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  • Canyon Neuron First Look: A Very Rejigged Trail Bike
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Are those the new V4s? 😀 They look bigger than a standard set of M4s!

    Free Member

    I think thats a typo on Hopes website, the 2012 Race Evo’s (the first evos) were 15 percent more powerful than the non-evo’s, including the stealth/special edition or non-special edition/stealth brakes. The 2013 ones are no different mechanically than the 2012 ones bar the gunsmoke bore caps which look worse than the green IMO. They should have gone with gold. The only ‘real’ difference is the new V4 brake which on all accounts looks like a pretty sweet successor to the V2.

    Personally I’d go with a Race M4 on the front and a Race X2 on the back – 180mm rotors front and back (203 if in the alps or downhilling), sintered pads and Castrol SRF for fluid. Don’t use organics as they are **** shocking in the wet in terms of power, not only that, 3 days in a very wet and muddy glentress pretty much wore my v2 pads to the metal backing. Lastly, BLEED them. Hope’s run really really sweet if you do your own bleed on them. People who don’t like them are those that just wanted something that they didn’t have to do anything to out the box and so they end up fawning over Shimano, trust me, once bled they are loads nicer on the trail. The better modulation really does help you scrub off just the right amount of speed. My 2 pot V2’s have better modulation than the 4 pot saints I’ve tried! LOL! Defeats the whole purpose of having 4 pistons!

    Free Member

    My missus often agrees / disagrees.

    ask her if she wants female company in bed

    Free Member

    I was hoping this was going to be a video of a fight at a nerd convention…..

    I’m extremely disappointed.

    Free Member

    Do you guys complaining about them being to hot realize they do lighter piles and more breathable pertex options, for example their active range?

    Why would you want to commute in a Special Six LOL!? It’s designed for nutters with guns to keep warm lying around in muddy ditches on some god awful rain soaked moor for days upon end to keep tabs on IRA members etc.

    Free Member

    No, with a few mates but they’re not going to be going full tilt and will be using a set of more basic lights. One’s got a set of the older Ayups though….before they brought out a 40 percent more powerful model.

    We don’t often ride trains either and give each other plenty of room, due to a couple of Simoncelli style crashes….. so overall I don’t think I need to enter a lumens war to deal with shadows etc.

    Free Member

    Brill, thanks for the suggestion! Those lights look really good value for money!

    Is it worth spending more on a light like those Trout ones, or is the lumenator definitely enough? How many lumens is enough to really go at full tilt and are there any lights that have a wide beam but with a focused centre beam for long distance(eg can you get away with just a helmet light)? I really have sod all experience with these new fangled lights as I’ve only ever done XC night rides with crappy halfords lights.

    Bearing in mind I intend to be going fast enough that I am pushing my limits, so I think an expensive light (over 150) is out unless it can survive hitting a tree at considerable speed. What’s the Majicshine Mj-880 like in comparison to the lumenator.

    Free Member

    Uuuuhhh huuhhhh.

    Why isn’t she OK with giving you full access to her messages and emails if she has nothing to hide?

    I call psychological projection!

    Your wife’s suspicious because she feels that everyone else acts like her.

    Free Member

    Buffalos aren’t meant to be waterproof. I’ve had 300 quid hard shells soaked through in torrential scottish rain, buffalo’s are meant to act a bit like a wet suits in that kind of weather. Love em to bits, If I was to be caught out in the middle of nowhere in a god awful storm I’d want a buffalo on me.

    Free Member

    On a serious note what about the Health Protection Agency? Or the environment agency?

    Can they help at all?

    Edit: Nope neither would be of any use? It seems only the council would be.

    Free Member

    A word of caution: Just ploughing in and bashing back doors in can cause irrepairable damage and a reluctance for your neighbour to entertain you in future. Try lightly lubing a probe and seeing if you can’t gently slide it around the lip and into the rim, a gentle prising should open up a crack large enough to give you access to the rear of her semi, be wary as from what you’ve describe the smell that belches out will probably be rather foul.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Get a custom lever from Hope (or bend it in a vice) and set the bite point adjust so that it has the least amount of travel before it bites.

    Hope do loads of custom work if you ask them nicely.

    Free Member

    The OP needs to watch The Thin Red Line, it deals with this kind of stuff. It’s the only film that’s left me in the same kind of shivering awe that Beethoven or nature does.

    Free Member

    The reason why they are under trial isn’t related to their scientific opinion, but it is linked to the influence local politics and former chief of the national civil protection agency had on the way they acted. In fact there’s a phone registration where Bertolaso (CPA) said that the meeting would have been held only to affirm that everything was fine. So they are sentenced not for scientific reason but because of theri political affiliation. They’re paid by the people not to serve politics

    From what I gather from various articles including Nature who have been following this closely, is that is debatable.

    If this is true however then this begs the question why scientists should advice governments or take positions of responsibility. Scientists are never allowed to serve the people, only government as evidenced by the sacking of prominent scientists here in the UK over Britons drug policy. If they don’t tow the line they get fired and according to some murdered like Dr Kelly. If this comment turns out to be true, then it is the government that probably got this statement out of the scientists under duress that should be on trial.

    Free Member

    Nature just said more or less the same as I did but with a little more tact.

    Free Member

    The Italians have an odd legal system though. Effectively whenever someone dies in an accident, they look for someone to blame. I’d not have been surprised if they’d tried to imprison the builders of the properties that collapsed had the houses not been so old. If I recall correctly, Patrick Head was found guilty of manslaughter because of Ayrton Senna’s crash in 1994.

    I think it’s Catholicism. If something goes wrong it must be the work of satan and his followers (eg scientists), it’s not that we live in a random uncaring universe, no…. bad things are the work of godless people. Time to burn some more witches

    I look forward to hearing that the pope is asking god for earthquake predictions.

    On that note, why are they not arresting priests for 1000+ years of false predictions about sin, hell and satan?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    As you’re bwaarp and therefore perfect you’ve obviously never done this once in your life.

    Not on cycle trails used by families with lots of people going in the opposite direction, eg my usual weekly fitness ride which is Rutland Water.

    Free Member

    I’ve had more run ins with other cyclists than I have with dogs.

    Usually dick head middle aged roadies that think they’re Bradley Wiggens on winter mtb rides going full belt round blind corners. It’s lead to a few punch ups.

    The only time I’ve had a run in with a dog (a big **** off Allsation, my late gentle Spaniel jumped in and hung off it’s throat). If you’ve never had a good dog, one that is well behaved, loyal and gentle mannered towards people then you should think twice about lumping us all in the same boat. Funnily enough half of you making these whining wet comments would be the same lot that would have me banned if I made trolling comments about homosexuals, asians, old people or whatever.

    So what, a dog chased you the other day? I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been physically threatened by humans. In fact the amount of times I’ve been attacked by a dog is equal to the amount of times I’ve been hit by falling oak trees. Life’s risky, get used to it.

    Free Member

    Does this mean we can sue the met office when they don’t predict a storm and someone drowns?

    Looking forward to news and advice that is always the worst possible scenario so that the advisers arses are covered. The sky will be falling down everyday.

    Free Member

    i’d study english before science, because it’s already being discussed


    Free Member

    Hmm, after about 10 hours worth of riding trying to like my new Nukeproof Mega, including the DH tracks at Cwmcarn, Blaenau, XC and Forest of Dean antics, I came to the conclusion I didn’t much like it. It just felt meh and badly weighted, as in the CoG was too front biased.

    The Mega feels front biased because it has a really quite short head tube length, it’s noticeably shorter than my old mans mega which means with the same bars and stack height it feels a lot lower and more aggressive (I personally love this, as bikes with a heavier front weight bias turn better)

    It’s not the head angle that is the problem at all. Again despite being steeper my old mans nomad feels considerably more rear biased because of it’s more upright riding position caused by the combo of the head tube length, stem length and bars.

    Free Member

    I think Christopher did as well in his own weird way but in a different and rather conflicted/hilarious fashion.

    Also he’s the author of my possible all time favourite quotes

    The (Catholic) church, as far as I know, has not endorsed any war as just since it supported General Franco’s invasion of Spain to destroy the Spanish republic with a Muslim mercenary army in the thirties, on the side of Hitler.

    I was in hysterical laughter when I first heard that one. That’s dark, reaaal dark.

    Free Member

    Was he sat in trap 1eating buggers??

    I have no idea…..


    Free Member

    No I don’t either, of course not!

    Free Member

    Misanthropy, arrogance, irreverence for everyone and everything, mild depression and losses of concentration when I’m trying to build a Utopian society in my head.

    I try to offset it with a sense of humor when I can.

    Free Member

    Is your point that there is no comparison possible because there is no such thing as a private sector soldier or that private sector soldiers are better/worse paid than public sector ones?

    Mercenaries otherwise known as Private Military Contractors earn a **** fortune that can often dwarf that of a soldier, a big fortune as a mate of mines dad does it. An ex squaddie with a mansion, go figure.

    It’s precisely because of this the British army has been losing many of it’s best men.

    Whilst we’re talking about a drain on the economy has anyone taken note of the new revelations as to how the private energy companies are screwing us?

    I for one can see the cracks appearing in my own service, and if you haven’t noticed it yet, I think you will soon.

    For sure, everyone needs ambulances. I doubt many city bankers have access to their own private ambulance service – it’s now being **** over by the cuts – for example ambulances for Peterborough come from Skegness.

    The rich are getting richer, we are seeing no trickle down benefit. The middle classes and below are getting poorer and poorer because of corporate greed whose profits are funnelled into the few. Gone are the days of more philanthropic companies such as the Cadburys of yore. The whole systems a mess and those at the top don’t realize it’s slowly coming to bite them, when have we ever had a Tory government become so unpopular so quickly? It hasn’t even been the cuts that have done it but the perceived gross incompetence in the running of day to day government, elitism/cronyism and the total lack of economic growth.

    Free Member

    I forsee police officers battering in your door at 6am lol.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t be much Boar left to eat with the .50 cal

    Free Member

    I suspect we develop irrational prejudices quite naturally. They come as a mental shortcuts. I reckon I have an Innate racism that arises from the racism of my parents. But intellectually I know racism to be destructive and unfair so I actively fight that urge at every turn.

    Win – nice post Buzz.

    Your subconscious and conscious self are always doing battle. If they don’t and the unconscious wins, men can often become opportunistic rapists etc.

    Free Member

    Apparently they’re more likely to be nonces or serial killers though Captainflashheart. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Well, their beliefs change. this is not a choice, it’s based on a changing different interpretation of the world around them.

    Firstly, I think you misunderstand the brain a bit. Many opinions can be shown to be governed at the conscious level, some discriminatory behavior etc has been shown to operate sub-consciously though. The thing about the brain is it’s plastic, once you choose to think about your views more your brain is going to think about the world around it in a different way and interpret it differently. By taking the conscious decision to think about a subject, before you have changed your opinion…. will I believe…. alter the brains receptiveness to a new belief system. Some peoples brains have a natural tendency to question their own belief system more, I think this is what psychologists term openness? No? It’s late and I can’t remember.

    Secondly I think you are a determinist? Your whole belief system (as that’s what determinism currently is, a belief) rests on whether quantum mechanics a) operates at the neuronal level b) has any underlying logic we have not seen that governs it.

    political view and see if you can choose to believe the opposite of your current belief. I reckon you can espouse the views of the other side, but deep within you, your belief will not have changed.

    I can, as others here may have noticed, I’m a self-contradictory nihilist. I’ll argue against global warming one day, for it the next, against socialism another, for it the next. Etc etc ad nauseum.

    If I am fool, it is, at least, a doubting one; and I envy no one the certainty of his self-approved wisdom. – Lord Byron

    Free Member

    This is what I wonder about in my more cynical moods – is it that people with the ability to think rationally go on to higher education, or is it that it’s possible to teach people to think rationally?

    In other words, is it worth trying to get the loons to think?

    Welcome to my world. I started considering many of my fellow humans as being no smarter than retarded chimpanzee’s with a bad case of the ‘superstition of the pigeon’ when I was about 13.

    Free Member

    You have to let him go and, be honest, tanks sound fantastic! It will stand him in good stead for when he comes out. Let’s face it, not many jobs around for youngsters these days anyway.

    That depends what he does in the Army, as a gunner in a tank? Not many jobs for that skill set on civvie street. As a mechanic or engineer maybe.

    On the positive side if he works with Challengers he won’t get sent to Afghanistan, although I should imagine we will have pulled out before he can be sent on an op anyway.

    Free Member

    How about common sense? Just like you would get a different sentence to reflect different crimes. We can therefore agree that not all crimes are equally as bad and the law is not black and white; there are shades of grey.

    Common sense? How the **** is it common sense if you have no ethical or rational argument to treat religion differently in the eyes of the law to everyone else.

    You are marginalizing me, as an atheist.

    Free Member

    I do not think it is a good thing, I think it is necessary because I think that religious groups, in particular Christians, are being marginalised.

    No they are not, they are just having to comply with the laws of the land like everyone else. They should be offered no exemption based on religous belief.

    Exceptions should protect those caught in that transition period and only those.

    And when is that transition period deemed over?

    Free Member

    How is the turning away of a gay couple from a B&B even remotely analogous to a Muslim slitting the throat of an infidel?

    What is the arbitrary ethical line that would allow the former and disallow the latter? Discrimination and murder are both illegal in the UK, hence both should be illegal with or without religious belief.

    Free Member

    This shows how absurd your argument is GeeTee.

    Arguing with crass satirical absurdity is how I roll :mrgreen:

    Although I wouldn’t have to make up a religion to discriminate against protestants. Just realized you can do that as a Catholic.

    Free Member


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