Yup three times unfortunately.
First time was a A&E job apperantly i put my hand on my back and fell to the floor at my ex’s house.
Woke up in resus to be told I’m going to theatre. As it was stuck in my urethra. They put me to sleep and fished it out through my man sword. Ureteroscopic lithotripsy procedure done. This was 2008 I’d visited the gp a week earlier and was put on antibiotics for a suspected uti.
2015 absolute agony in same kidney for a few days, went to gp and he sent me up to A&E, was booked in for shockwave lithotripsy. It eventually passed when I went for a wee. Nothing touched the pain in A&E.
2016 Same kidney not quite as bad pain, was put on Tamsulosin this time and it passed within three days.
I avoid all caffeinated drinks, drink lots of water and make sure I empty my bladder frequently.
I have three monthly kidney function blood tests and bp monitoring.
I wouldn’t wish kidney stones on anyone.