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  • bwaarp
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    Free Member

    This has confirmed my point that it’s bad for our health when bad science is peddled by the media (eg one study being peddled as fact.)

    Free Member

    HAHA Grum, two can play this game.

    Each kg/m² of BMI gained was associated with an 18% increase in the risk of developing hypertension and a 26% increase in risk for the metabolic syndrome. We conclude that metabolically healthy obese individuals are at higher risk to develop hypertension, type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome than their non-obese counterparts. Our data provide further evidence that opposes the notion of metabolically healthy obese as harmless conditions.

    Free Member

    No being obese is definitely bad for your heart. Depression doesn’t cause as many heart failures.

    Informed choice can only go so far against billions of dollars of advertising money spent on selling/promoting unhealthiness.

    Good point, ban advertisement then. May I ask though, am I going to have to get a card one day to have my government mandated alcohol units from a store? I mean, obviously I can’t be trusted with my own health.

    Free Member

    Oh I agree with you Horatio. However you can campaign against that kind of thing without resorting to bad science, there are so many other disease with proven links that you could use to wage a war against the food industry.

    People like Monbiot damage the reputation of science and so that when science really does have something to say, people on either end of the political spectrum are less inclined to believe it. It becomes swamped in cynicism and anti-science skepticism.

    After that it is politics, do you want more government regulation to ban these substances or do you want informed choice and how do we go about that?

    Free Member

    So you hate George Monbiot for using bad science in arguments – you should probably hate yourself more for a complete lack of compassion and human decency judging by that comment.

    Bad science misinforms people about their own health, even if they take an interest. Everyone knows that being fat is bad for you, yet people still consciously take the decision not to do anything about it. That’s their problem, not mine.

    You can only help people if they want to help themselves. That is the unfortunate predicament that a lot of scientists and doctors have to deal with.

    Public health matters and government regulation is an interesting topic actually – I can this thread hitting 20 pages lol.

    Free Member

    I can think of specific instances where he’s been wrong (probably because he hasn’t checked the accuracy of a source) but he’s right most of the time.

    No he isn’t. Everything he say’s is usually wrong. The IQ link to political ideals was the most hilarious one.

    In fact as a rule, whatever line Monbiot takes I’ll usually take the total opposite one as it usually ends up being right.

    Free Member

    Also I **** love a tasty burger once in a while, why should I be taxed to high heaven for that. Let fat people die, it’s their own fault and they cost the NHS less because they die earlier. Basically they don’t get alzheimers and cost a fortune to keep alive.

    In fact heres a good research topic, how many people would get alzheimers if they hadn’t smoked or became fat because they had lived longer vs how many people got alzheimers because they smoked/were fatties.

    Free Member

    What pisses me off is that he’s on some crusade against crimes against the earth and human health by corporations, so junk food is a natural target. Consequently he quite happily commits crimes against the human intellect and willingly attempts to manipulate people by producing this kind of crap.

    Me may well be full of shit and is definitely annoying, but if the result is that a few people eat a bit less junk food or the industry has to self-regulate a bit better – oh noes! Won’t someone think of the children!

    Far more important things to get het up about.

    Not if it equals bad science. A culture of bad science pedalled by journalists leads to things like MMR scandals. Which leads to mild cases of death.

    Free Member

    word on the trails this afternoon is it was jason bourne…

    Drugs, professional assassinations, dangerous European gangs……sounds more like Liam Neeson.

    Free Member

    In the case of my adventure race pal and his girlfriend you need to think of something that would leave them with thick heads and irritated eyes and make it possible to go through everything in the van without them remembering anything in the morning.

    Hayfever and unlocked doors.

    I’ve slept through a 6.0 earthquake.

    Free Member

    No-one has mentionned any of those, Crikey. MrFart did quote “Scoplamine”.


    Free Member

    That might allow some of the more practically minded people, who are actually driving the economy forward, a say on how their taxes are spent. Could also be used to exclude the benefit scroungers, whilst also allowing the soldier who’s fighting for their country at 16, a little say too.

    Because that would exclude the young.

    Just go on IQ, that could be used to skew voting further left. 😆 Seeing as science has shown right wingers are lesser beings intellectually.

    Free Member

    Nahh, I’m immortal.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    The violence, and also the conflict in general, is believed to be initiated by the US, Iran and Israel, in order to eliminate Iraq as a strategic player in the region. Academics state that the US and Iran are still actively involved in promoting the violence (whereas Israel appears to be not) and state that they play the most dominant role in the violence up until now. Academics pinpoint that the perpetrators, or the actors that conduct the actual violence, are mainly the militias, being supported by the Iraqi government.

    Free Member

    List of assassinated Iraqi academics. Makes for quite a read.

    The head of my undergraduate lab project was an Iraqi specialist in radiation…. 😯

    and also

    Free Member

    From the Paris Match in regards to the cyclist killed.

    Employed for twenty years in the field of metallurgy – the company is a subsidiary of Cezus Areva manufactures zirconium alloys for nuclear power plants – it was paternity leave when he decided to take the road to Come ‘Ire, in the town of Horses.

    I’ve upped my stakes, anyone want to place a 100 quid bet with me on it being Mossad?

    Free Member

    Gangsters/robbers don’t head shoot a moving cyclist let alone heads bobbing up and down in a car at short range.

    Again 10 quid says it was a professional hit…… Mossad, Hamas, Iran or whatever… says they shot the family….girl gets out runs….gets shot in the shoulder….cyclist rides past….gets shot in the head….shooters panic having expected the place to have been quiet and/or not expecting to have to shoot children and scarper without making sure the girl outside the car and the girl inside the car are dead…..

    Considering during the second world war only about 10 percent of soldiers on the front line actually aimed to kill, I somehow doubt the current line being pedalled about local drug dealers/carjackers doing it (especially since that area is akin to the UK’s cotswolds). I can’t fathom them being able to coldly shoot that many people dead in that manner without any kind of weapon training and psychological conditioning.

    Anyway, that’s my bet and I hope the poor girl gets better. Hopefully they are young enough that it won’t traumatize them as much as say an older teenager.

    Free Member

    My other theory is that the cyclist was Lance Armstrong and the French had to murder the witnesses as well.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t exempt them from killing the women and children as well, personally if it was them I don’t care less what Hamas do in revenge.

    Free Member

    10 quid bet says that this was Mossad. British Iraqi victims (the bloke being a computer expert) and a Professional style killing, reports I’ve read have mentioned double taps to the head.

    Free Member

    Well DezB, doing things based on what’s going on between your legs without thinking about the consequences seems to be a particularly male trait. Although not confined to the male species, I might add.

    Most guys wouldn’t think twice about sleeping around a little if they weren’t exclusive but they’d sure as hell not tell a good potential partner because most of the time the girl will A) Get jealous and dismiss further advances B) Dismiss you as a bit of a player.

    Free Member

    I just hear the conversation in my head

    Her: what did you get up to sat night
    Me: oh nothing much ( whille I turn a nice shade of red) and start of a possible nice new thing/ friend with a bunch of fibs i need help.

    Welcome to being a man. Lie, lie and lie some more as you are not exclusive yet? Why feel bad, for all you know she might have been being naughty with someone else.

    Honesty is the best policy and relationships based on lies does not lead to happiness, and since there was no commitment at this stage she should not have a serious problem with what happened on saturday. If she has, now is probably a good time to move on – over-possessiveness and jealously are not good traits.

    Free Member

    Also I apologize for saying you annoyed me. You didn’t, I was just being a smart arse cock.

    Free Member

    I’ve heard that a lot but it’s not my experience at all, IIRC they recommend a Soft for me- tried it, absolutely hopeless. About 40% sag, and as soon as I asked the fork to do any work I was in the bottom of the travel. Had to roll on a ton of compression damping, which choked the fork.

    I think you had a dodgy spring. My extra soft spring I have lying round only gives me 30 percent sag and I’m 168lb.

    Free Member

    So it’s not expected to be teratogenic to humans?

    There’s no evidence because no ones exposed pregnant mothers to high levels of Co2 during pregnancy in a study, due to ethical reasons.

    Serious birth defects can result from acute exposure to atmospheres containing more than 10 percent carbon dioxide. However, applicators are not likely to encounter these levels if they use the fumigant products in accordance with approved labeling

    How much are CO2 levels elevated in congested cities? It would not surprise me at all that any rise could contribute to an increase in birth defects among humans.

    Also I’m not really a greeny, not because of the science (I believe most of it) but a host of other ideas and reasons.

    Free Member

    To get 25-30 percent sag with the lyriks you have to go for the spring that is 1 below recommended by Rock Shox.

    Free Member

    Have you thought about using a saddle with a smaller height/surface area that is not so intrusive when riding downhill?

    Maybe you could play with the saddle position and stem length to get the saddle out the way as well?

    Free Member

    Hmmm thanks chaps….I sense a PhD research proposal brewing…. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I’ve never got the supposed link between Beta Blockers and depression DrP. See

    Got any decent articles I could read? Neurology is currently what interests me enough to study in the evenings.

    I guess I’ll login to Athens and have a gander round Pubmed.

    Free Member

    Actually Spin, the fact that Somalia has both the most pirates and the lowest carbon emissions in the world only adds to the evidence…

    This made me laugh :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    You will certainly suffocate if it is present in large enough quantities, but the amount needed to do that isn’t what would normally rate a substance or gas as toxic; it certainly isn’t poisonous or carcinogenic which is what one would usually associate toxic as being.

    People like the OP annoy me, there is evidence for CO2 being toxic.

    Clinical studies involving test animals exposed to high concentrations of Carbon Dioxide indicate teratogenic effects

    Free Member

    In terms of revenge films, I prefer Dead Mans Shoes. Now THAT, is hilariously dark.

    Inglorious Basterds was good though.

    Free Member

    Propranolol didn’t cause me any side effects, never felt much out of breath on the bike either. Certainly nothing like anxiety, propranolol doesn’t cause neurochemical changes that affect cognition. Just changes that lessen the symptoms of anxiety.

    I’d suggest that psychosomatic reasons are behind someone suffering from increased anxiety when taking beta blockers for 2 days.

    Free Member

    You might change your mind. What’s so bad about abortions? 😈

    Free Member

    Sooo with the vasectomy reversal success rate as low 55%, what are you going to do if you get divorced and your new bird wants a family?

    Free Member

    I’ve never liked 29ers or the look of Oranges.

    But I strangely like this bike! I think it’s because the slackness of it makes it look like a proper bike instead of a clown bike. Although I can’t put my finger on it.

    Free Member

    Not so irritated now.

    I need a large frame and I also wanted a coil shock.

    Going to sell my current frame and buy the new one in a large size, shouldn’t be much more expenive than buying a double barrel by itself.

    Free Member

    I was the one getting shouty about their being a new Mega, I saw it in a dealers brochure quite a few months ago.

    No one believed me and when I asked Nukeproof they effectively told me to piss off.

    Anyway I’m mildly pissed they replaced it so quickly, time to break my current frameset by casing a drop to give me an excuse to buy the new one. Loook schweeeet!

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