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  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Compare ITER objectives with the JET objectives. They’re exactly the same except that JET has proved they were too optimistic and now realise they need something much bigger. I reckon ITER will just prove they need something even bigger again. If as much had been spent on alternative energies and reducing energy demand as chasing the fusion dream we’d be a lot nearer a solution.

    1) I’d rather listen to the Physicists. JET was conceived in the 70’s and ITERs design is much much different.

    2) Fossil Fuels were subsidized by 400 billion dollars in 2010. ITER cost 13.5 Billion dollars.

    The US alone subsidizes renewable energy by about 5 billion a year. Indirectly, renewables are also being funded by research into materials such as Graphene. So your argument that fusion is somehow eating up the resources of other renewable seems to me, to be invalid.

    Free Member

    Wasnt it an issue with keeping the reaction going? From what id heard a few years ago, they were saying that would be sorted by running better and better simulations etc

    I dont believe for a second we will hit carrying capacity.

    Free Member

    Oh and after a quick gander…. according to some oxford researchers….fusions viable now….it’s just that as with many industrial breakthroughs things only get done once it’s economically viable to do so.

    The french appear to be building a powerplant size reactor ready for 2020.

    Free Member

    Food shortage my ass…. gmos will solve that and the increasing power of computers will solve fusion by 2100.

    Malthusian Doomers.

    Free Member

    You pay supermarket manager wages….you get supermarket manager standard MP’s…..aka Milliband and Harman.

    If we live in a representative democracy shouldn’t politicians be representative of the electorate.

    Your’re mistaking democracy with ochlocracy.

    You can say that they can use empathy etc, but my experience of many business men is that they are borderline psycopaths with no empathy and the reason they rise to the top little to do with ability and everything to do with a willingness to stab others in the back.

    Show me a 50 year old on 26k and I can with a good degree of probability show you a racist…. red faced…. binge ****…. Daily Mail reading idiot.

    The problem isn’t to many politicians….it’s that far to many of you can vote in the first place.

    Free Member

    Catcher In The Rye?

    A modern adaption of The Stranger by Albert Camus?

    Free Member

    Brake fluid absorbs water from the atmosphere. I think most vehicle manufacturers recommend it should be replaced every three years or so.
    However, bicycles and motorcycles usually use sealed reservoirs with a diaphragm, so there is no contact between the fluid and atmosphere.

    Wrong, moto and bicycle brake systems do absorb water.

    This is why a lot of club level moto racers/track day riders will change their fluid twice a year at least, to get the best heat performance out of the fluid. The top end guys I know will do a bleed before every race.

    Free Member

    Seeing as all of science is based on maths….

    e^i? = ?1

    ……end of thread

    Free Member

    Meh, when I was at 6th form we didn’t have advanced highers! :mrgreen:

    EDIT: He won’t need more than three highers at A*AA and AA/AAB at advanced highers for most Oxford courses.

    I know of a fair few people from a few years back with a silly amount of A-levels at A grades that never got in….and one that did with AAB. They look at other aspects of the student as well.

    Free Member

    Smell it….sorry mate didn’t mean to word it like that…I edited it….what I was trying to get at is that I have plenty of friends who have done okay….landed in decent jobs after graduating from a redbrick…..but a few of them could have done much much better had they not been so lazy or distracted.

    And they know and regret the fact they didn’t push themselves.

    Yes, I’ve known a couple of guys who graduated from Oxford that I used to go punting with off our face on shrooms etc that were heavy drug users and womanizers throughout their time at Oxford – these were the exception to the rule – my point being is that very few students can party hard and be really successful at the same time.

    Free Member

    Unlucky, i had a ball and my career hasn’t suffered due any of it.

    I guess some people can handle both but some of us get distracted, I have a bit of a one track mind.

    Comparing my friends that did very VERY well…. to the ones that got say….a 2:2 in Physics or whatever at Sheffield….then their idea of success is a whole other ball game.

    There’s coasting and doing okay then there is making the most of yourself.

    Free Member

    Worst advice ever.

    I sincerely regret doing all the shit I did at his age.

    It’s taken me a good 8 years since I was 16 to start to tire of the three things I’ve just mentioned and I’m only now just starting to grasp the fact I can go anywhere or do anything as long as I stay motivated and that I should stop missing the chance to grab opportunities by the neck.

    Free Member

    Yeah Maths is a good choice…..I’m moving away from my undergrad in Biomedical Science to Biometry/Medical Statistics.

    I should end up with a nice rounded education in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics.

    Just concentrate on your education for now and aim for a top university. You have to be better than everyone else around you – read, read and read around your subjects – don’t just cover the course material – find things that interest you so that you can talk to interviewers about things that will impress them.

    Forget about drugs, booze and birds. The latter will come once you start doing well – I wish I was your age now so I had the sense to be the best I could have been at that age…..instead I ended up doing things the hard way.

    Free Member

    Try for:

    MIT (I’d kill to get into MIT)

    You won’t regret graduating from either of these, although the work load may seem dire in your first year. Any of these will open doors to you that you would never have thought existed and not necessarily in your degree field if you so choose, a good degree from either of these will prove to an employer your pretty much capable of putting your mind to anything. For example, if you apply for a Finance job with a degree in Engineering from MIT….they will definitely take notice of you.

    By the sounds of it though, you should have done Biology if you want to do a bit of work outdoors and use your brain.

    If you can afford it or you can convince someone to give you a grant, stateside is where it’s at in terms of scientific research. If you find yourself unable to do undergraduate there then save up and take a masters in the States and/or do a year there on Erasmus during your undergraduate – whatever you do…get international experience.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Itz cuz they’re Catholics like…..who have totally…..definitely…. never been known to condone institutionalized attraction to willies, boys and bum sex…..the Catholic church is and has always been totally straight. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Oooh that’s a rather interesting article mate, thanks a lot! Going to have a nosey around this subject! :mrgreen:

    I think I’ll go back to basics and instead of trolling journal search engines for ideas, I’ll go and read New Scientist.

    If anyone else has some links to interesting news articles it would be most appreciated if you could post them!

    Free Member

    My monarch on my Mega practically locks out for all intents and purposes.

    Free Member

    Glad to see there are other sane people in here that think they need to be paid more to attract competent professionals instead of idealists and the seriously wealthy.

    Free Member

    If the temperature in 2017 is predicted to deviate from the long term average (yea, right!) by the same amount as in 1998, does that mean that warming has not happened or just that the rate of change has reduced? Second, if the Met says that the absolute temperature in 2012 was below the average of the last decade (and wording suggests that this is an absolute measure) what does that say?

    Firstly look up standard deviation and variance – all scientific data varies in small degree’s that cannot be predicted. Chemisty lab results show slightly different values no matter how many times you repeat them. What matters is, is if the variation is statistically significant and not caused by another variable that you have not studied or a deviation from your test protocols. To put it simply for artist scum like yourself, scientists do not think the latest variations in warming are significant in the light of historical long term trends. The variation is within the observed normal range.

    Long term predictions are relatively easy to make. It’s high likely that it’s going to get hotter, there’s no two ways round it.

    Now go back to splashing paint/monkey shit on canvas and selling it to Kensington yuppies or whatever it is you like to do.

    Free Member

    The Elephant (well, one of them) in the room… population.

    That’s the bit that frightens me, I can live with the idea of rising sea levels and warmer temps.

    But feeding the billions is the scary bit. We aren’t exactly doing a perfect job as it is.

    Oh feeding 7 billion is easy if we got our shit together.

    The problem is western levels of consumption.

    Free Member

    Meh…. if we paid them as highly as london businessmen then we might attract more competent individuals as politicians.

    All the clever graduates go into professions that pay lots and lots of money, the freaks go into politics.

    Free Member

    What if polluting the planet has stopped us entering a new ice age?

    Good or bad?


    Yay to pollution! Now our children won’t starve in a frozen wasteland!

    Now we’ve just got to learn how much we need to pollute to keep the earth at a stable temperature! :mrgreen: Practice our terraforming skillzz before we go to mars.

    Free Member

    Yup, it’s just that the figures of risk of transmission from having heterosexual sex with a female from the UK with an unknown status are 1 in 4 million not 1 in 400,000

    and for women having hetero loving it’s 1 in 2 million.

    Free Member

    Send him to Porton Down to use in chemical warfare experiments…


    Free Member

    Yeah, good point. Check out the numbers for injecting drug users scaredypants? Let me know what you think.

    EDIT: Answers seem to be fine now I just converted everything back to decimals, thanks a bunch scaredy.

    Bad form mixing decimals and percentages even if the final answers are right. What threw me is the heterosexual women (0.003) should be three decimals/zeros not two – coupled with bad form and a hangover I was getting wound up.

    Free Member

    Hey, at least I edited it before publishing my findings in a freaking journal that’s meant to inform other quacks how to prescribe.

    Bare with me as I’m hung over….but I’m not even sure they should be multiplying a decimal by a percentage…..this would mean an underestimated risk would it not and lots of people not being given PEP who really should? I can’t quite believe they’d be that thick so maybe I’m missing something and someone could correct me.

    Free Member

    Nothing like going out with some irreverence for it all. Can’t abide by all the sad stuff, life’s a big fat joke.

    Free Member

    Gas mask

    Chlorine Gas

    I’m biased though due to having a heavily chemistry based degree.

    Free Member

    Meh, sport as we know it is a sinking ship….just polishing brass on the Titanic….the doping you’ll see (or possibly won’t see :mrgreen:) in front page scandals in 10-20 years will blow your **** mind.

    People will always dope and they will always be one step ahead of the testers.

    In the long, loong run the unaltered human being is probably doomed to extinction. It’s conjecture but if we don’t wipe ourselves out firts….in 100 to 200 years time I’d like to predict that the full effects of transhumanism will be felt and 20th century sports will cease to have any meaning.

    Free Member

    this is why I’m tempted not to have children…..I have terminal bad luck that has given me a degree of fatalism…..if I ever get accused of gross misconduct, let a deadly zombie virus out of a CAT 4 lab by accident or my field of work becomes redundant and I become long term unemployed then I will just go and join the Legion. At least before I’m 30.

    Free Member

    On New Year’s Eve, music’s most odious penises gather together at the BBC and torture the general public with their ‘jams’. Marvel as Sting sings ‘Let it Be’ with the Goombay Dance Band while Lenny Henry plays the spoons. Oh look, there’s Ray Winstone and Tom Jones dancing to Sex Bomb with Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Beverley Knight! And ‘Who’s’ this in the audience? – why it’s a totally pissed David Tennant, tapping his funky Converse to those crazy beats! And then of course, there’s Jools, indiscriminately dropping doo-wop shit bombs all over everything. No matter what the song, whether it’s a plaintive folk ballad or the National Anthem of Swaziland, Jools will be there, liberally lacing it with mindless tinkling jazz wankery, like putting ketchup on a salad. Prick.

    Free Member

    Love my note 2, use it for most of my browsing these days. Its like a swiss army knife, its the only phone I care for watching movies on

    Free Member

    chrome is the most secure browser

    Except when Google invariably morphs into a sentient skynet.

    Free Member

    I feel that had it been left to the NHS, I wouldn’t be here now or if I was, it would be in a coma.

    Been forced to go outside of the NHS for treatment and I’m not alone. Many people with my illness have done the same.

    What would that be?

    Free Member

    Anyone notice a lot of the world cup xc riders are still racing and winning on 26ers?

    Free Member

    Edukator criminal profiling is one of the dodgiest professions on the planet in terms of quackery. Psychology isnt exactly one of the most robust disciplines either and is very open to quackery and new fads.

    Even if mass killers can be shown to be more likely play violent video games, its a leap of faith to assume this causes their behaviour instead of being a symptom of their underlying pathology. Im sure canucks play just as much cod as yanks so why are they not killing each other to the same degree?

    As others have pointed out most of the games were talking about are 18 rated, this is not the age where the idea of right and wrong are formed…..they already have been and if that individual is incapable of differentiatig between reality and video games then they already need to be sectioned.

    Its a seriously warped viewpoint that blames games instead of guns for deaths like these.

    Free Member

    I’m also worried about loners all being deemed potential mass killers as the mother did in that link i posted. Thats a great message to send to the kids that is in no way going to make them feel resentful and go on a spree. You can bet no one will give a thought to bullying as if the shooting was soley the work of a dehumanized deranged monster and not a human being or partly the result of how society has treated that individual. Heaven forbid we create the monsters instead of them being born and being beyond the realms of explanation.

    Free Member

    I heard that most parenting that affects behaviour is done before 5. Might be wrong.

    Free Member

    Also I’d be willing to bet the most significant factors in mass shootings are bullying, cultural attitudes to helping each other (eg usa style capitalism vs canadian socialism), access to mental health care, poverty and access to weapons.

    Also as molgrips points out there seems to be a culture in the states where solving problems by force is idolized and where issues are dealt with almost pathalogicaly black and white reasoning.

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