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  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    You don’t think there will be food shortages?

    No, the worlds 100 richest people could end food poverty 4 times over through investment in food production according to Oxfam…..or something like that. Then we have to suffer the hilarity of listening to Bill Gates bang on about Global Warming and population on Ted Talks….when it is in fact he who is the problem and could help solve the problem of third world birthrates if he handed over 25 percent of his wealth. The problem is the hoarding of wealth.

    We need to bring the rich back into line before they get any more ideas from Malthus.

    I think you need to re read those news stories. And try joining the dots again.

    The FBI never thought Greenpeace or any other Environmental group were responsible for the 9/11 attacks !

    Well it was years ago when I read them, this is beside the point. I don’t like much of the discussion from the green community. Especially when it comes from the likes of Prince Charles, Bill Gates, Al Gore or any other rich bastard.

    Free Member


    and what pussywillow said.

    Free Member

    It’s scary to think that it took around 100,000 years for our population to reach 3.5bn, yet that figure had doubled in around 45 years. I don’t think it’s going to be pretty when it peaks, but it will probably save many a problem.

    All projections seem to say otherwise.

    The worry is consumption, we just have to make sure our consumption is cleaner. We need to do this through massive government investment in new technologies, much like government heavily invested in new technologies that enabled the industrial revolution.

    Free Member

    The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs report (2004) projects the world population to peak at 9.22 billion in 2075. After reaching this maximum the world population is projected to decline slightly and then resume increasing slowly, to reach a level of 8.97 billion by 2300, about the same as the projected 2050 figure


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Genuine WTF!

    Well…..the twin towers were a symbol of globalization and corporate greed……Islamic terrorism had kind of been off the radar……despite a few limited attacks.

    Turns out the FBI thought so to and subsequently investigated many environmental groups post 9/11, before they gained a clear picture of what happened.

    Free Member

    I didn’t call you Hitler if you are referring to me. But I do agree with your solution if not your view on humanity.

    It’s no biggy, I love heated discussions! They make me question my own point of view, that’s what life should be about.

    Free Member

    I didn’t say that, it annoys me when people think our technological development and dominance over other species is a good thing and something to be proud of. Well, maybe it is, but we should not be proud of the way we have achieved this since the industrial revolution.

    I agree, but people like David A. make me wary.

    You know, when I got home from school when I was 11 or 12….on 9/11…..the first thing to spring to mind was that Green Peace had gone a bit too far.

    Some of the discourse coming out of the Green movement really worries me sometimes and that is what has put me off. It’s not that I don’t agree with certain points etc or believe the wholesale destruction of the rainforest is a good thing….it’s just I dislike many of their philosophical inclinations.

    Free Member

    I’m actually rather pleased that for once someone get’s my rather robotic sense of morality instead of calling me a “Hitler”. :mrgreen: (No hard feelings about that by the way)

    This is an interesting thread guys, let’s keep this civil.

    Free Member

    Yeah well you would wouldn’t you. You’re human……..sort of.
    That doesn’t change any facts though does it.

    Why should we apologise for who we are?

    Free Member

    I agree, but in the long term we’re not exactly keeping the environment stable though are we?

    That’s what we should be focusing on but we should focusing on technological and consumption issues.

    I’m worried by Malthusians and feel their arguments could be used for all sorts of ill thought out policies by dictatorial regimes.

    Instead of going backwards and making an attempt to control our population through eugenics or whatever, we should be driving living standards up to reduce the birthrate whilst focusing on technological solutions to our pollution problem.

    Science, as always, is the way forward.

    Free Member

    The fact that we are slowly, and very successfully ruining our environment, for our co-inhabitants and future generations, instead of using our “morality” to cut down on consumption and create a sustainable equilibrium.

    It’s not okay to just destroy everything and claim it was supposed to happen because it’s nature and we’re the dominant species. That sounds a little like Hitler believing it was okay to commit mass murder because he thought Aryans were the dominant race and the needed lebensraum.

    Godwins law. Fail.

    There are utilitarian social and political arguments to be made against genocide as there are against destroying the environment…. but any reasons beyond protecting our own self interests (eg keeping the environment stable enough for own own existence) are superfluous.

    If you claim otherwise you’re as bad as the people who believe in a big beardy guy in living in the sky.

    Free Member

    I’m not saying this is a good thing but its wrong to suggest its not natural

    Morality is a human invention anyway. As others have said, nature is neither good or evil. It just exists.

    What then, is so immoral about out performing our competitors? Do some posters here think nature would think twice about wiping us out with an apocalyptic disease if it could? Why should we therefore put nature on a pedestal and give it such thought beyond protecting our own fundamental interests?

    Free Member

    Humans are part of nature… But we go around destroying other parts of nature. It’s not that he’s excluding humans from nature, it’s that humans are excluding nature from ourselves.

    What’s nature? The sun? Or every competitor and ecosystem on the planet?

    If by nature you mean life, we’d be doing pretty well to make this planet totally inhospitable to human life.

    Free Member


    got a 10 week old one right now…

    best dog ever….up there with my last Springer…if not better.

    Ar 9 weeks old she was:

    1) Peeing and pooping outside 95 percent of the time
    2) Sitting and lying down on command
    3) Retrieving on command

    My last Springer was good but she was an idiot up until about 4 months old, she didn’t notice birds or rabbits etc (or basically anything in her environment) or listen to many commands. She was great in the end….but this puppy is so aware! She already spots birds 50-100 yards away and listens to you! She’s more like a small dog than a puppy!

    Free Member

    But his argument is basically flawed, you can’t exclude humans from nature. His argument is predicated on the assumption that his version of the natural world is the correct one. You can argue the merits of whether his ideal of the Earth is a nicer one all you like but humans evolved on the Earth through entirely natural processes. So how can we be not part of nature?

    Closet religious sentiments? We were supposedly cast out of Eden yadyadayada, so we are now separated from god/natures original will?

    Swap god with nature in this video. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Snob??? Odd choice of word tbh.

    The thing about a placebo is by definition it does nothing so cannot “work”.
    Molly you are a scientist I dont know why you do this.

    Placebo’s have psychological value. Whether it’s ethical to use them is another matter.

    Free Member

    … but you’re happy to pay to indoctrinate them with your “belief system” that they shouldn’t have a religious belief?

    As a nihilist, you offend me.

    It’s not a belief if you don’t have faith in anything, or for that matter do not care.

    Free Member

    And at the end of it all….the whole **** planet will be engulfed by the Sun anyway.

    Nihilism…’s the way forward.

    Free Member

    Parasites are natural, no?

    Firstly……..sorry but how does David propose to limit population growth? No reasonable method will work (except for increased wealth and access to family planning)….people aren’t going to volunteer to be sterilized any time soon.

    Secondly…..we are assuming that Davids Malthusian opinion, that somehow dwindling conventional resources is going to hurt the human race, is correct.

    Free Member

    Good on the whole but found the acting of the two hitmen and some of the shooting of them (as in cinematography)…was…well somewhat youtubeish/amateurish….?

    It’s a thriller series for Hackney hipsters.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    richpenny has right solution

    you’re the aggressor at the moment..

    Nahhh, the parent’s don’t sound like they’re dealing with it properly.

    Free Member

    What would you do if your neighbour was a 6ft nutter, covered in tattoo’s who liked loud music?

    Bet you wouldn’t bang on the wall.

    Really what’s the point of this post? Is it a dig at the OP’s masculinity? Think you’re hard? It’s perfectly reasonable that the OP got irritated and banged on the wall, it’s a normal thing to happen in flat. What isn’t normal is threatening violence.

    Size isn’t all that, my 5’10” brother and a friend of his hospitalized half a dozen 6’3″ rugby players.

    It’s all about how much you don’t care about your own personal safety, how tolerant you are to punches and your ability to carry on fighting when getting punched… and how quickly you respond to aggression, basically is the OP a psychopath? In my brothers words…”if they’re bigger than me I bottle them”.

    Don’t go picking on small guys just because you think your big and ‘ard. It’s a recipe for disaster – in fact never go looking for a fight. Others on here shouldn’t encourage him to go round to the next door neighbors because the man might be a grade A loon – but if he does come round to the OP’s doorstep….by all means take him by surprise and sucker punch him with a cricket bat.

    Free Member

    – Beer and pan fried Chorizo

    – Walkers Sensations lime and Pickle Popadoms

    – Profiteroles

    – Cheese on toast with lee and perins

    Free Member

    Also, if he’s so quick to threaten physical violence I’d question whether the night terrors are caused by abuse.

    Basically if it’s chronic, then it’s definitely a case that needs referring to a pediatrician/psych regardless of whether the father is a loafish violent drunk etc.

    Free Member

    TBH the kid should be taken to a pediatrician if it’s a chronic problem and no, ignoring night terrors is not actually what you are meant to do. What you are meant to do, is predict when they are going to happen and wake the kid up before they start freaking out.

    So the parents are not doing their jobs properly.

    Free Member

    according to ofsted the average salary in the school is just under 37k.. you can buy a row of house for that in rochdale so i’d hope that the head from bolton and his other live away staff could afford 4wd to ensure my kids continued uninterrupted education.

    Again, how many times do you guys need things banging into your heads… that’s not generally the problem. It’s the ability of the children to get into school. This could be cured by better state funding of infrastructure and school transport.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    boblo – you appear to be a person with issues around procreation (and therefore the survival of your species if not the continuing existence of civilised society); are you:

    (a) firing blanks
    (b) so socially inept that you have no real prospect of finding someone to bread with?

    Cougar – not sure that moving bedrooms is recommended best practice for a child with night terrors – it adds further disruption to their ‘sleep hygiene’. Any presumably there is no guarantee that the younger sibling is sleeping or will continue to sleep through the night.

    Go green, abort your next baby. Also…do us a favor by not lowering the average IQ level of the UK by having one.

    Free Member

    Tell social services they’re beating their kids….

    Free Member

    Anybody off work here has to take the day as annual leave or unpaid. If your work pays people it’s a problem with your work policy not the fact schools are closed

    Or if your work doesn’t pay you because they closed despite your ability to get in, then it’s your problem you were stupid enough to sign a contract that stated they wouldn’t pay you in those circumstances.

    Should have got a better job shouldn’t you! I know full well that a few of my mates who have been clever enough to sign contracts where by they’re paid for contracts on rigs when the things have been closed/the helis have been unable to get them out….or they’re paid overtime if they can’t get off the things. Funny, if your good….you tend to get decent contracts in the private industry with decent perks.

    Free Member

    f the rest of us can get to work why can’t teachers?
    Also, why should parents get a ‘free’ day off just because the schools are closed? If I just decided not to come to work I would have to take it as a holiday, they should too. It really irks me that the rest of us have cover for parents all the time, because the little dears school is shut or the little darling has a poorly tummy, and they feel entitled to take a day off, while the rest of us struggle in. Two poeple in my office didn’t make it today, one becuase the school was shut, so she’s legally entitled to have a day off because of childcare problems, (Tough. It’s a school, not a glorified baby-sitter) the other couldn’t make it because of the roads where she lives but has had to take a days holiday.
    And don’t get me started on maternity holiday, they can take the best part of a year off, paid, (and still accrue holiday entitlement while they are off!) and then decide not to return to work, seen this done here many times. There shouyld be a law which says if they leave before, for example, 2yrs after returning to work they should have to pay back the maternity pay.
    Rant over. Probably failed due to lack of random capitals.

    My old mans school shut because of the bus and taxi companies refusing to bring the children in, he can get to work quite easily but they told him not to come in because there’s sod all to do.

    Why the **** should he have pay docked again if it’s beyond his control? Also, perhaps if you paid more taxes we could afford more snow clearing equipment like the Canadians and some more local, less centralized and better bloody day care centers. Or or….business could take sodding responsibility for children and have more of their own daycare centers and get a tax rebate for it instead of being socially responsible and dodging tax.

    I’d say a few other things as to how I regard your post but I’d get banned.

    Free Member

    Thanks mate, you guys are awesome.

    Hugely appreciated. I’ll do my best to answer any questions you post on here in future to show my appreciation.

    Free Member

    No. I don’t have Alzheimer’s yet.

    Free Member

    probably….because it was a nice and hot sunny day in a particularly calm August – with no wind what so ever.

    Free Member

    Of the 3422 eyes with choroidal nevus, 63 (2%) were in young patients, 795 (23%) in mid-adults, and 2564 (75%) in older adults.

    Kind of found what I was looking for. That would indicate that they can pop up throughout life, just a bit worried it wasn’t there before and it’s taken 6 months for one to develop.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I like wasabi….

    then again I like eating spoonfuls of wholegrain mustard.

    Free Member

    Well…if that’s a Buzzard I’m pretty sure I stumbled upon a Golden Eagle at close range in Glentress…….as the beak was different and it was shit my pants big…..much bigger than the Buzzards I’ve seen on fence posts round my way.

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