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  • Hope F22 flat pedal: initial riding impressions
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Relate would be a good idea but you can only help people who actually want it. It’s worth a shot though, one of you needs to fight for what you had. But don’t let it bring you down.

    Free Member

    **** if we know topangarider, do you have many friends who are girls? Reasonably educated good male friends that won’t just get you smashed and take you to a brothel? Are your mother and father still about? Elders have a lot of life experience that can be invaluable. These are the people you should be talking to for some serious advice.

    Free Member

    Actually my missus has partly being telling me what to write. So there’s at least one girl here who disagrees.

    Perhaps she is mixed up but if it’s a personality disorder, well good luck with making her realize that. In the mean time the OP is becoming increasingly mixed up by her behaviour, mental health issues can be contagious.

    Free Member

    Scaled, massive +1

    Yes. That is exactly what I was doing.


    Free Member

    Ernie, then explain

    Jamie – 2nd para, 4th sentence. There’s your clue.

    Free Member


    People can not be programmed in the same way that computers can. Logic can not be applied to emotional decisions!

    Cinnamon girl, how can you blame the OP due to the bedroom issues and then make excuses for the woman because she wanted to get out of the house, away from the baby and have a fling to feel like a woman?

    Free Member

    It can take up to a year for a woman’s hormones to revert to normal.

    Whilst it’s great being a mum to a new baby, sometimes one wants to be treated as a woman. You know, getting away from baby sick, dirty nappies and all those delightful tasks that we’re supposed to do with a smile on our face.


    I refer you to my previous post.

    Also the OP doesn’t need to sent down a spiralling self pitying vertical dive because someone on teh internets told him obviously it was his fault because he pushed sexy time on his wife to much. That will make him depressed and eventually even more angry and bitter when he turns that depression back outwards.

    As long as he realizes some of it was his fault..(as it always one is entirely to blame…..) this whole thread is here to cheer him up, boost his morale, entertain him or whatever you like to call it. The real advice will come from his family, friends and/or a psychologist.

    Also escapism is no excuse, if she can’t handle being a mother or is not willing to sit down and talk about how to make both their lives easier then someone else should have custody. What’s being treated like a woman anyway? Being flirted with or being wined and dined? Well being treated like a man is being shagged, therefore following your logic the OP should have gone out and found another woman.

    Again, it’s always the mans fault.

    Free Member

    Also the OP doesn’t need to sent down a spiralling self pitying vertical dive because someone on teh internets told him obviously it was his fault because he pushed sexy time on his wife to much. That will make him depressed and eventually even more angry and bitter when he turns that depression back outwards.

    As long as he realizes some of it was his fault..(as it always one is entirely to blame…..) this whole thread is here to cheer him up, boost his morale, entertain him or whatever you like to call it. The real advice will come from his family, friends and/or a psychologist.

    Free Member

    Definitely thinking that early 30’s as a single man, with no real commitments, is an odd experience considering all my peers are coupled up and/or married and/or have kids!

    Well technically you are at your most desirable at this age – if you have a half decent job and hair anyway.

    So chin up, shag everything that moves and then settle down with the most intelligent, nicest and most attractive girl you find.

    Free Member

    Cinnamon girl – People always have differences though and they work through them. Incidentally how long would you hang around if your blokes dong stopped working or he got 3rd degree facial burns?

    He realized what he did was wrong didn’t he?

    Free Member

    Cinnamon girl. Are you suggesting that if he went and started a new relationship because his wife didn’t want to have sex too soon (let’s say sub 3 months) after giving birth it would then be the wife’s fault? Because that’s the opposite of what has happened.

    She chose to go off with another bloke.


    Remember guys, it’s always and I do mean always your fault.

    she said I shouted at her too much over trivial things (this is true) which also made her fall out of love with me.

    There’s abusive shouting and then there’s being a bit opinionated and hot headed. Which one were you?

    Free Member

    Find a hotter woman – make sure you do something akin to this

    Free Member

    I’d say don’t do anything to humiliate yourself, keep a sense of decency and calm and take the high road with this issue. That way your self esteem will stay barely intact.

    Chasing partners and going all romantic seems to work for some people though.

    Free Member

    Not much empathy there if she ‘fell out of love’ with you because of an over emphasis on the bedroom for a short period of time. Sounds like she’s just being childish and wants some fun – doesn’t like being committed. One day she’ll learn the grass is always greener on the other side.

    Me and my girlfriend annoy each other on a frequent basis but we talk a lot and try to understand how the other feels. We are frank with each other but get over our spats quite quickly.

    Not sure if it’s the same with you??

    Free Member

    Basically it goes like this. In the west people don’t go ape because they have something to lose – good job, the house, Audi, wife.

    In the middle east generally the average joe has nothing to lose, pissing off people with nothing to lose is like poking a dragon.

    The whole multiple wives thing also doesn’t help with alleviating male aggression if the marriage ratios are screwed up (as I believe they are in a few of the mid east countries).

    Free Member

    Why would you want someone with the same views as yourself? That’s boring and narcissistic.

    A challenge is more fun.

    Free Member

    I hear Morgan is a bit of pervert…

    Free Member

    If you think dating is hard try dating/pulling with the intention of bringing the girl back to your missus.

    Wai harder.

    I’m sent hunting on occasion.

    Free Member

    The v4 vented rotor is totally different if you take a look at the pics, it looks exactly like an M4 rotor just vented – where as the V2 discs are gigantic. Therefore I don’t think the discs are going to be the same as on the V2.

    Which is kind of a pain because extra modulation is always a good thing and I was considering swapping the calipers but it will mean swapping out the discs. Might as well sell the brakes in that case – but I don’t think I can justify that.

    Free Member

    *cough* my girlfriend likes girls as well *cough*

    Free Member

    My thoughts on this thread

    Free Member

    I expect them to be quite small and plain.

    Anything more than a handful is superfluous

    Free Member

    from Kate Middletons breasts?

    I sincerely hope so.

    Free Member

    I suspect you will be sent on vacation for that photo

    Free Member

    Not beating about the bush

    Ahhh you shave it off instead, that’s cool.

    Free Member

    Try and book one of the wooden yurts on the campsite at Glentress? The riding is then right outside your door. The yurts themselves are nice and warm.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t exactly have a proper state does it? I doubt their government has the wherewithal to carry out such an attack. Funny how a seemingly well planned attack took place on the anniversary of 9/11 though.

    Free Member

    Isn’t killing an ambassador and trashing an embassy/consulate technically an act of war under international law? Having said that it wasn’t state sponsored.

    Free Member

    Dunno, I’m assuming they’re talking about proper allergies as opposed to intolerance as you can actually have a milk allergy. Otherwise they would have worded it differently.

    Milk allergy is the most common food allergy in early childhood. It affects somewhere between 2% and 3% of infants in developed countries, but approximately 85–90% of affected children lose clinical reactivity to milk once they surpass 3 years of age

    Northwind –

    As for these things being a recent phenomenon- it’s more that awareness is better. It used to be people with allergies/intolerances just had to get on with it in the face of ignorance/disinterest, and in all honesty it was completely rubbish. “Does this food have wheat in it?” “I ain’t telling you my recipe mate, it’s secret. Have the salad if you’ve got a problem with that”

    I have read a lot of literature that suggest food allergies are increasing though.

    Free Member

    Peanuts aren’t nuts.


    Free Member

    Increase in nut allergies? Well this has been used as a potential explanation. Studied this for an essay during my clinical immunology module.

    Free Member

    A trade war with Brazil?
    What a plan!
    Are you George Osbourne?

    The complexities of the world hey, now has taxation massively reduced consumption of alcohol? It does seem that it has a small effect. If it has a big effect, someone show me the evidence. Would taxing beef burgers stop people from eating them at any significant level or would they just spend more of their disposable income on them?

    Free Member

    Bawbag, I almost have some respect for him when it comes to his environmental articles. But that’s his area that he’s studied for years and whilst he’s no scientist he’s read about if for years, he’s got a good brain so many of those articles are well constructed and articulated. But the further he goes from trying to argue opinion to science the more he falls down. That is especially the case now he’s trying to argue about health matters, a subject he has no real grounding in! It’s a bit like reading Peter Duesbergs journals on aids, a genius but totally and utterly wrong about aids!

    Free Member

    It’s interesting how upset you are about the relatively tiny numbers affected by this, compared to the huge numbers affected by the bad food we are constantly bombarded with advertising for.

    I’m against fast food advertisement and I’m for increased labeling of foods and where they can’t be labelled better certain substances should be banned for those foods that can’t be labelled properly.

    I am also against raping ecosystems such as the rain forest for beef because it will impair all our freedoms – the freedom to live in an ecologically sound environment and the freedoms of amazonian peoples. Not to mention rainforest destruction is a huge blow for scientific research. This should be done by just banning the import of beef from those countries.

    What I am against is outright taxation of certain foods and blanket bans. I like to drink a bottle of wine a week, or have say two or three pints in the pub. The latter of which can now cost me anywhere up to 15 quid. Basically I am a soft/left-libertarian.

    Free Member

    The question then is “should the media be so manipulative?” as a libertarian I would have thought that the answer to this is yes.

    That’s actually an interesting one. I guess that depends on what kind of freedom you believe in, should you be free to say anything you like or should you be free to make an informed opinion based on accurate reporting by the media. I wonder, should have those that were the ringleaders in spreading the scandalous rumors about the MMR jab be prosecuted if people had died due to not having the jab, should spreading opinion masquerading as scientific fact be akin to libel? I suppose the line becomes blurred when you actually have a few sources to back up your claims unlike a lot of the MMR crap.

    Or is it just the job of people who know better to point out mistakes made by journalists?

    Free Member

    Tell them they might get Alzheimers if they don’t eat proper food. 😈

    Free Member

    From Sciencedaily.

    In another article, author, José A. Luchsinger of the Division of General Medicine, Department of Medicine, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, notes that while there seems to be little dispute that T2D can cause cerebrovascular disease and vascular cognitive impairment, whether T2D can cause late onset AD remains to be determined. “Although the idea is highly speculative, the association between T2D and cognitive impairment may not be causal. Several lines of evidence provide some support to the idea that late onset Alzheimer’s disease could cause T2D, or that both could share causal pathways,” he notes. He reviews epidemiological, imaging, and pathological studies and clinical trials to provide insight. “Given the epidemic of T2D in the world, it’s important to determine whether the association between T2D and cognitive impairment, particularly late onset AD, is causal and if so, what are the mechanisms underlying it.”

    Free Member

    Or by brash idiots on internet forums claiming to be scientists?

    I haven’t really peddled any science in here bar one post. I was just picking holes in how the piece was written/worded so as to manipulate the reader.

    Most people would just say it shows a lack of basic human compassion.

    You can’t help everyone, you can’t go through life trying to help people who don’t try to help themselves. If someone shows an interest in helping themselves by all means there should be the resources in place to do it. This is where science ends and politics or philosophy come in to play.

    I might not agree with everything he says, or draw the same conclusions from the research, but that’s a pretty bloody good standard for science reporting compared to the rest of the press.

    No, no it isn’t. His piece takes sources and then twists them to suit his opinion. He equates risk factors with causation, implies there is evidence for a poor diet being a leading cause (the line saying we cannot state for certain is manipulative, designed to impart his opinion on you) when it’s a multifactorial disease etc etc ad nauseum.

    Free Member

    No, most things he says are based on peer reviewed research. He’s not infallible, but to suggest that one should take the opposite line as a matter of course is a silly ad hominem that means any claims you make about “proper” science aren’t to be taken seriously.

    we have an industrialised food industry that’s making us unhealthy’ bwaarp is arguing we should be ***** to fat people.

    Being a libertarian doesn’t make me unqualified to make statements about scientific matters.

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