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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • captaincarbon
    Free Member

    Just look at it as the perfect excuse to spend more time on the bike!

    Free Member

    Nope, sorry john drummer, but no it cant. You’re either diabetic or not. You cant be a little bit diabetic, or and ex-diabetic, but you can stay within normal blood sugar range with great control, excersize and diet. Something that very few of my patients manage!
    Its a progressive disease, with no cure yet, just ways of controlling the ineviatble – so it would seem as if you were back to normal.

    Free Member

    Get out and ride next time, just make sure she gets all the cobwebs you missed in the corners… sorted! :wink:

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    Free Member

    The builder said he would fit it, have seen his work and its good, but wanted a dedicated woodburner installer to do all the work and HETAs certify it. Thought it would not be quite so expensive as we only have a 12ft chimney, so would need less liner, but no, Mrs CC wanted the custom slate hearth and “floating” oak lintel, :roll: how STW can she get? she’ll be usning my merkur for her legs now and nicking my singlespped cross bike!

    Free Member

    Ask around, get quotes, find someone that is looking for smaller jobs that can be done whenever you or they have the time.

    Jondoh, £300 is silly cheap, (and the consumer unit is the only thing that was new in the place – fitted just before we bought it) … but the guy is happy to work evenings and weekends to fit it around his full time sparky contracting work.

    Same applies to builders, plasterers etc, it really pays to ask around. you will need to budget extra for replastering ceilings or walls if needed. Just had the Lining room done. 6 x led spots, 4 double sockets, ceiling boarded over and skimmed, one wall skimmed – all in just over £850

    This is all new to us, never had to renovate this much before…

    £2200 to fit the new woodburner though was a bit on the tasty side!

    Free Member

    Same sized Bungalow here, new roof last year £6500. new membrane, battens, tiles, re-point 3 chimneys.

    Tame electrician is re-wiring each room at a time, new sockets, LED spots, approx 300 each room..

    We have to do the boiler too! :|

    Free Member

    About to puchase rotovator number 7, they will soon outnumber the bikes! :|

    Free Member

    Oh I think she realises everything is fully functioning alright!

    Free Member

    The reference to the 80s Tv advert isn’t far off the mark…

    Not sure i will be able to keep a straight face! … which is the whole point johndoh, why the hell do I feel as awkward as a 14 year old?.. should not be feeling the same as my lad would in the same situation. If it was my dad we would have a bloody good laugh, but mum? there is no way in this world she is going to let it go without reference to it. maybe not now, but she’ll pick her moment, thats for certain!

    Free Member

    Felco No. 2.

    Easy to remove and sharpen the blade or replace it, just ginve it a good clean with meths after every use and dont overwork it. The lock button on my first pair is a little loose now but they are over 30 years old and only on their 3rd blade!

    Free Member

    My 14 year old lad can now out climb me, but thats not so difficult seeing as I can leave him standing finishing off a KFC bargain Bucket!

    Free Member

    Not sure about recovery for a straight repacement, but MrsCC had the same trouble with her HTC, it was unresposive for no apparent reason and she could not access any of the phots she had taken, fortunately it was due for renewal, and the shop just transferred all the data to her new Samsung. Could the same not be done for a replacement?

    Free Member

    Ordered my SKX007 from Creation last Monday and it arrived on Thursday, really pleased with it. Found out after loads of research that it is EXACTLY the same as the SKXOO7J, The same 21 jewelled movement but without stating it on the dial, and £40 cheaper. Wasnt too sure about the rubber strap, but have foung that is compliments the watch well and its actually pretty comfortable to wear.

    Pretty good bargain at a touch under £118

    Free Member

    @jambalaya – I think they fought for the right to choose, not the right to vote – so his choice to do whatever he wants to do with his vote.

    Free Member

    Much :lol:

    Free Member

    More cider!

    Free Member

    Oh COME ON!

    Free Member

    We have one, good piece of kit. We managed to cook a full Sunday pork roast for three of us the very first time we used it.
    The accessories are good, especially the fry pan, and it is really frugal on fuel, but we only use brickets for the breakfast fry ups and quick BBQ stuff when camping. For longer cooks we find the cobb fuel to be better, lasts a really long time.
    Easy and simple to use, and the fact that you can cook on table tops without burning, or move it by picking it up mid cook is really usefull.

    The only downside to it is cleaning it out afterwards.

    Having said that I would not be without ours!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I would remove the tray. I had the same and found the water had been leaking out under the tray. Fixed the leak and left the whole lot exposed for the floor to thoroughly dry. seemd to fix it.

    Free Member

    ji, you are right to some extent, and my dog will wait at doors and entrances for me and my family to enter first, although that took a bit of persistance. But if out on the bike he will alternate from leading to riding behing me, or mixing it up if im riding with someone else. I think this is just a natural pack instinct, and nothing to do with being top dog, or Alpha. Naturally all members of the pack would take turns at leading a chase, resting the others who just have to follow, until the prey was exhausted, more easily caught and put up less resistance, a bit like drafting on the bike i suppose!

    Free Member

    Thats the jobby! many thanks, plese excuse my ineptitude!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Im 46 and bought my ‘Final Bike’ when I was 23, its the only one that has had continual use. I will but more bikes and upgrade as I go, but I will always ride the fixed i bought 20 years ago for its pure simplicity and fun for as long as im able to swing a leg over it!

    Free Member

    Best watched with the sound off to be honest…

    Free Member

    Ralphies taking over? If so i dont see the problem, great service, good deals, and will price match there and then. My prefered LBS for over 40 years!

    Free Member

    Jan 1st 16.6
    Jan 8th 16.1

    … going in the right direction for once!

    Free Member

    Had exactly the same problem, called the insurers and all they would cover was the damage to the ceiling to a max of £400. Asked a local roofing firm to come and inspect the roof, and they contacted insurers and managed to secure £3500 for damage to the roof as he said it was storm damage and not normal wear and tear. The assesor came to look at the roof in tha snows of last year, the roof was thick with the stuff so I have no idea how he came to that figure, he didnt even look in the loft!

    Had to have the whole roof replaced though, to the tune of £7100!

    An expense we werent prepared for, but if it wasnt for the roofing company we would have had to fork out for the lot!

    Free Member

    Emma, science, those pups are gorgeous!
    George at the same age, he’s a bit bigger now!

    Free Member

    We had our Working Cocker on cheap tesco canned puppy food mixed with skinners puppy food at the weight allowance as yours at the same age. This was the same food the breeder was feeding him, and then kept him on Skinners field trial range, changing as he got older (he prefers the meusli!) Ours had the squits and we wormed him, the squits at the same age, and because of the worming tablet they got worse, but all we did was take him off the biscuit and give him the canned food. It may take a few days to get him back to normal..

    Ours was so skinny, so we have doubled the reccomedned dosage by bodyweight and he is much better, still a bit skinny but he never stops!

    The vet did say that the worming dose that they gave him may have been a bit strong, he was at the bottom end of the weight range on the packet. They also said dont worm him as often as the packet recommends as this may be too much for him. He now gets wormed every 4 months and has been fine.

    The breeder and the vet both said to stay away from any of the Bakers dog food though, other breeders and owners have said the same…

    Free Member

    Our next door neighbour of 30 years was the same, dont feel guilty for not being there.
    She lost her husband 5 years after we moved in, so was rattling around a 7 bedroomed house on her own for all that time. We never went into her house, but would go into her garden to help her keep it tidy etc, share cups of coffee and chat to her every day. She used to come over every christmas for her annual sherry and mince pie, and was at the local churh 3 times a week arranging flowers and helping with coffee mornings and raising money etc.
    didnt see her one morning and looked throuh the kitchen window later that night, she had fallen. We broke the door down to see to her and the smell was atrocious. rubbish and waste food everywhere. mountains of unopened loaves of bread, jars of coffee and tubs of butter. The place was filty. She had broken her hip and didnt return hoe, but spent the next 7 years in a residential home and lived to 102!
    We took charge of clearing her house so it could be sold to pay all her expenses.
    the place was filthy, beyond imagination, but we had no idea this was the case. Saw and spoke to her every day. . . . in the last years she never used the bathroom, she used to wash in the kitchen sink, and the only room in the house that was clean, her bedroom, well, the stench was indescribable, and we had to get proffesional in to remove the tin biscuit boxes full of excrement that were stacked head high in the wardrobes, and also under her bed.
    No one knew, no one had any reason to think she was struggling like she was.
    She would stop at the corner shop every day to buy a loaf of bread, a jar of coffee and a pack of butter. When we asked the shopkeeper he thought she just had a big family…

    We were so shocked and felt so guilty, and thought we could have done so much more for her.

    Free Member

    First rule …..

    Free Member

    rust, always the rust..

    Free Member

    yep, since christmas eve, coughing at night has been bad but its just easing now thank f*&^! Mrs.C isbt happy that ive passed it onto my 3 month son… :|

    Free Member

    62lb to lose… more than the target for last year! No excuses this time, have been challenged by some ladies I coached for their first triathlon 10 years ago to race again..

    So, I have to have lost that lot by May 18th 8O ! Not just to get back to some sort of fitness, but so I can get back into the old tri-suit as Im to tight to buy a new one!

    Free Member

    Salads. Just cant do ’em, tried, but it aint happening.

    Free Member

    Trouble we didn’t evolve to walk or run in dead straight lines on concrete or tarmac surfaces, or be as sedentary as we are now. barefoot running was seen by many as a quick fix, when losing weight as well as slowly building fitness levels is far more sustainable.

    Free Member

    Going ‘barefoot ‘ is more energy efficient some studies have found, but those studies have been done with experienced runners.

    My average patient is certainly not that, and I would count experienced runners as those that do over or above 25K per week.

    Injuries caused are many, mostly to the mid foot from fractures, soft tissue injuries, shin splints, avulsion and tendonosis injuries..

    These injuries can occur during any running activity for those new to the sport and experienced runners, but the injuries in clinic from those who have just taken up barefoot running, or had been diong so for some time and presented with different overuse injuries were very noticable.

    But, if it works for you and others then carry on! but next time you are watching any sort of athletic race of distance, have a good look to see how many true forefoot runners you see.

    Free Member

    Sports Pod here!
    It seems as if you have found the cure for the specific problem that causes your injuries. Patients that present with the same problem and have found the same cure are always advised the same thing… if you stat to get pain in shoes that have done 500 miles then you should have binned them at 400.

    Have a look online for last years model of the same make and buy them that way if expense is the reason why you try to get as much out of your running shoes as you can.

    Quick tip, have a look at the sole of you shoes at the heel, if the shoe is designed with a large protrusion of EVA sole at the heel counter then try swapping to one that has zero heel counter, or a vertical back to the shoe. This will shorten the arc that the foot travels in from heel strike to mid foot stance, and it will decrease the speed at which it does this, reducing the forces that can cause some shin splints.

    Molly, not going to get into it here, and forefoot running does work for some, but in my professionl experience they are in the minority. The barefoot running fad has finally and thankfully run its course, and we will see less injurys now until the next big thing comes along, 29″ shoes perhaps? :wink:. Not good for my bank balance though!

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