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  • Making Up The Numbers Fort William World Champs Special
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Educator, the shrinks in germany are talking bollocks. You need a sample size of 30 to make any significant conclusion, have they had 30 mass killers in germany to make such a conclusion? No. A big **** off resounding no. What were their methodologies for supporting such a conclusion because I bet statistically I can destroy their argument.

    Free Member

    There have been guns in circulation in lots of countries for years. What’s new are the shoot-’em-up killers that come from a generation of shoot-’em-up video gamers. How did Anders spend his days before walking around an island killing people? Doing exactly the same on his computer. I wonder if they’ll ever tell us how this latest American killer spent his days before exchanging his virtual guns for real ones

    Except mass killings were higher in the 20’s and 30’s than they are now and started increasing in the 70’s and peaked in the 90’s.

    Doesn’t really fit in with the proliferation of violent video games does it?

    Where the hell did you draw these conclusions from?

    BTW a lot of the most sociable blokes I know play shooters.

    Not all smokers die of cancer, but a few will.

    Not all drunk drivers will mow down a pedestrian but some will.

    Not all shoot-’em-up gamers will get a gun and go on the rampage but some will.

    Where for the love of god did you get the data to imply this?

    Free Member

    Hysterical mothers now publicly humiliating their children

    It’s all getting a bit paedageddon now isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Switch on the news, tell her the main headline is the result of bullying.

    Free Member

    The children died…..cuz they didn’t believe in god. Da biiig man in da sky saved the ones that did.

    Free Member

    Lack of Christianity in schools now to blame….I especially like how they managed to include abortion

    Free Member

    I don’t see how intelligence creates devils that are able to carry out mass murder more easily.

    Shooting children in close confined quarters isn’t very hard to carry out from a technical standpoint. If he’d killed an entire swat team she might have had a point.

    Free Member

    I hope you guys realize that the much lighter Race X2 is about 25 percent more powerful than the Tech X2 and that there is practically no point buying the tech x2 over the tech m4 in terms of weight. The Race X2’s are powerful enough for downhill at race speed.


    Do your homework next time.

    Free Member

    Roll over on your back and give it foodz? 😀

    Free Member

    Not many places other than the military where you learn to fly like that with that level of confidence. The comment about how he spots everything gives it away as well, they have a level of situational awareness above and beyond most civvie pilots.

    That mans put many thousands of hours into flying.

    Free Member

    The coverage is getting pretty upsetting now – it’s not like your normal shooting coverage – distraught presenters vissibly bordering on crying etc. I’m a bit shaken myself now.

    Who the **** shoots a 6 or 7 year old with a rifle 11 times. I can’t even begin to consider what it must do those trying to identify them.

    What really concerns me is I think that the cats out the bag in terms of guns in the USA, there are millions and millions of illegal guns in the US and loads of recorded crime using illegal weapons….those states that have concealed carry laws have lower crime rates.

    So the Americans it seems have so **** their country by allowing easy access to semi automatic weapons that it’s become like nukes….ie certain countries have nukes and can’t get rid of them because international security is effectively a mexican standoff. If the legal guns are gotten rid of, it does seem that there will still be plenty of illegal guns and crime will actually increase. 🙁

    Free Member

    Country Guns per 100
    residents (2007) Rank
    (2007) Comments
    United States 88.8 1
    Serbia 58.2 2 [5]
    Yemen 54.8 3
    Switzerland 45.7 4
    Cyprus 36.4 5
    Saudi Arabia 35 6
    Iraq 34.2 7
    Finland 32 8 [6]
    Uruguay 31.8 9
    Sweden 31.6 10
    Norway 31.3 11
    France 31.2 12
    Canada 30.8 13

    England and Wales 6.2 88

    Scotland 5.5 93

    Stats fail.

    Free Member

    I’d tend to agree with Zulu on one point, why doesn’t this happen in anywhere near the same level in Canada.

    US society and culture has been described by many shrinks as psychopathic.

    This guy wants to tell me we’re living in a community? Don’t make me laugh! I’m livin in America, and in America you’re on your own. America’s not a country, it’s just a buisness… now **** pay me!

    – Killing Them Softly

    Free Member

    No, I am one. Never fitted in with many of the Rahs, never fitted in with the state schoolers.

    Free Member

    Haaving been surrounded by them all my life, public schoolers on the whole are scum unless they went to one of the slightly less elitist institutions. The new lot I see coming through as Freshers are by far some of the biggest idiots I’ve met, everyday their attitudes become more like satire….. although I used to prefer the more intentional crowd with my public school mates. The state school kids at uni never mixed with anyone outside their social background or nationality.

    I can also vouch that public school **** a lot of children up, they were often the children of divorced wealthy barristers or judges that never had time for them – high flying parents etc. I knew of plenty that went off the rail, the difference between them and the state schoolers was their parents had the money to bail them out and restart their lives if they went on methadone/cocaine binges and got expelled, dropped out of university or developed serious mental health issues. You only get one chance to get out of the working classes or lower middle classes during your state education and if you **** it up there’s nothing to fall back on. That in the end is why many public schoolers do better.

    Free Member

    Going to do Moscow to Beijing by train.

    I intend to forget about my troubles, read and contemplate for the days of traveling it will take.

    Also want to do the States to the UK on the Queen Mary 2. In fact I might merge both trips together.

    Free Member

    A bisexual female friend

    Free Member

    If they had just kept to killing each other in shit-on-shit crimes rather than innocent bystanders and mothers of ten who they accused of touting, then I don’t think we ever would have!

    We’d been involved since Cromwell…..if they’d kept it to military targets we still would have been. Misguided loyalty to the protestant population etc, should have done one and buried our heads in the sand and pretended to be innocent.

    In the end if it had just been Ireland’s problem to sort out there would have never been some genocide of protestants, they’d have just had to have got used to living in a Catholic country. The pikies weren’t worth the troubles.

    Free Member

    Still doesn’t justify state sponsored murder because he was a bad man, he was indirectly involved….he didn’t have direct access to guns or bombs and was therefore not an immediate threat who could be dealt with by force.

    Remind me again, when was the death penalty abolished. I believe it was in the 50’s not 1989.

    Dirty wars have dirty tactics. The reason this won’t be properly investigated is because its not an isolated incident. This is how it’s done.

    All the more reason not to get involved and let the paddies kill each other.

    Free Member

    However I’m not justifying a murder but there are a few players who should be grateful that HMG didn’t take a leaf from the Israeli response. That was to actively target and kill senior members of designated terrorist groups. Is that wrong? Absolutely.

    Except he wasn’t really a senior member was he, he was associated with them but not a fully fledged member carrying out or planning ops. There would be a lot of dead lawyers if we all decided to murder them when they helped to tell porkies.

    Free Member

    Still doesn’t make murdering a solicitor right, where’s the proof he was colluding? That’s for courts to decide not guns. If we want to hold ourselves in higher esteem than the IRA then only proper IRA gunmen were legitimate targets.

    Free Member

    Retro bike build?

    Free Member

    Yes, if the state actively helped to murder someone I would hope an inquiry was bloody well made.

    Failing to undertake an inquiry will only lead to more songs with the words “**** tha British Army” being played in Irish pubs and the resultant explodey things that go with that public sentiment.

    Free Member

    Just get some cheap Deore’s

    Free Member

    This is Britain, for God’s sake, not Chile under Pinochet.

    Our politicians can wish can’t they?

    “I once called her up to tell her that I’d had 200 trade unionists shot dead and thrown into the sea. “Gusty, dear,” she replied, “Give me the resources you have and I’d create a new island of dead leftists in the South Pacific by lunchtime tomorrow.” Damn, she’s cold!” ~ Augusto Pinochet on Margaret Thatcher 😛

    Free Member

    ahhh more “I can’t believe it’s not terrorism”. Only commie’s, Muslims and Irish catholics are terrorists.

    See my rant on the London Blitz thread.

    Free Member

    C2 were excellent brakes

    Except in the Alps, where they were a nightmare due to being a closed system brake.

    Free Member

    Why oh why would someone buy a 15 odd years old disk brake.

    Free Member

    Straight from the horses mouth –

    “I was against it on two counts. First, the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing. Second, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower


    Enjoying my history troll today

    Free Member

    Without the atomic bombs he might have made his last combat drop into Japan. Would I be here today?

    Yes because they had already decided to surrender due to the previous B-29 bombing campaigns and were in the process of trying to get as favorable terms as they could. If the Americans had not insisted on unconditional surrender and left the Japanese emperor alone, then peace could have been brokered without the bomb.

    Good old American war crimes hey? :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    It wasn’t a war like we’ve had in recent years, it was a war to roll back aggressors who invaded, subjugated and murdered across Asia and Europe. It’s harsh but it’s difficult to know what the alternative is

    So, what we did in India then.

    Do you feel the same way about the idea of India nuking us in the 1800’s if they somehow got the bomb?

    Free Member

    230 out of 600 odd seats,which is the biggest majority that had been seem in the 15 or so years of the post WW1 democracy.

    So some 65 percent of Germans never voted for Hitler, they totally got what they deserved obviously. *sarcasm off* This was my main point. Didn’t the NSDAP also get a lot of those votes with lots of intimidation of the electorate by the SA?

    So where are the opinion polls then? Please point me to them – I know there were some done by the Gestapo but I’d consider thesee hardly reliable – from what I had gathered judging opinion within Germany during the second world war is almost impossible due to the Nazi parties tight grip on almost every facet of life.

    Ian Kershaw stated in one of his books that 35 percent of Germans claimed never to have supported Hitler whilst 16 percent supported him up until the war broke out. So there’s half the population against him already.

    Both the German leaders and the Japanese leaders saw themselves as a superior race to those they were fighting….how do you reason with that?….the Atomic bomb did a job and did it effectively.

    There is however a little bit of a problem with your theory, it has been argued that Japan had already decided to surrender before the bomb was dropped and that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were simply displays of force to the Soviets.

    Free Member

    As long as it doesn’t interfere with any other drug regimens (which the docs would know about anyway) then I’d say do it.

    Even if she can’t stand the drug and comes off it after a few months then that will guide researchers and clinicians towards having an idea of the tolerability of the drug for that use. All data is good data, even patients showing sides that have to quit. Eg what are the causes of those sides? How can we reduce them, do they affect people in certain groups etc?

    Free Member

    Where;s the “Extra Hassle”?

    When the air cartridge shits itself in the Alps and you can’t get the parts quickly as you could with a Rock Shox.

    The only things that will go wrong on my coil Lyrik are things I can afford to buy as spares to carry with me, eg 1x Mission Control Damper, Seals, Bushes and oil – and I can buy those spares from dozens and dozens of online shops and they always have the parts in stock. What’s more, loads of shop mechanics know their way round them as they are often racers who have a lot of experience with the ubiquitous Boxxer. The Rock Shox service manual is good, they’re easily user serviceable – whilst the BOS forks aren’t.

    Free Member

    Make no mistake however, Hitler at the height of his power was lauded by virtually every single (none jewish)German, all the time they were ‘winning’ even today there are still those who think he was right but was undermined by elements in the Wehrmacht.

    Errrr no they didn’t, a lot did though….especially after France was defeated….which was a great revenge for the German people after the perceived vindictiveness of France after the first world war. There was never an elected majority that mandated what he and the Nazi party did and what they stood for though.

    Which does beg the question why do we allow ourselves to be governed?

    Because the end point of such total libertarianism is the rule of the mob. Government is meant to not only serve the will of the people but to also temper it and protect the individual.

    Free Member

    Tom Hardy?

    Tom Hardy has a psychopathic squaddy look/demeanor going on but he’s not really officer material is he?

    Free Member

    What happened, one of theirs Bombed London first and it was an accident by an off course Bomber ditching its load, Churchill (possibly seized upon the incident)retaliated by Bombing Berlin and in a way sacrificed London precisely to save the fighter command airports that were getting hammered.

    That was the one.

    So Churchill used civilians to protect the military in a way that you would expect of HAMAS not a western leader, right?

    We don’t really have a right to complain about “atrocities” committed by the Germans against us during the war because there were very few. Whilst German, a country in which the majority of the population never voted for the Nazi party during their rise to power suffered millions dead. Someone will probably mention that they got what the deserved due to the holocaust but I’m not so certain they did deserve this, the German people that is. The Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe and the Navy were never really that keen on the Nazi party and individual accounts show that they were often horrified and contemptuous of the SS – it’s certainly not a cut and dry issue. In any case I prefer to think of the Germans an people as victims of the Nazi party.

    Some posters on here really need to STFU considering our involvement in hilarious genocidal escapades such as Ireland, the Indian Mutiny of 1857, the ‘accidental’ deaths of Boers in internment camps during the Boer war, the Mau Mau uprising and our all round general imperialism that revolved around annexing countries smaller than us.

    Oh but you’re a dirty liberal if you think the morality of a war is only that which is decided by the victors – when Britain kills foreigners it’s because we were showing those dirty savage jungle bunnies how to live properly and educating them, when Germany does the same it’s because they’re evil.

    We have the same bias today with terrorism. According to the west “People like Saddam and bin Laden hate us for our freedom while we love freedom”. The US/UK’s close alliance with Saudi Arabia as well as their support of Colombian death squads demonstrates this love of freedom.

    Mass slaughter and destruction are OK when we do it because we are spreading democracy and freedom such as protecting the Iranian people from themselves by overthrowing democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953. When they do it, its because they are spreading fear and hatred. Another difference between “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Terrorism” and Terrorism is that we have God on our side and they don’t. Whether an act of violence is terrorism or “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Terrorism” also depends on who perpetrates it. If the act is committed by leftist guerrillas in Colombia, socialists or communists in Latin America, Islamic extremists, Basque separatists, or Palestinian militants it is terrorism. If it is committed by American Backed Banana Republics including Colombia, the United Kingdom or Israel, then it is “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Terrorism”.

    I **** hate people.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a posh deep voice. It’s probably far more manly than the OP’s.

    Free Member

    I’ve been launching off jumps and 5/6 foot drops on my Mega with Crests for over a year, I’ve yet to kill myself – only bother to rock out the Flows on DH tracks.

    You’ll be fine, it’s the build of the wheel that really counts.

    Free Member

    Coil RC2DH was discontinued. You can only get the Lyrik U-turn coil which is 160mm

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