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  • Hope Tech 4 V4 disc brake review
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Syntace Vector Carbon, 10 year guarantee, lab tests show it to be one of the strongest carbon bars on the market and you have the option of choosing three different back sweeps (the 12 degree back sweep is lovely). To top it off it only weighs 213g. What more would you want?

    Free Member

    Eh I like big **** off brakes (in my case I’ve just bought Tech Evo V2s) in the Alps, simply because you don’t have to pull on the levers so hard when late braking.

    On long epic rides bigger brakes make all the difference when it comes to fatigue. On a DH race bike I’d actually go with smaller brakes (race X2’s or M4’s) though as the runs are only usually 3 to 10 minutes long.

    Free Member

    It couldn’t- every development is a stone placed upon a previous stone. Obviously.

    Except technological development is never linear, it comes in leaps and bounds.

    Technology arises suddenly quite often because of need. See

    Free Member

    Oro’s are the worst brakes I’ve ever owned. 2009 The Ones not being far behind in terms of reliability.

    Eventually I decided they had needed far to many seal and internal replacements over their lifetime to warrant keeping them. Oro’s have a perchance for rotting away from the inside.

    Free Member

    Just to clear things up was this ear lesion an SCC or a Melanoma, you guys are talking about it being an SCC – Pathology are saying it’s a Melanoma. Someone is wrong.

    Free Member

    In reply to Bonjve, yeah that’s why I mentioned “kind of appropriate”. I was just highlighting how you can in rare cases get atypical cancers, the kinds that you read about in published clinical case studies.

    I’d also agree that suing probably isn’t the way forward, however I understand that the OP is angry. I think that he probably needs a few more answers – from my experience some health professionals have been very good at blocking the answers that patients or families have needed to move on. Lawyers seem to give them a kick up the arse.

    Your posts have been excellent by the way Bonjve, I’m learning new things everyday. It’s great to see people giving the best help they can to those in these situations. I’m trawling through BMJ and NCBI at the moment trying to find something that might be useful.

    Free Member

    The secret here is knowing how large it is, if you know that, then indeed you can work out how far away it is.

    Correct, this is sometimes used when ranging targets with rifles.

    Free Member

    Here’s a question, if humanity has been around for well over 100,000 years in it’s current form, why is it only now that we are seeing such population growth?

    Because we developed agriculture.

    Free Member


    Really four bar suspension rides that much different? Do they ****. My SX trail was the worst bike I’ve ever owned.

    The Leverage ratio is very very similar to the Megas. You are maybe going to get a little less brake jack. Braking is for pussies anyway.
    The custom geo costs another 500, it’s only useful if you know what you are looking for. You might bollocks the handling up if you don’t know what you are looking for.

    As for the Orange Five the geo is a considerable step up.

    And as for being handmade, I’d buy Taiwanese over hand made in Germany any day.

    Keep kidding yourselves that you are getting something that is “that much better” for three times the cost.

    Custom paint job? Oooooh wow, I could get a really really nice custom paint job from a good local garage of mine for 70 quid.

    Free Member

    Thing is, cancers can often be atypical and mimic each other. Could have been unlucky and had a melanoma that looks very similar to an SCC.

    Lower extremities – but still….kind of appropriate

    This get’s back to the point earlier, maybe the doctors thought it was an SCC to begin with and were….somewhat more relaxed about treating it.

    Free Member

    Dunno why anyone would spend 1700+ on a Nicolai (unless you were going for their custom geometry option) when you can get just as capable a bike in the form of the Nukeproof Mega for 650.

    Free Member

    I sent a picture of a SCC I got from Google Images to Sharon’s Consultant and he replied that it took him a few moments to realise that the picture wasn’t actually of Sharon. However he also confirmed to me that Pathology matched a biopsy of one of her liver cysts to the growth removed from the ear and they identified both as being the same and both as being Melanoma.

    The thing on her ear was 100% a SCC. I wish i’d taken a picture of it now but I know if i’d tried she’d have told me to piss off…

    I’m confused here, Path say it was a melanoma but you say it was an SCC? You can’t really tell by looking at it with the naked eye. I definitely think you need to get a medical lawyer involved in this though. This seems to potentially be a blindingly obvious mistake by the doctors involved and although I hope you do not push for anyone to be punished, what would be nice is if they are scared enough by you not to make the same mistake in the future. An admittance of failure may also help you move on.

    Free Member

    Mate get all the paper work from them you can including the pathology report if at all possible and pass it on to an independent lab to take a look at. Your posts have left a bad taste in my mouth. 😐

    ‘most probably’

    With some histopath slides, the cancer cells can be hard to make a differential diagnosis. Some features can sometimes effectively mimic other cancers. If the site on the ear was definitely a melanoma and so were the metastases then it’s pretty cut and dry, that was it. The question would then be why someone didn’t pick it up. If it looked like an SCC I’m almost tempted to think that because they do not often metastase, the doctors decided not treat it urgently? By the time they got round to it, it was then too late? I also have a sneaking suspicion (because of the ‘probable’ part) someone didn’t carry out enough lab tests for a proper differential diagnosis.

    Be warned, some medical teams I have heard of have systematically covered up negligence and surgeon error to cover each others backsides. You need to get nasty if you’re going to get an answer from someone. The problem I see with this, is that going down this route might further upset you. You can either let this be and forgive what has happened or get over it by finding out what went wrong, if someone is to blame then finding them may help you. Then again, no one may be to blame and you may find yourself with more questions than answers.

    Good luck. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

    Free Member

    Thinking about this, this really was a run of bad luck. Bad doctors plus the disease itself – I’m very sorry for your loss – if it was a squamous cell carcinoma – patients can have literally dozens and dozens over their lifetime when on these kinds of drugs and not have them metastasize to distant tissue even if they are caught late.

    Did histology show that the cancer definitely originated from the neck? Not say an SCC from another location? If the former is the case, I’d be very very angry – not with the NHS as a whole but that team in particular.

    Free Member

    It is and was known, even when a student in Biomedical Science I knew this. Someone along the line probably forgot to mention it, that and you seem to have had an unlucky line of incompetent doctors. I got an urgent referral as soon as I’d had a mouth ulcer that had been in my mouth for a bit too long and another urgent referral when I had a chalzion that would not go away.

    Whilst transplant drugs cause a lot of problems, taking them has a far lower mortality rate compared to not having a kidney transplant.

    That aside, I hope you are holding up.

    Free Member

    The report finds that Muslims in the UK – particularly undocumented migrants – continue to suffer arbitrary arrest, indefinite detention, beatings in some cases amounting to torture, and exploitation in the hands of the US and UK security services.

    Not much different to the UK then.

    The authorities have been in power for just over a year, do you expect them to keep a lid on everything that happens in that time? I don’t think lynchings will be too high up on their agenda, when say compared to food, water and medical security. I’d talk about what sudden power vacuums do and how these eventually resolve themselves but I can’t be arsed.

    Do you think that these problems justify them living under a murderous dictatorship as opposed to a democracy?

    Free Member

    Pedals add 2lb in weight? LOL! The Pro weighs 33lb? My build is quite a heavy one, Hope v2’s, coil forks and a dual ring etc… weighs 32 lb with pedals.

    I don’t think there are any better bikes than the Mega with similar geometry, my Mega rides better than my old mans Nomad MK2 on shallow trails.

    The frame itself is only about 1/2 to 2/3rds of an LB heavier than the Alu Nomad MK2 (can’t quite remember the exact weigh I measured). So you can easily get it down to sub 30lb with a decent build.

    Free Member

    These individuals targeted any dark skinned African people they came across and tortured, lynched, beheaded in public, beat, burnt alive and basically accomplished the best **** impersonation of Islamic extremists the world has ever seen!

    Yeah, a lot of them were mercenaries though. Shock horror similar things happened during the French revolution.

    Funny, you talk about Libyans now not being accepting of others despite the fact that they have voted in a centrist non islamist government unlike Egypt.

    I just noticed your bit about creation, are you Christian. Do you consider Muslims to all be savages that needed a dictator to keep a lid on them? Racist much?

    You’re nuts, seriously.

    Free Member

    didnt the first batch need new chainstays after a small snapping issue.

    Very few people got it, mostly the silvers – and they rectified it for free by sending everyone redesigned chainstays.

    Not many companies would do that, they gave me a free headset as well as there was a tiny tiny tiny mark on my frame that was probably done by the shop.

    Consequently all my future bikes are going to be from Nukeproof, they’ve been superb in terms of customer service – whether it be the chainstay issue or me asking them questions by e-mail/phone.

    Free Member

    Here’s the kind of people that the OP is quoting. Biased, delusional and pro Gaddafi individuals.

    Roberts fell in love with Gaddafi’s Libya back in 1999 when he was sent their by his SLP boss, Arthur Scargill, to attend an international youth conference in Tripoli.

    Gaddafi’s useful idiots: British Civilians for Peace in Libya

    Free Member

    Libya working towards conciliatory coalition governance/co-operative politics.

    Free Member

    Libya has gone off-script. This was supposed to be a simple story: naive liberals support Libyan revolution, Islamists hijack revolution. The end. Last year, the American Spectator warned that “it is becoming increasingly apparent that Islamism will be the dominant political force in the country”, with “ever more visible links to al-Qaeda”. John Bradley, writing in this country’s Spectator, wailed that “self-declared former al-Qaeda fighters and bands of tribal fanatics” had taken over Libya and “imposed sharia law on the once-secular country”.

    So, how is that post-revolutionary Islamist wasteland shaping up today? Well, a coalition led by the Western-educated political scientist and former interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril appears to have won Libya’s first free elections in 60 years, sweeping aside its Islamist opponents


    The OP’s a tool!

    Free Member

    Yeah, there’s somewhat of a major difference between recreational drug use and doping to cheat.

    Free Member

    I’m running 2×10, 203mm Hope V2s, Flows, Hans Dampfs – still only weighs 32lb and I can pedal it all day round any of the trail centres – in fact I caught some cyclocrossers on a fireroad climb last time.


    Go with the Mega, you can always run less sag for shallow trails – plus stans Crest wheels and the light weight Mountain King 2.2 tyres. That’s my trail setup. It really livens the bike up for that kind of riding.

    Free Member

    How exactly was Libya a failed state? compared to the rest of Africa they were doing very well for themselves!

    I think South Africa would take issue with that.

    My point being that if you think Gaddafi was great you weren’t aiming very high, the Libyans decided they could do better. I think they were right.

    Free Member

    There was an 8 month pregnant women doing air rifle shooting. This tells me you do not need to be in peak physical form to compete, or get a place, in shooting. You need to be able to point and stuff though.

    TBH shooting is much more of psychological sport, your state of mind really messes with how you perform – much more than any other sport I have participated in. It does require an immense amount of training – but less so in the short indoor disciplines.

    You do have to be able to hold the rifle or support yourself in the shooting position without getting very fine juddering due to muscle fatigue though. Being able to do that requires a fair bit of training.

    Free Member

    Technical holding and lever squeezing then

    Breath control, muscle relaxation, heartrate control, shot timing, emotional control (as hormonses have an affect on your nervous system) and natural ability.


    Move index finger

    Your comparing apples to oranges. If you wanted a better comparison, compare track cycling to indoor shooting

    If you want to compare shooting to mountain biking you should compare it to sniping (not many squaddies are good enough to ever think about making it as snipers just based on their shooting ability – without even hitting fieldcraft) or outdoor Bisley type events.

    Some of the skills needed:

    Emotional Control
    Wind and Elevation judgement
    Muscle group control
    Muscle memory
    Breath control
    Heartrate control
    Shot timing
    Sharp Eyesight
    You don’t just pull the trigger either – you breathe in deep twice, exhale and after 5-10 seconds you take the shot. Timing. You then hold on target for a while before thinking about readying the next shot.

    etc etc etc etc

    Unlike MTB it’s a very calm calculated sport – it gives me a different kick to adrenalin sports. It’s more like meditation.

    Free Member

    I agree, coils are better (midstroke support of air shocks is definitely lacking) but I think I might go with a Vector Air HLR – as for my kind of riding (enduro) I don’t think the performance on the rear justifies the 300 gram weight increase from the Vector Air to a CCDB coil. All the fast guys in Enduro are using air shocks but some are using coil forks – never got why people go the other way round as grip on the front matters a lot more than on the rear.

    The other problem is, I’ve often had a much harder time dialing in coil shocks than coil forks in terms of spring rates. Even with preload adjustment I find that with my SX Trail I was between springs and that I could never get the softer or harder one to feel right by messing with the preload.

    Free Member

    I’m still going with shooting. It’s basically holding something very well isn’t it?

    Judging by how many people are really really dire shots I take issue with this. There’s a lot of technique involved in shooting, it’s not like COD where you point and shoot.

    I can place 5 rounds through the same hole at 25M with an unscoped .22 rifle, I’d wager a bet you wouldn’t be able to do the same even with a year of practice. Hell, I can often split paper targets in half – yes – by shooting at the thin bit.

    Free Member

    Sounds interesting, how do you explain the great increase that has been verified by countless independent agencies in the literacy rate from 23% upto 80+%?

    If you look at a lot of the countries that top the literacy rate, it’s not exactly **** hard. Whooo yeah he managed to turn Libya from a failed state to a barely failed state! The thing is he didn’t ever do much better than that did he, you’re underestimating libyans if you don’t think they can produce a better state than Gaddafi did. In effect, you are a racist.

    Like Mussolini, he did a few good things that were vastly overshadowed by his later career.

    Free Member

    When I say that the internet is a remarkable tool I mean for Humanity

    Interesting, that we have so much evidence from the actual court cases of individuals inciting riots and civil unrest using facebook and then subsequently being jailed once evidence of this is produced and yet we also have individuals stating that you cannot use facebook to incite civil unrest.

    To argue that facebook does not have this ability and cannot therefore be misused is to say that the riots did not occur!

    Because if the riots did occur and individuals were convicted for using facebook to encite civil unrest, then surely it must be possible?

    maccruisekeen if the libyans cannot organize anything who do you propose organized the revolution?

    The point is – even if facebook/the internet can be used for those means why do you care. If you moderate the internet with a supranational institution it’s going to be more open to political bias and corruption than it ever was.

    This is like hitting your head against a brick wall repeatedly.

    Free Member

    How does the CCDB air heat up worse than an RP23? That’s the first I’ve heard. Pure physics – eg air canister volume – mass of material and the air cans surface area means it should stay cooler.

    Nukeproof are running them on their Mega’s out in the Alps at the moment. Half tempted to give one a go.

    Free Member

    but it is proper harsh over a rock garden section.

    It has more midstroke compression support, this will stop it from diving as much but may also cause this.

    The fork feels a bit like the race setups Elites used in the NPS series when my brother used to race it. It definately had a stiffer racier feel than plush the time I demo’d a mates.

    Free Member

    Yes but you are an idiot if you think anyone has control over the message of net based mass media.

    What the hells your problem with the net, you do know that besides the London riots the ease of data flow has helped millions? Helping to expose human rights abuses, organize responses to humanitarian disasters, overthrow corrupt regimes etc? You have an incredibly selfish UKcentric world viewpoint.

    Free Member

    An excellent idea – I’ll bring it up at the next meeting of the State Peace and Development Council, which is a council for planning peace and development, and could perhaps propose a good independent body for scrutinizing the accuracy of information published by websites which, as I am sure we all agree, can be false propaganda news that produces social chaos.

    Propose an independent body? Because the UN and International Institutions are not open to political corruption, oh no, never heard of that….. like ever.

    Who ever controls the medium controls the message!

    In the case of the internet, except in China (even they can’t keep a lid on it) no one really controls any ‘message’ like say…. the Murdoch papers insidiously propagate certain messages. If you think someone does, then you lack a basic understanding of how mass media works on the internet or you are delusional. You can use the internet as a tool for PR work but there is always someone that can answer back.

    Also why has the UN and NATO not done anything about the peaceful uprisings in Saudi Arabia?

    Because Saudi Arabia have **** loads of surface to air missiles, share intelligence, supply oil and aren’t bestest for everest friends with China and Russia but instead our political allies? Did you ever stop to think that countries like Saudi Arabia are undergoing slow political change and that is preferable to bombing the shit out of them if it can be helped?

    why we went to war with Libya or why these uprising are starting?

    Because we had a score to settle with Gaddafi-duck and took the political opportunity to smite the little bastard?

    Free Member

    The riots in the UK proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it can be abused, what can be done to ensure that this does not happen again?

    What’s the problem with civil unrest, bit soft minded are we? Or are you scared because you’re a rich city boy from London and suspect the rest of us might murder you in your sleep À la French Revolution? Or are you a ‘safety’ lemming, who spends the whole of his day worrying about the threat of terrorism, crime or SARS and what the government can do to save you from a horrible death at the hands of monkey aids or left wing anarchists?

    Civil unrest can be a good thing – see Burma, Libya, Free France, The American Revoloution etc etc etc for further details.

    For details on controlling mass media and stropping the free flow of information to stop civil unrest, see the Soviet Union, Mussolini, Tito, Nazy Germany, Franco, China, North Korea etc etc etc.

    Far too often of late the website facebook has been mentioned in wars and other global matters, this is far too much responsibility in the hands of a select few in my opinion and is unacceptable, all of these websites should have all available information evaluated by independent means!

    How the **** is it “in the hands of a select few” – it’s the ultimate form of democracy!

    Fraaaack – seriously are you that blind? I really don’t get a lot of people.

    How much access do the security services have to the information on face book and also how much more access and influence will they have if they continue to use national security and terrorist attacks as an excuse to alter legislation?

    Oh so the Arab Spring is a CIA plot now? The Arab people get no credit, it had nothing at all to do with them? I mean Libya was lovely… they must have loved living under Gaddaffi! No way in hell you would rise up against a murderous dictator who kept one of the Jewels of Africa in permanent poverty whilst some of their neighbors flourished. Even if the CIA did goad them on a little, who gives a shit? Personally I prefer the CIA to eastern dictatorships.

    Free Member

    I’ve been led on rides where I’ve had no idea where I am.

    Round Cannock, seriously?

    Free Member

    Too right Hora, all those gayers should be well ashmed of themselves, right?

    Emz – Heterosexuals like a bit of public fun as well, you heterophobe!

    Or can gay people only have sex in public or something?

    On another topic dressing up as balaclava clad IRA kidnappers and terrorizing doggers can be hilarious.

    Free Member

    Wow, what an unbelievable knobend of a father!

    When I was 12 me and friends used to roam around the countryside….by ourselves…oh the delinquent horror!

    Sounds like the kid needs to harden up and learn how to navigate or at least politely ask which direction the car park is and ride back to it.

    Free Member

    And funny how winners find the time, Grum, isn’t it?

    You are a tool, Olympic funding correlates to Team GB’s golds with a statistically significant 95% confidence level. Basically what guarantees Golds, is cold, hard cash.

    I got bored.

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