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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • bwaarp
    Free Member

    Well, after that hospital visit, I’m now barely mobile and it looks like it will be maybe 3 months before even looking at the bike without wincing and probably 6 months before being able to point one down anything remotely challenging.

    How do you cope? Just seems so long away.

    Computer games and books?

    Have you got something you’ve always wanted to study but never have? Ancient Greek? The ins and outs of classical Russian literature? How to knit? Woodworking? Pottery? Photography?

    The key is to set yourself goals and achieve them to keep yourself occupied.

    Free Member

    This thread has weird freudian undercurrents the depths of which I cannot begin or even want to fathom.

    Free Member

    Why do people suddenly think they are experts about things like this when they get behind their keyboard and make daft stuff up?

    I frequently map worst case event envelopes as part of COMAH – thousands of people in the UK live within and in close proximity to much bigger potential events than this one, such as places like Grangemouth as posted previously.

    Fair point. I fully agree that we are no better in regards to living in close proximity to boomy things… now people have kindly edmanucated me.

    But in the uk… isn’t it kind of the case that we’ve just run out of room?

    Free Member

    It’s just a commentary on those kinds of comments.

    Kill joys.

    Ooooh have I been labeled a racist

    This forum.

    Free Member

    Bwaarp, aren’t you training to be a doctor?

    Free Member

    Many many times more than the 200,000 lbs you mentioned above.

    That’s only 90 tonnes or so. What’s that, 3 or 4 wagon loads ?

    God….and the nimby’s complain about nuclear power plants…

    the thing is….Texans have plenty of space to stick those things quite a way out of town….as evidenced by google maps…. apparently they don’t have zoning laws in Austin and the surrounding area

    Free Member

    Yes we do.

    There is a Yara storage place less than a mile from my house, which is in the centre of the village (and less than 100m from other peoples houses) its also about 200 metres from the medical centre and a large primary school.

    The site has a store that’s 21,000m3

    How much do they store there?

    Remind me to never buy a house in your area.

    Free Member

    Yes but the sheer stupidity…..

    Free Member

    Do we store that much fertilizer next to peoples houses in the uk?

    It’s not racism if it’s perfectly true.

    Free Member

    And you would have known that was within the potentially lethal blast radius?

    All the American agencies are reporting 70 deaths.

    Well, If I was a local and knew that was a fertilizer plant I’d stay the **** away.

    A blast that big will send things like tractors flying for hundreds of meters. Might as well have just detonated a Davy Crockett in the middle of a small town.

    Let this be a reminder for rubber neckers…it might lead to you getting permanent deafness.

    Free Member

    Damnit, FBI cancelled 8pm press conference.

    It’s like an episode of 24 that stops at the juicy bit.

    Free Member

    Well these are the guys Fox news and CNN are plastering all over their reports.

    The FBI have reported they are looking for two guys, one with a white cap and black jacket.

    Make of that what you will.

    Free Member

    It’s kind of addictive though

    Free Member

    There’s actually quite a few interesting candidates…off the top of my head… one white guy in blue….an iranian looking bloke in a brown jacket and purple t-shirt with a bag that matches the fbi release…he was seen walking away without the bomb…. two interesting blokes kitted out in covert military gear…that one was the weirdest one to me….they were dressed in a fashion that would make UK undercover police laugh their balls off.


    Free Member

    Roof-top dude?

    More likely one of the guys reddit users identified.

    Hundreds of photos were uploaded….and there was one guy that fitted the bill real nicely….pictured at the first bomb scene….carrying a bag with a similar strap as the bag identified by the FBI as being one of the bags that held a bomb….and he was photographed walking away from the scene without said bag.

    I really wouldn’t be surprised if the witch hunting redditors were actually right on this one….the thread was like a grim game of “Where’s Waldo”….that race had literally thousands of high resolution photos taken…. I bet the fbi could identify the bloke even without cctv. In fact, I reckon the high res imagery taken by individuals will be used in court to give more weight to the usual grainy footage you get with cctv cameras.

    Free Member

    Having a real hard time finding any decent meta-analysis on the the subject…found a couple so far but they seem to be remarkably lacking…at least in the databases I’m trawling.

    I’m a bit surprised tbh

    Free Member

    You do realize that the body has to do something with the sperm don’t you and by that I mean immunologically? Anyway… let’s start with this one shall we

    Having said that I just found a large more recent study which shows no link bewteen vasectomy and sexual desire.

    I personally think that vasectomy isn’t something you should be rushing into unless you feel it really benefits you and your partner, as with every procedure it has risks. You can stop taking the pill if you get sides, you can’t always reverse vasectomy and if you get chronic pain it means more surgery.

    Free Member

    Did you guys know you run the risk of having a lower sexual desire with the snip? Yes, it is actually a side….somehow.

    Animal studies have also shown a drop in testosterone levels of about 40 percent within 8 months of having it done!

    Which means you might get bitch tits and limp dick. Probably why your wives want you to have it done.

    I for one will remain a real man until I die :twisted:

    Free Member

    I’ve never quite understood why crank flex would affect handling. Other than for jumping/manualing…I don’t really use my feet as such for controlling the direction I’m going in….I use my legs, hips, torso, shoulders, arms, hands and head.


    Pedals have always been there as simply something to stand on.

    Free Member

    Motivation is the key to getting your head around this Kevevs. That’s all.

    Free Member

    Kevevs…. go to your local library….there are three chapters in “Principles of Neural Science”….5th ed….by Eric Kandel et al….have them get the book in for you.

    If you’re interested in visual perception I really would recommend it.

    There’s your PHD bud..

    Maybe, I need to get my organizational and timekeeping skills down pat and develop a sense of continual motivation. So far during my life I’ve bumbled my way through everything, flitting from one topic to the next…doing everything last minute….and managing to get away with it.

    I’m going to spend 5-10 years working and then come back and do a PhD when I feel I’ve matured enough.

    My GCSE Science teachers year 10 report was really quite prophetic….”Show’s sparks of brilliance but is let down by laziness, disorganization and a willful disregard for authority”

    Free Member

    Probably people who are more artsy than me :P Doesn’t mean to say I can’t enjoy it though.

    What is the actual course you are doing?

    I took a toally unrelated module in neuroscience for the hell of it. But med stats having done a BmedSci.

    I’m kind of meandering/blindly stumbling my way towards a career by choosing to do whatever vaguely excites me at the time and seeing where it takes me…

    Free Member

    I couldn’t be bothered to wind the lecturer up, to much work. Been a hermit for the past few weeks.

    For now I’m going to stick to the biological approach in answering the question, until I’ve given it more thought. Some of the theories I’ve mentioned make me uneasy in that they seem to be social sciencey/philosophical = eughhhhh

    Free Member

    Gestalt was kind of left by the wayside though wasn’t it, as it’s more of a descriptive theory as opposed to one that provides a how or explanatory framework to visual perception. I mean it wasn’t wrong from what I gather it just didn’t go into enough detail.

    I have the feeling that these kinds of questions will one day have me jumping off the deep end John Nash style. :? ….*Deeep breath* this threads helping me filter my thoughts already.

    Free Member

    No it’s an essay but I’m feeling myself getting a bit obsessive and anxious about which direction I should take it in as it’s so open ended in terms of all the topics that the literature throws up. This get’s worse when I’m really excited by the subject. I go bonkers and get racing thoughts.

    I think I’m just going to stick to more basic biological evidence for what we see as opposed to going into high brow unified theories on human visual perception.

    Free Member

    This question is purposely vague to make you think about the topic Kevevs but it’s in the context of a neuroscience question. So it’s not really from an artistic perspective.

    Thanks for the help though! :) If you enjoy thinking about imagery I would excitedly like to suggest that you read up on the biological nature of visual processing, it’s really really incredibly interesting. Maybe it will give you a more profound understanding of art…perhaps….I’m not really a visual arts kind of person though. :D

    Free Member

    Isn’t this thread like me cherry picking various blogs from fundamentalist nut jobs in the middle east and posting them on here for whatever ideological reasons I might have.

    Personally I prefer yank culture to everywhere except Europes and parts of Asia and South America anyway, I’d be careful about denigrating a technically secular country when there are a hell of a lot more ideologically corrupt countries in this world that are increasingly opposed to western liberalism.

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t have clicked the buzzfeed image dump.


    Bleugh. I never get used to these kinds of scenes…ones with dead youngsters… little girl is probably a gonner and that may well be her mum lying right next to her… my night has been dampened. Humanity pisses me the **** off, whether your white, asian, black…whatever….it’s always the innocent that get caught up in the power struggles of world and religious leaders.

    I’m going to bed – if anyone can find out what happened to that girl please let me know in the morning.

    Free Member

    Yeah, great way to make a cheap political attack there kevevs – really brilliant human being you are.

    Things that don’t happen all the time, happen in a culture nearer to yours, attack an international event that effectively symbolizes an attack against all of us and happen in a place where thousands of people have their camera’s out videoing an event….err tend to get massive news coverage.

    Secondly, the yanks like it or not are our allies. Even if we had kept our noses out of the middle east for the past 25 years we’d still be being bombed by their religious nutter elements.

    Free Member

    Also I have huge respect for how cool and calm the civilians were, many of them rushing to the scene with the emergency services with no regard for their own personal safety or secondary devices.

    Although I wonder how many of them were off duty soldiers, literally within seconds of the bombs going off some of them instinctively head towards the explosion. There aren’t many people who do that.

    Free Member

    Israeli independence day, heavy Jewish population in Boston, bomb goes off next to road lined with 96 flags.

    Hmmmmmm….I wonder who that was.

    That silence you get right after a bomb goes off, just before the crying and screaming kicks in is the worst. Big love to our yank friends from across the pond – I hope the death toll doesn’t rise any further.

    Free Member

    The student areas around Selly Oak are a total **** dump as is most of London.

    I prefer Leicester to either of these and that’s saying something.

    Grantham and Corby (Jesus that accent) are also stains that blight this country.

    Free Member

    This isn’t an area I know much about but surely all pro sportspeople are statistical outliers?

    Yes but I was talking about women who’s brains more closely resemble the anatomy and function of a mans, whilst you can generalize about the physiology of the sexes there’s always a few that prove to be an exception.

    I seem to remember somewhere that female scientists brains on average appear to be more male…that or they have more testosterone running round….can’t remember….and vice versa for males.

    Anyway, who knows….women could be much better adapted to motor racing than men….social constructs have seen to it that mean we have yet to find out as the development pool is to low for women. Women are certainly doing better on average than men in academics.

    Free Member

    You can buy them as kits, can’t remember the company but they weigh at tonne.

    Just learn to brake when the bikes stood up, grip doesn’t matter if you’r not leant over.

    Free Member

    Spot on Northwind, I feel quite strongly about this actually….if women do have a chance of really competing for podiums against men at the highest level of motorsport…then they need a larger pool of riders to begin with….and the best way to develop this would be to create a competitive environment where women and sponsors feel they can be included.

    Once the competition and skill increases over a number of generations (the latest generation is always faster)….then perhaps there would be a few more women about who could make the jump and try to compete against the men.

    Personally…I would love to see it…the bigger the Moto GP weekend is…the better. Bring on a female only moto 2 or CRT class (to keep costs down and attract sponsors). I’d love it if there were women in motorsports that my girlfriend could sit down and support!

    I guess it would have to start with promoting various grass roots 125cc series specifically for junior females.

    Free Member

    Maybe Samuri, there are quite a few female adrenalin junkies though…not as many as men it would seem…whether it’s a nature or nurture thing is such a complicated discussion in it’s own right.

    I would love to see more female only racing in motorsports solely for the fact that I feel it would encourage more female participation and offer more high achieving role models to women.

    I reckon competing against men can put a lot of women off, secondly I don’t think women should have to gain esteem by feeling as if they have to beat men but should gain and develop esteem by competing and enjoying competing against each other.

    Free Member

    Going to try and find another article on sex difference in regards to the brain, that one was done by a Saudi. Not that I’m racist, I’m just not entirely sure I trust a paper on gender differences in an open journal by one.

    You have a point with the lack of women entering though, if there was a larger pool of female riders to choose from – I certainly think women would be right up there….I just don’t really see the point of them competing in the same class as men. I think there would be more interest from women if they could compete in their own classes and have a fairer chance of getting a win.

    I’m not sure female tennis players would appreciate being pitted against them men in the name of equal rights….

    Free Member

    Different elements of strength/fitness, comparing specialisations doesn’t really work… But I’ll say for sure that the physical exertion of downhill is higher than motorbike racing (one downhill run takes more out of me than half an hour on track)

    What bike do you ride and how fast? Pootling round a track is nothing compared to actually racing. The GP bikes are on a whole different level in terms of the amount of fitness you need to be able to race them?

    For example, Toseland couldn’t handle the GP bikes when he came over from WSBK – he was already ridiculously fit then.

    Sure one run might take more out of you – but that’s it….one run in a race and your at the bottom with time to recover. With motorcycle racing and more so with the GP you have to be fit enough to not feel fatigued half way through the race as that’s when mistakes happen.

    I’ll ask Eugene Laverty if I get the chance about fitness but I’m guessing good old Guy couldn’t handle Fort William as he’s not as used to riding mtb’s as he is riding his motorcycle.

    Re brain process- in all honesty I doubt my brain processes are that much like that of a moto gp racer (or probably any competitive sport in fact). Gender difference or no?

    You should be able to open that as it’s from an open journal.

    Free Member

    Not being funny but is it really unrealistic for a woman athlete to attain the awesome physical power of a Dani Pedrosa?

    Brain anatomy and function is considerably different between men and women. **** know’s how/if this interacts with racing but I’ll get back to you in 10 years if I’m doing something out there like Neuropsychiatry.

    I guess you do get statistical outliers though and there will be some women out there with brains that are close to what you’d expect in a man, I guess that if it does effect racing it just makes the chances of a female doing well in Moto GP not impossible but certainly unlikely.

    Women could certainly get the strength and fitness requited to handle a GP bike, whether it’s likely one as diminutive as Dani Pedrosa could develop that strength to weight ratio is another matter.

    It is unlike downhill in that respect.

    Try racing a 200mph 280lb machine that wants to rip your arm sockets out…round a track…G forces, chatter, horizontal changes and engine vibrations to boot….for 25+ laps….I’ll place a bet that Dani Pedrosa is a LOT fitter than Danny Hart.

    If size was any indicator of strength and fitness I could have kicked the shit out of Bruce Lee.

    Free Member


    On a more serious note a bit of CBT might help, train yourself to think about situations differently, try being aware of how you feel and nipping it in the bud before you wind your partner up.

    I’m not a shrink though so I can’t really help.

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