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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    War and Peace because reading it will always be a work in progress

    On a serious note, there’s loads. Trawl through the greats…but being a teenager I’m guessing she’ll like something a bit Catcher in the Rye-ish.

    Free Member

    Avalanche damper.

    It’s the same price as replacing your compression and rebound cartridges, which is what you’ll have to do if you want to get it to the RC2DH standard……and the Avy damper is wayyyy nicer.

    The avy damper is a proper moto style open bath damper…..whilst the RS damper by comparison (whilst decent) is a plastic POS. The avy will also need **** all servicing like the old pre 2007 Marz 888’s.

    Here’s a review

    Tried a mates….twas wonderful, for the same price as upgrading my fork to say…a BOS….I’m buying two cartridges….when one goes kaput….it’ll go back for servicing and I’ll drop the spare cart in.

    Avalanche stuff is proper old school but they still produce some of the best dampers available and they’re brilliant when combined with modern light weight fork chassis’ and new school frame geometry….

    One of the best kept secrets in the industry IMO

    Free Member

    Went riding with a girl I was dating when I was 16, met her dad for the first time after.

    He was into road bikes so had a look at it.

    I was riding a Cove Stiffee.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Nah… I get the “satire” (generally speaking, it bores me) – I just don’t like him.

    You might do but that reviewer didn’t. I like high brow Terrance Malick type films but I do like Tarintino films for what they are – totally mental and absurdity personified.

    Just how I like Beethoven and eminem. Horses for courses.

    Free Member

    Maybe – but his point about the Don Mccullin documentary is, er, bang on.

    I really don’t like QT in interviews. Gives me the creeps.

    Again, the reviewer misses the point of QT. He satirizes violence, the absurdity of the violence is meant to make you feel uncomfortable about it.

    Free Member

    Ian Jack takes a pretty dim view of it, too: All that bloody mayhem and we’re still supposed to take Django Unchained seriously?

    Even though I’m a lefty, I can’t take any lefties seriously when they try to draw parallels between a film and a school shooting.

    My brain had a blue screen of death when I got to that point in the review.

    Free Member

    Usually like Tarantino’s stuff but jeez that was poor.

    Seemed to me to be a typically white version of slavery. Too much joyful shock-use of the N word.
    Blazing Saddles type bit was painful.

    Samuel L Jackson doing his usual S L J stuff. “Mutha-f*****”‘s completely out of context and period.
    And ridiculous last half hour.


    Do you seriously think a Tarantino film is meant to be a historical representation of the slave trade era?

    It was a revenge film for the black American population.

    That’s it, just like there were no jewish commando’s let loose in France to club German officers to death and scalp them in WW2.

    Free Member

    I wish humanity was like this more often….you guys/girls are a good bunch

    Free Member

    Try to keep your head above the water for your young daughters sake is all the advice I can give you really.

    Spend lots of time with your wife as well, don’t withdraw. Tell her how you’re feeling, ask her how she is etc and listen.

    Free Member

    Does anyone have any suggestion on how to tell the other two kids my eldest is autistic

    I’m assuming your forces right? Might be best to talk to the counselor/chaplain on base about that.

    I mean, we can give advice but it might not be the best.

    Free Member

    faaaack, I don’t really know what I can say to help you.


    this has put a damper on my evening.

    Free Member

    Barrett .50 cal…..line them up in a row.

    Free Member

    Watch this


    Free Member

    She looks like Billy Piper but I don’t feel like twitter abusing her for it yet.

    Free Member

    A dog should be taught from a puppy to allow a human to take food (or toys) from it’s mouth. This is firstly for a human’s safety and secondly, if a dog is choking on something it shouldn’t be trying to attack you while you’re trying to save its life. It’s not a flipping wild animal for crissakes.


    been doing this with my cockapoo.

    Free Member

    are you saying that Catholics are ****ed up mentally?

    Yup, I’d say the latter are as well. In fact most religions.

    Why else do southerners in the states watch more porn than the democratic states….maybe…just maybe…’s because they have weird attitudes towards the body and sex.

    Free Member

    Emz, have you ever thought women are used in adverts most…because they drive the vast majority of purchasing choices?

    How is a bikini more or less porno? There’s a big difference between a woman standing in a bikini and a woman spreading her legs in one with an inviting look. One is sexualized and the other is likely not to make me bat an eye lid.

    The only reason why partial-nudity with no other context is sexualized sometimes…is due to the fact that some people still have victorian attitudes towards the human body.

    doesn’t make it right or ok though does it?

    What, so we should all become like religious folk? Have guilty pleasures and **** ourselves up mentally? Or should we view sexuality as normal and healthy.

    And before anyone says….”but but these aren’t normal women….bad examples blahdyblahblah”…. anyone that can’t distinguish between the fantasy we see presented by the media and reality needs their head examined.

    Free Member

    I’ve heard from vets that Akita’s will probably end up being added to the list of dangerous dogs…

    Free Member

    The point is knowing the IP is pretty much useless in trying to track them down…. without a court order allowing you to find out more personal details from the ISP.

    Well that entirely depends on how much you care about the law….

    I’m not condoning anything though.

    Free Member

    Everyone objectifies each other. Women objectify men just as much as we objectify women.

    Free Member

    If the guys an idiot and not used a proxy you can lift the original senders IP from any email sent to you.

    Free Member

    That’s my serious bet (though the whales idea wasn’t totally daft). We’ve got all sorts of ways we can knock ourselves back to the stone age but not to wipe us out completely… but once we get seriously into augmentation/uploading/transforming we’ll either a) adapt ourselves til we’re not recognisably human, or b) stick an electrode in our pleasure centres and pistons in our arms, and **** ourselves to death.

    Though I guess even then there’ll be weirdos that want to stay primitive, much like the welsh have done.

    I say bring it on. Brave new world and all that.

    Personally, I’d love the chance to to augment my self to the point that I could go into stasis for 1000 years and go and explore space. The only point in life I see, is to experience and understand the universe in which we live in – anything that heightens my ability to do so is a bonus. Got shit to explore, we need another age for those of us who wish we’d been Christopher Columbus – to much sitting around waiting for the serious mind blowing stuff to happen at the moment.

    But hey.

    EDIT: Oh and shagging. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Ever seen the film “Idiocracy”?

    Yeah actually I found a paper a while back that stated the human race was going to drop in IQ level….

    I laughed my balls off until I found that the paper was pretty compelling….

    I’ll try to find it.

    Free Member

    Oh how anti-biotics can be becoming less effective working to kill off adapting diseases/bacteria.

    Personally I think it will be some form of superbug that causes us issues long before the effects of climate change come into play. This will be followed closely by overpopulation and the demand for food outweighing supply.

    What are your thoughts?

    Bacteriophages will probably solve that problem in the medium turn. In the long term nanotechnology will.

    probably something accidental like the flu researchers who want to see if they can mutate the H5N1 virus to make it easily transmittable from human to human which it can’t do naturally very well yet to study it.

    Statistically H5N1 will mutate one day in the not too distant future. I believe all the mutations they had were found in the wild, they just combined them. The difference is do you want the ‘white coats’ who obviously don’t know what they’re doing preempting it by mutating it themselves and creating a vaccine, whilst running a very very very low risk of it getting out of a CAT IV lab. Neither is the mortality rate likely to be as high as the often quoted 50 percent level.

    Also where are you getting your data on biosecurity breaches? The Guardian?

    Besides, the only things that will wipe out the human race is an atomic war, a large asteroid, yellowstone or transhumanism.

    The flu won’t and neither will climate change.

    Free Member

    Hot tub? Sleeps 8?

    Free Member

    I will just make one comment on the “suicide as a selfish act” point that often comes out in these discussions. No, it is not selfish. What you are claiming, when you say that to someone who is depressed and suicidal, is that they have an obligation to put someone else’s concerns and happiness above their own. You are effectively telling them that it is their job to extend their own misery just to satisfy someone else, and that is the most perverse thing you can say to someone so deep in their own nest of irrational despair. All it does is deepen their problems tenfold.

    I dumped one of my ex’s a few years ago because she did this to someone.

    Couldn’t handle the intellectual ignorance.

    Free Member

    as hinted at above, certain demographics will put themselves in dangerous positions on purpose… a war is a good way to do this. i’ve known people eat and smoke on purpose in an effort to kill themselves slowly so people wouldn’t think they committed suicide (shame) in fact a guy less than 20 meters from me upped his cigarettes to over 25grams of tobacco a day in an effort to get lung cancer.

    Yup, I’d wager those of us who enjoy risky activities have a higher ‘death drive’ than others.

    Interesting wiki

    Free Member

    It takes a special sort of mind to take “We should reduce or stop our rate of expansion” and conclude that the end result is extinction.

    It takes an even worse one to take “Our population is increasing….we must enact policies to drastically cut human population”…. based on crap scientific data.

    And it takes a particularly nasty kind of human being to consider overpopulation as more of a problem than over consumption.

    Free Member

    If God and the Devil were imaginary when you died then that would be it – nothing…but what if that wasn’t the case…?

    if he’s an Abrahamic god then gods a dick and I’ll take my punishment in hell with a “**** you” to both god and the devil.

    Free Member

    Also, Helena Bonham Carter.

    Free Member

    Lock this thread and throw away the key.

    Actually I kind of used to fancy Emily Maitlis.

    Free Member

    If you worship the devil you are just as wrong but probably more in need of sectioning


    They’re not devil worshipers….but I reckon Misotheists might need sectioning…imagine the kind of mind that really really believes in god but hates him.

    Free Member

    Focus on proving/disproving stuff. Accept nothing until it is proven, but by all means theorise, because that is the first step in discovery.

    Blind faith in concepts is ridiculous because you never even bother to search for answers: This is lazy, but also convenient if the imagined concept meets your end.

    What, like overpopulation?

    Free Member

    t isn’t the numbers, up or down. It is the human race living beyond the capacity of the planet. Finite resources coupled with a desire for unconstrained fiscal growth does not balance. The illusion of the free market economy will trash the planet before breeding up or down will.


    We need to reduce consumption or create cleaner means of consumption. Having said that we don’t need to resort to drastic reduction of capitalism, all we need to do is use government legislation to drive the r&d and production of greener technology and or programs that reduce consumption by increasing recycling.

    We need to move away from natural strategic materials to those that we can make synthetically without resorting to digging up vast swathes of the Amazon. We need to cut agricultural dependence on oil, then eventually our own. We need to reduce the footprint of agricultural land by more intensive farming methods- we need to encourage more of the worlds population to live in cities and increase happiness amongst those people by improving environmental conditions within cities as well. Policies like this would give me some hope when coupled with decreasing birth rates in the third world once they become more developed. Lastly we need to develop policies to deal with the effects of climate change, as we may well be to late to mitigate it.

    Could we for example find green uses for new technologies like graphene? Exciting times. 😀

    I’m confident humanity could succeed in this endeavor without resorting to eugenics or whatever David and various greens would have us do.

    Free Member



    So who do I believe in regards to population….NASA or some bunch of **** malthusian anti-human loons. Hmmmm

    Here’s a comment on the article by Slate.

    And in the long term—on the order of centuries—we could be looking at the literal extinction of humanity.

    That might sound like an outrageous claim, but it comes down to simple math. According to a 2008 IIASA report, if the world stabilizes at a total fertility rate of 1.5—where Europe is today—then by 2200 the global population will fall to half of what it is today. By 2300, it’ll barely scratch 1 billion. (The authors of the report tell me that in the years since the initial publication, some details have changed—Europe’s population is falling faster than was previously anticipated, while Africa’s birthrate is declining more slowly—but the overall outlook is the same.) Extend the trend line, and within a few dozen generations you’re talking about a global population small enough to fit in a nursing home.

    So not only are we dealing with alarmists ruled by emotion (oh noes the **** polar bears!), we’re dealing with such an unknown that if the alarmists got their way….humanity could theoretically be wiped off the face of the planet all together.

    **** we might be left with the hilarious situation whereby the Catholics were right.

    I feel I’m surrounded by idiots on this planet sometimes. On the one hand, I hate the global warming denial lot….on the other hand I hate a good 70 percent of the greenies.

    Free Member

    Just a thought… Earth’s land area: 150,000,000 sq km… Population: 6,700,000,000… Area per person: 22,000 sq m… even if just 10% is usable that’s 2,200 sq m per person..

    You only need 4 acres to feed someone….less if we go GMO big time.

    Carrying capacity my ass.

    Free Member

    I think the population growth is complicated, at least in our society. Often those who live off the state feel free to have many children and collect the rewards whilst those who work hard are reluctant to have larger families due to work comitments, cost of child care, larger property and education costs etc.
    We can already see 2nd and 3rd generations who have never known their parents to work. This results in children with no desire to persue efucation and work. Some countries are going into the red supporting these people. So I believe the growing population is adverse to both our planet and society.
    Bill Gates a good guy !
    Just google Bill Gates eugenics or population control, he and many other people and organisations with great power and influence on this planet have population reduction high on their to do list. Read up on vaccines and diesease, wars are good too, keep the population controlled through irrational fear of this and that.
    Read the text of the georgia guidestones, now it cannot be more clear

    How is hard population control through wars, covert anti-fertility vaccines and engineered disease a good thing, or even more natural than increasing the carrying capacity of planet earth.

    All hippies should know, that these kinds of things can backfire.

    And people like Bill Gates are only adding to the problem. He believes he is doing his bit for humanity with his Malaria eradication programme.

    Also, I’ve decided that this person is a racist who’s decided that the poor have less of a right to life than him.

    How about creating jobs for them instead of hoarding wealth hey?

    Free Member

    And people like Bill Gates are only adding to the problem. He believes he is doing his bit for humanity with his Malaria eradication programme.

    You have to reduce death rates to reduce the amount of children people want.


    Free Member

    he’s giving away practically all of it, and he’s quite successful at pursuading other billionaires to do the same.

    you may not like it, but he’s one of the good guys.

    google: bill and melinda.

    i agree with attenborough, we’re a plague.

    and by that i mean; it’s just our weight of numbers that’s the problem.

    Horsecrap, Bill is and never was one of the good guys. If he was, he’d have given away more of his wealth by now. He has not. This is where I agree with Monbiot…..numbers are not the problem….consumption and the type of consumption is.

    You like many others just want to carry on your affluent western lifestyle at the expense of brown people.

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