ZZonked in mid 90’s worked for loads of labels sending promo’s to DJs Press & radio, I did a lot of drum & bass & hip hop stuff as well as working the likes of Warp Ninja Tune Mo Wax etc

    check this out, a mate of mine who still DJs & was at all that stuff also but really went down the jazz route etc called Russ Jones is also a really handy CX racer & set this company up

    yeah totally agree good music is good music but Balearic was an umbrella that could be used to cover a lot of stuff that was basically shit (IMHO) & if u step into that area u are always gonna put yourself up against what the Italians & particularly what Daniele Baldelli did.

    Greg Fenton Justin Robertson & Moonboots gave it a good though with Spice & later Spacefunk

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    image[/url] by hlpjones[/url], on Flickr

    Me in Rimini 8O :D :-)

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    I have always grown up on DJs being able to mix going way back to the DMC days but particularly Greg Wilson & Chad Jackson and the all dayers of the mid 80’s. Plus the Hacienda explosion was Park & Pickering who were hearing the stuff from Chicago (hot mix 5 WBMX) & we got access to the odd & scare Levan tape.
    Yeah that Rimini trip was silly I have some photos somewhere – one of rocky & diesel playing to an empty room :-) we where lucky that had been told ‘provisions’ were hard to come by over there so we took our own !
    Don’t know Mick Stacey but will ask my missus she was originally from Bucks was a Queens member did promised land Love at Wag Ibizia in 87 n all that stuff was even at Hurlys the night GP scratched across an acid track saying ”we won’t play this shit here’
    I was a northerner who made occasional trip down south did special branch at SIN off Tottenham court road, Soul City at Heaven etc & then the Biology Sunrise stuff
    Ended up finding my way into the industry & worked with countless DJs labels etc inc DMC world finals in Paris NYC & London.
    I reckon in over 25 yrs of doing all that stuff the best DJ I ever heard in his prime was Sasha

    Free Member

    DJs that couldn’t mix :-) alright apart from Phil Perry & Scott James. went to Rimini in 1990 with the Flying lot Rocky Diesel Farley Fabio Paras etc they got made to look pretty stupid by the Italians who were brought up on Baldelli & the Slam boys who were class banging out Detroit & Chicago
    Weatherall is a legend though

    Free Member

    Been on montelukast for years seems to work along with symbicort not has an attack for years. I have also recently been using theophylline just finding a dosage balance with doctor at moment. Used to suffer when I had a chest infection etc but tbh not had an issue for a long time now. I still maintain my dosage even though everything is fine I used to get complacent & when things were good I would reduce or even forget it and then sure enough something would happen. I don’t take any risks at all.

    Free Member

    This trail is alive
    image[/url] by hlpjones[/url], on Flickr

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    Down in one
    image[/url] by hlpjones[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    It’s a little known fact that border terriers bring single speed steel framed mtb riders together. Was walking dog in the forest today when bounding out of some single track came a little grizzle BT followed by a rider on an Inbred SS with a charlie BM sticker in it.’ Had a nice chat about riding with BTs both agreed we only do it on our single speeds. Asked the fellas name turns out it’s somebody I had seen all over the Strava segments in Epping :-)

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