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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • captaincarbon
    Free Member


    Good luck fella!

    Free Member

    Paul McCartney bought his ex wife a new artificial leg this Christmas. It wasn’t her main present, it was just a stocking filler.

    Free Member

    Have a look at what the other plot holders are doing, especially some of the old boys who have been there years and done it all.

    I grow all the high value crops I can, but have 3 allotments and have space to leave crops in that take time to mature such as broccolli etc.

    french, runner, borlotti and broad beans all go in. Toms I grow are F1 Ferline as more blight resistant.

    Loads of squash and pumpkinns, globe artichokes, parsnips and carrots, elephant garlic, onions and shallots, loads of leeks and caulis, sprouts.. all sorts

    sweetcorn fresh off the plot is the best you’ll ever taste. Asparagus is great if you have room to out in enough crowns to get decent crops, but it does take a lot of room and time to mature.

    When you are chatting to othor plot holders down there there may be some Rhubarb crowns that are being given away and shared, also soft fruit cuttings available are a lot cheaper that buying all your own stuff.

    Only thing I dont grow down there is peas, I grow sugar snap and mangetout , but peas are cheaper and just as sweet from the tesco freezer!

    Free Member

    Core strength training will really help. I have had the same problem and need Diazepam to relax the spasm. Back problems started when I stopped extensive traning for triathlon and aslo changed jobs from heavy manual labour to a desk job.

    back has never been right since and all the advice has been to get back to training and regain core strength.

    Free Member

    takisawa2, I have one, needs work!! free to good home with plenty of spare cash!

    Free Member

    £900 all in for us 18 months ago. 8)
    It was a registry office, but that included the cost of the dress, hire of the Local village hall for 50 guests, dress, food, Bar and drinks, music, evening buffet, everything… If I look back I have no idea how we managed it. We prepped it all ourselves, just the two of us. The family mucked in to clear up at the end of the day, but we had planned to do it all ourselves…

    We were knackered at the end of a fantastic day, but if we hadnt done it that way we would still be saving for the day now.

    And sitting outside on the hall steps, looking up at the stars once everyone had gone, and we were waiting for a mate to drive us back in his Taxi ( i did say we did the whole thing for under a grand!) was just perfect!

    we were skint mind, if we had 10 grand to spare we could, and would have upgraded!

    Free Member

    Sad news.

    Free Member

    Really? RIGHT… Im off to the butchers, then tell the Mrs where she can stick her mediterranean cous-cous :evil:

    Free Member

    Ellisons orange
    Egremont russet

    Have no idea where you find them, have 6 varieties that I have trianed as espaliers from maiden whips 10 years ago and this is the first year they have been really laden with fruit! the two mentiond above having the best flavour..

    Free Member

    We have a Working Cocker, both of us work all day, but im able to get back at lunch to let him out/walk him. He is crated when we’re not there, and at night, and has been a total joy.

    Wish we had done this sooner.

    We did look at rehoming, but there was nothing suitable we liked, but had the home check done anywayjust in case.
    The lady that came and did the home check worked for our local rescue centre, and said she couldn’t reccomend us to rehome a dog because we both worked. She also said that most of the people that worked there full time had rescued dogs themselves, and that these were left at home all day, walked at lunchtimes, with no problems at all?

    Free Member

    Dirtyrider, 3 weeks? Just had 2 weeks here, back to work Monday. Bus also. Thought it was only 2 weeks? Could be very wrong though . . . . Isn’t sleep deprivation wonderful!

    Free Member

    Unless they cut you up in a car when you riding and give you some verbal, when the standard STW response is “Button it …..!”

    Im 4 stone over racing weight, so consider myself to be a bit of a biffer….

    Just a bit mind… :oops:

    Free Member

    More of that Landy please Stoner!. . . .

    Free Member

    Sarah Storey and………..?

    the guy from Scrubs?

    Free Member

    Great news! Congratulations.. :D

    Free Member


    Free Member

    enough said….

    Free Member

    Like the look of that dryer for the Biltong. Just started bottling the first of our ‘sun dried’ tomatoes. Must be a cheaper way than using the oven on the lowest setting with the door open. can see a DIY project on the horizon for the weekend……..

    Free Member

    ^ This. always this.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Wetsuit lube can help to get the thing on, but you have plenty of time for that. Use KY its cheaper, especially around your neck to lessen any chaffing! Just practice getting the wetsuit off in a hurry, and get used to swimming in it with the tri suit underneath, you may fing it less restrictive to swim with the top rolled down to you waist under the suit……

    Free Member

    Im 46, and my wife is 41, after all her (and our) prevoius attempts ending in misscarraige we are expecting our first baby early oct, and i cant wait! i have a 13yr old lad from my previous marraige and he is about as exited as we are, but he may be just as exited about getting the scalextrix out again after he said i should get rid of it as he’d grown out of it 8)

    Free Member

    Our cat was hit on saturday morning, saw it happen as i was in the garden at the time, hell of a bang as the bumper hit him but when i ran to the front of the car there was no sign of him. spent all day searching gardens and back yards, knocked on every neighbours door but to no avail.

    It was no fault of the driver, crack in the front of the bumper, fur attached and blood on the road bot no trail of blood to follow once he had reached the hedge. I thouht that was the last i’d seen of him.

    Yesterday he walked back into the kitchen screaming his head off for food as if he had never been away! 8O still covered in blood and his left ear full of it too. Trip to the vets and an x-ray but nothing to see!

    think he used up 8 0f his 9 on that one!

    Free Member

    cream under jam


    Free Member

    5 more days then 2 weeks of Cornish surf……. :D

    Free Member

    use wood pellets, but source a heating supplier…cheapest way to do it!

    Free Member

    Are they drinking Bleach? 8O

    Report it, get shot of ’em

    Free Member

    I used to take marmite sarnies, but squish them flat with a rolling pin to take up less room!

    Free Member

    Pig Roast was our option for our wedding last year, Was supposed to be an outdoor roast, but due to last years weather and some doddery olds we decided on a sit down effort, but had the pig roast cooked and brought in, to be served at a specified time…

    The guy was 2 hours late due to a broken cam-belt on his van, nearly a total disaster, but actually was the oppostie as everyone was very understandable and hit the bar early on empty stomachs!

    Got a 50% re-imbursement form the guy immeadiately and he later turned up with a whole pig for our freezer as a goodwill gesture..

    The meat was a little tough, but we were to drunk to care by then!

    Free Member

    No achiilies pain is good, or a price worth paying IMO, but thats probably because I get patients who tell me they’ve been in pain of years and years, but still want me to fix them up in 30 minutes!

    A neighbour (it was well documented in one of thos ‘fly on the wall’ hospital programmes) snapped one achiiilies running after some kids who kept knocking at his door one night and legging it… he had left his mobile by his chair, so had to hop back home, and snapped the other one on the way!

    Free Member

    wish it was Haze, but no. Good MTBer friend partially ruptured his achillies, 12 weeks of full leg plaster changed every 2 weeks to re-position his foot. He thought he had just pulled his calf a bit as it felt a bit weak, booked up to get some massage from a physio and was sent straight to A&E!

    Free Member

    you would not be aware of a partial rupture, or a longitudonal one, and it definately would not be picked up on x-ray, jus’ sayin’ like!

    Free Member

    +1 for DrP’s advice, get it checked out. Seek out a professional with experience in treatment, Podiatrist/Physio (pod here). I would advise painkillers/anti-inflammatories if you can, along with ice therapy, and see if you can get a small heel raise (6mm) under the heel inside your shoe to reduce strain on the achillies in the interim.

    Free Member

    True! but I inherited the sheds to be fair… and they are of typical allotment standard!

    Free Member

    wrightyson +1

    Onduline on my shed roofs on the allotments has been fine until last year. Combination of heat and water with a shallow fall on two of the flat roofs has led to extreme bowing. Have placed extra purlins at 12″ intervals (they were 2ft and this was fine for 5 years), however the roof is still bowing and i need to replace the lot. Thankfully its really easy to cut and fit!

    Just read your last post, 12mm ply sounds like a great idea for a shallow fall roof. :-)

    Free Member

    Ours is due early october, bt cant start any decorating until we get a new roof put on the house, so will have the bathroom to finish and the nursery to decorate as soon as it is done…………

    Not in any rush though to be honest, just as long as the nursery is complete the rest will get done when finances and time allow..

    Free Member

    glass alley!

    Free Member

    Only one incident with a Taxi driver, who threw out a full disposable coffee cup in front of the cyclist in front of me. It just missed her, and she was unaware it had happened. Taxi driver wasnt too happy when I chucked the still half full cup hottish coffee back through the window.
    He reported the incident to the police, denying that the container was his. I had already done so, and the police fortunatley had CCTV coverage of the incident all ready and waiting for him.

    He lost his job, and is now to be seen riding around as a postie!

    Free Member

    We really thought long and hard about having a dog and working full time, maybe we’re lucky, maybe we’re doing all the things we should be but he has been fine with it. He feels safe and secure in his cage, and will go in without being asked when the time is right..

    Free Member

    ‘George’ is a lot bigger now! This was his first night in his cage.
    We both work full time, he is caged during the day, gets let out for a walk every lunch time, and is walked morning and evening. He’s very steady when he wants to be, but when he knows its time to play/walk he lets loose. Never stops running but has great recall, great retrieve, is fine with the cats and best of mates with my teenage son.

    Cant believe we waited this long to get one, would have another in a second…. :D

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