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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • captaincarbon
    Free Member

    Absolutely brilliant!
    What a grin! :D

    Free Member

    Dont let it dry out or leave it open to the air (old wives tale, wounds heal quicker with less scarring if kept covered and warm) if the lesion is open.
    Its clean, so dress in with NA ultra and a meopore dressing cover.
    Use betadine, or an iodine spray if you need to.
    cleanse in clean water and sterile gauze and redress every 2 days until a hard dry scab forms. then you can leave it open to the air and get it wet showering etc, but keep it dry at all times unless cleansing it.
    any signs of infection, (pain, redness, swelling) get and see your GP.

    Free Member

    “My sweaters are snagged, I mean all of them” :lol: :lol:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Top effort sir! :D

    Free Member

    What fences for a unicorn? 8)

    Free Member

    Hodders and Smiths for a quick bimble saturday morning….. :D

    Free Member

    Its your neighbours tree impeding your property? get the stump grinder in and send them the invoice!

    Free Member

    Go mad all weekend, get family/friends to pitch in. its possible to freeze, then thaw and salt later, but you will get an inferior product.
    Butcher it any way you want to, you-tube is your friend for this. Best to hang the pig by the back feet to halve it, it can be done flat but is a swine to do! 8)
    Unless you have experience of preserving/salting I would advise just try it first on less choice cuts, or smaller best bits so you dont lose much if it fails.

    Good luck!

    22 years butchering, but difficult to explain how to butcher on here. Is there a local butcher who would come and show you? Thats the way I have demonstrated in the past.

    Free Member

    PJM1974, really sorry to hear that. I have had patients tell me that they struggle to drive as their eyesight is bad, or they are frightened to drive in what they consider to be heavy traffic, and on different occasions have called their GP to voice my concerns over their safety and that of other road users, only to be told there is nothin they can do unles the police get involved. When i have spoken to the police I have ben told they cannot do anything unless I was to report a dangerous witnessed incident, or a collision.

    The same thing happened to my grandfather and just took his keys one day and sold the car. hated doing it and had a bit of explaining to do but it worked out ok for us all for his remainig years with us.

    Free Member

    Loved that! :D

    Free Member

    jam bo, that lab has a death wish at 47 seconds! 8O

    Nice vid though, thanks for that!

    Free Member

    Polzeath, look at Trewiston camp site. clean, good facilities, loads of space. There is a walk down through the golf coures to the beach, or a small drive down with the boards!

    Free Member

    Seven more hours…. :D

    Free Member

    Carbon paste purchase imminent, thankyou!
    Local LBS had been scratching their heads over this for a while…

    Free Member


    Same issue on a road bike, carbon post and frame…..

    Free Member


    Free Member

    done :D

    Free Member

    Advertise them both in the local free ads, ‘free, collector dismantles’.

    Call mcmoonter in.

    Job done!

    Free Member

    Had one just like that temping at the post office back in the 80’s

    Free Member

    Superb find! :lol:

    Free Member

    Mr judeyoga gets a choice of doing either? 8O
    Id pick ‘sorting’ the garage…..cue hours of bike fettling to avoid doing the lawn!

    Free Member

    Find some fresh and grate some into the supermarket stuff to give it a bit of a bite!

    Free Member

    Showing off to my girlfriend at the time, she was waiting by the back gate as I unloaded bike and kit from the back of the van, balanced kit on handlebars and rode the bike from the van through the gate to the shed I stored it in( a distance of about 30 feet), bunnyhopped through the gate around a tight corner and over a kerb when the front wheel washed out on the wet kerb and I crashed sideways thorugh dads greenhouse! :oops:

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ok, Who had all the eclairs?

    ………sulks off with a sideways glance at camo16 :evil:

    Free Member

    Well done Op for sticking your head above the parapet, mind you dont fall off that ladder! :wink:

    Free Member

    So, you’re up…where are the pics? 8)

    Free Member

    If you dont report it, and he does it will be you with up to nine points on your licence and a hefty insurance bill for the next 5 years. Happened to a good friend of mine. He was stationary and was hit, lost his mirror and the other driver did not stop. My friend is a car mechanic, so although a bit pissed off he just replaced the mirror and thought no more of it.
    The court wanted to disqualify him for 12 months but ended up piling 9 points on him instead as he needed to drive to keep his job. They hit him with a £600 fine as well…..

    Free Member

    Report it. He has a small window of opportunity to do the same, if not IME it could be up to 9 penalty points on his licence, and you get his insurance to make new.

    Free Member

    Done.. now if spring would appear…!

    Free Member

    What ever you do don’t cut a wedge in the middle of the nail. It wont work. Ever.

    Go and see a Podiatrist/Chiropodist, and if there is any pain/redness/swelling past the end toe joint then go and see your Gp as it is probably infected.

    Free Member

    You’re not too far from the truth pdf!

    Free Member

    @ carlphillips, Just had a day of Nail surgey… gotta love the smell of lingering phenol..

    £20 a pop? That wouldn’t keep me in chain lube! 8)

    Free Member

    Never forget my first day of basic training, unpacked to find a letter from my Dad telling me how much I meant to him. It just re-inforced a bond that I didnt believe could be any stronger.

    Miss him like hell!

    My lad wants to do the same..

    Won’t be long until you will be standing at the parade ground with the biggest grin on your face watching his passing out.. :D

    Free Member

    Free Member

    five minutes more :D

    Free Member

    Off round to mothers with the family and new pup for a meal tonight, and I know she has a dedicated full beer fridge, lord knows why she keeps it stocked ’til you have to slam the door to shut it, she doesn’t drink the stuff.

    So i will take it upon myself to ensure there is enoungh of the cold stuff sunk to stock rotate with new….just in case 8)

    Free Member

    We have a 19 week old Working Cocker. We cage him at night in the kitchen, and he cried for an hour the first night, longer on the second, and after 4 hours of crying on the 3rd night i’d had enough, and went to him and just said “enough” firmly, didnt shout.

    Now, i know you shouldn’t do that,(I had surgery in the morning and didnt want to see my patients when suffering from sleep deprivation) but ever since he’s been fine, no crying at all.

    We both work full time, and go back to see walk and feed him at lunch. If we work away we take him to work, caged in the back of the van and walk him whenever we get a break, he’s been fine, no chewing, no anxiety, good as gold and completely mental when he’s with us just like Spaniels should.

    Just stick with the routine, the pup will fit around what you need, as long as you give it all the attention and walks, fuss it requires it will be just fine!
    I have always had terriers before and seperation anxiety and crying for attention always goes given enough time :D

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