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  • Mason InSearchOf | A Bike For Going Further
  • CaptJon
    Free Member

    ….online glasses suppliers, and when you cant see thru them you’ll go back to you opticians and ask why?………high street opticians should start charging to diagnose the problems found in online specs, then people would maybe think twice, but hey ho you only get one pair of eyes

    Are you saying the labs of online suppliers can’t produce lenses to a particular prescription?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Reported cycling accidents in 2007 map:-

    Nice map the Times have produced there. Not sure i’d agree with their claim it is “a richly detailed – and hopefully educational – portrait of the nation’s cycling accidents.”

    The trouble with plain old statistics, as the map produced by Timesonline demonstrates, is there is no detail (or at least there isn’t the way the media reproduce them). What caused most of these accidents? What time of day is it? Do more accidents happen at particular points on the road? Did driving offense convictions also go up 11%?

    Oh, and one cyclist was killed in the Irish Sea, a few miles off the Welsh coast apparently!

    Free Member

    leave it in water with a couple of dentrue tablets overnight.

    MMMMMMMMmmminty fresh


    The tablets are dirt cheap too.

    Free Member

    Near Blakeney by any chance? Lovely part of the world that it.

    Free Member

    Maybe the guys are, ahem, large guys…

    Free Member

    So there is enough work for a five day week but they are only willing to pay you for 4 days? If you’re on 16k, you’re effectively giving the firm over 3 grand. Ask for shares!

    Free Member

    Nesquik + milk as soon as i get in. Then a proper meal after a shower, best way is the old ‘plated meal’ from the day before, especially as it is a roast. Yummy!

    Free Member

    That would be amazing.

    My email is in my profile.

    Free Member

    Capt jon- want a job?
    i like you

    Thanks. I’m just grooming you in case i do a research project on EH and need people to interview :D

    A job? I’m happily battling the archaic structures of academia at the moment, once i’ve fixed those i might be tempted with sorting out EH.

    In all seriousness, do you know if there is a history of EH? I reckon it would be a fascinating read. If there isn’t, it would be an amazing project to work on.

    Talking of good reads, have you read Uses of Heritage by Laura Jane Smith? I reckon it should be compulsory reading for anyone working in heritage. She charts the history of heritage protection and it makes you understand what has led to the the current situation in the UK (and in fact the world).

    Free Member

    Capt jon hits nail on head.


    I left out what is probably the largest group though; employees who just want to get on with their job and see heritage protected (i suspect you are in this group guido). BTW – do you know if anyone written a history of EH?

    I hope that EH eventually goes down the path National Parks are increasingly heading. Namely not just protecting stuff and leaving it, but using heritage as a catalyst for development (community, environmental and if you have to, economic). Not sure 200 years of heritage tradition (sic) will be easily changeable unfortunately.

    Free Member

    How do you quote ?

    Copy and paste the text into the reply box. Select it, and then click the “quote” button.

    Free Member


    Ive worked for EH for 5 years now and its difficult to comment so i have to say that we have little or no power (or cash) to do what everyone wants. you always upset someone…

    What i thought was interesting from the programmes was the lack of singular vision from EH. I’m sure you won’t comment but i got the impression there are a number of conflicting approaches within EH. It might well be down to the editing, but i detected a new breed (led by Thurley, his wife and the curtains guy from tonight’s show) who like big projects, experts promoted into positions they don’t feel completely comfortable in, experts in various things (who may or may not be listened to, depending on how their views fit with the vision of other groups), and administrators attempting to keep everyone else functioning. I could be well off mind.

    Be rest assured, i think EH are geniuses compared to the National Trust.

    Free Member

    i’m just coming to the end of a masters in building surveying and the work were doing on building conservation principles seems to be irrelevant to EH, ageing materials is a no- no, replication of elements only were solid evidence is available – not important if Mr Thurley deams it should be there, authenticity and originality – missing in action

    EH are a funny bunch. Did you see the Grand Designs a few years back when a couple bought a ruined castle (ancient scheduled monument – uber protection status) to renovate? EH’s attitude was so obstructive the couple were almost bankrupted – it would have been easier, much easier to have not done the project and the castle would have been destroyed by the elements in a few years. So, even though the couple were saving it, EH kept putting obstacles in the way.

    EH’s movement into commercial actions is also of interest, did you read the article in the sunday times about the fireplaces in a property in london ( possibly and Indigo Jones i cant remember)

    I missed that, do you have a link? I thought the project in Sheffield last week was crazy. EH aren’t property developers so shouldn’t attempt it. Not simply because it isn’t their area of expertise, but because they don’t have the capacity to overseee such a project.

    Must be good for your lectures, watch this and discuss…

    Absolutely. Designing a new modules at the moment on geographies of heritage so these programmes are a great resource.

    Sorry to be a pedant, but it is Dr Thurley. He’s an architectural historian, apparently (!).

    Free Member

    It is fascinating. I teach this sort of thing and these programmes are great seminar fodder. The discussions about authenticity were interesting tonight.

    1) You’ve got a recreation of a garden that was only there for 17 days
    2)the only description of it is from a layman (Robert Langham) who may or may not have made measurements, may or may not have been boasting in his description, and may or may not have been sober when writing the letter
    3) There is no archaeology to support the description
    4) physics tells us part of the description was wrong (the angle of the slope)
    5) EH want an authentic Elizabethan wooden structure that meets 21st century health and safety but won’t pay for the engineering of it
    6) the wood is built on a stone base which EH insist is aged so it fits with the surroundings of the castle (even though when the garden was first build presumably it was new and didn’t age much in 17 days
    7) there is a fountain which is to be carves so it doesn’t look too Italian and fits the techniques of English sculptures of the period… but the design of it is based on 21st aesthetics (the ‘boll’ and the beard)

    Any question as to the validity of contradictory decisions seems to be justified because nobody has a photo from the period. And £3.5m is justified because EH learnt alot about how gardens were built in the Elizabethian period.

    I wonder if the final programme in the series might show EH actually overseeing a well thought out, carefully managed and most importantly successful project.

    Free Member

    Dirt –
    Get a Grip –

    Classics, nothing i’ve seen recently tops them in terms of impact.

    Free Member

    Post the dataset.

    Free Member

    Mango or peach chutney, preferably homemade.

    Free Member

    Not to elbow in on someone else’s argument. But prolonged periods of rain generally cause much higher degrees of damage than sudden down pours.

    Free Member

    People who don’t consider the whole group when riding.

    People who pop into Tesco/Spar/Sainsbury/Greggs rather than a independent local shop selling the same stuff.

    Free Member

    Why are people worried about relative strength-weight-fatigue issues? Carbon looks cool, end of debate.

    Free Member

    Surely an aquatarian is someone who only drinks water.

    Free Member

    how have i missed this? any good streaming sites for me to “get involved?”

    Go and buy it.

    Free Member

    Sky+ it all but don’t watch it until you’ve bought series one and watched that. The writers don’t patronise you with awkward discussions between characters to let you catch up with the plot (like most US crime/model shows) so you’ll get more out of it by watching series 1 first. You’ll also learn more about the characters and their histories. It will be money well spent.

    Free Member

    What are they going for on ebay?

    Free Member

    Simple: buy a Mac. The new ones allow you to run Windows through programs like Bootcamp.

    Best of both innit.

    Free Member

    Rebas at 115.

    Free Member

    Party politics in this country, together with the way politics is covered by the media, makes me despair. Most politicians are more concerned about what the other lot are doing than actually doing something constructive.

    Free Member

    My employer is committed to continuing their participation in national negotiations on the single pay spine for 2009/10.

    I don’t believe them.

    Free Member

    What bike would Chuck Norris ride?

    Chuck Norris would ride your bike.

    Free Member

    “Fifty one” – confuse the postie lioke.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I can understand where she is coming from. I’m selective about the news i ingest as most of it is dumbed down and about entertainment and/or viewing figures.

    Brooker rocks. As does John Stewart.

    Free Member

    “Fat Roadie Kicks Off” – lol seeing as I’ve won a number of hill climbs and am accused of having a toast rack instead of a chest.

    Here’s another go at the OP

    “A bloke came on one of our rides the other day, it was quite a tough one. Most of us worked together to make it easier for the weaker riders and ensured that we would all get home together. However, he insisted on disrupting the ride and showing off. I wasn’t too happy about that and we had a polite word with him but he carried on anyway. Near the end of the ride he could not keep up, mainly due to his showing off which had depleted his energy.”

    I actually meant it as humorous piss take Viz type rant not a troll post, but there you go. My MTB forum guidelines are 100% vindicated, in fact I think I’m going to do some more work on them this weekend to bring them up to date with current practice.

    I’m very proud of my road club, they do loads for the community and new/old riders alike. They are all incredibly sociable and patient and only ever ask that new riders **listen** to advise when joining rides for the first time. Sadly many don’t.

    Have you also won back pedalling races? :wink:

    Free Member

    The puppy pulling power link on that page is far more interesting than us all dying.

    Now it seems Samuri has been infected too; by virus advertising!!!

    Free Member

    I just sneezed… OMGi’mgonnadie OMGi’mgonnadie OMGi’mgonnadie OMGi’mgonnadie OMGi’mgonnadie OMGi’mgonnadie OMGi’mgonnadie OMGi’mgonnadie OMGi’mgonnadie

    Free Member

    So, you’re either a freelaner or a wannabe writer? If the former you probably enjoy being bent over and royally, well, you know. If the latter, you’d better lube up boi, those publishing houses – unless you’re very lucky and/or are willing to sell your soul – are gonna make you feel like the lad you dropped today. Only after the publisher dropped you miles from home, you got gangbanged by Billy Bob the badger and his pony mates.

    Free Member

    Oh God, a blog. I tell you Dave me old mucker, i’ll imagine all the differences between mountain bikers and road bike riders and assume you described them in the most witty of ways. That way it will save me reading about how you like to ride both on and off road, and how – and i’m guessing here – one helps enjoy the other.

    Free Member

    CaptJon – thanks ..made I laugh

    *imagines maniacal supervillian laugh*

    Free Member

    Enjoying a road ride myself (avec baggies, hairy legs, Camelbak, fully finger gloves, peaked helmet and muddy spuds) i’ve read a number of roadie magazines and fora that give advice for newbies apprehensive about going out on a club ride. Without fail, the advice is that you won’t be expected to take a turn on the front if it is your first time because it can be daunting, and it is not the easiest thing to do: there is the route to consider, one has to be able to maintain the correct pace save you go too fast or slow for the rest of the group, and there are all the little hand signals to remember that often take a while to not only learn, but to be able to do when setting a fast pace. Personally i think that is reasonable.

    Now, the this newbie was asked if they’d consider taking a turn on the front, “We even spoke to him about it, calmly suggesting that it might be worth doing a turn”. As we know the newbie didn’t feel confident enough with the route to do this. That is fair enough in my mind. Imagine the hullaballoo if they’d got the group lost (they’d be a whole lot of team knickers in a twist then!), not something you’d want when out with a group of people you don’t know.

    As it turns out then, even though someone in the group had asked the new rider to take a turn on the front and he didn’t, so the group upped the pace in the last few miles to drop him anyway.

    Sounds like a) there was a bit of a communication problem, b) the group are a bunch of asses for deciding to drop him (tantamount to bullying i’d say), c) DavidB should drop the patronising tone, we’re mountain bikers, not idiot and understand basic aerodynamics!

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