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  • Havok Bike Park 2.0 – Very Open For Business
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    No. I ain’t black, and I don’t live wid’ my homies in da’ hood. I’m outta Chippenham, not Compton

    How about

    Free Member

    Oh maaahn, how’d you kill a wheel at Sherwood now the DH area has beeen bulldozered…. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Get off the internet now though, go and find your wife and go to sleep with her. Talk to us in the morning.

    Hang in there matey.

    Free Member

    …..yeah this thread has **** with my head a bit.

    Free Member

    Mate, I’m in Oxford next week. I’ve got a degree in Biomedical Science…it’s not much I know in terms of qualifications but I have a reasonable understanding of these things….would you like me to accompany you two to the consultations? As others and yourself have said, the info is washing over you. I could take notes and explain what the doctors have said to you at a later date.

    All the best. I know this must be awful beyond belief for both of you….I can be there to help support you if you so wish.

    I could be in Oxford on Sunday evening if you want…..I’ll be there until Friday…then I’m off to Coed Y Brenin…returning to Oxford on the following Monday.

    You can also have my mobile number if you wish – so that you can fire off any questions whenever you need.

    Free Member

    It also means the pistons might have to be run closer to the disks if they don’t push as much oil….

    Free Member

    I seem to remember that the SLX lever has different internals…it will work but you won’t get the same braking dynamics as a proper zee setup.

    Free Member

    This cold caller is a bit of a troll :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Yeah looks like Antur Stiniog, can’t wait to ride that placee=.

    Free Member

    Also, if you do ignore my advice….. don’t bother with the dates etc, that’s not going to bring a spark back. Just get right down to angry kinky sex – basically just have your way with her (with consent). It’ll be less awkward for both of you and for some reason it makes certain women feel less guilty (they’ve been punished and feel wanted….or something like that…I don’t get them at times).

    Free Member

    2: We will start our relationship afresh; no baggage, no old resentment. Go on dates, get to know each other again. See where it goes.

    FFS sake close this book and don’t open it again, you’re dragging your suffering out.

    s far as her cheating, just keep in mind that there is no way to prove a negative. Even if they never did anything physical, there is no way that she can prove this to you or anyone else. So you need to stop looking for such proof if you are.

    She cheated emotionally on him, I’d be far more bothered by that than say if my missus decided she wanted a sneaky bit of cock for one night. I’d be bothered but there’s levels of botheredness.

    It seems like everyone here thinks the ultimate sin is sex though….that or I’m a closet swinger.

    Having just read all your posts OP, one thing does intrigue, the not wishing to be seen naked. If you do have a make up shag keep an eye open for bite, rope and whip marks.

    Hah :mrgreen: , I like your way of thinking.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Or used to anyway….before becoming an adult and having to get a life :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    doesn’t count coz you can’t fly cobras vipers or imp couriers but I’m interested. is x3 any good bwaarp?
    never heard of it til now

    Yup it’s stunning. Great graphics, epic battles over stunning vistas of worlds – deep strategy and economics topped with hints of the old X-wing games of yore. The modding scene is immense (wan’t a small escort carrier, well.., it) and really adds some great customization and further depth to the game, as the world is effectively a living and breathing economy….modding the game into a total war scenario can be really entertaining.

    I play it because my missus is an economist undergraduate and she loves it. We use the same account as the game takes a lot of time, working on conquering at least half of the universe and becoming the dominant corporation in the game 😉 She rakes in the money, I command the military and blow shit up. :mrgreen:

    As a kid in the 90’s I grew up with complicated pc games, I can’t abide most console games. COD et al bore me to shit and there’s no thinking involved. Battlefield 3 can be fun, anything with a little strategy and more than just a shoot button is fun.

    Then again, I’m good at and enjoy the modded and visually updated version of Falcon 4. So I’m probably just weird.

    Free Member


    I’ve known of some idiot professors in Oxford but this one is the best. How one winds up at Oxford whilst being so utterly thick is beyond me.

    Free Member

    You need to get within 20 yards with heavy buckshot to be cerrtain of killing a deer humanely. Wouldn’t be very nice if it crawled onto the OP’s door and dragged blood all up his drive lol

    Free Member

    Cool, shouldn’t be hard then. The gamekeepers will have a rifle or possibly some deer slugs for their shotguns.

    Free Member

    Do you have permission from the police to shoot on your land? Although I guess some shooters might be willing to do it regardless of that.

    Free Member

    Yeas ago…a mate of mine burnt his cock in a tanning machine then thought it was a good idea to tell my whole 6th form group about it… for the “bantahhr”.

    We nicknamed him hotdog after that incident.

    Free Member

    There’s been a good Elite clone out for years in the form of the games made by egosoft.

    Free Member

    Objectification of people is just wrong, it does nothing for anyone really apart from encourage insecurity and other phobias.

    Free Member

    Bwaarp– you seem to be trying to mix sexuality with learned behaviours , i agree that sexuality is hard wired , initially,but can be deviated later through nurture/lack of–hence paedophilia.

    the response you gave to patriarchy was deterministic imo, and stands no examination.

    Paedophilia is quite often caused by structural differences in the brain. Hence why you can’t cure it with therapy.

    Do you really think that something as important as sexuality would be left to something as fleeting and arbitrary as social constructs? Babies have been shown to prefer looking at more attractive younger women. I suppose society and GQ magazine influenced them?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Bikes and climbing are 2 of the most social activities i have been involved in. Climbing introduced me to some of the most diverse people I have met. All sharing one thing in common. Everyone is equal up there.
    Having just moved round the world it’s bikes and climbing that has introduced me to loads more people – off out for a social race tonight with about 50 other like minded people.

    It can be depending on the people you’re riding/climbing with. I’ve got a nice book lying round the house somewhere on the philosophy and psychology of climbing by a famous climber that goes into all of this.

    The OP seems to want to buy something to fill the gap, like so many mountain bikers do. Spend it on experiences with people you like (eg riding with people you like) not on a new toy.

    Lot’s of people forget this though.

    Free Member

    Bonkers is fun though, Spaniels are a barrel of laughs.

    Bonkers and well trained in the holy grail.

    Free Member

    I had a bid on a Maserati just before I bust the ankle.

    This is the trouble, I have lived my life as a care free asshole just doing things for fun or because I could. Now I am stuffed for a mid life crisis

    Might have to go back to being happy with my life and risk getting banned from here.

    Sink into nihilism after you’ve realized how selfish your life has been then go on a gun rampage before finally gargling on buckshot?

    That or you could just try to stop filling the void in you life with things and go and volunteer/help people.

    Mountain bikes won’t help, unless you have friends to go biking with. The sports equally as selfish as buying a sports car, mountain climbing is another pretty selfish sport. Doing things with people, socializing with them and having experiences with some meaning will.

    Free Member

    And just because I’m “educated” doesn’t mean I hold the same views as yourself, or the currently fashionable views in academia.

    There are so many educated people that I think of highly but disagree with on certain issues – to name a few – Noam Chomsky, Richard Dawkins, Robert A. Weinberg…this list is quite exhaustive.

    One of the most interesting and exciting theories I’ve read about cancer has been made by a once highly esteemed scientist that fell from grace for denying that aids was caused by a virus – he still does, his name is Peter Duesberg. He’s still a brilliant geneticist and this theory of his genuinely has some merit – moral of the story, I didn’t write him off just because he believes something that I utterly disagree with.

    To relay my thoughts on social constructivism vs biological determinism in terms of sexuality, I’d have to write 10,000 words. What you saw earlier was a massive simplification for a forum.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    For a so called educated person, who comes over as a ‘thinker’ this is a biscuit taker! Bwaarp are you a biological determinist ?

    In regards to sexuality, I’m leaning towards nature as opposed to nurture. I’ve never been won over by any arguments that state otherwise – if you have a strong argument against it – enlighten me.

    I don’t think many people can handle it though (homophobes or feminists). Personally if it wasn’t for quantum mechanics I’d find it hilarious if people thought we had any free will at all.

    Free Member

    Separation and divorce are all very well – but if you want to remain part of your kids’ lives you have to maintain some kind of functional relationship with your ex

    A friend of mine, an ex US Army Ranger, managed to convince the court his wife was bat-shit crazy and got full custody of his children – she tried to tell the court he was an abusive drunk (which he wasn’t) and between his intelligent behaviour and his good lawyer they turned it round on her. It can be done. During the breakup she continually tried to test him to breaking point to see if she could make him fly off the hook and do something that would see him lose the children or go to prison. Instead, he calmly documented all the emotional abuse for court. I can’t remember the exact details as it was drawn out over many months.

    So I can’t stress this enough, the OP needs to do his best to keep his cool. Stay calm, write down everything she say’s to you in a journal for analysis by lawyers/shrinks and hit record on your smartphone if she starts raging out.

    Free Member

    Tonight she is angry and not talking to me because I am going out for a drink with my mates instead of 1: sitting at home ignoring each other, or 2: sitting at home arguing or 3: going out together and without doubt having a massive argument. I don’t want to go out for a drink or a meal with who I consider to be my soon-to-be-ex wife thanks. I don’t think I was being brutish or unkind bringing these facts to her attention, given the mess she is intent on causing, but she is furious.

    Your wife has a personality disorder. Don’t take it personally – as you said your the patsy.

    Free Member





    I don’t regard Spain, Italy, Portugal, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan as being tolerant.

    Free Member

    Also the last time I saw nude calendars was in Leicester at the coach station – there is a cafe there run by women – in full view of the public and children they have photos of naked men and their shaved arses on display.

    It’s only men that like nude calendars at work then? TBH, it’s only a human body and I think anyone that get’s really uptight about it should learn that the human body is…well fairly normal. I wouldn’t put one up at work but I don’t really care when I see them.

    Free Member

    I tend to find it works the other way, particularly on a practical basis: men with more than a handful of sexual partners = lucky. Women = slappers.

    Men that go out and pull on a saturday night for a one night stand = lucky. Women that do the same = slappers.

    Men that look at topless women/pg 3 ladies/pornography = perfectly acceptable. Woman that do the posing = slappers.

    Women swooning over men = unfaithful. Men swooning over ladies = just being men.

    Women getting older = past it old hags. Men = distinguished.

    I could go on. The imagined sexual liberation of women is, quite frankly, disappointing to say the least.

    As I said in my original post, there is a good deal of hypocrisy out there with picture of women being nothing more than a bit of slap-n-tickle fun….unless it’s their daughter/wife/girlfriend on the picture.

    We are still very much a patriarchal society.

    No unfortunately you still live in a society governed by nature. In nature younger females tend to go for older higher status males and those males tend to go for younger more fertile women. Also in nature males tend to try to make sure that their sexual partners are carrying their offspring whilst simultaneously trying to shag everything that moves – this explains the bit about “women = unfaithful”. You only have to look in the comments section of the Daily Mail to see many women (in equal measure to men) actually supporting General Petraeus instead of his wife.

    Last time I heard a girl being called a “slut” was by another female who I thought was reasonably well educated. Instead of just blaming this on men, women need to start addressing their own attitudes towards each other as well. In fact I’d go as far as saying that most of the women in my social circle objectify men and women as much as men do.

    Funnily enough, humans are animals. Blame god/the universe/nature and perhaps try to change it but don’t let your judgement be clouded by bitterness.

    Free Member

    I still like the finish – always had a soft spot for them – the price is for a custom frame which isn’t to bad. Dirt jumpers like stee head angles it seems…. but you could always spec a lower head angle.

    Free Member

    Why a Labradoodle?

    Because when you combine the docility and affable nature of a lab with the intelligence and easy to train nature of a poodle you can get a very very good dog? Plus scruffy looking labradoodles are hilariously pathetic looking.

    Free Member

    You’re right, I think I’ve just drank myself to oblivion one to many times on cider.

    Free Member

    Mulled cider. It taste’s like Strudel.

    All other cider is a nasty alternative to beer. Scrumpy….*shudders*…..bad times

    Now I’ve remembered Beesting….and I’m about to puke.

    Free Member

    Coil shock or a spare air can. The mega eats air cans.

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