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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • captainsasquatch
    Free Member

    But £40 is £40 though, and not to be sniffed at.

    Free Member

    I wonder whether the management Luis Enrique will change his mind after that.

    Free Member

    Barca v PSG. 8O

    Free Member

    Trump is set to appoint an openly gay diplomat as his Ambassador to the UN. The Trump haters will think of something negative to say.

    Maybe, but it won’t be because of the person’s sexuality.

    Free Member

    There’s even a catering van IIRC.

    The signs are there, I never saw the van though.

    Free Member

    The americans won’t buy more than one series of this. It’s not entertaining to the masses, may as well swallow it and make it something new.

    Given that USA and Australia have their own presenters, as does Germany. Is it not the format that was sold rather than episodes?

    Free Member

    It’s just another case of lying your tits off than blaming the electorate for falling for it.
    What’s it like being a winner, you losers?

    Free Member

    Have you ever tried crapping in one of those little bags? Of course I’m going to show off my handywork.

    Free Member

    Outofbreath is calling for you to improve your English comprehension.

    Shall I improve it for him then?

    Free Member

    Not for everyone, I know.

    Free Member

    If working at home on Mon and Fri, when are you expected travel to Oslo?
    Oslo wouldn’t be my first choice, but I’m a supporter of living in different environments as being positive. I’d be looking to get the family over there. If your wife doesn’t thank you, the boy will.

    Free Member

    ambalaya – Member

    Not per week @eden, its a one off (afaik)
    Falls off chair as Jamba appears to be correct. The ridiculous thing is that £350m is being spread over 140 schools. That is very few new builds and a lot that’ll just be receiving a lick of paint.

    Free Member

    Cap’n, how odd that you thought I was making a specific rather than a general observation. I wonder why that would be the case?

    Jesus H! You’ve now turned into that dipstick ninfan. :lol:

    Free Member

    Either way, you all got played for a bunch of mugs, and he won the election :lol:

    You’re actually quite sad, aren’t you?

    Free Member

    Ah, the sweet sound of cognitive dissonance as it hits home on the self appointed intelligentsia that they were manipulated by the media

    There’s no need to be so hard on yourself.

    Free Member

    Captain the Greeks aren’t paying any interest to banks, the eurozone took over the debt and gave them a close to zero interest rate and then refunded them the notional “profits” from the loans. They did this after private lenders like banks decided Greece had borrowed far too much (and lied aout amounts borrowed) and could not pay, ever. Private lenders are not interested in lending to Greece at any level (certainly my view as I have declined every Greek related transaction I have been shown inc those with supposedly solid collateral, there quite simply is no rate I would lend to Greece). I remember a meeting 2 yeats ago where Greek officials where trtuing to get my employer to lend / invest more on the basis of their (fantastical) positive outlook. Yncolleagues made it clear we where only looking to exit, there was no rate or terms which would encourage to even maintain oir level of investment.

    As soon as you move into first person experience, for some reason, I switch off as the bullcrapometer spikes. Don´t know why…

    Free Member

    But Capn, you do have to be mature enough to have an open mind, read what others say, not what you think they say, and be happy to rely on facts not fiction.

    Interesting, you talk like you almost know me, but, in actuality, don´t. Surely an open mind would stop you from making assumptions, even the most incorrect of them. What would I know?
    EDIT: I´m not sure, but I think a mature adult wouldn´t be following someone around throwing out snide comments and cheap shots either. But what would you know?

    Free Member

    @b r why not ask the Greeks how they feel about being governed by the EU ?

    Surely better to ask them how they feel about paying extortionate interest levels to private banks which are preventing them from digging themselves out of the hole they are in?

    Free Member

    “Is calling for” ? “said he would put in place”

    But the smart people recognise that the person who is calling for a ban is unlikely to dilute that desire too much when it comes to implimentation. Leopards tend not to change their spots and he was voted in on this promise, he’d lose a lot support if he were to renage on that promise.
    (Checks all i and ts are dotted and crossed for fear that ninfan will pick up on it, inspite of him not knowing the difference between if, and and but).

    Free Member

    All together now – if ifs and ands were pots and pans…

    What’s the link to the underlined “but”?

    Free Member

    No it isn’t, and no he didn’t!

    What would you call a ban of citizens from Muslim majority countries where non Muslims from said countries are given preferential treatment?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Are you actually accusing me of bugging the Oval Office?

    Free Member

    Again, not only the logical fallacy of past attack profile as predictor of future attack profile

    Agreed, I think he should ban Polar Bears, due to the fact that they have no history of terrorist attacks, I think that this clearly indicates that they are more likely to attack than Muslims. The logic is there and proven.

    Free Member

    That said, I’d be driving at a speed such that if something appeared that was sizable enough to break my car, I’d be able to stop or get out of the way.

    Challenge still stands. :lol:

    Free Member

    Playing devil’s advocate, is it not somewhat your responsibility for driving into it?

    I challlenge you to drive up the M62 from J18 to J20 and NOT hit a single pothole, Stirling.

    Free Member

    You mean Egerton.
    And really?

    Free Member

    Broxton roundabout.

    Free Member

    I was thinking more political. A few posters only post in the political threads. Weird for a bike forum.

    Do you honestly think that the volume of hot air, personal digs, sniping and back biting is going to convince anyone, one way or another of a particualr view.
    All I see is immaturity where posters have to have the last word, and so much guff that there will never be a shortage of guff.
    Has anyone in the history of forums ever thought that a good point had been posted and then started to realign their thinking?

    Free Member

    Hoja de reclamacion.
    Personally I’d use Pepe Cars for cheap reliabilityness.

    Free Member

    There is a complaint system in Spain, and if the vendor refuses to comply, you can call the police to ensure that they do. It could affect their operating licence.

    Free Member

    I’m guessing not, in which case why do you think Muslims will? Don’t tell me, I know.

    Oh my god! Are Muslims killing people? You mean that Muslims are killing people!!
    This is horrendous!! Why didn’t anyone tell me? And what the hell are we going to do about it? Some one should do something!! I can’t believe Muslims are killing everyone.. Surely such an evil religion should be outlawed and all Muslims should be stopped from killing us all.
    And taking our jobs.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    Well stop farting then
    Sorry, I wasn’t listeninng to your babbling, what was the question?

    Free Member

    Good answer to a question asking “how much”

    I am, yes.

    Free Member

    because in a democracy the right decision is the one the majority voted for – or to use a management phrase, bought into – and that in this case is Leave.

    I’d worry if a manager bought into something and then didn’t try and change it once they realised that they’d been duped. But that’s just me.

    Free Member

    OK then – so how much do you think emissions from planes contribute to pollution in cities?

    Yes, I do.

    Free Member

    which only reinforces the fact that Trumps original ban was both proportionate and non-discriminatory


    Free Member

    Well if the phone was switched off in the glovebox you could have arrived at your destination, parked the car, switched the phone on and retrieved your voicemails

    What an absolutely absurd concept.

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