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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • captaincarbon
    Free Member

    Ernie. I understand your concerns, in no way is our cat agressive to other cats…he’s a big wuss where other cats are concerned although he will chase off any dog that gets too close! He has decimated the local bird life, but as we’re in town 90% of his kills are wood pidgeons, which to be honest im quite happy with as the drive is no longer covered in their guano from the roosting tree which overhangs it.
    I used to breed cats as I said before. They were kept inside and were content, living long and healthy lives. We now dont breed the cats due to time constraints and decided that any cat we had would be rescued, The Bengal cross gets on very well with all our other rescues, is certainly not agressive to other cats in any way. He is very athletic and loves to climb, and his curiosity leads him everywhere…..

    Just chill Ernie…..or i’ll send him round.. 8)

    Free Member

    @wwaswas. Did I say he’d got the bats? No. Have I gone and repaired the roof making it safe for the bats to continue to roost and making it impossible for the exit/entrance to be damaged again? Yes. . . .
    your conclusion jumping is more impressive than the feline leaps described here.. :wink:

    Free Member

    Used to breed Siamese years ago and thought all the stories about bengals were just hype. We now have 5 moggies, one of them is 1/2 Bengal.

    He’s a bl**dy liability!

    Uses next doors roof as a look-out, its a 2 storey detached house and he climbs the guttering to get there.

    Has decimated the local bird life :( and ripped the new fascia and guttering off the corner of another neighbours house to get at the bats in their attic.

    Is as loud as f***!

    Brilliant BRILLIANT cat. Soppiest lump we’ve ever owned! :D

    Free Member

    During one of my Uni placements I was given the task of helping the patient fill in her medical histroy form. Althought she was struggling with this we were getting on quite well but she had a long list of medical problems and she needed help with spelling,but she insisted on completing the from herself.

    Patient. “How do you spell incontinence?”
    Me. (brain not engaged before mouth) “Silent P”

    All i heard was my mentor leaving the room in a rush……

    Free Member

    Discount card? an urban myth, surely?

    Free Member

    Flashy, put some wings on that it would take off!

    Free Member

    Have a look at the garlic farm website…all you need is there…

    Free Member

    disco_stu, those tiny little bulbs can be replanted, they should grow into small bulbs with no segments next year, these are then harvested and replanted fro Mahoosive cloves the season after, BUT, they are notoriusly difficult to get to shoot. they seem impervious to water. Some people just plant them like ordinary onoin sets in the autumn, some also try to gently score the surface of the bulb to allow water absorbtion before sowiing, and have had great results…..I have tried both methods and out of approx 40 planted bulblets i only had one that sprouted.. then i killed it with a hoe :oops:

    Free Member

    Shouln’t that be in the ENHANCED performance and photography thread Drac? :wink:

    Free Member

    You have to fill in a self declaration form every 3 years to say your still fit to drive when you reach the age of 70…

    Dont see a problem with that! 8)

    Free Member

    Original idea was either to train as a Physio or a Podiatrist. Chose Podiatry as it was more specialised from a Lower limb Biomech point of view, it also included wound care, which is now becoming a specialty of mine. There was more chance of finding NHS employment to start with, and (at the time) greater chance of speedy career progression. Plus working privately is relatively easy and hassle free alongside a full time NHS job.

    Free Member

    I did it. Same age then as you are now. Same commitments. Bl**dy hard work as not from a medical background at all, and not computer literate either. Stuck it out, got the degree. Much happier as Im doing something I wanted to do, not just fallen in to.

    Do it, or spend forever wondering ‘what if?’.

    Free Member

    5 for me, not excessive at all in my opinion, plus im giving one away!……to make room for another one… :wink:

    Free Member

    have just put in leeks, savoy, red, spring cabbage, white/purple sprouting and calabrese, Kale, Early and late cauliflower. Will be sowing some chard, turnips, carrots for a late crop of small sweet veg, plus some more beetroot.
    broad beans, Elephant garlic and shallots to be sown next month!

    Free Member

    +1 for the golf ball excersize.
    Plastic drinks bottle fill with water and freeze, roll foot over that and increase pressure gradually.
    Wear supportive shoes.
    Towel stretch your feet BEFORE you get out of bed.
    Calf stretches, both gastroc and soleus (google stretches) as often as you can throughout the day, at least 3-5 times per day, sets of 3 per muscle group.
    Intense deep self massage of the medial fascial band as often as you can (it hurts like hell) i have found to have good results.
    7-10mm heel raise shoe inserts will take the strain off the achillies and the fascia.

    Can take months to clear… :?

    Free Member

    now late for the first patient of the day! :D

    Free Member

    mmmmm.. good to know you’re off to the doc, a good friend caught Lymes disease recently… the lesion on her foot was exactly the same as the one in your pic!

    Free Member

    so far i find myself in total agreement with all of TJ’s posts on this one… :wink: yes, i may well be yet another shat upon member of the NHS frontline staff, but still..

    Free Member

    Its all pretty good on the well used stuff as nickjb said. Seems to be more streams to ride in this summer tho!

    usual sandy drivetrain grinding stuff………….

    Free Member

    Those early 90’s series races were great… dog turd alley back then! :?

    Not been back there since, really must give it anoter go….

    Free Member

    Bought a 5m Bell tent last year, fantastic tent. Easy to put up, the only one standing on the site after high winds destroyed the lighter modern tents there.
    being able to roll the sides up is a huge bonus in the heat, and they’re warmer when the temp drops. Being a good neutral colour meant you dont have to sit in a coloured haze!

    Free Member

    Brave man trout.. brave man indeed! I however do not have the balls neede to front up quite like that, despite having the same tonnage to shift..

    good luck fella!

    Free Member

    Taunton, or any of the surrounding villages. Dont go to Bridgwater, W-S-M, or Burnham!

    Free Member

    Thanks for that! :D

    Free Member

    One handed call making finger flippin’ cyclist.. prat, but good skills! :wink:

    Free Member


    i have the same Harlequin Troll climbing pants… and ashamed to say i wore them recently, albeit for a ‘charity’ run! :oops:

    Free Member

    used to be 36 in a full box, and they could all fit on the glill pan…. :oops:

    Free Member

    Great start to the day! :D

    Free Member

    Road race, road training/winter training bike, fixie, 2 MTB’s.
    Haven’t ridden the road bikes for ages but WILL get back on them one day soon. Ride the fixed all the time!

    Free Member

    just to clarify..

    be sure its vastus medialis thats firing early and not femoris longus. My initial thought is that femoris longus would fire first. It would ‘fire’ earlier as it is alwasy slack when cycling as in my observations it is usually too tight in many cyclists. Both muscles have the same insertion but Femoris Longus originates at the illiac crest….

    Look for some specific stretches that cover both if you havent done so already…

    Free Member

    :D That’s 30 miles more than I managed this month!

    Free Member

    Tracknicko, I don’t believe I have ever tried to avoid blame for the accident, but an accident it was. There was no intent, no warning, no avoidance of consequenses on my part.

    Free Member

    A terrible thing to happen to anyone, but it can happen to anyone, and has to me;

    2004, driving a Hi-top transit van. Just been overtaken by 2 Motor bikes racing it up on quiet dead straight back lane. They came past me so fast i didnt hear them coming and they rather took me by surprise. the road was dead straight, it was 1830hours in a far sunnier mid June than this one, the sun was low, with blinding light coming off a large stream parrellel to my side of the road. I had to turn right, the road was clear ahead tho very bright. I actually remember thinking, ‘stick your head out the window and check for more racing motorbikes before you turn’, which i did. i heard and saw nothing. I was indicating, and had come to a dead stop before turning right, i looked ahead, nothing, turned in and then saw a vauxhall coming at me very fast out of the sun. The head on collision(i had the split foresight to nail the cluth and lift off the brake) pushed the van back 20 metres into the stream and it sunk end first up to the drivers door. The cavalier had dissappeared underneath me. Driver, passenger, 4 year old girl (unsecured) in back seat all ok. no injuries.
    The car was doing over 80mph by police estimates but it was still deemed to be my fault as i turned in front of them.
    Skid mark braking distances were measured but never used. The police said the road was notorious for accidents at the junction in those conditions.
    Van and car were a write offs.
    I was walking around with an undiagnosed severe spinal injury as i had gone through the windscreen of the van on impact. This wasnt discovered for 6 months.
    There is no way in this world i would have taken that turn if it wasn’t safe to do so.
    If the car was travelling at the correct speed the accident would have been avoided.

    Dont condem the guy out of hand. You dont know. You weren’t there.

    Free Member

    edlong +1

    Free Member

    Make sure its what you want then do it. You cant complain if it doesnt work.. much better IMHO than forever thinking ‘What if?’.

    Worked for me. complete lifestyle change at 38. Everything went apart from the bikes! 4 years hard graft and another year looking for related work but totally worth it. Met a great girl doing it and marrying her in August! :D

    Free Member

    12 bore?

    Free Member

    Ouch! Not actually seen any of these in practice. Recoevry times if fit and healthy and no compilcations I would put at 5-6 months. Plenty of foot strengthening and mobilization excersizes when your specialist gives you the ok, but all in moderation!
    I see no reason why you cant get back on the bike at that time to regain bike fitness, but ensure the foot is as immobile as it can be. Spds and rigid soled bike shoes… Good stiff soled walking shoes for when you’re out of the cast?walker?

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    In your case its a lost cause.. and envy on my part!

    Free Member

    Have you tried counselling? :wink:

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